270 resultados para mitral stenosis


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados imediatos e complicações da valvoplastia mitral percutânea por balão (VMPB), com o balão de Inoue (BI) e com o balão único (BU). MÉTODOS: Dentre 390 procedimentos utilizaram-se o BI em 29 procedimentos e o BU de baixo perfil em 337. Não houve diferença na idade e sexo nos 2 grupos. O grupo BI era menos sintomático (p=0,0015). Não houve diferença na distribuição do escore ecocardiográfico e da área valvar mitral (AVM) pré-VMPB. RESULTADOS: Quando compararam-se os 2 grupos entre si, os resultados nos grupos BI e BU foram, respectivamente: pré-VMPB para pressão pulmonar média (PPM) 36±15 e 39±14mmHg, p=0,2033, para gradiente (GRAD) mitral médio 17±6 e 20±7mmHg, p=0,0396 e AVM 0,9±0,2 e 0,9±9,2cm², p=0,8043, enquanto os valores pós-VMPB foram PPM 25±8 e 28±10mmHg, p=0,2881, GRAD 5±3 e 5±4mmHg, p=0,2778 e AVM 2,2±0,2 e 2,0±0,4cm², p=0,0362. Pré-VMPB a válvula mitral era competente em 26 procedimentos com o BI e 280 dos com o BU e havia regurgitação mitral de +/4 em 3 do grupo BI e em 57 do BU, p=0,3591 e pós-VMPB tivemos, no grupo BI a valva mitral (VM) competente em 18, +/4 em 7 e 2+/4 em 4 e no grupo BU, a VM era competente em 218, +/4 em 80, 2+/4 em 25, 3+/4 em 5 e 4+/4 em 2, p=0,7439. Só houve complicações no grupo BU. CONCLUSÃO: As duas técnicas foram eficientes. Os resultados hemodinâmicos foram semelhantes, embora a AVM pós-VMPB do grupo do BI foi maior.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os diferentes métodos de quantificação de insuficiência mitral (IM) ao ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE) em pacientes com suspeita clínica de disfunção de prótese mitral. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 15 pacientes, divididos em dois grupos, conforme a presença ou não de IM expressiva (grau importante) ao cateterismo cardíaco (Cate). A IM foi quantificada ao ETE pelos seguintes métodos, habitualmente empregados para IM de valvas nativas: avaliação subjetiva do jato regurgitante ao mapeamento de fluxo a cores, avaliação objetiva com base na área absoluta do jato regurgitante e na sua área relativa (área do jato/área do átrio esquerdo (AE)), e avaliação baseada na presença de fluxo sistólico reverso em veia pulmonar. RESULTADOS: A IM foi predominantemente de origem transprotética (14 pacientes) e de distribuição excêntrica (11 pacientes). Observou-se concordância estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) entre IM expressiva ao Cate (8 pacientes) e ao ETE pela avaliação subjetiva e presença de fluxo sistólico reverso em veia pulmonar. As avaliações pelas áreas absoluta (área de jato >7cm²) e relativa (área de jato >35% da área do AE) não mostraram concordância significante com o Cate, com nítida subestimação ao ETE pela área relativa. Houve, porém, concordância significante, quando considerado como IM expressiva, jato cuja área relativa foi >30% da área do AE. CONCLUSÃO: O ETE identificou adequadamente as IM protéticas angiograficamente expressivas, particularmente pelos métodos subjetivo e de fluxo sistólico reverso em veia pulmonar. É necessário cautela na utilização de critérios baseados na área do jato regurgitante, em virtude da subestimação da área na presença de jato excêntrico, freqüente em disfunção de prótese mitral.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados ao ecocardiograma transesofágico e evolução clínica de portadores de flail mitral valve. MÉTODOS: No período de janeiro/93 a março/97, 1675 pacientes foram submetidos, em nossa instituição, a ecocardiograma transesofágico, sendo que em 35 casos foi feito o diagnóstico de flail mitral valve e, posteriormente, obtida sua evolução clínica. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou 12 a 87 anos (média 65±15) e 27 (77%) eram do sexo masculino. O folheto posterior foi o mais acometido (25 pacientes, 71%). O mecanismo do flail foi ruptura de cordoalha tendínea em todos os casos, exceto um, que apresentava importante alongamento e redundância de cordoalha. A etiologia foi prolapso e/ou degeneração mixomatosa em 15 pacientes, degenerativa em 9, isquêmica em 5, reumática em 4 e endocardite em 3. Regurgitação mitral de grau importante ocorreu em 25 (71%) pacientes e moderada em 10 (29%). O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 375±395 dias (1 a 1380). Foram submetidos a tratamento clínico 19 pacientes e a tratamento cirúrgico 16, sendo que em todos foi confirmado o diagnóstico transesofágico. O número total de óbitos (hospitalar e pós-hospitalar) foi alto (34%), tanto em pacientes submetidos a tratamento clínico quanto cirúrgico. Entre os sobreviventes, 17 estão em classe funcional (CF) I e 6 em CF II da NYHA. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico de flail mitral valve ao ecocardiograma transesofágico é acurado, permitindo a definição de sua etiologia e mecanismo. A alta mortalidade à época do diagnóstico, provavelmente, se relaciona à gravidade da doença subjacente. Embora os pacientes não operados estejam evoluindo bem, a baixa CF observada nestes pacientes pode ser atribuída ao curto período de seguimento.


