225 resultados para Recife


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The purpose of this study was to examine the circulating filarial antigen (CFA) detected by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) Og4C3-ELISA in paired samples of serum and hydrocele fluid from 104 men with hydrocele, living in an endemic area of Wuchereria bancrofti. Nocturnal blood specimens were filtered and examined for microfilariae (MF) and ultrasound was used in order to identify the presence of adult worms (the filaria dance sign - FDS) in the lymphatic vessels of the scrotal area. Four groups were selected according to their parasitological status: group I - 71 MF- and FDS-; group II - 21 MF+ and FDS+; group III - 10 MF- and FDS+ and group IV- 2 MF+ and FDS-. CFA was identified simultaneously (fluid and serum) in 11 (15.5%), 21 (100%), 3 (30%), and 1 (50%) in groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively. In despite of high CFA+ level (antigen Og4C3) units/ml, the Geometrical Mean (GM) = 2696) in the sera of these 36/104 paired samples, when compared to the hydrocele fluid, (GM = 1079), showed a very good correlation between the CFA level in the serum and CFA level in the fluid (r = 0.731). CFA level in the serum of the 23 microfilaremics (groups II and IV) was extremely high (GM = 4189) and was correlated with MF density (r = 0.442). These findings report for the first time the potential alternative use of the hydrocele fluid to investigate CFA using the mAb Og4C3-ELISA.


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A hemodialysis population from a dialysis unit in the city of Recife, Northeastern Brazil, was screened to assess the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and to investigate the associated risk factors. Hemodialysis patients (n = 250) were interviewed and serum samples tested for anti-HCV antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All samples were also tested for HCV RNA by reverse transcriptase nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nested-PCR). Out of 250 patients, 21 (8.4%) were found to be seropositive by ELISA, and 19 (7.6%) patients were HCV RNA positive. HCV viraemia was present in 90.5% of the anti-HCV positive patients. The predominant genotype was HCV 1a (8/19), followed by 3a (7/19), and 1b (4/19). None of the anti-HCV negative patients were shown to be viraemic by the PCR. Univariate analysis of risk factors showed that time spent on hemodialysis, the number of blood transfusions and a blood transfusion before November 1993 were associated with HCV positivity. However, multivariate analysis revealed that blood transfusions before November 1993 were significantly associated with HCV infection in this population. Low prevalence levels were encountered in this center, however prospective studies are necessary to confirm these findings.


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To assess the prevalence of primary resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretrovirals, 84 patients chronically infected with HIV without prior antiretroviral treatment from Northeast Brazil were studied. Genotyping was performed using the ViroSeqTM Genotyping System. Thimidine analog mutations occurred in 3 (3.6%) patients. Accessory mutations related to NRTI occurred in 6 (7.1%) and related to PI in 67 (79.8%). Subtypes B (72.6%), F (22.6%), B/F 3 (3.6%), and C (1.2%) were detected. A low prevalence of major mutations related to NRTI in patients chronically infected by HIV was observed.


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Women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection present a higher risk of infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer. To determine HPV genotypes and frequencies among HIV-positive women, an analytical cross-sectional study was carried out on 147 women (51 were pregnant and HIV-positive, 45 pregnant and HIV-negative and 51 HIV-positive and not pregnant), who were attended at a maternity hospital in Recife between April 2006-May 2007. They answered a questionnaire and underwent a gynaecological examination, with samples collected for HPV investigation by PCR, hybrid capture II, oncotic colpocytology (Papanicolau) and colposcopy. The frequency of HPV DNA was 85.3% (122/143), with a high proportion of HPV types that have been identified as high risk for cervical cancer. Among HIV-positive pregnant women, there was an HPV prevalence of 96% (48/50), of whom 60.4% (29/48) were high-risk. HPV 16, 58, 18, 66 and 31 were the most frequent types. Colpocytological abnormalities were observed in 35.3% (18/51) of HIV-positive non-pregnant women, 21.6% (11/51) of HIV-positive pregnant women and 13.3% (6/45) of HIV-negative pregnant women with a predominance of low-level lesions. A high prevalence of HPV infection was identified, especially with the high-risk types 16, 58, 18 and 66. This study identified high-risk HPV types in all three groups examined (HIV-positive pregnant women, HIV-negative pregnant women and HIV-positive not pregnant), characterising its distribution in this setting.


