163 resultados para Ascaris Lumbricoides


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During the second half of 1986 the impact of the improvement of water supply and excreta disposal facilities on diarrheal diseases and intestinal parasitosis was studied in 254 children up to six years of age from two favelas (shanty towns) of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The estimated incidence of diarrhea was 6.2 episodes/child year and the estimated period prevalence reached 31.0 episode days/ child/ year. The point prevalence of parasitosis was 70.7% (Ascaris lumbricoides: 55.4%, Trichuris trichiura: 19.6%, Giardia lamblia: 17.9%). The estimated prevalence of diarrhea decreased with improvement of water supply and sanitation facilities to 45% and 44% respectively, but no statistically significant impact was observed in the case of parasitosis. School education and weaning practice were found to be other important determinants of diarrhea.


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OBJETIVO: Evaluar la presencia de parásitos en efluentes semisólidos y líquidos en distintas localidades de la Patagonia argentina considerando que ésta es una de las restricciones para su uso. MÉTODOS: Las muestras tomadas en 4 Plantas de Tratamiento de Efluentes Domiciliarios se analizaron siguiendo las normativas de Environmental Protection Agency, Organización Mundial de la Salud, Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater y de algunas clasificaciones. RESULTADOS: Solamente 2 de las 6 muestras de semisólidos analizadas tenían huevos de Ascaris lumbricoides no viables. De las 10 muestras líquidas, solamente 2 no tenían huevos mientras las restantes tenían patógenos de las categorías I (Giardia sp., Hymenolepis diminuta y Enterobius vermicularis) y III (Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostoma duodenale y Trichuris trichiura). CONCLUSIONES: Todas las muestras de semisólidos analizadas fueron aptas para su uso como fertilizantes porque no se registró en ninguna de ellas la presencia de huevos viables de Ascaris lumbricoides y solamente 6 de las muestras líquidas fueron aptas para riego por carecer de huevos o por ser su concentración igual o inferior a 1 huevo por litro.


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O objetivo do estudo foi estimar as freqüências de tuberculose e parasitoses intestinais na em comunidades indígenas da localidade de Iauareté (AM), em 2001. Estudo transversal (n=333) visando à obtenção de dados demográficos e amostras biológicas para exames de escarro e fezes. Dentre os 43 sintomáticos respiratórios, seis foram positivos na pesquisa de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no escarro. As parasitoses intestinais apresentaram freqüência significativamente maior entre a população Hüpda do que entre os índios que habitam os demais bairros (37,5% vs. 19,3% para Ascaris lumbricoides, 32,4% vs. 16,3% para Trichuris trichiura, 75% vs. 19,3% para ancilostomídeos, 75% vs. 35,4% para Entamoeba histolyticaD dispar e 33,3% vs. 10,7% para Giardia lamblia). Conclui-se que a tuberculose e o parasitismo intestinal são freqüentes nessas comunidades, exigindo medidas de controle e melhorias na assistência à saúde.


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Parasitological examinations were carried out during April to August, 1987, with 187 out-patients of the IMIP hospital, located in the center of Recife City, and 464 inhabitants of several villages around Cabo City, 50 Km southeast of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Approximately 71% of the IMIP patients and 92% of the Cabo inhabitants were infected with at least one species of intestinal parasite. There was minimum difference in the prevalence rate of Trichuris trichiura between two areas, whereas the prevalence rates of Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms, Strongyloides stercoralis, Schistosoma mansoni and Entamoeba histolytica were higher in the inhabitants of the Cabo City area. Only Giardia lamblia was more prevalent in the out-patients of IMIP hospital. Test tube cultivation revealed that the prevalence rate of Necator americanus in both areas was much higher than that of Ancylostoma duodenale , and also that the prevalence rate of S. stercoralis of the IMIP patients and Cabo inhabitants were 4.5% and 9.6%, respectively. Six hundred and fifteen sera were serologically examined for amoebiasis by the gel diffusion precipitation test (GDP) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the antigen prepared from axenically cultured trophozoite of E. histolytica (strain HM-ITMSS). No positive reaction was observed in all of the sera as examined by GDP, while 32 out of 615 sera were positive on ELISA.


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An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), employing antigens from Toxocara canis larvae and the absortion of suspected sera with Ascaris lumbricoides extracts was used in a seroepidemiological study performed in five municipalities of São Paulo State, Brazil (São Paulo, Campinas, Santos, Marília and Presidente Prudente) in order to determine the frequency of antibodies to Toxocara. In 2,025 blood samples collected, 806 proceeded from male subjects and 1,219 from females; 483 samples were collected from subjects under 15 years of age and the remaining 1,542 from subjects aged 15 years or over. Among the 2,025 sera investigated, 3.60% had antibodies to Toxocara at significant levels. A moderate predominance of infection with Toxocara among male subjects (3.72%) was observed, although the difference was not statistically significant when this rate was compared with that for female (3.28%). Related to age, a higher frequency of positive results was detected among subjects under 15 years (6.41%) against the older group (2.53%). A trend of more elevated rates of infection was observed in municipalities with high demographic densities (São Paulo, Campinas and Santos). Nevertheless, such findings only appeared to be statistically significant in subjects younger than 15 years.


