45 resultados para perforated vent tiles
The synthesis of the ceramic pigment Victoria Green (Ca3Cr2Si3O12 ) is described. As raw materials CaCO3, Cr2O3, and SiO2 obtained from rice husk were used. Borax was used as mineralizer. Raw materials were formulated stoichiometrically and calcined from 1000 to 1200 ºC for 180 min. The main phase detected was uvarovite with particle size below 45 mm. The pigments were applied on ceramic tiles and sintered at 1150 ºC for 40 min. The synthesis process showed to be adequate to produce the green pigment, whose characteristics resemble those of a commercial pigment.
Among the building materials used in rural facilities, roofs are noteworthy for being largely responsible for thermal comfort, influencing the thermal balance within the shelter. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of roof on the Enthalpy (H), Thermal Load of Radiation (TLR), and Black Globe Temperature and Humidity Index (BGHI) in individual shelters for dairy calves. The design was completely randomized with three treatments: Z - zinc tile, AC - asbestos-cement tile and ACW - asbestos-cement tile painted white on the upper side. The averages were compared by the Scott Knott test at 1% probability. The results showed no statistical difference between treatments (P<0.01) and the external environment for H. For TLR, there was statistical difference among all treatments, where ACW showed the lowest TLR, 489.28 W m-2, followed by AC with 506.72 W m-2 and Z with the highest TLR, 523.55 W m-2. For BGHI, the lowest values were observed for ACW (76.8) and AC (77.4), differing significantly from Z, which obtained the highest value (81.6). The tiles with white paint on the upper side promoted the lowest TLR and the lowest BGHI, favoring the thermal environment in the shelter.
It was compared the performance of the metering mechanism of corn seeds (Zea mays) in direct seeding in an area of 200 ha, a property in Piraí do Sul, State of Paraná - PR, in Brazil. It was seeded 4 maize hybrids, 50 ha of each, with seeds of different sieves. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design (RBD), with 3 treatments and 9 repetitions for each corn hybrid. The treatments were the pneumatic seed of metering mechanisms, horizontal perforated disc with and without ramp®. The plots were 40 m² and were distributed at the early, middle and late sowing. The variables analyzed in each corn hybrid were initial population, faulty spacing, multiple spacing, acceptable spacing, and yield components. As there were no significant differences in the variables, it was concluded that the quality of seeding with different systems of distribution was similar in the different sieves of distributed corn seeds.
The research was developed to evaluate the use of different types of roofing materials regularly used in poultry houses. Measurements of thermal comfort were made through the use of techniques such as the Black Globe and Humidity Index (BGHI), the Thermal Heat Load (THL) and Enthalpy (H). Conducted in the State University of Goiás, during the months of April and May, 2011, the experiment was composed of five different treatments: AC - Asbestos cement tiles, BA -Bamboo tiles, BAP - Bamboo tiles painted in white, FB -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen, FBP -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen painted in white. The experiment consisted in 15 repetitions, which were considered the different days of measurements taken. Throughout the studied period, the time of the day considered the least comfortable was the one observed at 2:00pm, and the coverage of vegetable fiber and bitumen showed the highest value of BGHI (84.1) when compared to other types of coverage, characterizing a situation of lower thermal comfort, and no difference was found for THL and H on treatments in the studied region.
The present study was conducted at the Department of Rural Engineering and the Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology of FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The objective was to verify the influence of roof slope, exposure and roofing material on the internal temperature of reduced models of animal production facilities. For the development of the research, 48 reduced and dissemble models with dimensions 1.00 × 1.00 × 0.50 m were used. The roof was shed-type, and the models faced to the North or South directions, with 24 models for each side of exposure. Ceramic, galvanized-steel and fibro tiles were used to build the roofs. Slopes varied between 20, 30, 40 and 50% for the ceramic tile and 10, 30, 40 and 50% for the other two. Inside the models, temperature readings were performed at every hour, for 12 months. The results were evaluated in a general linear model in a nested 3 × 4 × 2 factorial arrangement, in which the effects of roofing material and exposure were nested on the factor Slope. Means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. After analyzing the data, we observed that with the increase in the slope and exposure to the South, there was a drop in the internal temperature within the model at the geographic coordinates of Jaboticabal city (SP/Brazil).
