108 resultados para Active straight leg raising


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BACKGROUND: E-learning techniques are spreading at great speed in medicine, raising concerns about the impact of adopting them. Websites especially designed to host courses are becoming more common. There is a lack of evidence that these systems could enhance student knowledge acquisition. GOAL: To evaluate the impact of using dedicated-website tools over cognition of medical students exposed to a first-aid course. METHODS: Prospective study of 184 medical students exposed to a twenty-hour first-aid course. We generated a dedicated-website with several sections (lectures, additional reading material, video and multiple choice exercises). We constructed variables expressing the student's access to each section. The evaluation was composed of fifty multiple-choice tests, based on clinical problems. We used multiple linear regression to adjust for potential confounders. RESULTS: There was no association of website intensity of exposure and the outcome - beta-coeficient 0.27 (95%CI - 0.454 - 1.004). These findings were not altered after adjustment for potential confounders - 0.165 (95%CI -0.628 - 0.960). CONCLUSION: A dedicated website with passive and active capabilities for aiding in person learning had not shown association with a better outcome.


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The prevailing undergraduate medical training process still favors disconnection and professional distancing from social needs. The Brazilian Ministries of Education and Health, through the National Curriculum Guidelines, the Incentives Program for Changes in the Medical Curriculum (PROMED), and the National Program for Reorientation of Professional Training in Health (PRO-SAÚDE), promoted the stimulus for an effective connection between medical institutions and the Unified National Health System (SUS). In accordance to the new paradigm for medical training, the Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos (UNIFESO) established a teaching plan in 2005 using active methodologies, specifically problem-based learning (PBL). Research was conducted through semi-structured interviews with third-year undergraduate students at the UNIFESO Medical School. The results were categorized as proposed by Bardin's thematic analysis, with the purpose of verifying the students' impressions of the new curriculum. Active methodologies proved to be well-accepted by students, who defined them as exciting and inclusive of theory and practice in medical education.


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This study evaluates the use of role-playing games (RPGs) as a methodological approach for teaching cellular biology, assessing student satisfaction, learning outcomes, and retention of acquired knowledge. First-year undergraduate medical students at two Brazilian public universities attended either an RPG-based class (RPG group) or a lecture (lecture-based group) on topics related to cellular biology. Pre- and post-RPG-based class questionnaires were compared to scores in regular exams and in an unannounced test one year later to assess students' attitudes and learning. From the 230 students that attended the RPG classes, 78.4% responded that the RPG-based classes were an effective tool for learning; 55.4% thought that such classes were better than lectures but did not replace them; and 81% responded that they would use this method. The lecture-based group achieved a higher grade in 1 of 14 regular exam questions. In the medium-term evaluation (one year later), the RPG group scored higher in 2 of 12 questions. RPG classes are thus quantitatively as effective as formal lectures, are well accepted by students, and may serve as educational tools, giving students the chance to learn actively and potentially retain the acquired knowledge more efficiently.


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Ormosia arborea (Vell.) Harms e Ormosia fastigiata Tul. são espécies similares em muitos caracteres morfológicos, o que resulta em dificuldade na sua identificação, tanto em campo quanto em material herborizado. Neste estudo foram descritas as características morfológicas das sementes e morfoanatômicas das plântulas e plantas jovens de O. arborea e O. fastigiata, coletadas em restinga e em mata ciliar, respectivamente. Sementes e plântulas foram processadas segundo técnicas usuais. As sementes de O. arborea são mais pesadas e têm germinação hipógea criptocotiledonar. O caule contém tricomas tectores esparsos e grande quantidade de lenticelas e, na raiz, nodulações. A folha apresenta parênquima paliçádico de células mais curtas, com base mais larga e presença de pigmentos vacuolares, espaços intercelulares conspícuos no parênquima esponjoso, tricomas tectores restritos à nervura principal e células epidérmicas da face adaxial maiores que as da face abaxial. A germinação de O. fastigiata é fanerocotiledonar, e a plântula possui muitos tricomas ao longo do caule e lenticelas restritas à região basal deste. As folhas apresentam tricomas tectores em todas as nervuras, com parênquima paliçádico de células tipicamente alongadas e parênquima esponjoso com espaços intercelulares reduzidos. Tais características são consistentes para separar as plântulas e sementes dessas espécies, que têm a mesma denominação popular e contribuem com informações úteis para o meio produtivo.