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The use of attractants and larvicides in oviposition traps is of practical interest for the surveillance and control of urban mosquitoes. In addition to increasing the safety of the traps, this combination is essential for an attract-and-kill control strategy based on trapping mosquito eggs. The combination of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) and grass infusion (GI) vs. GI alone were tested for their ability to attract in paired BR-OVT traps in the backyards of 10 houses in Recife, Brazil, for a period of 45 days. Results show that females prefer to oviposit in traps containing Bti (363 compared with 251 egg rafts over 45 days). Results from a one-year trial on the efficacy of BR-OVT traps loaded with GI and Bti as a sampling tool to monitor temporal fluctuations in the population densities of Culex quinquefasciatus in an urban environment are also reported. From December 2006-January 2007, one trap per home was installed and maintained for 348 consecutive days in 134-151 houses located in three urban blocks. Throughout the one-year field trial a total of 43,151 Culex egg rafts were collected in the traps. The data show that BR-OVT loaded with GI and Bti is sensitive enough to demonstrate continuous reproductive activity of Cux. quinquefasciatus in the study area throughout the year and to monitor temporal fluctuations in population density.


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Determining the prevalence and type of antiretroviral (ARV) resistance among ARV-naïve individuals is important to assess the potential responses of these individuals to first-line regimens. The prevalence of primary resistance and the occurrence of recent infections among individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) were identified among recently diagnosed patients at five sexually transmitted disease/AIDS testing and counselling centres in the metropolitan region of Recife (RMR), Pernambuco, Brazil, between 2007-2009. One-hundred and eight samples were analysed using the Calypte® BED assay. Males predominated (56%), as did patients aged 31-50 years. Twenty-three percent presented evidence of a recent HIV infection. The median CD4+ T lymphocyte count was 408 cells/mm³ and the median viral load was 3.683 copies/mL. The prevalence of primary resistance was 4.6% (confidence interval 95% = 1-8.2%) based on criteria that excluded common polymorphisms in accordance with the surveillance drug resistance mutation criteria. The prevalence of resistance to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase, nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors were 3.8%, 1.5% and 0.8%, respectively. Fifty-seven percent of strains were from clade B, 37.7% were clade F and 3.1% were clade C; there were no statistically significant differences with respect to resistance between clades. Recent infection tended to be more common in men (p = 0.06) and in municipalities in the south of the RMR (Jaboatão dos Guararapes and Cabo de Santo Agostinho) (p = 0.046). The high prevalence of recent infection and the high prevalence of non-B strains in this poor Brazilian region merit further attention.


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An investigation was carried out into the genetic mechanisms responsible for multidrug resistance in nine carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosaisolates from different hospitals in Recife, Brazil. Susceptibility to antimicrobial agents was determined by broth microdilution. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to detect the presence of genes encoding β-lactamases, aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (AMEs), 16S rRNA methylases, integron-related genes and OprD. Expression of genes coding for efflux pumps and AmpC cephalosporinase were assessed by quantitative PCR. The outer membrane proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The blaSPM-1, blaKPC-2 and blaGES-1 genes were detected in P. aeruginosaisolates in addition to different AME genes. The loss of OprD in nine isolates was mainly due to frameshift mutations, premature stop codons and point mutations. An association of loss of OprD with the overexpression of MexAB-OprM and MexXY-OprM was observed in most isolates. Hyper-production of AmpC was also observed in three isolates. Clonal relationship of the isolates was determined by repetitive element palindromic-PCR and multilocus sequence typing. Our results show that the loss of OprD along with overexpression of efflux pumps and β-lactamase production were responsible for the multidrug resistance in the isolates analysed.