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the thermal efficiency of roofs used on individual shelters during milk-feeding stage of Girolando calves. The research was conducted at a farm located in a dry region of Pernambuco state, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 27 Holstein × Gir dairy crossbred calves housed in shelters with three roofing materials (fibre cement tile, recycled tile, and thatched roofs). The recycled tiles and thatched roofs provided reductions of 18.7 and 14.6% in radiant thermal load, respectively. Regardless the roofing material, all animals increased their respiratory rate to maintain thermal equilibrium.
We report a case of a 49 years-old man who underwent a barium meal examination for an epigastric pain. A perforated gastric ulcer with barium extravasation into peritoneal cavity was seen on X-rays. During an emergency laparotomy, a perforated pyloric ulcer was noted, along with barium contamination in the peritoneal cavity. The ulcer was closed with an omental patch and an extensive peritoneal lavage with saline was performed. During the postoperative period, the patient developed signs of peritonitis and underwent a new laparotomy was at the 9th day showing a subfrenic abscess with a large barium contamination. The patient presented septic shock and multiple organ failure. dying on the 21th day.
A perforated jejunal leiomyoma is a rare condition; only seven cases have been described in the literature. We report a case of a 45 years old man with a perforate acute abdomen. At laparotomy, a 12 cm multilobulated firm mass, located 20 cm distal from Treitz ligament, was removed. Histological sections disclosed a jejunal leiomyoma. The benign pattern of the lesion was confirmed with no mitosis and no atypical cellurarity. Five years later, the patient is free of the disease.
Boerhaave's syndrome, the spontaneous rupture of the esophagus, is associated with a 35% death rate. Perforated esophagus is a surgical emergency; it is the most serious, and frequently the most rapidly lethal, perforation of the gastro-intestinal tract. Three cases of Boerhaave's syndrome are presented, with their variants and resolutions. Treatment and outcome are largely determined by the time of presentation. We reviewed our experience with esophageal perforations to determine the overall mortality and whether the time of presentation should influence management strategy.
El intenso empleo de glifosato contribuyó a la difusión de malezas con tolerancia a este herbicida, incluyendo especies como Ipomoea nil, bejuco en Argentina, o corriola, o corda-de-viola en Brasil. A su vez, el uso intensivo de imadozolinonas en ciertas regiones de Argentina contribuyó a la aparición de biotipos resistentes a herbicidas que actúan inhibiendo la enzima ALS como Amaranthus quitensis, yuyo colorado o ataco, conocido como carurú en Brasil. En ese país, también, aumentó la difusión de malezas con resistencia a glifosato como en Euphorbia heterophylla, leiteiro o amendoim-bravo y en Lolium multiflorum, azevém. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el antagonismo o el sinergismo de todas las combinaciones posibles entre dos de los siguientes herbicidas: glifosato, imazetapir, clomazone y lactofen, en el control de las malezas mencionadas. Biotipos susceptibles para todos herbicidas fueran usados en la investigación. Plántulas de yuyo colorado juveniles con dos cm de altura y de las otras malezas mencionadas con siete cm, fueron tratadas con los siguientes herbicidas en g ha-1 i.a.: glifosato 108; imazetapir 10; clomazone 160 y lactofen 30, aplicados solos. Otros seis tratamientos fueron incluidos en todas las combinaciones posibles entre dos de los herbicidas y dosis mencionados. También se empleó un testigo sin tratar. El efecto de la combinación de los herbicidas dependió de la especie evaluada y también de los herbicidas utilizados. Se obtuvo sinergismo solamente para la mezcla glifosato más imazetapir en ataco. Clomazone fue el herbicida con más antagonismo, y lactofen tuvo efecto neutro en la mayoría de las mezclas. Las combinaciones son consideradas potencialmente útiles en el control de malezas tolerantes o resistentes a glifosato.
The meristematic endodermis in adventitious roots of Richterago species originates in one of the fundamental meristem cells, which undergo sucessive anticlinal and periclinal divisions to build the inner cortex. The meristematic endodermis or proendodermis remains as a meristematic layer until its differentiation into endodermis, with Casparian strip. When sieve elements differentiate, endodermic secretory canals of esquizogenous origin are present at the region adjacent to primary phloem. Articulated laticifers, with cells perforated at both terminal and transversal walls, also occur during initial phases of secondary development. Presence of inulin as reserve carbohydrate in the inner cortex and vascular tissue may be related to abiotic factors, as an adaptive strategy of these species.
