620 resultados para Luciano, de Samósata


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An experience aiming to promote a residue interchange and recovery between the teaching laboratories of the Chemistry Institute of this University is described. At the present, several residues interchange have already appeared as advantageous. To make the work easier, a software has been developed in order to keep a record of all the residues generated by the teaching laboratories. Standard labels have been developed for the residues in order to organize them. The software and the label design are described.


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Eu3+ luminescence and EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) results are presented for organic-inorganic hybrid gel hosts composed of a siliceous network to which small chains of oxyethylene units are covalently grafted by means of urea bridges. Coordination numbers for Eu3+ ions range from 12.8 to 9.7 with increasing Eu3+ concentration while the Eu3+-first neighbours mean distance is found to be constant at 2.48-2.49 Å in the same concentration range. Emission spectra display a broad band in the green/blue spectral region superposed to narrow lines appearing in the yellow/red region in such a way that for the eyes emission appears white. The broad band is assigned to intrinsic NH groups emission and also to electron-hole recombination in the nanosised siliceous domains. The narrow lines are assigned to intra-4f6, 5D0->7F0-4 Eu3+ transitions and from the energy position of the 7F0-4 levels a mean distance could be calculated for the Eu3+-first neighbours. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental ones obtained from EXAFS analysis.


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The gas-phase ion-molecule reactions of the Me3SiN(H)SiMe2+ ion, obtained by electron ionization from Me3SiN(H)SiMe3, have been studied in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance spectrometer in order to understand the mechanistic details of an important chemical system presently used in film formation. This silyl cation has been observed to undergo addition reactions at electron rich centers to form stable adducts that may undergo further methane elimination in the case of alcohols and amines. The most important feature of these reactions is the fact that a metathesis type reaction can be observed in the presence of H2O, and other hydrogen labile substrates like alcohols, leading to the formation of the corresponding oxygen-containing ion, i.e. Me3SiOSiMe2+. For alcohols (ROH), facile formation of a tertiary product ion, presumably corresponding to an Me3Si-O-Si(Me)=O+-R structure with elimination of an amine reveals the strong tendency of these nitrogen-containing ions to undergo metathesis type reactions with oxygen containing substrates.


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An experiment for the synthesis of isobutylene from tert-butanol dehydratation using oxalic acid as catalyst, followed by preparations of tert-butyl benzoate and tert-butyl cinnamate is described. The synthesis are simple, requiring two periods of 4 hours and are suitable for undergraduate organic chemistry experimental courses.


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In this paper a methodology for the computation of Raman scattering cross-sections and depolarization ratios within the Placzek Polarizability Theory is described. The polarizability gradients are derived from the values of the dynamic polarizabilities computed at the excitation frequencies using ab initio Linear Response Theory. A sample application of the computational program, at the HF, MP2 and CCSD levels of theory, is presented for H2O and NH3. The results show that high correlated levels of theory are needed to achieve good agreement with experimental data.


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Antimony preparations are the drugs of choice for the treatment of leishmaniasis over 90 years, a disease that currently affects 12 million people worldwide. Its introduction was based on 19th century concepts of therapeutic effects of metal salts as arsenicals and other metals, most of them abandoned due to toxic effects or better drugs. In the last three decades, there was a great improvement in the knowledge of cell biology and immunology of those infections, but chemotherapy has not been improved in the same strength. The structure and mechanism of action of the two pentavalent antimonial drugs of choice, meglumine antimoniate and sodium stibogluconate, are not well known and the contamination of those pharmaceutical by toxic contaminants have been verified.


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In this work, aqueous suspensions of aluminas with different particle sizes were evaluated. The effect of pH on the electrosteric stabilization using PMAA-NH4 (ammonium polymethacrylate) as deflocculant was studied. The amount of deflocculant was optimized and rheologic properties were determined at four different pH values. Sedimentation was also evaluated. For suspensions with pH 4, an electrostatic mechanism of stabilization was observed, probably due to a flat adsorption of PMMA- on the alumina surface, leading to a small efficiency in relation to steric stabilization. For a suspension with pH 12, the steric mechanism of stabilization prevails. Suspensions with pH 7 and 9 present a higher flocculation degree. In relation to particle size, A-1000 samples present a smaller particle size, leading to a smaller interparticle distance (IPS), making stabilization more difficult.


