76 resultados para Agropecuarian producers


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The aim of this study was a survey of the estimated costs of soil erosion, an issue of fundamental importance in view of the current worldwide discussions on sustainability. A list was drawn up of research papers on erosion (on-site and off-site effects) and their respective costs. The estimates indicate the amount of resources spent in the process of soil degradation, raising a general awareness of the need for soil conservation. On-site costs affect the production units directly, while off-site costs create a burden borne by the environment, economy and society. In addition, estimating the costs of soil erosion should be effective to alert the agricultural producers, society and government for the need for measures that can be implemented to bring erosion under control. Among the various estimates of soil erosion costs between 1933 a 2010, the highest figure was 45.5 billion dollars a year for the European Union. In the United States, the highest figure was 44 billion dollars a year. In Brazil, estimates for the state of Paraná indicate a value of 242 million dollars a year, and for the state of São Paulo, 212 million dollars a year. These figures show, above all, that conservation measures must be implemented if crop and livestock farming production are to be sustainable.


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Chemical fertilisers are rarely avaiable to poor farmers, for whom the nitrogen (N) is often the most limiting element for cereal grain production. The objective of this study was to quantify the contribution of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) to groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) and velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) crops using the 15N natural abundance (delta15N) technique and to determine their residual effect and that of a natural fallow, on growth and N accumulation by two rustic maize varieties. The contribution of BNF calculated from delta15N data was 40.9, 59.6 and 30.9 kg ha-1, for groundnut, velvet bean and the natural fallow, respectively. The only legume grain harvested was from the groundnut, which yielded approximately 1.000 kg ha-1. The subsequent maize varieties ("Sol de Manhã" and "Caiana Sobralha") yielded between 1.958 and 2.971 kg ha-1, and were higher after velvet bean for both maize varieties and "Sol da Manhã" groundnut, followed by "Caiana" after groundnut and, finally, the natural fallow. For a small-holder producer the most attractive system is the groundnut followed by maize, as, in this treatment, both groundnut and maize grain harvest are possible. However, a simple N balance calculation indicated that the groundnut-maize sequence would, in the long term, deplete soil N reserves, while the velvet bean-maize sequence would lead to a build up of soil nitrogen.


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The present study evaluated the sensory quality of chocolates obtained from two cocoa cultivars (PH16 and SR162) resistant to Moniliophtora perniciosa mould comparing to a conventional cocoa that is not resistant to the disease. The acceptability of the chocolates was assessed and the promising cultivars with relevant sensory and commercial attributes could be indicated to cocoa producers and chocolate manufacturers. The descriptive terminology and the sensory profile of chocolates were developed by Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). Ten panelists, selected on the basis of their discriminatory capacity and reproducibility, defined eleven sensory descriptors, their respective reference materials and the descriptive evaluation ballot. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Tukey's test to compare the means. The results revealed significant differences among the sensory profiles of the chocolates. Chocolates from the PH16 cultivar were characterized by a darker brown color, more intense flavor and odor of chocolate, bitterness and a firmer texture, which are important sensory and commercial attributes. Chocolates from the SR162 cultivar were characterized by a greater sweetness and melting quality and chocolates from the conventional treatment presented intermediate sensory characteristics between those of the other two chocolates. All samples indicated high acceptance, but chocolates from the PH16 and conventional cultivars obtained higher purchase intention scores.


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The kiwi is a fruit that, has only been in Europe for about 60 years, which signifies a great potential for the development of its consumption and great difficulty in the educational process of the product. Currently there is a growing increase in world production, which to date is above the growth in demand. This means that the kiwi categories are not growing significantly and, on the contrary, the kiwi is at a crossroad that will be resolved in the coming years. The changing global economic scenario affects high-value products such as kiwis, making it hard to predict their commercial results. The worldwide market has clearly indicated through the demand and the prices that it is interested in the sweeter yellow varieties. Asian markets have been and are expected to continue to grow. The increase in world production has also generated overlap in stocks between the hemispheres, which makes it necessary to closely monitor commercial strategies regarding the start and end of the season. In this way, the market entry of the southern hemisphere kiwifruit is conditioned according to the presence of fruit from the Northern Hemisphere. The unique features and uses of the kiwi make it one of the most interesting fruits present in the world. For this reason it is also a fruit with high purchase value. In spite of the described variables and market trends, there is a growing demand for consuming better quality kiwis and willingness to pay a higher price.