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OBJECTIVE: To verify if adaptive left ventricle (LV) characteristics are also present in individuals under 70 years of age with severe aortic stenosis (AS). METHODS: The study comprised 40 consecutive patients under 70 years of age with AS and no associated coronary artery disease, referred for valve surgery. Out of the 40 patients, 22 were men and 18 women, and the mean age was 49.8±14.3 years. Cardiac symptoms, presence of systemic hypertension (SH), functional class according to the New York Heart Association (NYHA), and valve lesion etiology were considered. LV cavity dimensions, ejection fraction (EF), fractional shortening (FS), mass (MS), and relative diastolic thickness (RDT) were examined by Doppler echocardiography. RESULTS: Fourteen (63.6%) men and 11 (61.6%) women were classified as NYHA class III/IV (p=0.70). There was no difference in the frequency of angina, syncope or dyspnea between genders. The incidence of SH was greater in women than in men (10 versus 2, p=0.0044). Women had a smaller LV end-diastolic diameter index (32.1±6.5 x 36.5±5.3mm/m², p=0.027), LV end-systolic diameter index (19.9±5.9 x 26.5±6.4mm/m², p=0.0022) and LV mass index (MS) (211.4±71.1 x 270.9±74.9g/m², p=0.017) when compared with men. EF (66.2±13.4 x 52.0±14.6%, p=0.0032), FS (37.6±10.7 x 27.9±9.6%, p=0.0046) and RDT (0.58±0.22 x 0.44±0.09, p=0.0095) were significantly greater in women than in men. CONCLUSION: It is the patient gender rather than age that influences left ventricular adaptive response to AS.


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A forty eight year old woman, who had undergone mitral comissurotomy and subsequently developed early restenosis, presented with major comissural fusion and verrucous lesions on the cuspid edges of the mitral valve, with normal subvalvar apparatus. Patient did well for the first six months after surgery when she began to present dyspnea on light exertion. A clinical diagnosis of restenosis was made, which was confirmed by an echocardiogram and cardiac catheterization. She underwent surgery, and a stenotic mitral valve with verrucous lesions suggesting Libman-Sacks' endocarditis was found. Because the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) had not been confirmed at that time, a bovine pericardium bioprosthesis (FISICS-INCOR) was implanted. The patient did well in the late follow-up and is now in NYHA Class I .


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Only rarely do myxomas originate from the mitral valve. This is the report of a 49-year-old woman presenting with congestive heart failure. The diagnosis of an intracardiac tumor involving the anterior cuspid of the mitral valve was made by transesophageal echocardiography. The patient underwent surgery for tumor resection and plasty of the valve was made with reconstruction and preservation of the valve. The diagnosis of myxoma was confirmed by histology. This is the 23rd case of myxoma of the mitral valve reported in the literature.


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OBJECTIVE - To analyze the immediate and late results of mitral valve repair with quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet without the use of a prosthetic ring annuloplasty. METHODS - Using this technique, 118 patients with mitral valve prolapse who underwent mitral repair from January '84 through December '96 were studied. Age ranged from 30 to 86 (mean = 59.1±11.8) years and 62.7% were males. An associated surgery was performed in 22% of the patients, and coronary artery bypass graft was the most frequently performed surgery (15 patients - 12.7%). In 20 (16.9%) patients other associated techniques of mitral valve repair were used and shortening of elongated chordae tendineae was the most frequent one (6 patients). RESULTS - Immediate mortality was 0.9% (one patient). Long-term rates for thromboembolism, endocarditis, re-operation and death in the late postoperative period were 0.4%, 0.4%, 1.7% and 2.2% patients/year, respectively. The actuarial curve of survival was 83.8±8.6% over 12 years; survival free from re-operation was 91.8±4.3%, free from endocarditis was 99.2±0.8% and free from thromboembolism was 99.2±0.8%. In the late postoperative period, 93.8% of the patients were in functional class 1 (NYHA), with a complete follow-up in 89.7% of the patients. CONCLUSION - Patients with mitral valve prolapse who undergo mitral valve repair using this technique have a satisfactory prognosis over 12 years.


