579 resultados para Doença Inflamatória Intestinal


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Introduction This study evaluated the presence of pathogenic human parasites on field-grown strawberries in the Federal District of Brazil. Methods A total of 48 samples of strawberries and 48 soil samples from 16 properties were analyzed. Results Contaminated strawberries were detected in 56% of the properties. Schistosoma mansoni, Ascaris lumbricoides or Ascaris suum, Balantidium coli, Endolimax nana, and Entamoeba spp. were detected. Soil was contaminated with Entamoeba spp., Entamoeba coli, Strongyloides spp., Ancylostomatidae, and Hymenolepis nana. Conclusions Producers should be instructed on the safe handling of strawberries in order to reduce the incidence of strawberries that are contaminated with enteroparasites.


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INTRODUCTION: Transmission of pathogenic protozoa and helminths by water is a serious public health problem. In this study, we analyzed the presence of these organisms in the Beberibe River in Pernambuco, Brazil. METHODS: Parasite analysis was performed using the Hoffman, Pons, & Janer method followed by centrifugation and preparation of slides by staining with acetic acid and Lugol's solution. Protozoan oocysts were isolated by the modified Ziehl Neelsen method. RESULTS: Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia spp. and other parasites were found in the Beberibe River. CONCLUSIONS: Sanitation companies must assess pathogenic intestinal parasites in water basins providing public water and subsequently develop improved treatment systems for removal of such parasites.


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In the State of Amazonas, Brazil, urban expansion together with precarious basic sanitation conditions and human settlement on river banks has contributed to the persistence of waterborne and intestinal parasitic diseases. Time series of the recorded cases of cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and leptospirosis are described, using data from different levels of the surveillance systems. The sources for intestinal parasitosis prevalence data (non-compulsory reporting in Brazil) were Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Literatura Latino-Americana (LILACS) and the annals of major scientific meetings. Relevant papers and abstracts in all languages were accessed by two independent reviewers. The references cited by each relevant paper were scrutinized to locate additional papers. Despite its initial dissemination across the entire State of Amazonas, cholera was controlled in 1998. The magnitude of typhoid fever has decreased; however, a pattern characterized by eventual outbreaks still remains. Leptospirosis is an increasing cause of concern in association with the annual floods. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites is high regardless of the municipality and the characteristics of areas and populations. The incidence of hepatitis A has decreased over the past decade. A comparison of older and recent surveys shows that the prevalence of intestinal parasitic diseases has remained constant. The load of waterborne and intestinal parasitic diseases ranks high among the health problems present in the State of Amazonas. Interventions aiming at basic sanitation and vaccination for hepatitis A were formulated and implemented, but assessment of their effectiveness in the targeted populations is still needed.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Few studies have described the risk factors of intestinal parasitic infections in the Amazon. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was performed in a City of the State of Amazonas (Brazil) to estimate the prevalence of intestinal parasites and determine the risk factors for helminth infections. RESULTS: Ascaris lumbricoides was the most prevalent parasite. The main risk factors determined were: not having a latrine for A. lumbricoides infection; being male and having earth or wood floors for hookworm infection; and being male for multiple helminth infections. CONCLUSIONS: We reported a high prevalence of intestinal parasites and determined some poverty-related risk factors.


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Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and plays a key role in the response of the small intestine to systemic injuries. Mucosal atrophy is an important phenomenon that occurs in some types of clinical injury, such as states of severe undernutrition. Glutamine has been shown to exert powerful trophic effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa after small bowel resection or transplant, radiation injury, surgical trauma, ischemic injury and administration of cytotoxic drugs. Since no study has been performed on the malnourished animal, we examined whether glutamine exerts a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa of the malnourished growing rat. Thirty-five growing female rats (aged 21 days) were divided into 4 groups: control - chow diet; malnutrition diet; malnutrition+chow diet; and malnutrition+glutamine-enriched chow diet (2%). For the first 15 days of the experiment, animals in the test groups received a malnutrition diet, which was a lactose-enriched diet designed to induce diarrhea and malnutrition. For the next 15 days, these animals received either the lactose-enriched diet, a regular chow diet or a glutamine-enriched chow diet. After 30 days, the animals were weighed, sacrificed, and a section of the jejunum was taken and prepared for histological examination. All the animals had similar weights on day 1 of experiment, and feeding with the lactose-enriched diet promoted a significant decrease in body weight in comparison to the control group. Feeding with both experimental chow-based diets promoted significant body weight gains, although the glutamine-enriched diet was more effective. RESULTS: The morphological and morphometric analyses demonstrated that small intestinal villous height was significantly decreased in the malnourished group, and this change was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. Crypt depth was significantly increased by malnutrition, and this parameter was partially corrected by the two types of chow-based diet. The glutamine-enriched diet resulted in the greatest reduction of crypt depth, and this reduction was also statistically significant when compared with control animals. CONCLUSIONS: Enteral glutamine has some positive effects on body weight gain and trophism of the jejunal mucosa in the malnourished growing rat.


