508 resultados para Ceará State
Relata-se um caso autopsiado de paciente acometida por sepse fulminante com lesões predominantemente pulmonares, causada pela Burkholderia pseudomallei, agente etiológico da melioidose, proveniente de município do interior do Ceará, estado do nordeste do Brasil onde ainda não tinham sido descritos casos da doença. São discutidos os achados da autópsia e os diagnósticos diferenciais.
A positive coefficient of association (affinity) between Runchomyia reversa and Anopheles cruzii and high (0.38) index were observed, probably due to the similar breeding places (bromeliads) and to landing habits. Furthermore, a high (0.92) index of association between Oc. scapularis and Wyeomyia incaudata, with low coefficient of association was observed.
Mosquitoes (22 species) (0.5%) and Runchomyia reversa (5%) biting humans in the morning in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, were significantly more common below than above waist and all Wyeomyia incaudata were collected below the waist. Short trousers are not recommended, unless using repellents.
Due to the occurrence of cases of dermal leishmaniasis in the Municipality of Piçarras, in the East of the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina, collections of Phlebotomine sandflies by the use of CDC-like light traps were developed near the houses of the patients. Three species (Lutzomyia neivai, Lu. fischeri and Lu. ayrozai) were collected. Lu. neivai was predominant near the houses, and Lu. ayrozai was collected in a secondary forest in a nearby municipality (Navegantes). The novelty of this focus, the most southern one in the East of Brazil, underscores the need for more complete studies on the sandfly fauna.
In order to understand the determinants of human infection by Leishmania chagasi in an urban area, a cross-sectional population based study was conducted using molecular and serologic methods to identify infection. Participants were interviewed using a pre-coded questionnaire. Two criteria were tested to identify risk factors: Model 1- including all participants positive in hybridization by Leishmania donovani complex probe; Model 2- including all participants positive for hybridization and at least one serologic test. In Model 1, the variables associated with infection were: ownership of birds, time spent outside house between 6:00-10:00 PM and garbage not collected. In Model 2, the variables associated with infection were: family with knowledge of the vector, garbage not collected, garbage not removed or buried, ownership of birds and eroded areas in the neighborhood. The risk factors identified were associated with household conditions, presence of animals and the likelihood of contact with phlebotomine sandflies.
No Estado do Ceará (1992 a 2002), 16 casos de envenenamento com o Thalassophyne nattereri ocorreram no litoral, a maioria (87,5%) em praias de Fortaleza e 12,5% do interior. Noventa e quatro por cento eram do sexo masculino e 6% feminino. Com relação à idade, 75% estavam na faixa etária de 21 a 40 anos, 19% entre 41 e 60 anos e 6% entre 1 a 10 anos. O tempo de exposição foi de 1 a 5 horas (4), 6 a 12 (3), mais de 12 horas (4), 5 pacientes não informaram o tempo decorrido entre o acidente e o atendimento. Manifestações clínicas observadas foram dor, edema local, isquemia transitória, parestesia, equimose e sensação de queimação local. O tratamento consistiu de antiinflamatórios e analgésicos. Em alguns casos, foram usados anestésicos, água morna, debridamento cirúrgico e anti-histamínicos. Em 75% dos casos, observou-se cura confirmada e em 12% a cura não foi confirmada, em dois a evolução foi ignorada. Provavelmente, o número de acidentes ocorridos é maior do que o encontrado devido a subnotificação.
The objective of the present study was to analyze HCV serological and virological parameters from hemophiliacs in the State of Bahia. Anti-HCV was investigated by ELISA in a cohort of 268 hemophiliacs A/B who were followed-up in a reference unit for hemotherapy in the State of Bahia. HCV viremia and genotypes were also determined from a subset of 66 anti-HCV seropositive hemophiliacs. Seroprevalence among hemophiliacs was 42.2% (95% CI 36.5-48.1) and was significantly higher (p<0.05) according to age >10 years, presence of factor VIII/IX inhibitory antibodies and other infection markers. None of the hemophiliacs less than 5 years of age were anti-HCV seropositive. Viremia was detectable in 77.3% (51/66). HCV genotype 1 (74%) was the most prevalent followed by genotype 3 (22%) and genotype 2 (4%). Our results indicate that HCV prevalence is still high among hemophiliacs, although HCV transmission was not observed in young hemophiliacs.
