56 resultados para Oscillatory Marangoni-Convection
O Brasil vem perdendo espaço no mercado internacional devido à piora da qualidade do café. As substâncias tóxicas liberadas pelos fungos além de alterarem a qualidade da bebida, também podem ser prejudiciais à saúde dos consumidores. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o isolamento de fungos a partir de grãos de café da variedade IAPAR 59, relacionando-os com a qualidade da bebida. Foram realizadas colheitas de grãos da árvore e do solo em diferentes tempos (0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias). O isolamento dos fungos foi feito pelo método Pour-plate e para a identificação dos fungos utilizou-se o Microcultivo e a Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Houve diferença significativa no número absoluto de fungos encontrados nos grãos da árvore (5393), em relação aos grãos coletados no solo (1523). Foram identificados 7 gêneros: Absidia, Acremonium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Paecilomyces e Penicillium. Verificaram-se elevados níveis de Ocratoxina A em algumas amostras de café. A bebida perdeu a qualidade em função do tempo de permanência dos grãos na árvore e no solo, portanto, para a obtenção de uma bebida de melhor qualidade, deve-se evitar a permanência prolongada dos grãos em seus locais de origem.
Foi avaliada a atividade antioxidante pelo Sistema β-caroteno/Ácido Linoleico, ensaio do radical DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazila), do extrato bruto (EB) e frações hexânica (FH), clorofórmica (FC) e acetato de etila (FA) das pimentas malagueta (C. frutescens), cambuci (C. baccatum var. pendulum), cumari (C. baccatum var praetermissum) e pimentão magali (C. annuum var. annuum). As concentrações de capsaicinoides e de fenólicos totais presentes nas pimentas também foram determinadas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as FC e FA das pimentas apresentaram maior concentração de fenólicos totais e capsaicinoides, sendo que a pimenta cumari foi a espécie com maior concentração destes compostos. A melhor atividade antioxidante pelo Sistema β-caroteno/Ácido Linoleico, foi obtida para o EB e FA da pimenta cambuci, seguida do EB da pimenta malagueta. Pelo método DPPH a FC e FA apresentaram menores valores de EC50, sendo a pimenta cumari e cambuci as mais efetivas. Estes resultados demonstram que as pimentas cumari, cambuci e malagueta podem ser utilizadas como agentes antioxidantes naturais em alimentos.
In-package pasteurization is the most used method for beer microbiological stabilization. The search for safer and better quality food has created a need to better understand the processes involved in producing it. However, little is known about the temperature and velocity profiles during the thermal processes of liquid foods in commercial packaging, which results in over-dimensioned processes to guarantee safety, decreasing the sensorial and nutritional characteristics of the product and increasing process costs. Simulations using Computational Fluid-Dynamics (CFD) have been used by various authors to evaluate those processes. The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the effect of packaging orientation in the pasteurization of beer in a commercial aluminum can using CFD. A heating process was simulated at 60 ºC up to 15 PUs (a conventional beer process, in which 1 Pasteurization Unit (PU) is equivalent to 1minute at 60 ºC). The temperature profile and convection current velocity along the process and the variation of the PUs were evaluated in relation to time considering the cans in the conventional, inverted, and horizontal positions. The temperature and velocity profiles were similar to those presented in the literature. The package position did not result in process improvement.
The descriptive terminology and sensory prolife of four samples of Italian salami were determined using a methodology based on the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). A sensory panel consensually defined sensory descriptors, their respective reference materials, and the descriptive evaluation ballot. Twelve individuals were selected as judges and properly trained. They used the following criteria: discriminating power, reproducibility, and individual consensus. Twelve descriptors were determined showing similarities and differences among the Italian salami samples. Each descriptor was evaluated using a 10 cm non-structured scale. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, Tukey test, and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The salami with coriander essential oil (T3) had lower rancid taste and rancid odor, whereas the control (T1) showed high values of these sensory attributes. Regarding brightness, T4 showed the best result. For the other attributes, T1, T2, T3, and T4 were similar.
Four formulations of Italian salami type were produced: without antioxidants; with essential oil of coriander essential oil (0.01%); with BHT (0.01%); and with Coriander essential oil and BHT (0.005 and 0.005%). The antioxidant activity of salamis was evaluated by the lipid oxidation, through the techniques of peroxide number and TBARS. The salami with the coriander essential oil exhibited reduction in lipid oxidation by increasing the shelf life of the product. The salami with the coriander essential oil and BHT showed no synergism between the antioxidants. The salami using BHT presented less antioxidant activity than that of the salami using coriander essential oil.
