83 resultados para Paramodular forms


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Nitrogen fertilization is a major component of the cost of agricultural production, due to the high cost and low efficiency of fertilizers. In the case of urea, the low efficiency is mainly due to losses by volatilization, which are more pronounced in cultivation systems in which plant residues are left on the soil. The objective of this work was to compare the influence of urea coated with sulfur or boric acid and copper sulfate with conventional N fertilizers on N volatilization losses in sugar cane harvested after stubble burning. The sources urea, sulfur-coated urea, urea coated with boric acid and copper sulfate, as well as nitrate and ammonium sulfate, were tested at amounts containing N rates of 120 kg ha-1 N. The integration of new technologies in urea fertilization can reduce N losses by volatilization. These losses were most reduced when using nitrate and ammonium sulfate. The application of a readily acidified substance (boric acid) to urea was more efficient in reducing volatilization losses and nutrient removal by sugar cane than that of a substance with gradual acidification (elemental sulfur).


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The application of animal manure to soil can increase phosphorus availability to plants and enhance transfer of the nutrient solution drained from the soil surface or leached into the soil profile. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of successive applications of organic and mineral nutrient sources on the available content, surface runoff and leaching of P forms in a Typic Hapludalf in no-tillage systems. Experiment 1 was set up in 2004 in the experimental area of UFSM, in Santa Maria (RS, Brazil). The treatments consisted of: control (without nutrient application) and application of pig slurry (PS), pig deep-litter (PL), cattle slurry (CS), and mineral fertilizers (NPK). The rates were determined to meet the N crop requirements of no-tillage black oat and maize, grown in the 2010/2011 growing season. The soil solution was collected after each event (rain + runoff or leaching) and the soluble, particulate and total P contents were measured. In November 2008, soil was collected in 2 cm intervals to a depth of 20 cm, in 5 cm intervals to a depth of 40 cm, and in 10 cm intervals to a depth of 70 cm. The soil was dried and ground, and P determined after extraction by anion exchange resin (AER). In experiment 2, samples collected from the Typic Hapludalf near experiment 1 were incubated for 20, 35, 58, 73 and 123 days after applying the following treatments: soil, soil + PS, soil + PL, soil + CS and soil + NPK. Thereafter, the soil was sampled and P was analyzed by AER. The applications of nutrient sources over the years led to an increase in available P and its migration in the soil profile. This led to P transfer via surface runoff and leaching, with the largest transfer being observed in PS and PL treatments, in which most P was applied. The soil available P and P transfer via surface runoff were correlated with the amounts applied, regardless of the P source. However, P transfer by leaching was not correlated with the applied nutrient amount, but rather with the solution amount leached in the soil profile.


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Phosphorus fractions play a key role in sustaining the productivity of acid-savanna Oxisols and are influenced by tillage practices. The aim of this study was to quantify different P forms in an Oxisol (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo) from the central savanna region of Brazil under management systems with cover crops in maize rotation. Three cover crops (Canavalia brasiliensis, Cajanus cajan (L.), and Raphanus sativus L.) were investigated in maize rotation systems. These cover crops were compared to spontaneous vegetation. The inorganic forms NaHCO3-iP and NaOH-iP represented more than half of the total P in the samples collected at the depth of 5-10 cm during the rainy season when the maize was grown. The concentration of inorganic P of greater availability (NaHCO3-iP and NaOH-iP) was higher in the soil under no-tillage at the depth of 5-10 cm during the rainy season. Concentrations of organic P were higher during the dry season, when the cover crops were grown. At the dry season, organic P constituted 70 % of the labile P in the soil planted to C. cajan under no-tillage. The cover crops were able to maintain larger fractions of P available to the maize, resulting in reduced P losses to the unavailable pools, mainly in no-tillage systems.


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The action of rain and surface runoff together are the active agents of water erosion, and further influences are the soil type, terrain, soil cover, soil management, and conservation practices. Soil water erosion is low in the no-tillage management system, being influenced by the amount and form of lime and fertilizer application to the soil, among other factors. The aim was to evaluate the effect of the form of liming, the quantity and management of fertilizer application on the soil and water losses by erosion under natural rainfall. The study was carried out between 2003 and 2013 on a Humic Dystrupept soil, with the following treatments: T1 - cultivation with liming and corrective fertilizer incorporated into the soil in the first year, and with 100 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T2 - surface liming and corrective fertilization distributed over five years, and with 75 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T3 - surface liming and corrective fertilization distributed over three years, and with 50 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T4 - surface liming and corrective fertilization distributed over two years, and with 25 % annual maintenance fertilization of P and K; T5 - fallow soil, without liming or fertilization. In the rotation the crops black oat (Avena strigosa ), soybean (Glycine max ), common vetch (Vicia sativa ), maize (Zea mays ), fodder radish (Raphanus sativus ), and black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris ). The split application of lime and mineral fertilizer to the soil surface in a no-tillage system over three and five years, results in better control of soil losses than when split in two years. The increase in the amount of fertilizer applied to the soil surface under no-tillage cultivation increases phytomass production and reduces soil loss by water erosion. Water losses in treatments under no-tillage cultivation were low in all crop cycles, with a similar behavior as soil losses.