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The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a hereditary disease that requires frequent endoscopic and surgical intervention, leading to secondary complications such as short bowel syndrome. CASE REPORT: This paper reports on a 15-year-old male patient with a family history of the disease, who underwent surgery for treatment of an intestinal occlusion due to a small intestine intussusception. DISCUSSION: An intra-operative fiberscopic procedure was included for the detection and treatment of numerous polyps distributed along the small intestine. Enterotomy was performed to treat only the larger polyps, therefore limiting the intestinal resection to smaller segments. The postoperative follow-up was uneventful. CONCLUSION: We point out the importance of conservative treatment for patients with this syndrome, especially those who will undergo repeated surgical interventions because of clinical manifestation while they are still young.


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Short-bowel syndrome is responsible for significant metabolic alterations that compromise nutritional status. Glutamine is considered an essential nutrient for enterocytes, so beneficial effects from supplementation of the diet with glutamine are hypothesized. PURPOSE: In this study, the effect of a diet enriched with glutamine was evaluated in rats undergoing extensive small bowel resection, with analysis of postoperative weight loss and intestinal morphometrics of villi height, crypt depth, and thickness of the duodenal and remnant jejunal mucosa. METHODS: Three groups of male Wistar rats were established receiving the following diets: with glutamine, without glutamine, and the standard diet of laboratory ration. All animals underwent an extensive small bowel resection, including the ileocecal valve, leaving a remnant jejunum of only 25 cm from the pylorus that was anastomosed lateral-laterally to the ascendant colon. The animals were weighed at the beginning and end of the experiment (20th postoperative day). Then they were killed and the remnant intestine was removed. Fragments of duodenal and jejunal mucosa were collected from the remnant intestine and submitted to histopathologic exam. The morphometric study of the intestinal mucosa was accomplished using a digital system (KS 300) connected to an optic microscope. Morphometrics included villi height, crypt depth, and the total thickness of intestinal mucosa. RESULTS: The weight loss comparison among the 3 groups showed no significant loss difference. The morphometric studies showed significantly taller duodenal villi in the glutamine group in comparison to the without glutamine group, but not different from the standard diet group. The measurements obtained comparing the 3 groups for villi height, crypt depth, and thickness of the remnant jejunum mucosa were greater in the glutamine-enriched diet group than for the without-glutamine diet group, though not significantly different from with standard-diet group. CONCLUSIONS: In rats with experimentally produced short-bowel syndrome, glutamine-enrichment of an isonitrogenous test diet was associated with an improved adaptation response by the intestinal mucosa but not reduced weight loss. However, the adaptation response in the group receiving the glutamine-enriched diet was not improved over that for the group fed regular chow.


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Neste trabalho, objetivou-se a caracterização de uma enfermidade ainda nova para o Estado do Acre, na castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia. excelsa), onde, após, exames macro e microscópios, foi constatado que tal doença era causada pelo fungo do gênero Colletotrichumsp. Em pesquisas de laboratório, foi testada a eficiência de quatro produtos químicos: MONCOZEB, BENOMYL, TIABENDAZOLE e PCNB, na inibição do desenvolvimento micelial "in vitro" do fungo Colletotrichumsp. Os resultados indicaram que apenas o Moncozeb não apresentou efeito inibidor sobre o crescimento do fungo. Os demais inibiram totalmente o crescimento micelial do fungo estudado.


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A solução de glicose a 0,1% perfundida num seguimento intestinal de ratos anestesiados apresenta uma velocidade constante de absorção. A associação do chá da Romã na solução de glicose inibe a sua absorção sem apresentar atividade inibidora residual. O extrato da Romã injetado IP previamente também inibe a absorção da glicose perfundida.Não foi detetada (s) substância (s) inibidora (s) da absorção da glicose.


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Os autores registraram a ocorrência de mais um caso autóctone de doença de Chagas no Estado do Pará, desta feita na localidade de São Francisco do Pará, distante 95 km da capital. Esse caso constitui o 11° registro no Estado e o 29° da bacia amazônica. O paciente, um menino de 7 anos de idade, teve diagnóstico sorológico e paraitológico positivos para T. cruzi. O perfil enzimático da amostra isolada foi caracterizado por eletroforese de enzimas como zimodema 3.


