346 resultados para Ariosto, Orlando Furioso
Pela primeira vez é registrada a presença do Aedes (Stg) albopictus no Estado do Pará, Brasil, em área urbana no município de Medicilândia distante cerca de 90 km de Altamira, onde foram capturados por meio de isca humana 42 exemplares de mosquitos adultos. Estes foram inoculados em C6/36 e em camundongos recém-nascidos na tentativa de isolamento viral, não tendo sido isolado nenhum vírus. A presença de Aedes albopictus em áreas da Amazônia onde circulam os vírus de dengue e de febre amarela é preocupante e representa um risco potencial desta espécie de mosquito se tornar infectada com tais vírus.
OBJETIVO: Monitorizar a tendência de ocorrência e identificar surtos de infecções hospitalares utilizando diagramas de controles. MÉTODOS: No período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2000, a ocorrência de infecções hospitalares foi avaliada em uma coorte de 460 pacientes, internados em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica de um hospital universitário, segundo os conceitos e critérios da metodologia do sistema "National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance", do "Centers for Disease Control" (EUA). Os gráficos foram construídos de acordo com a distribuição probabilística de Poisson. Quatro linhas horizontais foram plotadas. A linha central foi representada pela incidência média das infecções hospitalares no período estudado e as linhas de alerta superior e de controle superior foram calculadas a partir de dois e três desvios-padrão acima da incidência média das infecções hospitalares, respectivamente. Os surtos de infecção hospitalar foram identificados quando sua incidência mensal permaneceu acima da linha do limite de controle superior. RESULTADOS: A incidência média de infecções hospitalares por mil pacientes dia foi de 20. Um surto de infecção do trato urinário foi identificado em julho de 2000, cuja taxa de infecção foi de 63 por mil pacientes dia, ultrapassando a linha de controle superior, configurando um período epidêmico. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização dos diagramas de controle do nível endêmico, tanto por avaliação global e sítio específica, possibilitou identificar e distinguir das variações naturais nas taxas de ocorrência de infecções hospitalares aquelas de causas incomuns, como os surtos ou epidemias, dispensando o uso de cálculos e testes de hipóteses.
A notificação da violência doméstica pelos profissionais de saúde contribui para o dimensionamento epidemiológico do problema, permitindo o desenvolvimento de programas e ações específicas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a responsabilidade desses profissionais em notificar a violência, especialmente a doméstica e as possíveis implicações legais e éticas a que estão sujeitos. Assim, foi realizada pesquisa na legislação brasileira e códigos de ética da medicina, odontologia, enfermagem e psicologia. Quanto à legislação, as sanções estão dispostas na Lei das Contravenções Penais, Estatuto da Criança e Adolescente, Estatuto do Idoso e na lei que trata da notificação compulsória de violência contra a mulher. Também existem penalidades em todos os códigos de ética analisados. Conclui-se que o profissional de saúde tem o dever de notificar os casos de violência que tiver conhecimento, podendo inclusive responder pela omissão.
During 45 days without electrical power, 57 individuals (8.7% of the population) from the village of Antônio Dino (municipality of Turiaçu, Northeastern Brazil) were attacked by bats and 16 died from human rabies. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors associated with bat attacks and the development of human rabies. Of the 46 individuals, who suffered bat attacks, 36 (78.3%) were under 17 years of age. The risk factors associated with bat attacks were age under 17 years, having observed bats inside the bedroom and having been without electrical power in the house. Age under 17 years and having been without electrical power in the house were factors associated with human rabies.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between housing conditions and low birthweight and preterm low birthweight among low-income women. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted with post-partum women living in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeast Brazil, in 2003-2005. Two groups of cases, low birthweight (n=96) and preterm low birthweight infants (n=68), were compared against normal weight term controls (n=393). Housing conditions were categorized into three levels: adequate, inadequate, and highly inadequate. Covariates included sociodemographic and anthropometric characteristics, risk behaviors, violence, anxiety, satisfaction during pregnancy, obstetric history and prenatal care. RESULTS: Poor housing conditions was independently associated with low birthweight (inadequate - OR 2.3 [1.1;4.6]; highly inadequate - OR 7.6 [2.1;27.6]) and preterm low birthweight (inadequate - OR 2.2 [1.1;4.3]; highly inadequate - OR 7.6 [2.4;23.9]) and factors associated with outcomes were inadequate prenatal care and previous preterm birth. Low income and low maternal body mass index remained associated with low birthweight. CONCLUSIONS: Poor housing conditions were associated with low birthweight and preterm low birthweight.