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Parasitological examinations were carried out during July to December, 1989, on 485 inhabitants of four villages in São Lourenço da Mata, 25 km northwest of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Approximately 99.6% of the inhabitants were infected with at least one species of intestinal parasites. A high prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni (82.1%), hookworm (80.2%) Trichuris trichiura (69.9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (61.9%) and Entamoeba coli (36.7%) infections were demonstrated. Test tube cultivation revealed that the most common species of hookworm in this region was Necator americanus (88.4%), and also that the prevalence of Strongyloides stercoralis was 5.8%. Three hundred and thirty-four sera were serologically examined for amoebiasis by the gel diffusion precipitation test (GDP) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). No positive reaction was observed in all sera as examined by GDP, while 24 sera were positive by ELISA.


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No período compreendido entre abril e outubro de 1988, foram estudadas 481 gestantes de primeira consulta, as quais estavam inscritas no Programa de Atendimento à Gestante em oito Centros de Saúde da Secretaria do Estado da Saúde de São Paulo. Do total estudado, 86 gestantes não trouxeram amostras de fezes para análise, mesmo após várias solicitações. A idade média da população estudada foi de 24,5 anos (idade mínima de 14 e máxima de 46 anos); a renda média das famílias das gestantes foi de 0,97 SMPC (salário mínimo per capita) e o número médio de pessoas que compunham suas famílias foi de quatro (um a quinze pessoas). A prevalência de verminose foi de 45,1% (n=395). Os parasitas mais freqüentes foram: Ascaris lumbricoides (19,0%); ancilostomídeos (16,7%) e Trichuris trichiura (15,9%). Das 248 gestantes infectadas de enteroparasitas, 70 (28,2%) eram portadoras somente dos seguintes protozoários: Endolimax nana, Entamoeba coli e Iodamoeba butschllii. A prevalência de parasitas intestinais foi significativamente maior (p<0,05) nas gestantes pertencentes às famílias com renda de até 0,5 SMPC e compostas por 5 pessoas ou mais.


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Se procesan "a ciegas" 511 muestras de heces por las técnicas de Kato-Katz, Willis, Ritchie y directo. Al comparar los resultados obtenidos en el diagnóstico de Trichuris trichiura, Necator americanus y Ascaris lumbricoides, vimos que la de Kato-Katz fué más sensible, revelando el mayor número de casos, siguiéndole en orden sucesivo, el Willis, el Ritchie, y el examen directo. Si se tiene en cuenta que el método de Kato-Katz es además cuantitativo, podemos recomendar-lo como técnica de elección para el diagnóstico de las geohelmintiasis intestinales.


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Gravity sedimentation parasitological examinations were performed in stool samples from 111 Karitiana Indians from Rondônia State, Brazilian Amazon Basin. Intestinal parasites were found in 43 samples (38.7%). Ascaris lumbricoides was the most prevalent helminth species (18.9%). Egg counts in samples positive for Ascaris suggested an overdispersed distribution of worm burdens in the host population. Age-distribution pattern of intestinal parasites among Karitiana Indians was found to be rather unusual: the highest prevalence (60.0%) was detected in the 12-to 16-year-old age group


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A sedimentation technique is described, in which a fecal suspension is placed on top of an aqueous sucrose solution of specific gravity 1.015 g/cm³. Using 100 by 15 mm test tubes, duplicate gravity sedimentation experiments were made using homogenized fecal suspensions (single-columns) and fecal suspensions placed on top of clear columns (double-columns). Egg- and cyst-counts, and turbidity determinations were made in the sediments obtained after definite time intervals. Most Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Ancylostomidae eggs sedimented within 20 minutes in single - and between 30 and 60 minutes in double-columns. Giardia duodenalis cysts required longer periods to sediment in double - than in single-columns; after 180 minutes (the maximum period of observation), double-column sediments produced 60.0% of the counts of single-columns. Double-column sediments were consistently less turbid than single-column ones


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O rendimento de sedimentação em tubos, aplicada à pesquisa de ovos de Ancylostomidae, Trichuris trichura e Ascaris lumbricoides foi estudado em suspensões fecais diluídas a 2,0%; 1,5% e 1,0% em colunas de 80 mm de altura. De cada um dos helmintos citados, as amostras continham quantidades correspondentes a 12,5; 25,0; 50,0; 100,0; 150,0 e 200,0 ovos por grama de fezes (opg). Avaliou-se o rendimento do processo em termos de freqüências de resultados positivos e de contagens de ovos por lâmina de sedimento (0,078 ml). Ambos aumentaram com os valores de opg. As várias diluições não influíram nos graus de positividade ou nas contagens de ovos por lâmina de sedimento. Os sedimentos de suspensões fecais diluídas a 1,0% (quando o valor de opg era de 150,0). Em trabalho rotineiro é desnecessária a determinação instrumental das quantidades de fezes usadas nas suspensões. Diluições em torno de 1,0% representam um compromisso entre bom rendimento e limpidez dos esfregaços, especialmente quando os valores de opg forem baixos.