Between October, 1997 and September, 1999 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais a study of seasonal variation of Lutzomyia longipalpis was carried out in three distinct areas of the municipality. Sand flies were sampled at 15-day intervals in three residences, in each of which two CDC light traps were installed, one indoors and the other in the peridomicile. A total of 397 sand flies were captured in the three areas, with 65%, 30% and 1% of specimens collected in the eastern, northeast and Barreiro districts, respectively. The overall proportions of sand flies collected inside and around the houses were similar (57% vs 43%) and this pattern was seen for both Lutzomyia longipalpis and Lutzomyia whitmani . The highest population levels during the two years of the study were from October to March. From October onwards, numbers increased constantly until February. A gradual fall was seen from April onwards until the lowest levels were reached in the months of June, July and August.
Avaliou-se a suscetibilidade de Aedes aegypti ao temefós através de amostras de ovos e larvas procedentes de quatro municípios de grande porte do estado do Ceará (Fortaleza, Barbalha, Juazeiro do Norte e Crato). Empregou-se a técnica padronizada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde para ensaios com larvicidas. Determinou-se a CL50 de oito amostras provenientes de populações de Aedes e suas respectivas razões de resistência, comparada à CL50 da cepa suscetível Rockefeller. Todas as populações submetidas ao experimento apresentaram resistência ao temefós, com razões de resistência variando entre 8 e 16. A análise destes resultados reforça evidências anteriores sobre a disseminação de resistência ao temefós em diferentes localidades do estado submetidas a grande pressão de controle nas últimas décadas. O larvicida poderá perder a sua eficácia caso não se busque, com urgência, o restabelecimento da suscetibilidade do Aedes aegypti nestas áreas, afetando sobremaneira as campanhas de controle atualmente em curso.
A case of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis produced by Naegleria fowleri was diagnosed in the Independencia county of Anzoategui State, Venezuela. This case motivated the realization of the present epidemiological study with the aim of identifying free-living amoebae in this area. Representative water samples were taken and physicochemical and microbiologic analyses were carried out. Trophozoites and cysts of Naegleria spp, were detected in 44.4% (n=4). An excellent concordance was found among the observations of free-living amoebae in smears and those of monoxenic cultures in non nourishing agar with Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kappa=1; p= 0.003). A variable load of aerobic mesophils was obtained. Moulds and yeast averages presented 3.0 CFU/ml (SD± 2.0) and 102.9 CFU/ml (SD± 32.2), respectively. One hundred per cent of the samples presented a most probable number of total and fecal coliforms of 240,000 NMP/100mL. Naegleria spp was present in waters of the Independence county of Anzoategui state, which constitutes a risk for people that use these sources.
Os autores utilizaram a técnica de precipitina para identificar as fontes alimentares de Panstrongylus lutzi (Neiva & Pinto, 1923) em 20 municípios do Estado do Ceará, Brasil. Os resultados detectaram a presença de sangue de oito diferentes fontes sanguíneas e alimentações mistas, demonstrando que Panstrongylus lutzi é uma espécie eclética. Altas taxas de infecção por tripanosomatídeos foram detectadas.
A population-based cross-sectional study was set up in Sabará country, Southeastern Brazil, to identify asymptomatic human visceral leishmaniasis in an urban area of low disease prevalence. Blood was collected on filter paper (n=1,604 inhabitants) and examined by indirect immunofluorescent test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunochromatographic strip test. The prevalence rates of infection ranged from 2.4 to 5.6% depending on the test used. One year later, venous blood was collected in a subset of 226 participants (102 seropositive and 124 seronegative). The tests performed were IFAT, ELISA, rk39-ELISA, polymerase chain reaction and hybridization with Leishmania donovani complex probe. No clinical signs or symptoms of leishmaniasis were observed. Using hybridization as a reference test, the sensitivity and specificity of serology were respectively: 24.8 and 71% (ELISA); 26.3 and 76.3% (rk-39); 30.1 and 63.4% (IFAT). Due to disagreements, different criteria were tested to define the infection and hybridization should be considered in epidemiological studies.
Estudou-se a distribuição geográfica da cisticercose, sua relação com rebanho suíno e disponibilidade de tomografia computadorizada no município de residência de pacientes registrados no Sistema de Informação Hospitalar do Ceará (1996-2004). Internaram-se 424 pacientes com cisticercose (neurocisticercose 98,3%) procedentes de 75 municípios. Inexistiu relação entre a distibuição geográfica dos casos e a existência de tomografia computadorizada ou rebanhos suínos.