51 resultados para innovation agenda
The strategy for the control of schistosomiasis has shifted from one directed towards the interruption of transmission to one of reducing morbidity. As a consequence of this change, it appears prudent to reassess the role of the malacologist and malacology and identify the future direction to be taken by the discipline. The present paper addresses these concerns; first, by reviewing the role of the snail-hosts in the epidemiology and control of schistosomiasis, and, secondly, by suggesting areas for future study. The possible application of newer methods in biotechnology for the resolution of malacological problems are discussed.
ABSTRACT Innovation is essential for improving organizational performance in both the private and public sectors. This article describes and analyzes the 323 innovation experiences of the Brazilian federal public service that received prizes during the 16 annual competitions (from 1995 to 2012) of the Award for Innovation in Federal Public Management held by the Brazilian National School of Public Administration (ENAP). It is a qualitative and quantitative study in which were employed as categories for analysis the four types of innovation defined in the Copenhagen Manual: product, process, organizational and communication. The survey results allow us to affirm that there is innovation in the public sector, in spite of the skepticism of some researchers and the incipient state of theoretical research on the subject. It was possible to observe that organizational innovation was the one with the highest number of award- -winning experience, followed respectively by process, communication and product innovation, with citizen services and improvement of work processes being the main highlights. The results showed that, although the high incidence of innovation occurs at the national level, a significant number of innovations also occur at the local level, probably because many organizations of the federal government have their actions spread only at this level of government. Concerning the innovative area, health and education predominate, with almost 33% of initiatives, which can be explained by capillarity of these areas and the fact that both maintain a strong interaction with the user. The contributions of this work include the use of theoretical model of innovation analysis in the public sector in Brazil still upcoming, and the systematization of knowledge in empirical basis for this innovation. In this sense, it also contributes to the development of the theory with the presentation of evidence that the characteristics, determinants and consequences of innovation in the public sector differ not only from innovation in the industry, but also from innovation in services in the private sector.
AbstractOBJECTIVETo report the nurse's experience of inclusion in interdisciplinary clinical study about technological innovation, involving people with spinal cord injury.METHODDescriptive experience report. The empirical support was based on notes about perspectives and practice of clinical research, with a multi-professional nursing, physical education, physiotherapy and engineering staff.RESULTThe qualification includes the elaboration of the document for the Ethics Committee, familiarization among the members of staff and with the studied topic, and also an immersion into English. The nurse's knowledge gave support to the uptake of participants and time adequacy for data collection, preparation and assistance of the participants during the intervention and after collection. Nursing theories and processes have contributed to reveal risky diagnoses and the plan of care. It was the nurse's role to monitor the risk of overlapping methodological strictness to the human aspect. The skills for the clinical research must be the object of learning, including students in multidisciplinary researches.CONCLUSIONTo qualify the nurse for clinical research and to potentialize its caregiver essence, some changes are needed in the educational system, professional behavior, attitude and educational assistance.
Há alguns anos tem-se firmado o debate em torno de uma agenda política e teórica que procura defender e sustentar uma articulação possível entre a procura de competitividade das economias e a manutenção e desenvolvimento dos direitos, nomeadamente sociais, que viabilizam e constituem condições de cidadania. Neste debate, que é atravessado por distintas posições, argumentos e propostas, a educação e formação são apontadas como eixos decisivos daquela articulação. A nossa argumentação vai no sentido de mobilizar análises e investigações em Ciências Sociais, trazendo para o centro da discussão questões e problemas que freqüentemente têm sido omitidos. Defendemos que, pelo contrário, é do confronto dessas questões e problemas que depende a possibilidade de constituir uma agenda política e teórica merecedora de crédito para uma via de desenvolvimento humana, social e ecologicamente sustentável.
El artículo propone una agenda de "cuestiones educativas" orientada a la reconstitución del lazo entre educación y democracia después de las reformas implementadas en los años 90. Construye previamente un estado de situación caracterizado por la presencia de tres procesos: a. un proceso de des-institucionalización escolar que se expresa tanto en la dificultad de la escuela para sostener un marco normativo sancionado socialmente, como en la crisis de identidad por la que atraviesan las instituciones; b. un proceso de fragmentación del sistema educativo que se diferencia de la tradicional segmentación de los sistemas; c. el agotamiento del instrumental teórico-conceptual con el que tradicionalmente nos hemos propuesto organizar y dar sentido a los fenómenos de la realidad. En este marco el artículo propone: 1. discutir los limites de la modernidad educativa en países periféricos como el nuestro y, en este marco, los de la pedagogía moderna para superar las problemáticas de discriminación y exclusión educativa; 2. rediscutir el concepto de ciudadanía y el papel de la escuela en la formación ciudadana; 3. repensar y discutir el papel del conocimiento y la investigación en la modificación de las practicas políticas y pedagógicas.
