61 resultados para polarized absorption spectra
Molecular modelling using semiempirical methods AM1, PM3, PM5 and, MINDO as well as the Density Functional Theory method BLYP/DZVP respectively were used to calculate the structure and vibrational spectra of d-glucose and d-fructose in their open chain, alpha-anomer and beta-anomer monohydrate forms. The calculated data show that both molecules are not linear; ground state and the number for the point-group C is equal to 1. Generally, the results indicate that there are similarities in bond lengths and vibrational modes of both molecules. It is concluded that DFT could be used to study both the structural and vibrational spectra of glucose and fructose.
A flow-injection system with sample and reagent addition by the synchronous merging zones approach for calcium determination in milk by flame AAS is proposed. Main parameters were optimized using a factorial design with central point. The optimum conditions were 2.5% (m/v) for La concentration, 8 mL min-1 for the carrier flow-rate, 20 cm for coiled reactor and 250 ìL for sample volume. Different sample preparation procedures were evaluated such as dilution in water or acid and microwave-assisted decomposition using concentrated or diluted acids. The optimized flow system was applied to determine Ca in eleven commercial milk samples and two standard reference materials diluted in water. Similar calcium levels were encountered comparing the results obtained by the proposed method (dilution in water) with those obtained using microwave-oven digestion. Results obtained in two standard reference materials were in agreement at 95% confidence level with those certified. Recoveries of spiked samples were in the 93% - 116% range. Relative standard deviation (n = 12) was < 5.4% and the sample throughput was 150 measurements per hour, corresponding to a consumption of 250 µL of sample and 6.25 mg La per determination.
A procedure for separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of Zn(II) from aqueous media is proposed. The procedure is based on the adsorption of Zn2+ on octadecyl bonded silica membrane disk modified with N,N'-disalicylidene-1,2-phenylendiamine at pH 7. The retained zinc ions were then stripped from the disk with a minimal amount of 1.5 mol L-1 hydrochloric acid solution as eluent, and determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum capacity of the membrane disk modified with 5 mg of the ligand was found to be 226 µg Zn2+. The relative standard deviation of zinc for ten replicate extraction of 10 µg zinc from 1000 mL samples was 1.2%. The limit of detection of the proposed method was 14 ng of Zn2+ per 1000 mL. The method was successfully applied to the determination of zinc in natural water samples and accuracy was examined by recovery experiments and independent analysis by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS).
Quantum Chemical calculations for group 14 elements of Periodic Table (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) and their functional groups have been carried out using Density Functional Theory (DFT) based reactivity descriptors such as group electronegativities, hardness and softness. DFT calculations were performed for a large series of tetracoordinated Sn compounds of the CH3SnRR'X type, where X is a halogen and R and R' are alkyl, halogenated alkyl, alkoxy, or alkyl thio groups. The results were interpreted in terms of calculated electronegativity and hardness of the SnRR'X groups, applying a methodology previously developed by Geerlings and coworkers (J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97, 1826). These calculations allowed to see the regularities concerning the influence of the nature of organic groups RR' and inorganic group X on electronegativities and hardness of the SnRR'X groups; in this case, it was found a very good correlation between the electronegativity of the fragment and experimental 119Sn chemical shifts, a property that sensitively reflects the change in the valence electronic structure of molecules. This work was complemented with the study of some compounds of the EX and ER types, where E= C, Si, Ge, Sn and R= CH3, H, which was performed to study the influence that the central atom has on the electronegativity and hardness of molecules, or whether these properties are mainly affected for the type of ligand bound to the central atom. All these calculations were performed using the B3PW91 functional together with the 6-311++G** basis set level for H, C, Si, Ge, F, Cl and Br atoms and the 3-21G for Sn and I atoms.
In this work, a new mathematical equation correction approach for overcoming spectral and transport interferences was proposed. The proposal was applied to eliminate spectral interference caused by PO molecules at the 217.0005 nm Pb line, and the transport interference caused by variations in phosphoric acid concentrations. Correction may be necessary at 217.0005 nm to account for the contribution of PO, since Atotal217.0005 nm = A Pb217.0005 nm + A PO217.0005 nm. This may be easily done by measuring other PO wavelengths (e.g. 217.0458 nm) and calculating the relative contribution of PO absorbance (A PO) to the total absorbance (Atotal) at 217.0005 nm: A Pb217.0005 nm = Atotal217.0005 nm - A PO217.0005 nm = Atotal217.0005 nm - k (A PO217.0458 nm). The correction factor k is calculated from slopes of calibration curves built up for phosphorous (P) standard solutions measured at 217.0005 and 217.0458 nm, i.e. k = (slope217.0005 nm/slope217.0458 nm). For wavelength integrated absorbance of 3 pixels, sample aspiration rate of 5.0 ml min-1, analytical curves in the 0.1 - 1.0 mg L-1 Pb range with linearity better than 0.9990 were consistently obtained. Calibration curves for P at 217.0005 and 217.0458 nm with linearity better than 0.998 were obtained. Relative standard deviations (RSD) of measurements (n = 12) in the range of 1.4 - 4.3% and 2.0 - 6.0% without and with mathematical equation correction approach were obtained respectively. The limit of detection calculated to analytical line at 217.0005 nm was 10 µg L-1 Pb. Recoveries for Pb spikes were in the 97.5 - 100% and 105 - 230% intervals with and without mathematical equation correction approach, respectively.