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Based on data available in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases, predictive factors of favorable results were identified in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, diagnosed between 2001 and 2004 and living in Recife-PE, Brazil. Uni- and multivariate logistic regression methods were used. In multivariate analysis, the following factors remained: Age (years), 0 to 9 (OR=4.27; p=0.001) and 10 to 19 (OR=1.78; p=0.011), greater chance of cure than over 60; Education (years), 8 to 11 (OR=1.52; p=0.049), greater chance of cure than no education; Type of entry, new cases (OR=3.31; p<0.001) and relapse (OR=3.32; p<0.001), greater chances of cure than restart after abandonment; Time (months) 2, 5-|6 (OR=9.15; p<0.001); 6-|9 (OR=27.28; p<0.001) and More than 9 (OR=24.78; p<0.001), greater chances of cure than less than 5; Health Unit District, DS I (OR=1.60; p=0.018) and DS IV (OR=2.87; p<0.001), greater chances of cure than DS VI.


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Estudo de corte transversal, realizado com 160 mulheres no período de 2005-2006, com o objetivo de descrever as características sócio-demográficas e reprodutivas de mulheres hospitalizadas por abortamento e o conhecimento sobre métodos contraceptivos e de indução para o abortamento. Para determinação da associação entre a classificação do abortamento e as variáveis sócio-demográficas e reprodutivas, utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson, considerando-se o nível de significância de 5%. Observou-se uma frequência de 56,3% de abortamento possivelmente induzido. A maioria ocorreu antes das 12 semanas (55,7%). Em relação ao perfil das mulheres: 48,9% entre 20-29 anos, 72,0% com oito anos ou mais de estudo; 90,1% tinham companheiros; 52,0% tinham de 1-3 filhos, 100% conheciam a pílula e o preservativo, e 80,0% o misoprostol. O perfil sócio-demográfico e reprodutivo das mulheres hospitalizadas por abortamento no serviço não se alterou nos últimos anos. O método mais conhecido para indução do abortamento continua sendo o misoprostol.


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O estudo objetivou conhecer o perfil dos trabalhadores em faixa etária economicamente ativa admitidos de 1997 a 2007 em hospital de hematologia com diagnóstico de leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA); verificar as profissões com maior prevalência entre os trabalhadores atendidos que foram a óbito e identificar os riscos ocupacionais compatíveis com o aparecimento da LMA nas profissões prevalentes. Estudo exploratório de natureza quantitativa. A maior parte dos perfis caracterizou-se por ser procedente do agreste e da região metropolitana do estado, do sexo masculino, pertencente à raça branca e com grau de escolaridade fundamental incompleto. As ocupações de maior destaque foram aquelas relacionadas à agricultura e ao trabalho doméstico, sendo as substâncias químicas utilizadas no processo de trabalho de ambas, de acordo com a literatura, possíveis fatores envolvidos no desencadeamento da patologia.