O artigo tem como objetivo discutir aspectos da agenda pós-moderna e a permanência de sua vitalidade nos dias de hoje. Seu ponto de partida são as idéias desenvolvidas pela autora em artigos anteriores, nos quais privilegia a crítica às principais propostas das tendências "pós": o relativismo epistemológico, a suspeita em relação ao conhecimento objetivo e ao caráter estruturado das coisas e do mundo. Na primeira parte, retomam-se os textos de 1996 e 1998, que apresentam, ainda que rapidamente, as origens da "agenda pós" e indicam alguns de seus desdobramentos, notadamente a virada lingüística e a supressão das fronteiras entre História e Literatura; na segunda, recuperam-se as idéias expostas nos textos de 1998 e 2003, com vistas a mostrar algumas características do pensamento neopragmático de Richard Rorty. Finalmente, assinalam-se as principais repercussões desta ampla agenda na pesquisa e em práticas educacionais.
O artigo tem por objetivo descrever e problematizar a construção da agenda sobre "sexismo no livro didático" em cenário internacional e nacional. Para tanto, efetua uma revisão crítica da literatura desde a década de 1960 até a contemporaneidade, dando especial ênfase a permanências e mudanças, bem como a tensões detectadas na implementação de políticas que visam o combate ao "sexismo" nos livros didáticos.
The author reviews past work with Ibict and the global progress made by the Open Access Movement. He postulates a theory of open access being an example of a complex adaptive system created by Internet-based scholarly publishing. Open access could be the cause of a cascade of increasing complexity and opportunities that will reshape this system. He has chosen the pervasive and global "Connectedness" created by the internet and the content spaces it provides for open access collections as a "simple disruptive agent". He discusses how connectedness influences infinite variety, creativity, work, change, knowledge, and the information economy. Case studies from the University of New Mexico Libraries are used where appropriate.
Com a criação e a expansão do Programa Saúde da Família no Brasil, a Medicina de Família e Comunidade (MFC), como especialidade médica, ganhou destaque por ser a mais adequada a esse trabalho. Recentes parcerias entre os ministérios da Saúde e da Educação têm procurado regular a formação de recursos humanos em saúde para atender às demandas de consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no âmbito da graduação e da pós-graduação. Houve investimento no aumento no número de vagas de residência em MFC, mas parece haver uma incongruência entre o que os futuros médicos almejam em suas carreiras e as necessidades do SUS, o que é demonstrado pelo número de vagas ociosas nesses programas. Com o objetivo de elencar hipóteses explicativas do desinteresse por essa especialidade, fizemos uma revisão de trabalhos que enfocaram essa temática. Encontramos que pouco prestígio, baixos salários, pouca vivência em atenção primária durante a graduação e elevada dívida com a universidade foram os fatores mais recorrentes. Concluímos que é necessário investigar essas hipóteses em nossa realidade, motivo pelo qual propomos uma agenda de pesquisa nessa direção.
The financial sector has been viewed traditionally as either providing the "oil" for the "wheels of commerce" or as a parasite on the real sector of the economy where real productivity gains provide for increasing real wages and per capita incomes. The present paper takes a different route and attempts to an analysis of financial institutions on a par with the production sector of the economy. It also develops a link which amalgamates "the knowledge-based" perspective on firms' operations with Schumpeterian financial leverage to exploit productivity enhancing innovations, and Minsky's tendency towards financial fragility. The analysis also leads to some policy recommendations concerning financial regulation, risk management and financial institution's building.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the main characteristics of new Lula's government support. The paper's hypothesis concentrates in the idea of starting a different political approach, "a new populism". The paper argues that Lula's government to keep in power, beyond of going on with the neoliberal project - unfinished in the last years of FHC government -, needs to build up a solid and trustful political support, which is being done by implementing income transfer programs directed to poor people and the ones with less organization experience. This paper also calls the attention to Lula's government nature, in order to clarify the difficulties which should be dealt and the tasks to be developed in building up a political party that defends workers emancipation and Brazilians exploited.