This work describes a method to determine Cu at wide range concentrations in a single run without need of further dilutions employing high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Different atomic lines for Cu at 324.754 nm, 327.396 nm, 222.570 nm, 249.215 nm and 224.426 nm were evaluated and main figures of merit established. Absorbance measurements at 324.754 nm, 249.215 nm and 224.426 nm allows the determination of Cu in the 0.07 - 5.0 mg L-1, 5.0 - 100 mg L-1 and 100 - 800 mg L-1 concentration intervals respectively with linear correlation coefficients better than 0.998. Limits of detection were 21 µg L-1, 310 µg L-1 and 1400 µg L-1 for 324.754 nm, 249.215 nm and 224.426 nm, respectively and relative standard deviations (n = 12) were £ 2.7%. The proposed method was applied to water samples spiked with Cu and the results were in agreement at a 95% of confidence level (paired t-test) with those obtained by line-source flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
This work aimed to evaluate the uptake and translocation of quinclorac in function of application sites (shoot or roots) by Echinochloa crusgalli biotypes resistant and susceptible to this herbicide. The treatments consisted of quinclorac doses (0; 0.5; 1; 2; 4; 16 and 64 ppm), applied on the shoot or roots of seedlings of barnyardgrass biotypes. The experimental units consisted of plastic cups containing 250 cm³ of sand. The treatments were applied 10 days after emergence, when barnyardgrass plants reached a 2- to 3- leaf growth stage. The barnyardgrass biotypes were irrigated with nutritive solution weekly and maintained for 40 days after emergence, when length, fresh and dry matter of shoot and roots were evaluated. Variance analysis was carried out using the F test at 5% probability, and in case of significance, a non-linear regression analysis was also carried out using a three-parameter logistic model. In the susceptible biotype, quinclorac was more absorbed by the roots than by the shoot. Comparing dry mass production of the different plant parts of the susceptible biotype per application site, it was verified that quinclorac action is higher when applied to the plant roots. However, for the resistant biotype, it was not possible to determine the dose causing 50% reduction in dry mass accumulation (GR50) and in the resistance index (RI) between both biotypes, due to its high resistance to quinclorac (128 times the recommended dosage). The results showed that quinclorac resistance by the evaluated biotype is not due to differences in the absorption site, strongly suggesting that the resistance acquired by the biotype may result from alteration in the target site.
In Brazil, few research works on mechanisms of weed resistance to glyphosate have been conducted so far. Therefore, this research aimed to study analytical procedures determining the relation between the concentration of plant shikimate after glyphosate application and the plant resistance to this herbicide; and evaluate the glyphosate absorption and translocation into two resistant ® and susceptible (S) horseweed biotypes to glyphosate. Horseweed plants with nine true leaves received glyphosate (720 g a.e. ha-1), and 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 days after application (DAA) the concentration of shikimic acid was measured by HPLC. In another experiment, plants were treated with radiolabeled glyphosate (14C) (1.456 MBq mmol-1 specific activity) and radioactivity was measured 4, 8, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment (HAT) by liquid scintillation spectrometry. The shikimate concentration in plants increased 16,351.14 and 7,892.25 mg kg-1 of dry weight, for R and S plants respectively, at seven DAA. Therefore, the procedure for quantification of shikimic acid was suitable for R and S plants differentiation to glyphosate, indicating that the R population is actually resistant to glyphosate. On average, 98% of glyphosate applied was absorbed by the studied biotypes, at 72 HAT. Around 68% of the absorbed radioactivity remained on the biotypes leaves treated, the S biotype showing the highest translocation. Therefore, the R biotype resistance mechanism studied is associated to the differential translocation.
