135 resultados para Katz, Harold, 1921-
A randomized clinical trial was carried out to compare the efficacy of a low-dosage combination of oxamniquine (7.5 mg/kg) plus praziquantel (20 mg/kg) against either agent, oxamniquine (15 mg/kg) or praziquantel (40 mg/kg) alone, in the treatment of schistosomiasis mansoni in the Brazilian north-east. The drugs were randomly administered per os to 91 patients. Six and twelve months after treatment 89% of those admitted to the trial were reexamined by Kato-Katz method (ten slides) and MIF technique (one gram of stool) The achieved cure rates, as defined by absence of S. mansoni eggs in the faeces of individual patients at all points during the parasitological follow-up, were 81.8%, 81.2% and 67.6% for praziquantel, oxamniquine and the combination respectively. The reduction of eggs excretion in non cured patients six months after therapy ranged from 93.8-96.8% with praziquantel, 32.5-97% with oxamniquine and 76.9-99.5% with the combination. It is concluded that, at the used dosages, the three therapeutical regimens give similar and satisfactory results in the treatment of uncomplicated S. mansoni infection in Brazil.
Due to the scarce information about the epidemiological features of schistosomiasis in which the vector is Biomphalaria tenagophila, an investigation was carried in Pedro de Toledo in 1980 where such peculiarity is observed. Stool examinations (Kato-Katz method) were performed in 4,741 individuals (22.8% positive to Schistosoma mansoni eggs) of this 583 had previously received chemoterapy and 4,158 remainders, untreated. The schistosomiasis prevalence in those two groups where respectively 31.7% and 21.6%. Epidemiological investigation showed that 83.6% were autochthonous cases from the studied area: the autochthonous prevalence rate, and the intensity of infection in the untreated autochthonous cases were higher in males than in females; the intensity in the latter untreated group was low, 58.5 eggs/g feces (geometric mean). Moreover, according to the age groups the intensity of infections correlated well (r s = 0.745) with the prevalence rates. Schistosomiasis was verified to occur mostly during the leisure time and by the use of water streams for housework in rural zone. Only 0.4% out of 1,137 snails was positive for S. mansoni cercariae, apparently unchanged from the 1978 study when the human prevalence was 12.0%. The studied area presented differences and similarities in relation to the other Brazilian areas were the main intermediate host is B. glabrata.
Estudaram-se quinze pacientes com infecção assintomática por Clonorchis sinensis, revelada através de exame parasitológico de fezes. Todos eram de origem asiática e procuraram o Laboratório Central do Instituto Adolfo Lutz para se submeterem a exames laboratoriais necessários à regularização de sua situação, face à nova legislação sobre imigrantes. Eram todos indivíduos adultos, seis pertencendo ao sexo feminino e nove ao masculino. Os quinze pacientes com clonorquíase foram internados no Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP e tratados com Praziquantel, na dosagem de 60 mg/kg de peso corporal, dividida em duas tomadas. Foram realizados exames coprológicos quantitativos (método de Kato-Katz), antes do tratamento específico e no 15º, 30º e 60º dias após a terapêutica. Na última avaliação (60? dia após terapêutica), em nove pacientes (60,0%) não se encontraram ovos do trematódeo nas fezes e nos seis (40,0%), que continuavam eliminando ovos, notou-se redução na quantidade eliminada (superior a 90% em cinco e a 30% no paciente restante). Os pacientes foram também submetidos a exames subsidiários, para avaliação do estado geral e função hepática, antes da administração de Praziquantel e, posteriormente, no seguimento ambulatorial. A medicação foi relativamente bem tolerada pelos pacientes, verificando-se a ocorrência de efeitos colaterais representados por náuseas e vômitos (dois casos), vertigens e tonturas (dois casos), epigastralgia (dois casos) e diarréia no 3? dia após tratamento (um caso).
Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive values of selected clinical signs and symptoms in the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection were evaluated in 403 individuals (69% of inhabitants over 1 year of age) in an endemic area in Brazil (Divino). Highest sensitivity (13%) was found for blood in stools. Specificity over 90% was found for blood in stools, palpable liver with normal consistency and palpable hardened liver at middle clavicular (MCL) or middle sternal lines (MSL). Hardened liver at MSL (83%) or MCL (75%), and blood in stools (78%) presented higher positive predictive values for S. mansoni infection, while palpable liver with normal consistency at MCL (45%) or MSL (48%) presented smaller values. Enlarged liver without specification of its consistency has been traditionally used as an indicator of the infection in areas where malaria or Kalazar are not endemic. Our results demonstrate that the probability that a person with blood in stools or hardened palpable liver is infected is higher than among those with palpable liver with normal consistency.
Associations between socio-demographic factors, water contact patterns and Schistosoma mansoni infection were investigated in 506 individuals (87% of inhabitants over 1 year of age) in an endemic area in Brazil (Divino), aiming at determining priorities for public health measures to prevent the infection. Those who eliminated S. mansoni eggs (n = 198) were compared to those without eggs in the stools (n = 308). The following explanatory variables were considered: age, sex, color, previous treatment with schistosomicide, place of birth, quality of the houses, water supply for the household, distance from houses to stream, and frequency and reasons for water contact. Factors found to be independently associated with the infection were age (10-19 and > 20 yrs old), and water contact for agricultural activities, fishing, and swimming or bathing (Adjusted relative odds = 5.0, 2.4, 3.2, 2.1 and 2.0, respectively). This suggests the need for public health measures to prevent the infection, emphasizing water contact for leisure and agricultural activities in this endemic area.
This work was undertaken in the municipality of Pedro de Toledo (São Paulo State, Brazil) in 1987, to clarify aspects related to the transmission levels of Schistosoma mansoni in a human population where the snail host is Biomphalaria tenagophila. Since 1980 a control programme has been undertaken in this municipality. Urban and rural populations (4,719 subjects) were submitted to faecal examinations (Kato-Katz method). The overall prevalence rate was 4.8% being higher in males (6.2%) and also in the rural zone (5.8%). The geometric mean of S. mansoni eggs was 35.1 eggs per gramme of faeces (epg). Approximately 80.0% of the carriers presented less than 100 epg and only 20 individuals (9.0%) eliminated more than half of total eggs. The highest index of potencial contamination (IPC) was in the age group of 5 to 20 years (57.6%). Two thirds of the investigated patients (207) were autochthonous of Pedro de Toledo. The geographical distribution of the carriers showed a clear aggregation of the autochthonous cases and a close association between human contact sites and breeding places of B. tenagophila. This study shows that schistosomiasis subjects were not randomly aggregated, the youngsters should be the main target in the prophylaxis, and the efficacy of the control programme.
Se procesan "a ciegas" 511 muestras de heces por las técnicas de Kato-Katz, Willis, Ritchie y directo. Al comparar los resultados obtenidos en el diagnóstico de Trichuris trichiura, Necator americanus y Ascaris lumbricoides, vimos que la de Kato-Katz fué más sensible, revelando el mayor número de casos, siguiéndole en orden sucesivo, el Willis, el Ritchie, y el examen directo. Si se tiene en cuenta que el método de Kato-Katz es además cuantitativo, podemos recomendar-lo como técnica de elección para el diagnóstico de las geohelmintiasis intestinales.