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A parasitological survey was carried out on 222 inhabitants of five farms in Holambra, located 30 km north of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, on October 1992. Approximately 70% of the inhabitants were found to be infected with at least one species of intestinal parasite. The positive rates of 6 helminths and 7 protozoan species detected are as follows: 5.4% Ascaris lumbricoides; 8.6% Trichuris trichiura; 19.8% Necator americanus; 10.4% Strongyloides stercoralis; 14% Enterobius vermicularis; 0.9% Hymenolepis nana; 3.2% Entamoeba histolytica; 2.7% E. hartmanni; 9.9% E. coli; 14.0% Endolimax nana; 2.3% Iodamoeba butschlii; 10.4% Giardia lamblia; 37.8% Blastocystis hominis. The positive rates of helminth infection were generaly higher in the younger-group under 16 years-old than those in the elder group aged 16 or more, whereas the infection rates of protozoan species were higher in the elder group. The infection rate of Strongyloides was found to be 10.4% by a newly developed sensitive method (an agarplate culture methods).


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In order to verify the presence of intestinal parasites in food handlers, stool samples were collected from 104 cooks and their helpers that were working in food preparation in 20 public elementary schools, in various areas of the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The samples were collected during the months of November and December, 1988, in plastic flasks containing a 10% formaldehyde solution and processed by the Hoffmann, Pons & Janer method. The sediment was examined using triplicate slides. All individuals were females aged between 24 to 69 years. Intestinal parasites were found in 85.0% of the studied schools and 47.1% of the studied food handlers (cooks and helpers) were found to be positive. Among the 49 infected food handlers, 32 (65.3%) carried a single parasite and 17 (34.7%) carried two parasites. The following intestinal parasites were found: Giardia lamblia (21.1%), Entamoeba coli (21.1%), hookworms (9.6%), Ascaris lumbricoides (5.8%), Entamoeba histolytica (2.9%), Hymenolepis nana (1.9%), Strongyloides stercoralis (1.0%). These data emphasize the need for a rigid semi-annual control in all school food handlers, including diagnosis, specific treatment and orientation about the mechanisms of transmission of the intestinal parasites.


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Considering that the number of day-care centers for pre-school-age children has expanded rapidly in developing countries, and that these institutions presenting conditions that facilitate the transmission of many enteric agents, a parasitological survey was carried out in three municipal day-cares from Botucatu: two in the urban area (one in downtown area and the other one in the city periphery area) and the third in the rural area. Three separate stool specimens were collected from 147 children ranging from 0 to 72 months old and 20 staff members. Each stool specimen was processed by Lutz and zinc sulfate flotation methods. The frequency of giardiasis observed among children of downtown, periphery and rural day-cares was 69.6%, 52.7% and 69.6%, respectively. Only one employee was positive for G. lamblia. The examination of three stool specimens increased the positivity for G. lamblia: from the ninety three final positive examinations, 24 (25.5%) and 8 (8.5%) were positives only after examination of the second and third samples, respectively. Others intestinal organisms like Ascaris lumbricoides (20.4%), Trichuris trichiura (19.0%). Hymenolepis nana (8.8%), Entamoeba coli (22.4%) and Blastocystis hominis (32.0%) were frequently found in the children. There was no significant association among localization of the day-cares, sex of the children and the levels of G. lamblia infection. According to the age, G. lamblia was found mainly in children between 12 to 47 months old.


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The clinical and epidemiologic aspects of infection with Ascaris lumbricoides were studied in a random stratified sample of the population of the subdistrict of Cavacos, municipality of Alterosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The effect of mass treatment with a single dose of albendazole on the prevalence and intensity of infection was also studied six months later in the same population. During the first phase of the study, a questionnaire was applied to 248 individuals to obtain information about the socioeconomic, sanitary and clinical conditions of the population surveyed. A total of 230 fecal samples were also examined by the Kato-Katz technique in order to determine the intensity of A. lumbricoides infection. Two hundred and two individuals were simultaneously submitted to blood counts and 70 children aged 12 years or less were evaluated for nutritional status. The presence of A. lumbricoides and other helminth eggs was also determined in 22 soil samples collected in the urban zone of Cavacos. Infection with enteroparasitic helminths was detected in 29.1% of the sample, with a predominance of A. lumbricoides (23.9%). Parasitism and/or intensity of A. lumbricoides infection were significantly correlated with age range (15 years or less), social class, sanitary and living conditions (water, sewage and domiciliary area per person), and presence of abdominal pain. However, these parameters were not correlated with nutritional status or hematocrit levels. During the second phase of the study, a slight but not statistically significant decrease in the prevalence of A. lumbricoides infection was detected after treatment with albendazole. However, an important and significant reduction in the amount of A. lumbricoides eggs eliminated through the feces was detected, indicating that the intensity of A. lumbricoides infection was lower in all the age ranges of the Cavacos population, especially among younger individuals, even six months after administration of the anthelminthic agent.