In tumor-bearing rats, most of the serum amino acids are used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic tissue. In the present study, the effect of Walker 256 carcinoma growth on the intestinal absorption of leucine, methionine and glucose was investigated in newly weaned and mature rats. Food intake and carcass weight were decreased in newly weaned (NT) and mature (MT) rats bearing Walker 256 tumor in comparison with control animals (NC and MC). The tumor/carcass weight ratio was higher in NT than in MT rats, whereas nitrogen balance was significantly decreased in both as compared to control animals. Glucose absorption was significantly reduced in MT rats (MT = 47.3 ± 4.9 vs MC = 99.8 ± 5.3 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05) but this fact did not hamper the evolution of cancer. There was a significant increase in methionine absorption in both groups (NT = 4.2 ± 0.3 and MT = 2.0 ± 0.1 vs NC = 3.7 ± 0.1 and MC = 1.2 ± 0.2 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), whereas leucine absorption was increased only in young tumor-bearing rats (NT = 8.6 ± 0.2 vs NC = 7.7 ± 0.4 nmol min-1 cm-1, Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.05), suggesting that these metabolites are being used for synthesis and oxidation processes by the neoplastic cells, which might ensure their rapid proliferation especially in NT rats.
Amorphous phosphate granules are present in vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The functions attributed to these structures depend on their mineral contents and organic matrix composition. In the present study we have determined zinc concentrations in the hepatopancreas of the crab Ucides cordatus from regions contaminated with zinc, and the elemental composition of hepatopancreal phosphate granules. Organisms were collected from the contaminated areas of Sepetiba Bay (SB) and Guanabara Bay (GB), and from a non-contaminated area, Ribeira Bay (RB). The first two sites are located near the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) showed a significant difference (P<0.05) for zinc concentration in the hepatopancreas from organisms collected at the contaminated sites GB (210 ± 20 µg/g dry weight) and SB (181 ± 16 µg/g dry weight) compared to the non-contaminated site RB (76 ± 14 µg/g dry weight). Phosphate granules isolated from hepatopancreatic tissue were studied by electron diffraction (ED), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI). ED of granules presented no diffraction spots, indicating that these structures are in an amorphous state, while EDX of granules isolated from a contaminated area contained P, Ca and Zn. Mg, Cl and Fe were also found in some of the spectra. ESI showed that O, P and Ca were colocalized in the mineralized layers of most granules observed. The correlation between the results obtained by AAS and those obtained by microanalytical techniques suggests that the hepatopancreatic granules of U. cordatus may be related to the phenomenon of heavy metal retention.
Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) colonizes the large intestine causing a spectrum of disorders, including watery diarrhea, bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic colitis), and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. It is estimated that hemolytic-uremic syndrome is the most common cause of acute renal failure in infants in Argentina. Stx is a multimeric toxin composed of one A subunit and five B subunits. In this study we demonstrate that the Stx2 B subunit inhibits the water absorption (Jw) across the human and rat colonic mucosa without altering the electrical parameters measured as transepithelial potential difference and short circuit current. The time-course Jw inhibition by 400 ng/ml purified Stx2 B subunit was similar to that obtained using 12 ng/ml Stx2 holotoxin suggesting that both, A and B subunits of Stx2 contributed to inhibit the Jw. Moreover, non-hemorrhagic fluid accumulation was observed in rat colon loops after 16 h of treatment with 3 and 30 ng/ml Stx2 B subunit. These changes indicate that Stx2 B subunit induces fluid accumulation independently of A subunit activity by altering the usual balance of intestinal absorption and secretion toward net secretion. In conclusion, our results suggest that the Stx2 B subunit, which is non-toxic for Vero cells, may contribute to the watery diarrhea observed in STEC infection. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether the toxicity of Stx2 B subunit may have pathogenic consequences when it is used as a component in an acellular STEC vaccine or as a vector in cancer vaccines.
We previously reported that a DNA vaccine constructed with the heat shock protein (HSP65) gene from Mycobacterium leprae (DNA-HSP65) was protective and also therapeutic in experimental tuberculosis. By the intramuscular route, this vaccine elicited a predominant Th1 response that was consistent with its protective efficacy against tuberculosis. It has been suggested that the immune response to Hsp60/65 may be the link between exposure to microorganisms and increased cardiovascular risk. Additionally, the high cholesterol levels found in atherosclerosis could modulate host immunity. In this context, we evaluated if an atherogenic diet could modulate the immune response induced by the DNA-HSP65 vaccine. C57BL/6 mice (4-6 animals per group) were initially submitted to a protocol of atherosclerosis induction and then immunized by the intramuscular or intradermal route with 4 doses of 100 µg DNA-HSP65. On day 150 (15 days after the last immunization), the animals were sacrificed and antibodies and cytokines were determined. Vaccination by the intramuscular route induced high levels of anti-Hsp65 IgG2a antibodies, but not anti-Hsp65 IgG1 antibodies and a significant production of IL-6, IFN-g and IL-10, but not IL-5, indicating a Th1 profile. Immunization by the intradermal route triggered a mixed pattern (Th1/Th2) characterized by synthesis of anti-Hsp65 IgG2a and IgG1 antibodies and production of high levels of IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, and IFN-g. These results indicate that experimentally induced atherosclerosis did not affect the ability of DNA-HSP65 to induce a predominant Th1 response that is potentially protective against tuberculosis.