O tétano integra o elenco das doenças de notificação compulsoria no Estado de São Paulo, desde 1978, e o seu comportamento, desde então, revela as seguintes tendências: incidência declinante, embora ainda superior a existentes em áreas de maior riqueza social, e letalidade elevada, ainda que constante. Neste contexto, estudou-se 133 casos de tétano acidental ocorridos em residentes do Estado de São Paulo, em 1989, investigados e confirmados pelo Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica. As informações analisadas são as que constam da ficha epidemiológica do referido Sistema. A incidência foi de 0,41 por 100.000 habitantes e a letalidade de 44,36%. A partir da interpretação dos dados descritivos foi possível identificar a existência de grupos sob maior risco: pessoas idosas, residentes nas regiões noroeste e oeste do Estado, e pertencentes às categorias ocupacionais de "atividades domésticas", "lavrador" e "aposentados", propondo-se, desse modo, que sejam objeto de atenção especial, ao lado dos já conhecidos grupos de gestantes e crianças. Destaca-se ainda a existência de 18,3% de casos nos quais não se identificou um traumatismo em data definida (como, por exemplo, os doentes com lesões por Tunga penetrans). Em relação ao tempo, a maior incidência ocorreu no mês de maio. Examinou-se, também, a letalidade ocorrida no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HC-FMUSP), o único do Estado a manter Unidade de Terapia Intensiva destinada especificamente ao tetânico, comparando-a com a letalidade ocorrida no conjunto dos Hospitais do Estado; a letalidade no HCFMUSP foi de 34,5% e no Conjunto dos Hospitais de 49,5%, sendo que esta diferença não se revelou significante, estatisticamente. Discutiu-se os requisitos necessários para um aprofundamento do estudo do papel da atenção médica na evolução do doente com tétano - destacando-se a necessidade de se considerar, simultaneamente, a gravidade da doença e as características do tratamento - buscando-se, assim, contribuir para o encaminhamento de aprimoramentos no atendimento ao paciente com tétano.
Applications of niclosamide at three-monthly intervals were undertaken for 14 years in foci of Biomphalaria glabrata in the water sources of Peri-Peri (Capim Branco, MG). All the residents of the area were submitted to an annual fecal examination (Kato/Katz) and those individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs were treated with oxamniquine. A malacological survey was undertaken at three-monthly intervals by means of ten scoops with a perforated ladle each ten metres along the two banks of the ditches and streams of the region. Where snails were found, molluscicide was applied by means of dripping or aspersion using a 3 ppm aqueous suspension of niclosamide. Initially, a mean of 14.3% of snails in the region were found to be eliminating cercariae. Following the first four applications of molluscicide, this was reduced to 0.0% and maintained at about 1.5% throughout the program. Thus, there was a continued possibility of schistosomiasis transmission in the area and it was observed that the population of snails reestablished itself within three months of molluscicide application. The results obtained in this study do not encourage the continual use of niclosamide as the only method of control of schistosomiasis.
A schistosomiasis control program was implemented between 1974/87 in Peri-Peri,. MG (622 inhabitants). Molluscicide (niclosamide) was applied at three monthly intervals in water sources with Biomphalaria glabrata, and individuals eliminating Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces were treated annually with oxamniquine. From 1974 to 1983 the control measures were undertaken by staff of the "René Rachou" Research Center FIOCRUZ (CPqRR), and from 1984 to 1987 these measures were included in the Capim Branco basic health network activities. During both periods, the prevalence, incidence, intensity of infection and hepatosplenic form as well as the number of infected snails decreased significantly. The prevalence decreased from 43.5 to 4.4%, the incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the overall intensity of S. mansoni from 281 to 87 and of the hepatosplenic form from 5.9 to 0.0%. The results obtained suggest that the municipal management of control measures was as effective as the vertical program conducted by CPqRR staff.
From each of a group of 217 adult males selected through enzyme-immunoassay or skin-test (Group A), six stool samples were examined by both the Lutz/Hoffman, Pons & Janer (Lutz/HPJ) and Kato/Katz methods. In addition, one oogram of the rectal mucosa was performed. By these methods, schistosomiasis was detected in 44.7%, 47.5% and 40.1% of the individuals respectively. To evaluate the methods in the assessment of cure, the last 40 patients from group A, treated with a single oral dose of oxamniquine at 15 mg/kg were followed up for six months (Group B). The criteria for parasitological cure included three stool examinations by Kato/Katz and Lutz/HPJ methods, one, three and six months post-treatment and a rectal biopsy between the fourth and sixth months post-treatment. The examinations were negative in 87.5%, 90% and 95% of the patients, respectively. The efficacy of oxamniquine was 82.5% when the three methods were considered together and there was no statistically significant difference between the sensitivity of the individual methods.
