52 resultados para Lewkowicz, Ignacio
A large variety of techniques have been used to measure soil CO2 released from the soil surface, and much of the variability observed between locations must be attributed to the different methods used by the investigators. Therefore, a minimum protocol of measurement procedures should be established. The objectives of this study were (a) to compare different absorption areas, concentrations and volumes of the alkali trapping solution used in closed static chambers (CSC), and (b) to compare both, the optimized alkali trapping solution and the soda-lime trapping using CSC to measure soil respiration in sugarcane areas. Three CO2 absorption areas were evaluated (7; 15 and 20 % of the soil emission area or chamber); two volumes of NaOH (40 and 80 mL) at three concentrations (0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 mol L-1). Three different types of alkaline traps were tested: (a), 80 mL of 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH in glass containers, absorption area 15 % (V0.5); (b) 40 mL of 2 mol L-1 NaOH retained in a sponge, absorption area 80 % (S2) and (c) 40 g soda lime, absorption area 15 % (SL). NaOH concentrations of 0.5 mol L-1 or lower underestimated the soil CO2-C flux or CO2 flux. The lower limit of the alkali trap absorption area should be a minimum of 20 % of the area covered by the chamber. The 2 mol L-1 NaOH solution trap (S2) was the most efficient (highest accuracy and highest CO2 fluxes) in measuring soil respiration.
Este artigo aborda a terceirização de professores por meio de cooperativas de mão de obra no âmbito do ensino superior privado, fenômeno educacional que surgiu na metade da presente década, enquadrado como prática ilegal que fere os princípios do cooperativismo quando visa fraudar a legislação trabalhista brasileira. Tem por objetivo compreender a expansão desse fenômeno por meio da reconstrução da cronologia dos fatos, da identificação dos momentos históricos do seu entendimento legal e do mapeamento da sua expansão geográfica, a partir da identificação de casos concretos que envolveram a atuação da Justiça do Trabalho, do Ministério Público do Trabalho e outros órgãos do Poder Público. Apoiando-se em pesquisa qualitativa, são identificados quatro momentos claramente definidos que vão desde o surgimento dos primeiros casos até a punição das instituições de ensino superior que adotaram o sistema contratual em questão.
Se evaluó el efecto de un preparado de enzimas fibrolíticas exógenas (celulasas y xilanasas) en la degradabilidad in situ de la materia seca (DisMS), fibra detergente neutro (DFDNr) y fibra detergente ácido residual (DFDAr), en dietas altas o bajas en harina de nopal deshidratado. Se aplicaron concentraciones de 0, 1, 2 y 3 g de enzima por kilogramo de materia seca al inicio y 24 horas antes de la degradación in situ. Se determinó la concentración de ácidos grasos volátiles totales y de nitrógeno amoniacal a las 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 y 24 horas después de aplicarse la enzima. No se observaron efectos en DisMS, DFDNr y DFDAr; la aplicación al inicio de la degradación in situ mostró valores más altos que a 24 horas para DisMS y DFDNr, pero fue menor para DFDAr. No se observaron diferencias en las interacciones entre niveles de enzima, tipo de dieta y tiempo de pretratamiento. La aplicación de 1 y 3 g de enzima, en la dieta con bajo contenido de harina de nopal, tuvo efectos en el incremento de los ácidos grasos volátiles totales; para el nitrógeno amoniacal, los mejores resultados ocurrieron con 0 y 1 g de enzima.