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With this study, the objective was to estimate the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and to correlate it with the dry matter (MMSPA) of the emerald zoysia (Zoysia japonica Steud.) on surfaces with different expositions and slopes. The research was conducted at the Experimental Watershed of the Agricultural Engineering Department, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences of São Paulo State University (FCAV/UNESP), Brazil, where the surfaces (H, 10 N, 30 N, 50 N, 10 S, 30 S, 50 S, 10 L, 30 L, 50 L, 10 O, 30 O and 50 O) were used. To obtain the global solar radiation, it was installed an automated weather station where the PAR (dependent variable) was obtained by the equation y = a + bx, and the global radiation was independent. To compare means of MMSPA, it was used the Tukey test at 5% probability, and to assess the relation PAR/MMSPA, the simple linear correlation coefficient. The result showed that the accumulation of these effects in the PAR increases with North exposure and decreases with the South, and exposure to 50N is most suitable for slopes, not having correlation between the PAR and the MMSPA for the surfaces evaluated for the study period.


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Locomotor problems prevent the bird to move freely, jeopardizing the welfare and productivity, besides generating injuries on the legs of chickens. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of age, use of vitamin D, the asymmetry of limbs and gait score, the degree of leg injuries in broilers, using data mining. The analysis was performed on a data set obtained from a field experiment in which it was used two groups of birds with 30 birds each, a control group and one treated with vitamin D. It was evaluated the gait score, the asymmetry between the right and left toes, and the degree of leg injuries. The Weka ® software was used in data mining. In particular, C4.5 algorithm (also known as J48 in Weka environment) was used for the generation of a decision tree. The results showed that age is the factor that most influences the degree of leg injuries and that the data from assessments of gait score were not reliable to estimate leg weakness in broilers.


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It is presented a software developed with Delphi programming language to compute the reservoir's annual regulated active storage, based on the sequent-peak algorithm. Mathematical models used for that purpose generally require extended hydrological series. Usually, the analysis of those series is performed with spreadsheets or graphical representations. Based on that, it was developed a software for calculation of reservoir active capacity. An example calculation is shown by 30-years (from 1977 to 2009) monthly mean flow historical data, from Corrente River, located at São Francisco River Basin, Brazil. As an additional tool, an interface was developed to manage water resources, helping to manipulate data and to point out information that it would be of interest to the user. Moreover, with that interface irrigation districts where water consumption is higher can be analyzed as a function of specific seasonal water demands situations. From a practical application, it is possible to conclude that the program provides the calculation originally proposed. It was designed to keep information organized and retrievable at any time, and to show simulation on seasonal water demands throughout the year, contributing with the elements of study concerning reservoir projects. This program, with its functionality, is an important tool for decision making in the water resources management.


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Objective: To evaluate the use of the medial gastrocnemius muscle and/or soleus muscle flaps as surgical treatment of the leg bone exposure.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of patients undergoing transposition of the medial gastrocnemius and / or soleus for treating exposed bone in the leg, from January 1976 to July 2009, gathering information on epidemiological data, the etiology the lesion, the time between the initial injury and muscle transposition, the muscle used to cover the lesion, the healing evolution of the skin coverage and the function of the gastrocnemius-soleus unit.Results: 53 patients were operated, the ages varying between nine and 84 years (mean age 41); 42 were male and 11 female. The main initial injury was trauma (84.8%), consisting of tibia and / or fibula fracture. The most frequently used muscle was the soleus, in 40 cases (75.5%). The rank of 49 patients (92.5%) was excellent or good outcome, of three (5.6%) as regular and of one (1.9%) as unsatisfactory.Conclusion: the treatment of bone exposure with local muscle flaps (gastrocnemius and/or soleus) enables obtaining satisfactory results in covering of exposed structures, favoring local vascularization and improving the initial injury. It offers the advantage of providing a treatment in only one surgical procedure, an earlier recovery and reduced hospital stay.