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ABSTRACT The use of fire to prepare agricultural areas is a technique still used by small farmers in eastern Amazon. This type of management changes the dynamics of soil nutrients, especially phosphorus, which constitutes the most limiting nutrient for crop production in tropical soils. This study was carried out to evaluate changes in phosphorus forms in an Argissolo Amarelo Distrófico (Ultisol) submitted to burning and trituration of secondary forest in eastern Amazon. The evaluated systems were: slash-and-burn of vegetation; slash-and-mulch of vegetation; and secondary vegetation. The labile, moderately labile, moderately recalcitrant, available and total phosphorus fractions were assessed at the soil depths of 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m. The results showed a predominance of soluble P in acid (moderately labile P) over other forms in all management systems. The management systems influence the content and distribution of the forms of P, where the slash-and-mulch system presented the prevalence of the labile fraction, and the slash-and-burn system contained less labile forms. The slash-and-mulch system favored the accumulation of labile P and total organic P.


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The objective of this research was to develop and validate an alternative analytical method for quantitative determination of levofloxacin in tablets and injection preparations. The calibration curves were linear over a concentration range from 3.0 to 8.0 μg mL-1. The relative standard deviation was below 1.0% for both formulations and average recovery was 101.42 ± 0.45% and 100.34 ± 0.85% for tablets and injection formulations, respectively. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation were 0.08 and 0.25 μg mL-1, respectively. It was concluded that the developed method is suitable for the quality control of levofloxacin in pharmaceuticals formulations.


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A dissolution test for in vitro evaluation of tablet dosage forms containing 10 mg of rupatadine was developed and validated by RP-LC. A discriminatory dissolution method was established using apparatus paddle at a stirring rate of 50 rpm with 900 mL of deaerated 0.01 M hydrochloric acid. The proposed method was validated yielding acceptable results for the parameters evaluated, and was applied for the quality control analysis of rupatadine tablets, and to evaluate the formulation during an accelerated stability study. Moreover, quantitative analyses were also performed, to compare the applicability of the RP-LC and the LC-MS/MS methods.


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An isocratic reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of gemifloxacin and diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide) in bulk, dosage formulations and human serum at 232 nm. Chromatographic separation was achieved on Purospher Start C18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 µm) column using mobile phase, methanol: water: acetonitrile (70:25:5 v/v/v) adjusted to pH 3.0 via phosphoric acid 85% having flow rate of 0.8 mL min -1 at room temperature. Calibration curves were linear over range of 0.5-10 µg mL -1 with a correlation coefficient ± 0.999. LOD and LOQ were in the ranges of 0.75-2.56 µg mL -1. Intra and inter-run precision and accuracy results were 98.26 to 100.9.


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The present work describes a novel stability-indicating reversed-phase ultra performance liquid chromatography method for the separation and quantification of rosuvastatin (RSV) and its related impurities in the pharmaceutical dosage forms under forced degradation conditions. An unknown degradation impurity detected in the acid degradation was identified by using quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The chromatographic separation was carried out on C-18 column (100 x 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) using isocratic elution with methanol and 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (50:50). The total run time was 12 min within which RSV as well as all related impurities and degradation products were separated. The developed method was validated for RSV and related impurities in pharmaceutical dosage forms.


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Sensitive and selective spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric methods have been developed for determination of some drugs such as Pramipexole, Nebivolol, Carvedilol, and Eletriptan, which commonly contain secondary amino group. The subject methods were developed via derivatization of the secondary amino groups with 7-Chloro-4-Nitrobenzofurazon in borate buffer where a yellow colored reaction product was obtained and measured spectrophotometrically or spectrofluorimetrically. Concentration ranges were found as 2.0 to 250 μg mL-1 and 0.1 to 3.0 μg mL-1, for spectrophotometric and spectrofluorimetric study, respectively. The described methods can be easily applied by the quality control laboratories in routine analyses of these drugs in pharmaceutical preparations.