The objective of this work was to compare forage production and quality of thorny and thornless "jurema-preta" (Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poiret) in a dense planted stand, subjected to annual pruning of fine branches, in Patos, PB, Brazil. The experiment consisted of two treatments (thornless and thorny "jurema-preta") in a complete randomized block design, with ten replicates of two linear plots subdivided in time. Forage mass and chemical composition of fine branches and the basal diameter of plants were measured during five years. Pruning decreased (p<0.05) increments in basal diameter and forage production. Annual dry matter yields reached 4,108 and 5,833 kg ha-1, respectively, for thornless and thorny plants, and forage quality was similar (p>0.05) for both genotypes. This roughage fodder (minimum NDF and ADF averages were 56±1.1% and 43±1.0%, respectively) had low P and K concentrations. Its average crude protein content was greater than 9.9±0.5%, which exceeds the minimum necessary for animal maintenance. Both "jurema-preta" genotypes tolerated pruning of fine branches and contributed with a significant amount of roughage fodder for animal maintenance in the dry season.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram quantificar as concentrações de carbono e nutrientes em solos de áreas adubadas e não adubadas com esterco; quantificar as concentrações de nutrientes em amostras de esterco bovino utilizado na região e calcular o acúmulo de nutrientes resultantes dessa adubação e o potencial de perdas por lixiviação. Foram amostradas 18 áreas agrícolas, com adição anual de esterco por pelo menos dois anos e, como controle, quatro áreas sob pastagem não adubadas, coletando-se amostras de solo das camadas de 0-20, 20-40 e 40-60 cm, que foram analisadas quanto à granulometria, densidade do solo, pH, C, N e P totais, bases trocáveis, P extraível por água e por Mehlich-1. Amostras de esterco utilizadas em nove áreas também foram analisadas. A aplicação de esterco resultou em acumulações médias ao redor de 20 Mg ha-1 de C, 2 Mg ha-1 de N total e Ca, e de 0,5 a 1 Mg ha-1 de P total, K e Mg (0-60 cm). Acumulações de P solúvel em água e bases trocáveis na camada de 40-60 cm, em relação às testemunhas, indicam grande potencial de perda desses nutrientes.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar ácaros na cultura de pinhão-manso e em espécies de plantas espontâneas associadas. Para isso, foram avaliadas a riqueza e a abundância de ácaros em plantas de pinhão-manso e em 14 espécies de plantas espontâneas associadas. As amostragens foram realizadas por meio de coletas mensais de folhas de plantas de pinhão-manso e de plantas espontâneas, nas entrelinhas do cultivo. Foram encontradas quatro espécies de ácaros predadores - Amblyseius tamatavensis, Paraphytoseius multidentatus, Typhlodromalus aripo e Typhlodromalus clavicus -, com potencial para uso no controle biológico de ácaros-praga na cultura do pinhão-manso, e duas importantes espécies de ácaros fitófagos - Brevipalpus phoenicis e Tarsonemus confusus - desconhecidas como praga da cultura. Entre as plantas espontâneas avaliadas, quatro espécies - Hyptis suaveolens, Peltaea riedelii, Urochloa mutica e Andropogon gayanus - abrigam grande riqueza e abundância de ácaros predadores, enquanto oito destacaram-se pela diversidade de ácaros fitófagos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do quinclorac nas características anatômicas de folhas e raízes de biótipos de capim‑arroz (Echinochloa spp.), resistente e suscetível a este herbicida, por meio de avaliações micromorfométricas. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de plástico com capacidade de 250 cm³. As imagens dos cortes foram obtidas com microscópio de luz equipado com sistema U‑Photo, acoplado à câmera digital conectada a microcomputador. Na seção transversal da lâmina foliar e das raízes, utilizou-se objetiva de 10X, tendo-se avaliado 20 cortes/campos por planta, com dez medições por corte e quatro repetições por tratamento. Observaram-se diferenças entre os biótipos resistente e suscetível, tanto na ausência quanto na presença do quinclorac. O biótipo resistente apresenta lâmina foliar pouco afetada pelo herbicida; no entanto, há modificação na constituição dos tecidos radiculares com a formação mais acentuada de aerênquima. O biótipo suscetível também apresenta formação de aerênquima quando tratado com o quinclorac, mas em quantidade inferior à observada no biótipo resistente.
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las preferencias y disposición a pagar por consumo de uva de mesa orgánica. Específicamente, se buscó determinar la utilidad y jerarquizar los atributos más importantes que consideran los individuos al momento de la elección de uva de mesa y determinar la disposición a pagar por uva de mesa orgánica en la Región del Maule, Chile. Se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra probabilística y estratificada por niveles socioeconómico en los hogares en los principales centros urbanos de la región. Se utilizó el método de análisis conjunto a fin de determinar las preferencias de los individuos por los distintos atributos y el método de valoración contingente para determinar el monto medio de sobreprecio que una persona está dispuesta a pagar por un kilo de uva orgánica. Igualmente se calculó la disposición a pagar marginal vía el método de análisis conjunto. Se determinó que el atributo más importante a la hora de adquirir este bien es el precio, mientras que la mezcla de atributos que más tiene utilidad por orden de importancia es el sabor dulce, de producción orgánica, que no posea semillas y de piel delgada.Además, se estimó que las personas están dispuestas a pagar un sobreprecio por la uva de mesa orgánica, abriendo nuevas oportunidades de negocios para el sector frutícola.