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As favas maduras de Stryphnodendron obovatum Benth. procedentes de Mato Grosso, administradas a sete vacas com 3 a 7 meses de gestação, na dose de 5 g/kg/dia, durante 9 a 26 dias, causaram doença caractrizada por diminuição do apetite, diminuição da atividade ruminal, sialorréia, dificuldade em se levantar, andar desequilibrado, tremores musculares, acentuado emagrecimento e finalmente em 3 das 7 vacas, aborto entre 20 e 30 dias após o início da administração das favas; uma quarta vaca eliminou um feto mumificado 7 meses após o início do experimento. Três vacas deram nascimento a bezerros normais. Nos fetos abortados e nas placentas não foram verificadas lesões macroscópicas ou microscópicas dignas de nota. Os presentes experimentos confirmam as informações obtidas em fazendas do cerrado nos Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso sobre a ocorrência de aborto em vacas que ingerem as favas de S. obovatum.


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São descritos três surtos da intoxicação por Senna occidentalis em bovinos em criação extensiva, exclusivamente em pastoreio, durante o outono e início do inverno, em três estabelecimentos do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os bovinos afetados tinham acesso a antigas lavouras de soja ou restevas de lavouras de soja e milho altamente infestados por fedegoso (S. occidentalis). No estabelecimento 1, de um total de 34 novilhas (de aprox. 18 meses de idade), 10 morreram (29,1%); no estabelecimento 2, morreram 9 (4,2%) de um total de 212 vacas prenhes e, no estabelecimento 3, morreram 6 (12,0%) de um total de 50 animais. O curso clínico variou de 3 a 6 dias, e os sinais clínicos incluíam urina marrom-escura, fraqueza muscular, tremores, andar cambaleante, decúbito esternal e morte. Os animais, mesmo em decúbito, permaneciam alerta e com reflexos normais, alimentando-se e bebendo água até poucas horas antes da morte. No estabelecimento 2, os bovinos começaram a adoecer 7 dias após terem sido retirados do campo infestado pela planta. As principais alterações observadas na necropsia foram áreas claras na musculatura esquelética, principalmente nos músculos dos membros posteriores e estrias esbranquiçadas na musculatura cardíaca. A principal lesão microscópica era de degeneração e necrose nos músculos esqueléticos (miopatia degenerativa tóxica multifocal multifásica). Os dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, de necropsia e histopatológico permitiram concluir pelo diagnóstico de intoxicação por S. occidentalis, nesses três surtos.


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Tissues from cattle, mice, rats and guinea pigs experimentally intoxicated by Riedeliella graciliflora were studied histologically. Cattle lymph nodes, spleen, Peyer patches and peribronchial lymphoid tissues had diffuse necrosis of lymphocytes, mainly in the germinal centers of the follicles. This lesion was less severe in laboratory animals. All species had severe enteritis with infiltration of the lamina propria by mononuclear cells. Some cells in this infiltrate were necrotic. Degeneration and necrosis of the epithelial cells, mainly in the tip of the villi, and detachment of the epithelial lining from the lamina propria were also observed. In the liver the trabecular structure was disrupted and the hepatocytes had some degree of individual necrosis and degeneration. A tubular nephrosis was observed in the kidneys. Liver, lung, kidney, intestine and lymph nodes had different degrees of congestion. Those lesions are similar than those caused by Polygala klotzschii, a plant that contains 5-metoxi-podophyllotoxin.