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Information on antioxidant properties at different ontological stages may help producers and food technologists to identify which cultivar and/or maturity stage are most adequate for their need, therefore this work aimed to study the changes in the antioxidant metabolism during acerola development. Fruit from cv. Flor Branca, BRS366 and Florida Sweet were harvested at different stages: immature green colored (I), physiologically mature with green color and maximum size (II), breaker (III) and full red ripe (IV). After harvest, fruits were selected, divided into four replications with 500 g each and evaluated regarding their titratable acidity, pH, soluble solids, total soluble sugar, vitamin C, polyphenol, anthocyanin, yellow flavonoid, total antioxidant activity and antioxidant enzyme activity. Anthocyanin and flavonoid were determined through LC-DAD-ESI/MS and all analysis followed a completely randomized factorial 3 x 4 design. Fruits of 'Florida Sweet' presented significantly higher soluble solids (9.46ºBrix). Vitamin C content decreased during ripening, but ripe 'BRS 366' fruits showed the greatest values (1363 mg.100 g-1) and highest TAA with 42.36 µM TEAC.g-1FW. Cyanidin 3-rhamnoside (520.76 mg.100 g-1 DM) and quercetin 3-rhamnoside (33.72 mg.100 g-1 DM) were the most abundant anthocyanin and yellow flavonoids found mainly in 'Flor Branca' fruit of acerola, whose antioxidant enzymes activities were also higher. Ripe 'Florida Sweet' fruit presents a great potential for fresh consumption, meanwhile physiologically mature 'BRS 366' fruit seems the best option for the bioactive compounds processing industry. As 'Flor Branca' fruit of acerola kept the highest activity levels, it could be an indicative of greater potential for postharvest conservation.


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Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a typical crop of tropical areas, and Brazil is one of the leading world producers. In recent decades, papaya culture has expanded to different regions of the country, but the number of cultivars available is still limited. In the present study, a complete diallel cross was carried out using eight accessions of papaya from the UENF/Caliman germplasm bank. Four genotypes belong to the Formosa heterotic group and four, to the Solo group. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence and viability of exploring heterosis in heterotic intragroup hybrids. Fifty-six hybrid progenies were generated and evaluated. Among the Formosa intragroup hybrids, two hybrid combinations (MR x J4 and MR x SK) showed heterosis for all traits, as well as good average total fruit production. Among the Solo intragroup hybrids, three hybrid combinations (WM x GG, WM x SS and WM x SM) stand out for fruit production and high content of soluble solids. In Formosa x Solo hybrids, all hybrid combinations with the parent JS (JS x WM, JS x GG, JS x SS and JS x SM) showed high fruit quality and good average for fruit production. The heterotic profile of the hybrids tested allowed the identification of promising hybrids within Formosa and Solo heterotic groups. The analysis of the canonical variables also allowed the visualization of distinct groups of hybrids, depending on the provenance of the parents.


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This study aimed to verify the chloroform-methanol nymphicidal action of extracts of Annona mucosa leaves and seeds and of A. crassiflora seeds on second instar nymphs of rice stalk stink bug, Tibraca limbativentris. For each extract the concentrations of 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, 4.0%, 8.0%, and two control treatments (water and Tween80®) were used. The results show that the seed extracts of A. mucosa and A. crassiflora have insecticidal activity against the T. limbativentris nymphs with statistical significance for all concentrations when compared with controls. The seed extract of A. mucosa showed the higher toxicity with greater than 75% mortality at a concentration of 1.0% in the first 24 h after application. The leaf extract of A. mucosa presented the lowest toxicity with no more than 40% mortality. The seed extract of A. crassiflora showed intermediate toxicity among all the tested extracts, and the nymph's mortality exceeded 80% for the highest concentration after 120 h of application. Considering these results, we were able to observe that the seeds extract of A. mucosa may be an alternative for the control of bed bug nymphs T. limbatriventris, especially for small producers.


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Persimmon anthracnose has been a great concern to Brazilian producers. This study aimed to identify and characterized the causal species from Brazilian persimmons byassessing morphological and molecular characteristics and pathogenicity tests. Five fungal isolatesobtained from diseased twigs and fruits were identified as Colletotrichum horii, based on morphologicalcharacteristics and nucleotide sequences of ITS region. Inoculation tests revealed that the fungal isolates caused necrotic spots followed by defoliation of leaves, blight of twigs and buds of potted persimmon plants.