The C/T-13910 mutation is the major factor responsible for the persistence of the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LCT) gene expression. Mutation G/A-22018 appears to be only in co-segregation with C/T-13910. The objective of the present study was to assess the presence of these two mutations in Brazilian individuals with and without lactose malabsorption diagnosed by the hydrogen breath test (HBT). Ten milk-tolerant and 10 milk-intolerant individuals underwent the HBT after oral ingestion of 50 g lactose (equivalent to 1 L of milk). Analyses for C/T-13910 and G/A-22018 mutations were performed using a PCR-based method. Primers were designed for this study based on the GenBank sequence. The CT/GA, CT/AA, and TT/AA genotypes (lactase persistence) were found in 10 individuals with negative HBT. The CC/GG genotype (lactase non-persistence) was found in 10 individuals, 9 of them with positive HBT results. There was a significant agreement between the presence of mutations in the LCT gene promoter and HBT results (kappa = -0.9, P < 0.001). The CT/AA genotype has not been described previously and seems to be related to lactase persistence. The present study showed a significant agreement between the occurrence of mutations G/A-22018 and C/T-13910 and lactose absorption in Brazilian subjects, suggesting that the molecular test used here could be proposed for the laboratory diagnosis of adult-type primary hypolactasia.
Effective statin therapy is associated with a marked reduction of cardiovascular events. However, the explanation for full benefits obtained for LDL cholesterol targets by combined lipid-lowering therapy is controversial. Our study compared the effects of two equally effective lipid-lowering strategies on markers of cholesterol synthesis and absorption. A prospective, open label, randomized, parallel design study, with blinded endpoints, included 116 subjects. We compared the effects of a 12-week treatment with 40 mg rosuvastatin or the combination of 40 mg simvastatin/10 mg ezetimibe on markers of cholesterol absorption (campesterol and β-sitosterol), synthesis (desmosterol), and their ratios to cholesterol. Both therapies similarly decreased total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and apolipoprotein B, and increased apolipoprotein A1 (P < 0.05 vs baseline for all). Simvastatin/ezetimibe increased plasma desmosterol (P = 0.012 vs baseline), and decreased campesterol and β-sitosterol (P < 0.0001 vs baseline for both), with higher desmosterol (P = 0.007) and lower campesterol and β-sitosterol compared to rosuvastatin, (P < 0.0001, for both). In addition, rosuvastatin increased the ratios of these markers to cholesterol (P < 0.002 vs baseline for all), whereas simvastatin/ezetimibe significantly decreased the campesterol/cholesterol ratio (P = 0.008 vs baseline) and tripled the desmosterol/cholesterol ratio (P < 0.0001 vs baseline). The campesterol/cholesterol and β-sitosterol/cholesterol ratios were lower, whereas the desmosterol/cholesterol ratio was higher in patients receiving simvastatin/ezetimibe (P < 0.0001 vs rosuvastatin, for all). Pronounced differences in markers of cholesterol absorption and synthesis were observed between two equally effective lipid-lowering strategies.
The Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) was the technique chosen by the inorganic contamination laboratory (INCQ/ FIOCRUZ) to be validated and applied in routine analysis for arsenic detection and quantification. The selectivity, linearity, sensibility, detection, and quantification limits besides accuracy and precision parameters were studied and optimized under Stabilized Temperature Platform Furnace (STPF) conditions. The limit of detection obtained was 0.13 µg.L-1 and the limit of quantification was 1.04 µg.L-1, with an average precision, for total arsenic, less than 15% and an accuracy of 96%. To quantify the chemical species As(III) and As(V), an ion-exchange resin (Dowex 1X8, Cl- form) was used and the physical-chemical parameters were optimized resulting in a recuperation of 98% of As(III) and of 90% of As(V). The method was applied to groundwater, mineral water, and hemodialysis purified water samples. All results obtained were lower than the maximum limit values established by the legal Brazilian regulations, in effect, 50, 10, and 5 µg.L-1 para As total, As(III) e As(V), respectively. All results were statistically evaluated.