In pineapple fields, weed competition is exacerbated by the fact that the crop is small and has a very slow vegetative development. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of herbicides on growth, yield and quality of pineapple, cultivar 'Pérola'. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four treatments and four replications. Treatments consisted of weeding by hoe and the herbicides diuron; fluazifop-p-butyl and atrazine + S-metolachlor applied in post-emergence. The characteristics evaluated monthly during the vegetative stage were stem diameter, D-leaf length, number of leaves, number of emitted leaves and percentage of natural floral induction. In the reproductive phase, evaluations were made of average fruit weight (g) with and without crown, fruits length and diameter, number of slip, slip-sucker and sucker type seedlings, determination of soluble solids and pH in the pulp. There was no effect of herbicide treatment on the vegetative growth characteristics. Stem diameter increased until 330 days after planting, showing a decrease after this period. The D-leaf grew over time in all treatments, although phytotoxicity symptoms were observed after the first application of herbicides. The traits evaluated on the reproductive phase showed no significant differences in response to treatments. Therefore, the use of diuron fluazifop-p-butyl and atrazine + S-metolachlor did not affect growth, yield and fruit quality of pineapple, cultivar 'Pérola'.
Disc herniation with posterior epidural migration is a rare and often symptomatic entity. Multiple are the natural barriers that prevent this pattern of migration. Enhanced magnetic resonance imaging is the diagnostic modality of choice in these cases. The diagnostic dilemma in this case was the contraindication to the use of contrast since the patient was known to have chronic renal failure.
In the CNS, NPY has been implicated in obesity and feeding, endocrine function and metabolism. Potent and selective rNPY antagonists will be able to probe the merits of this approach for the treatment of obesity. We report the synthesis and preliminary evaluation of some hydrazide derivatives as antagonists of rNPY.
This paper shows the applicability of the carbon paste electrode-mineral (CPE-mineral) to study the dissolution mechanisms of minerals in powder form and in flotation concentrates. A potentiodynamic strategy to find the dissolution mechanism of galena (PbS) is presented. In this way, minerals less studied such as orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (As2S2) are investigated. The electrochemical activity of a more complicated mineral such as sphalerite (ZnS), containing 12.3 and 0.43% of iron in solid solution, is discussed. The mechanism of a complex zinc concentrate (containing 63.4% ZnS, 20.1% FeS2, 5% CuFeS2, 0.33% PbS, 0.45% Cu12Sb4S13 and 0.4% FeAsS) is described. Finally, an electrochemical method for the detection of the different leachable and refractory silver phases (contained in two mineral concentrates) is presented. This paper reviews the power of the use of CPE-mineral coupled to electrochemical techniques in hydrometallurgy.
The mining industry around the world produces an important amount of wastes, which by their high toxic metal and iron sulfide content present a serious environmental problem. Iron sulfide oxidation under weathering conditions provokes the main environmental problem of the mining industry, the generation of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). Up to now the prediction methodologies do not allow the study of important factors that influence the generation of ARD, producing in some cases erroneous or uncertain conclusions. This paper shows the utilization of cyclic voltammetry using carbon paste electrodes (CPE-Mineral) as an alternative tool in the study of the oxidation capacity of iron sulfides and mining wastes. This electrochemical technique constitutes a novel methodology to establish and understand the factors involved during generation of ARD. Results of several studies including selected sulfide samples and sulfide mining wastes have been described in order to show the capacity of this methodology as a complementary tool in the prediction of the generation of ARD.
We have developed an easy method for the synthesis of thirteen compounds derived from 1,2,4-triazoles through a carboxylic acid and hydrazinophthalazine reaction, with a 75-85% yield mediated by the use of agents such as 1-ethyl-3-(3'-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide hydrochloride and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. The operational simplicity of this method and the good yield of products make it valuable for the synthesis of new compounds with pharmacological activity.