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This work presents a study on the determination of the optimal experimental conditions for processing spent commercial zeolites in order to recover lanthanide elements and eventually other elements. The process is based on the fusion of the sample with potassium hydrogenosulfate (KHSO4). Three experimental parameters were studied: temperature, reaction time and catalyst/flux mass ratio. After fusion the solid was dissolved in water and the amount of insoluble matter was used to determine the efficiency of the process. The optimized experimental parameters depend on the composition of the sample processed. Under such conditions the insoluble residue corresponds to SiO2. Lanthanide elements and aluminum present in solution were isolated by conventional precipitation techniques; the yields were at least 75 wt%. The final generated wastes correspond to neutral colorless solutions containing alkali chlorides/sulfates and solids that can be disposed of in industrial dumps.


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This work describes the flavonoids and biflavonoids found in species of Ouratea and Luxemburgia as chemical markers that serve to detect the difference between these taxa according to the linkage between the flavonoidal units. A rational nomenclature is proposed and the pharmacological potencial is discussed.


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The chloroform extract of aerial parts of Ipomoea subincana was submitted to different chromatographic procedures which afforded methyl caffeate, ethyl caffeate, methyl 3,4-dimethoxycinnamate, lupeol, alpha-amyrin, beta-amyrin, 3-beta-O-beta-D-glycopiranosyl-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, scopoletin, aromadendrane-4beta,10alpha-diol, n-docosyl-cis-p-coumarate and n-icosyl-trans-p-coumarate, vanilin, cinamic acid and vanillic acid. However, from the ethyl acetate extract besides quercetin and 3-O-beta-D-glycopiranosyl-quercetin were isolated methyl 4-O-E-feruloyl-5-O-E-caffeoyl-quinate, methyl 3,5-di-O-E-caffeoyl-quinate and methyl 4-O-E-caffeoyl-quinate. The structures of the compounds were established on the basis of spectral data.


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In this work, a new adsorbent was prepared by microencapsulation of sulfoxine into chitosan microspheres by the spray drying technique. The new adsorbent was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis of energy dispersive X-rays. The Cu(II) adsorption was studied as a function of pH, time and concentration. The optimum pH was found to be 6.0. The kinetic and equilibrium data showed that the adsorption process followed the pseudo second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm model over the entire concentration range. An increase of 8.0% in the maximum adsorption capacity of the adsorbent (53.8 mg g-1) was observed as compared to chitosan glutaraldehyde cross-linked microspheres.


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Endophytes live in association with host plants during all or part of their life cycle without causing any apparent disease. They are considered outstanding and underexploited sources of novel bioactive compounds. Chaetomium globosum was isolated as an endophytic fungus from the healthy leaves of Viguiera robusta. C.globosum is a remarkable producer of chaetoglobosins, which are typically cytotoxic. In this work, chaetoglobosins B (1), D (2) and E (3) have been produced by the endophytic C. globosum strain. Chaetoglobosin B was evaluated against Jurkat (leukemia) and B16F10 (melanoma) tumoral cells and showed 89.55% and 57.10% of inhibition at 0.1 mg mL-1, respectively. Chaetoglobosin B also showed weak antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 120 µg/mL) and Escherichia coli (MIC 189 µg/mL).


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The first computational implementation that automates the procedures involved in the calculation of infrared intensities using the charge-charge flux-dipole flux model is presented. The atomic charges and dipoles from the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) model was programmed for Morphy98, Gaussian98 and Gaussian03 programs outputs, but for the ChelpG parameters only the Gaussian programs are supported. Results of illustrative but new calculations for the water, ammonia and methane molecules at the MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p) theoretical level, using the ChelpG and QTAIM/Morphy charges and dipoles are presented. These results showed excellent agreement with analytical results obtained directly at the MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p) level of theory.


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Previous studies indicated that free radicals control organic matter redox activities. In the present study, organic matter of an ultra-filtrated material collected from seven samples taken seasonally from the Paraiba do Sul River for two years were titrated with an oxidizer (I2) in an inert atmosphere. Standard formal potential values for the electrode MO Ox, MO Red ranged from 0.754 to 0.786 V at a 25 ºC temperature. Organic matter oxidation capacity (COx) per carbon mass varied according to pH values, and changes in COx were related to rainfall and river flow intensities.


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The synthesis of fine chemicals intermediates using Friedel-Crafts acylation is one of the most important methods in chemical technology. In this work, the acylation of 2-methoxynaphthalene with acetic anhydride using a silica-supported dodecatungstophosphoric acid catalyst (HPW/SiO2) and acetonitrila as solvent was studied, showing that this reaction is a feasible alternative to produce intermediaries to replace the current methods of production. The reactions using acetonitrile solvent showed yields greater than or equal to the reactions using traditional solvents such as nitrobenzene and dichloroethane. Finally, the modified Eley-Rideal mechanism was proposed to elucidate the experimental data obtained.