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Dados obtidos em experimentos realizados durante a década 83/92 pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético do Tomateiro foram utilizados para avaliar a eficiência da utilização do parâmetro epidemiológico Taxa de Infecçâo para seleção de progênies resistentes ao patógeno Pseudomonas solanacearum. Foram obtidas evidências que as progênies selecionadas de uma geração para a seguinte apresentaram níveis crescentes de resistência e maior capacidade produtiva sob condição de cultivo em solos infestados pelo patógeno, usando-se como padrões de susceptibilidade variedades do grupo Santa Cruz e de resistência a variedade Caraiba. A Taxa de Infecção consegue detectar elevado número de contrastes significativos quando comparada com outros parâmetros que não consideram a resistência como resultante de um processo na qual a expressão é modificada com o tempo.


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Apresenta-se a distribuição de Panstrongylus megistus no Estado do Maranhão, com base nos dados do inquérito triatomínico realizado pela Fundação Nacional de Saúde, de 1982 a 1995. O método básico utilizado foi a captura de adultos e ninfas nos ambientes peri e intradomiciliares. Os trabalhos de coleta dentro das casas começavam pelos cômodos dos fundos, passando de um aposento para o outro, até a frente. Na parte externa das casas foram inspecionados pátio, quintal, jardim e anexos - galinheiro, chiqueiro, estábulo, curral etc. Todos os exemplares encontrados eram capturados, identificados e, quando possível, examinado o conteúdo intestinal para detecção de Trypanosoma. O estudo envolveu 87 dos 136 municípios em que se divide geograficamente o Maranhão. O Panstrongylus megistus encontrava-se confinado em 14 municípios pertencentes à zona dos cerrados que caracterizam a porção mais meridional do Estado. Dos 1.632 exemplares capturados 277 foram examinados, resultando no índice global de infecção por Trypanosoma tipo cruzi de 1,1%. Os municípios que apresentaram maior quantidade de espécimens capturados foram São João dos Patos (22,4%), Pastos Bons (15%), São Raimundo das Mangabeiras (14,5%), Mirador (14,3%), Riachão (8,3%) e Loreto (6,2%). Atualmente, o P. megistus restringe a sua área de ocorrência às regiões sudeste e sul do Maranhão. A julgar por este padrão de distribuição, presume-se que esta espécie penetrou no território maranhense através dos estados do Piauí, Goiás ou Tocantins, utilizando os cerrados como rota.


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Diagnosticar depressão em um doente clínico é uma tarefa difícil por vários motivos. Muito embora tristeza e humor depressivo possam indicar síndrome depressiva subjacente, eles também podem fazer parte da adaptação normal a uma doença que ameace a vida. Os sintomas somáticos e vegetativos incluídos nos critérios diagnósticos das classificações atuais não são específicos e podem de fato ser atribuíveis à hospitalização, aos tratamentos ou à própria doença clínica. Tratar a depressão no paciente clínico é também difícil devido à preocupação com a interação de drogas, assim como questões de eficácia e segurança nesse grupo. Nesta conferência clínica os autores discutem questões como que diagnósticos podem ser feitos em pacientes clínicos com sintomas depressivos; prevalência de depressão em diferentes ambientes; mecanismos de co-morbidade (fatores fisiológicos e comportamentais) que relacionam a depressão às doenças clínicas e o manuseio da depressão nesse grupo.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo desta revisão de literatura é avaliar a eficácia, a segurança e a tolerabilidade da memantina, um antagonista não-competitivo do receptor N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDA), no tratamento da doença de Alzheimer em seus estágios moderado a grave. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se uma busca no banco de dados MEDLINE com as palavras-chave memantine e Alzheimer's disease, sendo inseridos apenas ensaios clínicos randomizados, duplo-cegos e controlados com placebo. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos quatro estudos que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão supracitados, realizados com pacientes portadores de doença de Alzheimer com grau moderado a grave. Todos os estudos indicaram um efeito benéfico da memantina com relação ao placebo para os seguintes parâmetros: melhora da capacidade funcional e maior participação nas atividades diárias. Dois estudos evidenciaram melhora cognitiva. A duração média dos estudos foi de 28 semanas e as doses mais eficazes variaram de 10 a 20mg/dia. Os efeitos adversos, em todos os estudos, foram maiores no grupo placebo. DISCUSSÃO: Apesar de ser uma droga nova e ainda de custo elevado, a memantina parece reduzir os custos totais e o tempo gasto do cuidador, além de produzir melhora global do paciente, gerando melhor qualidade de vida tanto para o paciente quanto para o cuidador. Estudos ainda não publicados, contudo, sugerem que o impacto dessa droga nos estágios mais avançados da demência de Alzheimer seja marginal.