Foi estudada a ação quimioprofilática na esquistossomose experimental do óleo essencial do fruto de Pterodon pubescens Benth (Leguminosae), incorporado a diferentes formulações de sabonete. As formulações foram usadas topicamente nas caudas de camundongos que, imediatamente, 24,72 ou 168 horas após, foram expostos a cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni, pelo método de imersão da cauda. A proteção foi avaliada 45 dias após a exposição, quando os camundongos foram sacrificados e os vermes recolhidos por perfusão. Os resultados mostraram níveis de proteção variando de 0,0 a 100% conforme a formulação usada. Foi também desenvolvida uma metodologia que possibilitou a avaliação do sabonete protetor quando camundongos foram expostos à infecção natural em córregos infestados com caramujos na periferia de Belo Horizonte, MG. Resultados promissores foram obtidos, uma vez que houve proteção de 57,5 e 31,1% quando os animais foram ensaboados 24 e 48 horas antes. Estudos preliminares de avaliação de irritação e toxicidade foram favoráveis e mostraram que esta nova arma profilática poderá auxiliar no controle da esquistossomose.
In this paper the history of 115 recruits that had bathed simultaneously in streams contaminated with Schistosoma mansoni, during military maneuvers, is reported. Thirty four of the infected patients presented the initial phase of the infection diagnosed through epidemiologic, clinical and laboratorial parameters. Three out of the 34 patients did not reveal the clinical picture of the infection, thus being considered representatives of the non-apparent form of the disease. Differences between the intensity of blood eosinophilia, the area of immediate cutaneous reaction and the number of Schistosoma eggs eliminated in the stools proved not to be statistically significant (p>0.05) when the non-apparent and acute cases of schistosomiasis were compared. These cases actually may be considered evidences of the non-apparent form hitherto merely taken for granted in the literature.
Suspensões aquosas do pericarpo do fruto, da casca da raiz, das folhas e das sementes de Guaiacum officinale foram testadas como moluscicida, cercaricida e piscicida em diferentes concentrações. Em laboratório, a suspensão do pericarpo do fruto apresentou 100% de mortalidade a 100 ppm para desovas de B. glabrata, a 20 ppm para caramujos adultos de Biomphalaria glabrata, B. straminea e B. tenagophila, a 5 ppm para Lebistes reticulatus (peixes) e a 1 ppm para cercárias de Schistosoma mansoni. O extrato etanólico do pericarpo do fruto não foi ativo para caramujo adulto de B. glabrata. As doses letais para 90% dos caramujos adultos (DL90), após 24 horas de exposição, usando a suspensão do pericarpo do fruto foram de: 15 ppm para B. glabrata; 14 ppm para B. straminea e 18 ppm para B. tenagophila. As DL90 das suspensões das casca da raiz, sementes e folhas contra B. glabrata foram de 57, 33 e 15 ppm, respectivamente. No campo, coma suspensão do pericarpo do fruto a mortalidade de caramujos adultos de B. glabrata foi de 68% a 20 ppm e 100% a 40 ppm
A fourteen year schistosomiasis control program in Peri-Peri (Capim Branco, MG) reduced prevalence from 43.5 to 4.4%; incidence from 19.0 to 2.9%, the geometric mean of the number of eggs from 281 to 87 and the level of the hepatoesplenic form cases from 5.9 to 0.0%. In 1991, three years after the interruption of the program, the prevalence had risen to 19.6%. The district consists of Barbosa (a rural area) and Peri-Peri itself (an urban area). In 1991, the prevalence in the two areas was 28.4% and 16.0% respectively. A multivariate analysis of risk factors for schistosomiasis indicated the domestic agricultural activity with population attributive risk (PAR) of 29.82%, the distance (< 10 m) from home to water source (PAR = 25.93%) and weekly fishing (PAR = 17.21%) as being responsible for infections in the rural area. The recommended control measures for this area are non-manual irrigation and removal of homes to more than ten meters from irrigation ditches. In the urban area, it was observed that swimming at weekly intervals (PAR = 20.71%), daily domestic agricultural activity (PAR = 4.07%) and the absence of drinking water in the home (PAR=4.29%) were responsible for infections. Thus, in the urban area the recommended control measures are the substitution of manual irrigation with an irrigation method that avoids contact with water, the creation of leisure options of the population and the provision of a domestic water supply. The authors call attention to the need for the efficacy of multivariate analysis of risk factors to be evaluated for schistosomiasis prior to its large scale use as a indicator of the control measures to be implemented.