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Com o objetivo de melhor caracterizar o quadro clínico na intoxicação experimental por Stryphnodendron obovatum Benth., procedeu-se a administração das favas, por via oral, a seis bovinos, em doses únicas e a 11 outros, em doses repetidas. Doses únicas de 10 e 20g/kg não provocaram sintomas. Doses únicas de 30 e 40g/kg provocaram quadros clínicos desde leves até graves, porém só morreu o animal que ingeriu 60g/kg. Os animais que ingeriram doses repetidas de 2,5g/kg por 30 dias adoeceram levemente, já os que receberam 5g/kg durante 13 e 14 dias mostraram sintomatologia moderada e grave, respectivamente. Um bovino que recebeu 10g/kg por 8 dias, outro que ingeriu 20g/kg por 3 dias e dois outros que receberam 30 e 40g/kg por 2 dias morreram da intoxicação. Os outros três bovinos que receberam doses repetidas (dois com doses de 10g/kg por 20 e 6 dias, outro com dose de 20 g/kg por 2 dias) adoeceram, mas se recuperaram. Os primeiros sintomas de intoxicação, em ambos os grupos, foram observados a partir do primeiro dia do experimento e a evolução variou de 3 a 63 dias. Os sintomas consistiram em anorexia, fezes levemente ressecadas a líquidas, distensão do abdômen, sem timpanismo, perda de fluido ruminal durante a ruminação, atonia e acidose ruminal, cólica, sialorréia, apatia, emagrecimento, fraqueza, erosões e úlceras na cavidade oral. Em alguns animais foram observadas congestão de mucosas visíveis (sem icterícia) e de partes despigmentadas da pele, do córion laminar e da região interdigital dos quatro membros, áreas de alopecia focal e/ou hipotricose nas regiões axilares, na face lateral das coxas e membros e perda dos pêlos da ponta da cauda, alterações estas que podem ser interpretadas como as de leve fotossensibilização. Em três bovinos se observaram relaxamento intermitente do prepúcio, micção freqüente e em gotejamento e, por vezes, gemidos ao eliminar a urina que, em geral, se apresentava turva, ácida, de cor âmbar-escura, com odor adocicado e com a densidade elevada; os níveis de bilirrubina na urina foram normais.


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As partes aéreas de Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. (família Leg. Papilionoideae), planta incriminada pelos criadores de diversas áreas do Nordeste por doença caracterizada por hemoglobinúria em bovinos, foram administradas por via oral a seis bovinos, em doses diárias repetidas de 10 a 40 g/kg, Todos os animais experimentais apresentaram hemoglobinúria, porém passageira, apesar continuidade da administração da planta. Dois desses bovinos não apresentaram manifestações adicionais, um terceiro animal evidenciou manifestações leves, e os três outros, sintomas adicionais de intensidade moderada: apatia, mucosas visíveis de coloração esbranquiçada, pêlos arrepiados, anorexia, diminuição da freqüência e intensidade dos movimentos ruminais, taquicardia, pulso venoso positivo e dispnéia. Antes da crise hemolítica a urina apresentava coloração verde azulada. Nenhum animal experimental morreu, porém um foi sacrificado durante a fase hemoglobinúrica. À necropsia observaram-se anemia, bexiga contendo urina cor de vinho tinto, rins aumentados de volume com coloração marrom-escura, fígado, na superfície e ao corte, de coloração azulada com lobulação perceptível. As principais alterações histológicas foram verificadas no fígado, sob forma de necrose coagulativa e tumefação e/ou microvacuolização citoplasmática dos hepatócitos, e no rim representadas por acentuada nefrose, associada a grande quantidade de filtrado e/ou hemoglobina nos espaços de Bowman dentro de túbulos e do citoplasma das células epiteliais.


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É descrita uma enfermidade caracterizada por manifestações relacionadas aos sistemas nervoso e cardiovascular, que afeta bovinos no oeste de Santa Catarina e noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais apresentam "morte súbita" ou edemas de declive, veias jugulares ingurgitadas e pulso venoso positivo, precedida ou não de apatia, letargia e cegueira. A doença atinge bovinos com mais de um ano, principalmente no outono e inverno, com morbidade de 10 a 60% e mortalidade chegando a 95%. As lesões macroscópicas consistem de áreas esbranquiçadas e firmes no miocárdio, principalmente nas proximidades dos vasos coronários e no septo interventricular. Em parte dos animais, o fígado apresenta-se aumentado de volume e com aspecto de noz-moscada. Alterações histológicas incluem tumefação e necrose de miofibras cardíacas, fibrose e infiltrado de macrófagos no interstício do músculo cardíaco e marcada congestão centrolobular e leve fibrose no fígado. No encéfalo dos bovinos com quadro clínico de letargia, a substância branca apresenta degeneração esponjosa (status spongiosus). A doença com manifestações de letargia e cegueira foi reproduzida em bovinos com o fornecimento de folhas de Ateleia. glazioviana no cocho, na dose única de 40 e 50 g/kg e em doses fracionadas de 2,5, 5,0, 7,5 e 10 g/kg. Lesões cardíacas crônicas foram reproduzidas com doses fracionadas de 2,5, 5,0 e 7,5 g/kg por longo período e com dose inicial de 1 g/kg, acrescida de 1g/kg/dia até atingir 15 g/kg, num total de 120 g/kg.