Ultrastructural phenotypic transitional features were noted between adult adipocytes and fibroblasts in the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the dorsal pad of normal adult Wistar rats of both sexes, weighing 180-260 g, after acute injury either by the implantation of small (1.8 x 1 x 0.4 cm) perforated plastic boxes or by local heat application. Soon after the inflicted damage, fat-containing cells presented variable shapes. Early after damage, some of these cells were round, adipocyte-like, with numerous and large cytoplasmic fat droplets. A few days later, fat-containing cells became elongated, with the fat droplets in their cytoplasm becoming smaller and less numerous. The cells also showed a prominent active rough endoplasmic reticulum and newly formed collagenous matrix accumulated in the interstices. Although current views consider adult adipocytes to be terminal cells, the present findings, in their time sequence, strongly suggest the transformation of adipocytes into fibroblasts after acute injury to adipose tissue.
Recent advances have raised hope that transplantation of adherent somatic cells could provide dramatic new therapies for various diseases. However, current methods for transplanting adherent somatic cells are not efficient enough for therapeutic applications. Here, we report the development of a novel method to generate quasi-natural cell blocks for high-efficiency transplantation of adherent somatic cells. The blocks were created by providing a unique environment in which cultured cells generated their own extracellular matrix. Initially, stromal cells isolated from mice were expanded in vitro in liquid cell culture medium followed by transferring the cells into a hydrogel shell. After incubation for 1 day with mechanical agitation, the encapsulated cell mass was perforated with a thin needle and then incubated for an additional 6 days to form a quasi-natural cell block. Allograft transplantation of the cell block into C57BL/6 mice resulted in perfect adaptation of the allograft and complete integration into the tissue of the recipient. This method could be widely applied for repairing damaged cells or tissues, stem cell transplantation, ex vivo gene therapy, or plastic surgery.
Freezing of poultry cuts in continuous convective air blast tunnels is normally performed with the products protected by Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) as a primary packaging and using Corrugated Cardboard Boxes (CCB) as secondary packaging. The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of these secondary packaging on the freezing of poultry cuts in continuous convective air blast tunnels. The study was performed by replacing CCB with Perforated Metal Boxes (PMB) in order to remove the packaging thermal resistance. The assays, performed in a industrial plant, demonstrated that CCB used commercially for meat freezing have a high heat transfer resistance. Their replacement with PMB can lead to shorter freezing times and spatially homogeneous freezing. Reductions of up to 45% in the freezing times were observed using PMB. The plateau of the temperature curve, related to the freezing time of free water, was significantly reduced using PMB, which is accepted to lead to better product quality after thawing. As the products were protected by the LDPE films as primary packaging, their appearance were not affected. The results presented in this work indicate that replacing CBB with PMB can be an excellent alternative to reduce freezing time and improve freezing homogeneity in industrial air blast tunnels, which could also be applied to other products.
Bromelia serra Griseb. (Bromeliaceae) es una hierba terrestre que habita en el sotobosque de bosques abiertos del Chaco y el Cerrado. En este trabajo se analizó el efecto de la temperatura, el clima lumínico y la escarificación sobre la germinación de semillas. Se evaluaron dos regímenes de temperatura (15/20 ºC y 20/30 ºC), tres ambientes lumínicos (Luz, Filtro y Oscuridad; 100% luz y 0.65 R:FR, 100% luz y 0.09 R:FR y sin luz respectivamente) y dos tratamientos de escarificación (Escarificación durante 1 min. con H2SO4 al 30% y Control sin escarificar). La temperatura fue un factor clave ya que solo se registró germinación (una reducida fracción de las semillas y en forma lenta) en el tratamiento a 20/30 ºC. Las semillas fueron indiferentes a la intensidad de luz, germinando tanto en condiciones de luz como de oscuridad. La calidad de la luz afectó la germinación, registrándose mayores porcentajes de germinación a altas relaciones R:FR. No se detectaron efectos de la escarificación en la germinación de las semillas. Los resultados de este trabajo aportan información básica sobre la germinación de semillas, que resultan útiles para el manejo de la especie.