In a period of time of five years, all patients who exhibited viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism were investigated for erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate deficiency, and in two patients out of seven it was found this deficiency. This finding suggests that this genetical enzyme deficiency could account for the hemolysis after Loxosceles bite, at least in some of the cases.
Insuficiência renal aguda secundária a acidentes ofídicos botrópico e crotálico. Análise de 63 casos
Sessenta e três pacientes com insuficiência renal aguda secundária a acidente ofídico foram tratados no CTI do Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG. Em 32 pacientes (51%) o acidente foi produzido por serpentes do gênero Bothrops (grupo bio-trópico) e em 32 pacientes (49%) pela cascavel sul-americana (grupo crotálico). As principais complicações apresentadas pelos pacientes foram a uremia (100% dos casos), hiperpotassemia (89% dos casos), anemia (78% dos casos), infecção urinária (37% dos casos), hiper-hidratação (17% dos casos), parada cardíaca (14% dos casos) e edema agudo dos pulmões (11% dos casos). Cinco pacientes do grupo crotálico (16%) tiveram insuficiência respiratória aguda atribuída à ação neurotóxica do veneno, quatro dos quais se recuperaram completamente. Sete pacientes do grupo botrópico (22%) tiveram necrose cortical renal diagnosticada em cinco através da biópsia renal e em dois na necropsia. Quarenta e cinco pacientes (71%) foram tratados com diálise peritoneal e a hemodiálise foi necessária em dois pacientes, um dos quais havia sido submetido a diálise peritoneal. Em 17 pacientes (27%) o tratamento foi conservador. Cinqüenta e cinco pacientes receberam alta hospitalar, quatro dos quais com insuficiência renal crônica secundária a necrose cortical renal e oito (13%) faleceram. Os óbitos foram atribuídos a edema pulmonar agudo em quatro pacientes, a estado de choque em dois pacientes e a coma e infecção respiratória após parada cardíaca em dois pacientes.
The authors compare the serologic efficacy and the clinical protection afforded by three different measles vaccination schemes in adequately nourished children in São Paulo city, Brazil. Two hundred forty two children were divided into three groups. Group A, comprising 117 children who had received the vaccine before 12 months of age and a second dose at 12 months of age or more. Group B, comprising 46 children who had received only one dose, before 12 months of age. Group C, comprising 79 children who had received only one dose, at 12 months of age or more. The geometric mean titer of antibodies in Group A was 790.1; in Group B, 251.1; and in Group C, 550.3. There was no statistically significant difference between Groups A and C. The exposure to the measles virus was probably similar in all groups, and the children in Groups A and C had similar chances of acquiring the disease after vaccination whereas in Group B the chances were higher when compared to the other two groups. The results obtained in this study favor the use, in developing countries, of a vaccination program against measles that includes an early first dose at eight months of age and revaccination after 12 months of age.
In twenty five patients who presented the cutaneous form of loxoscelism, serum haptoglobin and lactic dehydrogenase, erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, methemoglobin, bilirubin and reticulocytes were investigated after bite. No hemolysis was detected but an increase in methemoglobin was found in 54% of the cases; in 7% it was between 1.1% and 2%, in 27% it ranged from 2.1% to 4%, and in 20% from 4.1% to 8%. Blood samples of a normal, blood group 0 individual and of a patient who exhibited methemoglobinemia after Loxosceles bite were incubated separately with antisera against Loxosceles gaucho, Crotalus terrificus, Bothrops jararaca, with Loxosceles gaucho venom and 0.3% phenol. No methemoglobin was found after 1, 4,8 and 15 days in both sets of samples. At the 25th day all the samples, including the controls, exhibited similar methemoglobin reductase decrease. The data suggest that the methemoglobinemia which occurs in 50% of the patients probably arises from in vivo venom metabolism, inasmuch as the crude venom does not induce methemoglobinemia.