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Este estudo descritivo, transversal, censitário, identificou Burnout e alguns fatores associados entre enfermeiros da assistência pediátrica e tocoginecológica de hospital geral do nível terciário de atenção do Recife (PE). Participaram 63 profissionais (98,4% do total) que responderam a um questionário auto-aplicável (aspectos sócio-demográficos, condições laborais e Maslach Burnout Inventory). Na análise utilizou-se qui-quadrado, com nível de confiança de 95%. Predominou o gênero feminino (92,1%), com até cinco anos de profissão (68,2%), sendo 52,5% da área pediátrica. Constataram-se altos níveis de exaustão emocional (49,2%) e despersonalização (27,0%) e baixo nível de realização profissional (4,8%), estando 4,7% com Burnout. Mostraram associação: alto nível de exaustão emocional e realizar frequentemente/sempre tarefas com muita rapidez (p=0,039) e receber salário incompatível com o esforço empregado (p=0,016); altos níveis de despersonalização e ter até cinco anos de profissão (p=0,010) e efetuar frequentemente/sempre tarefas com muita rapidez (p=0,009). Para 19,0% pelo menos duas das três dimensões apontavam alta propensão à síndrome.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de mediastinite pós-cirúrgica com o intuito de contribuir para a assistência de enfermagem. Para tanto, foi realizada a análise de 896 prontuários de pacientes submetidos à operação cardíaca com esternotomia no Pronto Socorro Cardiológico de Recife-PE,no período de junho de 2007 a junho 2009. As variáveis consideradas foram: sexo, idade, tipo de operação, antecedentes pessoais, tempo de internamento hospitalar, uso de antibióticos e cultura de ferida operatória. Observou-se alta letalidade por mediastinite (33,3%). Vários fatores de risco foram identificados no estudo, tais como: hipertensão arterial sistêmica (80,9%); tabagismo (61,9%); diabetes mellitus (42,8%) e obesidade (33,3%), sendo a maioria (76,2%) em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Conclui-se que a mediastinite é uma infecção grave que necessita de supervisão contínua da enfermagem e medidas preventivas para o diagnóstico precoce e a diminuição da mortalidade.


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Os principais atributos edáficos relacionados com a lixiviação de naftaleno nos solos consistem na granulometria, no teor de matéria orgânica e na composição mineralógica das frações silte e argila. Este trabalho objetivou determinar os valores da dispersão e do retardamento do naftaleno em amostras de solos coletadas nas proximidades de tanques de armazenamento de combustíveis localizados em Recife, PE. Os experimentos de lixiviação foram realizados em colunas contendo amostras deformadas e foram modelados usando a equação de convecção-dispersão, que foi ajustada aos dados experimentais com o emprego do software CXTFIT 2.0. Os resultados indicaram que solos arenosos oferecem menor resistência à lixiviação de naftaleno e que a presença de goethita, juntamente com a matéria orgânica, é possivelmente o principal fator responsável pelo retardamento do transporte desse composto no conjunto de amostras estudadas.


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OBJETIVO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar os valores de doses de radiação recebidas por médicos e pacientes em procedimentos intervencionistas cardíacos realizados em um hospital público na cidade de Recife, Pernambuco. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: As medidas foram determinadas em 31 pacientes adultos, dos quais 22 tiveram acompanhamento clínico após o procedimento, e em dois cardiologistas com mais de dez anos de experiência. Parâmetros de irradiação para cada procedimento foram registrados. RESULTADOS: Os valores obtidos para a dose absorvida máxima na pele do paciente variaram entre 612 e 8.642 mGy, sendo que 53% foram maiores que 2.000 mGy, valores estes que podem causar efeitos determinísticos. Com relação aos médicos, a dose efetiva média por procedimento foi de 11 µSv e os valores médios do equivalente de dose nas extremidades, mais altos, foram: 923 µSv no pé esquerdo, 514 µSv no pé direito, 382 µSv na mão esquerda e 150 µSv no olho esquerdo. Dependendo do número de procedimentos, as doses recebidas pelos médicos podem exceder os valores limites de doses estabelecidos pelas normas nacionais e internacionais. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos sinalizam a necessidade de adoção de estratégias para otimização da proteção radiológica tanto de pacientes quanto de médicos.


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The Brazilian legislation requires analysis of certain parameters to classify a wine and allow its commercialization. Some physico-chemical and some color parameters were determined in this work in samples of different red wines sold in the metropolitan area of Recife. Multivariate analysis comprising principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to distinguish the analyzed wines. The results for pH, chloride concentration, color parameters and ammonium content were the most important variables for sample classification. It was also possible to classify the wines as soft or dry wines and amongst the soft wines we could determine two out of four winegrowing producers.