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In Chile, the cherry tree has been one of the fastest growing and most profitable crops in the last ten years. However, increasing production costs, the scarcity of hired labor, and unfavorable exchange rates have reduced the productivity and competitiveness of the Chilean fruit sector. The aim of this article is to evaluate the harvest labor quality in cherry growing in Chile through the use of productivity indicators. A harvest labor evaluation system (HLES) was designed and four indicators were measured: Average Weight of Harvested Box, Average Daily Production per Worker, Percent of Export Fruit, and Percent of Fruit Discarded. Significant differences werefound between the 2010/11 season (with the HLES implementation) and the previous seasons without HLES. The average worker yield, average weight of a filled box, and fruit quality improved, while the amount of discarded fruit decreased. Hired labor management in agriculture is crucial for improving the productivity of the fresh fruit export producers. The use of HLES and the adoption of new technologies could help to solve the competitiveness problem in the Chilean fruit sector.


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Copper content is of great concern among sugarcane-spirit producers. It is released from copper-made distillers, during the distillation process. Activated carbon has been used to remove copper. However, depending on the amount of carbon and the duration of reaction, it can also remove higher alcohols and esters, which are important in the final product. A sugarcane spirit with 9 mg L-1 of copper was shaken with 2 to 26 g L-1 of activated carbon, during 10 to 1440 minutes. Then, copper and organic compounds were measured. At least 12 g L-1 of carbon and 60 min shaking time were necessary to decrease copper bellow 5 mg L-1. However, other components of the product were also affected.


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The objective of this work was to investigate if producers of sugar cane spirits in Minas Gerais, Brazil, have improved the copper content of their products and also if they have adjusted to the new standards of identity for 'cachaça' and 'aguardente'. Seventy-one samples, obtained from May 2003 until March 2004, were analyzed. Mean copper content was 2.30 mg/L, which indicates a significant reduction in levels. The mean alcohol content was 45.6 % v/v. All of the 'aguardente' but only 79% of the 'cachaça' attended to the standard of identity for alcohol content for these products.


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Special clays are a group of clays different from the large volume of clay mineral products named "Industrial Clays": kaolins, ball clays, refractory clays, bentonites, fuller's earths, common clays. Two groups of special clays exist: rare, as in the case of hectorite and sepiolite and restricted areas, as in the case of white bentonite, halloysite and palygorskite (attapulgite). A review is given of the most important producers of the special clays and their properties in the Western World, as well as a discussion of the occurrence of these types of clays in Brazil.


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This research, developed with Apis mellifera honey samples from producers of São Paulo State, Brazil, has the objective of verifying how eucalyptus, wild flower, and orange honey samples would be clustered, based on physicochemical characteristics. All the orange honey samples and some wild flower ones formed distinct groups, thus confirming that the floral source interferes with honey characteristics. Eucalyptus and some of the wild flower honey samples were clustered together because of the great floral source variation in the latter ones. The characteristics that influence sample clustering are acidity and electric conductivity on the X axis, and total sugars and pH on the Y axis.


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The Brazilian legislation requires analysis of certain parameters to classify a wine and allow its commercialization. Some physico-chemical and some color parameters were determined in this work in samples of different red wines sold in the metropolitan area of Recife. Multivariate analysis comprising principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to distinguish the analyzed wines. The results for pH, chloride concentration, color parameters and ammonium content were the most important variables for sample classification. It was also possible to classify the wines as soft or dry wines and amongst the soft wines we could determine two out of four winegrowing producers.


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High copper content is of great concern among producers of sugar-cane spirits who frequently use filters instead of cleaning the stills. This study compared the efficiency of activated carbon, ion-exchange-polymeric resin, and activated-carbon/iron-oxide magnetic composite for copper reduction without removing excessive organic compounds that are important for the beverage's quality. Resin was the most efficient copper adsorbent, removing fewer organic compounds. The composite also removed copper; however, it also removed large amounts of organic compounds. Activated carbon didn't remove sufficient copper to reduce its concentration to less than 5 g L-1, and it removed large amounts of higher alcohols and esters.