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Three simple, sensitive, economical and reproducible spectrophotometric methods (A, B and C) are described for determination of mesalamine in pure drug as well as in tablet dosage forms. Method A is based on the reduction of tungstate and/or molybdate in Folin Ciocalteu's reagent; method B describes the reaction between the diazotized drug and α-naphthol and method C is based on the reaction of the drug with vanillin, in acidic medium. Under optimum conditions, mesalamine could be quantified in the concentration ranges, 1-30, 1-15 and 2-30 µg mL-1 by method A, B and C, respectively. All the methods have been applied to the determination of mesalamine in tablet dosage forms. Results of analysis are validated statistically.


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A reliable method using LC-UV to assay mometasone furoate (MF) in creams or nasal sprays using the same chromatographic conditions was set up. Methanol:water 80:20 (v/v) (1.0 mL min-1) was used as mobile phase. MF was detected at 248 nm and analyzed in a concentration range from 1.0 to 20.0 µg mL-1. The method provided acceptable theoretical plates, peak simmetry, peak tailing factor and peak resolution a short run (5 min). The method showed specificity, good linearity (r = 0.9999) and the quantification limit was 0.379 µg mL-1. Furthermore, the method was precise (RSD < 2.0%), accurate (recovery > 97%) and robust.


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Two simple, rapid and cost-effective methods based on titrimetric and spectrophotometric techniques are described for the assay of RNH in bulk drug and in dosage forms using silver nitrate, mercury(II)thiocyanate and iron(III)nitrate as reagents. In titrimetry, an aqueous solution of RNH is treated with measured excess of silver nitrate in HNO3 medium, followed by determination of unreacted silver nitrate by Volhard method using iron(III) alum indicator. Spectrophotometric method involve the addition a known excess of mercury(II)thiocyanate and iron(III)nitrate to RNH, followed by the measurement of the absorbance of iron(III)thiocyante complex at 470 nm. Titrimetric method is applicable over 4-30 mg range and the reaction stoichiometry is found to be 1:1 (RNH: AgNO3). In the spectrophotometric method, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with concentration of RNH which is corroborated by the correlation coefficient of 0.9959. The system obey Beer's law for 5-70 µg mL-1. The calculated apparent molar absorptivity and sandell sensitivity values are found to be 3.27 ´ 10³ L mol-1 cm-1, 0.107 µg cm-2 respectively. The limits of detection and quantification are also reported for the spectrophotometric method. Intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy of the methods were evaluated as per ICH guidelines. The methods were successfully applied to the assay of RNH in formulations and the results were compared with those of a reference method by applying Student's t and F-tests. No interference was observed from common pharmaceutical excipients. The accuracy of the methods was further ascertained by performing recovery tests by standard addition method.


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The aim of this work was to develop and validate simple, accurate and precise spectroscopic methods (multicomponent, dual wavelength and simultaneous equations) for the simultaneous estimation and dissolution testing of ofloxacin and ornidazole tablet dosage forms. The medium of dissolution used was 900 ml of 0.01N HCl, using a paddle apparatus at a stirring rate of 50 rpm. The drug release was evaluated by developed and validated spectroscopic methods. Ofloxacin and ornidazole showed 293.4 and 319.6nm as λmax in 0.01N HCl. The methods were validated to meet requirements for a global regulatory filing. The validation included linearity, precision and accuracy. In addition, recovery studies and dissolution studies of three different tablets were compared and the results obtained show no significant difference among products.


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The technique of precision agriculture and soil-landscape allows delimiting areas for localized management, allowing a localized application of agricultural inputs and thereby may contribute to preservation of natural resources. Therefore, the objective of this work was to characterize the spatial variability of chemical properties and clay content in the context of soil-landscape relationship in a Latosol (Oxisol) under cultivation of citrus. Soil samples were collected at a depth of 0.0-0.2 m in an area of 83.5 ha planted with citrus, as a 50-m intervals grid, with 129 points in concave terrain and 206 points in flat terrain, totaling 335 points. Values for the variables that express the chemical characteristics and clay content of soil properties were analyzed with descriptive statistics and geostatistical modeling of semivariograms for making maps of kriging. The values of range and kriging maps indicated higher variability in the shape of concave topography (top segment) compared with the shape of flat topography (slope and hillside segments below). The identification of different forms of terrain proved to be efficient in understanding the spatial variability of chemical properties and clay content of soil under cultivation of citrus.