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OBJECTIVE - To assess neonates with aortic stenosis with early decompensation operated upon. (LCO) (CHF). METHODS - A and retrospective study analyzing 6 neonates with LCO, group I (GI), and 12 neonates with CHF, group II (GII). Clinical radiographic, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings also provided comparative bases for the study, as did surgical and evolutional findings. RESULTS - The mean ages at hospitalization and surgery (p = 0.0031) were 14.3 and 14.8 days in GI and 35.4 and 42.8 days in GII, respectively. Cardiac murmurs were more intense in GII (p = 0.0220). The aortic ring was smaller in GI (8.0 ± 2.5mm) as compared to GII (11.4±1.4mm) (p = 0.2882). Ventricular function was reduced to 18±5.5% and 33.3±7.6% in GI and GII, respectively (p = 0.0162). Aortic atresia, however, was present only in 2 neonates in GI. Five of 6 patients in GI died but all patients in GII survived (p=0.0007). In the latter group, 84.6% of the patients were in functional class I (FC-I) in the long-term follow-up, with moderate residual lesions in 6 neonates, discrete residual lesions in 4, and reoperation in 2. CONCLUSION - Aortic stenosis is a severe anomaly of the neonate, whose immediate evolution depends on the pre-operative anatomic and functional findings, and the late evolution essentially depends on the anatomic features of the valve.


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OBJECTIVE - To analyze immediate and late results of percutaneous mitral valvotomy (PMV) in patients <= 18 year. METHODS - Between August '87 and July '97, 48 procedures were performed on 40 patients. The mean age was 15.6 years; 68.7% were females four of whom were pregnant. RESULTS - Success was obtained in 91.7% of the procedures. Immediate complications were severe mitral regurgitation (6.3%) and cardiac tamponade (2.0%). Late follow-up was obtained in 88.8% of the patients (mean value=43.2±33.9 months). NYHA functional class (FC) I or II was observed in 96.2% of the patients and restenosis developed in five patients, at a mean follow-up of 29.7±11.9 months. Three patients presented with severe mitral insufficiency and underwent surgery. Two patients died. CONCLUSION - PMV represents a valid therapeutic option in young patients. In these patients, maybe because of subclinical rheumatic activity, restenosis may have a higher incidence and occur at an earlier stage than in others persons.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the early outcome of mitral valve prostheses implantation and left ventricular remodeling in 23 patients with end-stage cardiomyopathy and secondary mitral regurgitation (NYHA class III and IV). METHODS: Mitral valvular prosthesis implantation with preservation of papillary muscles and chordae tendinae, and plasty of anteriun cuspid for remodeling of the left ventricle. RESULTS: The surgery was performed in 23 patients, preoperative ejection fraction (echocardiography) varied from 13% to 44% (median: 30%). In 13 patients associated procedures were performed: myocardial revascularization (9), left ventricle plicature repair (3) and aortic prosthese implantation (1). Early deaths (2) occurred on the 4th PO day (cardiogenic shock) and on the 20th PO day (upper gastrointestinal bleeding), and a late death in the second month PO (ventricular arrhythmia). Improvement occurred in NYHA class in 82.6% of the patients (P<0.0001), with a survival rate of 86.9% (mean of 8.9 months of follow-up). CONCLUSION: This technique offers a promising therapeutic alternative for the treatment of patients in refractory heart failure with cardiomyopathy and secondary mitral regurgitation.


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A rare association of pulmonary atresia with an intact septum was diagnosed through echocardiography in a fetus 32 weeks of gestational age. The diagnosis was later confirmed by echocardiography of the newborn infant and further on autopsy. The aortic valve was bicuspid with a pressure gradient of 81mmHg, and the right ventricle was hypoplastic, as were the pulmonary trunk and arteries, and the blood flow was totally dependent on the ductus arteriosus.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe a surgical procedure utilizing a malleable bovine pericardium ring in mitral valve repair and clinical and echodopplercadiographic results. METHODS: Thirty-two (25 female and 7 male) patients, aged between 9 and 66 (M=36.4±17.2) years, were studied over a 16-month period, with 100% follow-up. In 23 (72%) of the patients, the mitral approach was the only one applied; 9 patients underwent associated operations. The technique applied consisted of measuring the perimeter of the anterior leaflet and implanting, according to this measurement, a flexible bovine pericardium prosthesis for reinforcement and conformation of the posterior mitral annulus, reducing it to the perimeter of the anterior leaflet with adjustment of the valve apparatus. RESULTS: The patient survival ratio was 93.8%, with 2 (6.2%) fatal outcomes, one from unknown causes, the other due to left ventricular failure. Only one reoperation was performed. On echodopplercardiography, 88% of the patients had functional recovery of the mitral valve (50% without and 38% with mild insufficiency and no hemodynamic repercussions). Of four (12%) of the remaining patients, 6% had moderate and 6% had seigre insufficiency. Twenty-eight percent of class II patients and 72% of class III patients passed into classes I (65%), II (32%), and III (3%), according to NYHA classification criteria. CONCLUSION: Being flexible, the bovine pericardium ring fit perfectly into the valve annulus, taking into account its geometry and contractility. Valve repair was shown to be reproducible, demonstrating significant advantages during patient evolution, which did not require anticoagulation measures.


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A 44-year-old woman had a transient ischemic stroke, fibroelastoma of the mitral valve being the source of the embolus. The patient evolved with neutropenia induced by ticlopidine after 10 days of treatment. We report the major clinical features, therapeutical options, and medicamentous toxicity resulting from the use of antiplatelet drugs.