Syrups with high sugar content and dehydrated fruits in its composition can be added to chocolate fillings to reduce the need of artificial flavor and dyes attributing a natural appeal to the product. Fruit bases were produced with lyophilized strawberry, passion fruit, and sliced orange peel. Rheological dynamic oscillatory tests were applied to determine the products stability and tendency of shelf life. Values of G´< G´´ were observed for strawberry and passion fruit flavor, whereas values of G´ > G´´ were found for orange flavor during the 90 days of storage. It was observed that shear stress values did not vary significantly suggesting product stability during the studied period. For all fillings, it was found a behavior similar to the fruit base indicating that it has great influence on the filling behavior and its stability. The use of a sugar matrix in fillings provided good shelf life for the fruit base, which could be kept under room temperature conditions for a period as long as one year. The good stability and storage conditions allow the use of fruit base for handmade products as well as for industrialized products.
Food processes must ensure safety and high-quality products for a growing demand consumer creating the need for better knowledge of its unit operations. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been widely used for better understanding the food thermal processes, and it is one of the safest and most frequently used methods for food preservation. However, there is no single study in the literature describing thermal process of liquid foods in a brick shaped package. The present study evaluated such process and the influence of its orientation on the process lethality. It demonstrated the potential of using CFD to evaluate thermal processes of liquid foods and the importance of rheological characterization and convection in thermal processing of liquid foods. It also showed that packaging orientation does not result in different sterilization values during thermal process of the evaluated fluids in the brick shaped package.
Red pepper is rich in vitamin C and other phytochemicals and can be consumed as a dehydrated product. The evaluation of the best drying conditions can ensure a better quality product. This study aimed to investigate the effect of air temperature (55, 65, and 75 ºC) on drying kinetics of red peppers and on vitamin C, total phenolic content, and color of dried pepper as compared to the fresh product. Dehydration was carried out in a forced convection oven. Drying kinetics was determined by periodic weighting until constant weight. The moisture content of the fresh pepper was approximately 86%. The drying curves were fitted to three different models available in the literature. The Page model showed the best fit for this process. Analysis of variance revealed that the air drying temperature significantly influenced (p < 0.05) the quality parameters (vitamin C content, total phenolic content, and color) of the dried pepper as compared to the fresh pepper. After drying, the vitamin C retention increased with reduced air-drying temperature. In general, products dried at lower temperatures exhibited better quality due to reduced losses of bioactive compounds.
Chenopodium quinoa seeds have high protein content. The nutritional value of quinoa is superior compared with traditional cereals. Its essential amino acid composition is considered next to the ideal, and its quality matches that of milk proteins. In this study, the seed storage proteins from Chenopodium quinoa were extracted, fractionated, partially purified, and characterized. The structural characterization was performed by Tricine-SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional electrophoresis, and it confirmed the presence of proteins of molecular weight of 30 and 7kDa, probably corresponding to lectins and trypsin inhibitors, respectively. The functional characterization of these proteins evidenced their activity as antinutritional factors due to their in vitro digestibility. Quinoa proteins have an excellent amino acid composition with many essential amino acids. In vitro digestibility evaluation indicated that heat-treated samples showed a more complete digestion than the native state samples. Quinoa seeds can be an important cereal in human diet after adequate heat treatment.
Abstract A novel trypsin inhibitor of protease (CqTI) was purified from Chenopodium quinoa seeds. The optimal extracting solvent was 0.1M NaCl pH 6.8 (p < 0.05). The extraction time of 5h and 90 °C was optimum for the recovery of the trypsin inhibitor from C. quinoa seeds. The purification occurred in gel-filtration and reverse phase chromatography. CqTI presented active against commercial bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin and had a specific activity of 5,033.00 (TIU/mg), which was purified to 333.5-fold. The extent of purification was determined by SDS-PAGE. CqTI had an apparent molecular weight of approximately 12KDa and two bands in reduced conditions as determined by Tricine-SDS-PAGE. MALDI-TOF showed two peaks in 4,246.5 and 7,908.18m/z. CqTI presented high levels of essential amino acids. N-terminal amino acid sequence of this protein did not show similarity to any known protease inhibitor. Its activity was stable over a pH range (2-12), temperatures range (20-100 °C) and reducing agents.
Abstract A novel lectin was isolated from the seeds of Chenopodium quinoa. To achieve this end, the crude extract from the quinoa was submitted to two purification steps, Sephadex G50 and Mono Q. The hemagglutinating activity showed that this lectin agglutinates human erythrocytes. Its activity is inhibited by glucose and mannose, and remained stable under a wide range of pH levels and temperatures. The quinoa lectin was found to be a heterodimeric lectin of approximately 60 kDa, consisting of two subunits of approximately 25 kDa and 35 kDa. This lectin had its antimicrobial activity tested against several bacteria strains and effectively inhibited three strains. These strains were all Gram-negative, making this lectin a promising antimicrobial tool.