No período compreendido entre abril e outubro de 1988, foram estudadas 481 gestantes de primeira consulta, as quais estavam inscritas no Programa de Atendimento à Gestante em oito Centros de Saúde da Secretaria do Estado da Saúde de São Paulo. Do total estudado, 86 gestantes não trouxeram amostras de fezes para análise, mesmo após várias solicitações. A idade média da população estudada foi de 24,5 anos (idade mínima de 14 e máxima de 46 anos); a renda média das famílias das gestantes foi de 0,97 SMPC (salário mínimo per capita) e o número médio de pessoas que compunham suas famílias foi de quatro (um a quinze pessoas). A prevalência de verminose foi de 45,1% (n=395). Os parasitas mais freqüentes foram: Ascaris lumbricoides (19,0%); ancilostomídeos (16,7%) e Trichuris trichiura (15,9%). Das 248 gestantes infectadas de enteroparasitas, 70 (28,2%) eram portadoras somente dos seguintes protozoários: Endolimax nana, Entamoeba coli e Iodamoeba butschllii. A prevalência de parasitas intestinais foi significativamente maior (p<0,05) nas gestantes pertencentes às famílias com renda de até 0,5 SMPC e compostas por 5 pessoas ou mais.
Haptoglobin assay, a highly sensitive method to detect intravascular hemolysis was carried out in the sera of 19 patients referred to Hospital Vital Brazil with the cutaneous form of loxoscelism in order to investigate the occurrence of mild intravascular hemolysis. Data from this series did not show decreased levels haptoglobin, ruling out intravascular hemolysis in these patients with cutaneous form of loxoscelism.
Generation of epidemiological data on perinatally-transmitted infections is a fundamental tool for the formulation of health policies. In Brazil, this information is scarce, particularly in Northeast, the poorest region of the country. In order to gain some insights of the problem we studied the seroprevalence of some perinatally-transmitted infections in 1,024 low income pregnant women in Salvador, Bahia. The prevalences were as follow: HIV-1 (0.10%), HTLV-I/II (0.88%), T.cruzi (2.34%). T.pallidum (3.91%), rubella virus (77.44%). T.gondii IgM (2.87%) and IgG (69.34%), HBs Ag (0.6%) and anti-HBs (7.62%). Rubella virus and T.gondii IgG antibodies were present in more than two thirds of pregnant women but antibodies against other pathogens were present at much lower rates. We found that the prevalence of HTLV-I/II was nine times higher than that found for HIV-1. In some cases such as T.cruzi and hepatitis B infection there was a decrease in the prevalence over the years. On the other hand, there was an increase in the seroprevalence of T.gondii infection. Our data strongly recommend mandatory screening tests for HTLV-I/II, T.gondii (IgM), T.pallidum and rubella virus in prenatal routine for pregnant women in Salvador. Screening test for T.cruzi, hepatitis and HIV-1 is recommended whenever risk factors associated with these infections are suspected. However in areas with high prevalence for these infections, the mandatory screening test in prenatal care should be considered.
We conducted a retrospective analysis of Toxoplasma encephalitis patients from Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas, the main AIDS hospital of São Paulo, Brazil, during two different stages of the HIV epidemics, in 1988 (38 patients) and 1991 (33 patients). There were AIDS-related demographic differences, but the clinical presentation and diagnostic efficiency were similar, usually based on tomography and clinical response to therapy, with a clear distinction from other CNS infections, based on clinical and laboratory findings. Specific serologic studies were performed less often in 1991, with a high frequency of therapy change. The direct acute death rate from Toxoplasma encephalitis was high during both periods, i.e. 8/38 in 1988 and 10/33 in 1991. The direct acute death rate for the patients from the two periods as a whole was 25.4% (18/71), related to the time of HIV infection, absence of fever and presence of meningeal irritation at presentation, blood leukocytes higher than 10,000/mm³ and blood lymphocytes lower than 350/mm³. Toxoplasma encephalitis is a preventable disease when adequate prophylactic therapy is used and is relatively easy to treat in diagnosed HIV patients. Unfortunately, this severe and deadly disorder is the HIV diagnostic disease in several patients, and our data support the need for careful management of these patients, especially in those countries with a high toxoplasmosis prevalence where AIDS is concurrent with economic and public health problems.
A case is reported of a woman who lived in a rural area with a chronic illness that consisted of weight loss and abdominal pain in the epigastrium and upper right quadrant. The initial diagnosis was a mass in the liver, which was later, demonstrated, both by direct and histological examination, to be an abscess caused by Ascaris lumbricoides. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides and abundant Charcot-Leyden Crystals were found.