177 resultados para humoral


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Foi realizada avaliação imunológica em 48 indivíduos com históriapregressa de leishmaniose visceral (L. V)eem seis pacientes durante a fase aguda da doença e após o tratamento. Títulos significativos de anticorpos determinados pela técnica de imunofluorescência e/ou ELISA foram observados em 32 (67%) dos 48 casos. A avaliação da resposta imune humoral e celular nos seis pacientes durante a fase ativa da doença demonstrou títulos elevados de anticorpos (média 9536 ± 7169) e resposta línfoproliferativa ausente (323 ± 24). Após o tratamento (3 e 6 meses) os títulos de anticorpos só caíram em três dos seis pacientes, ao passo que linfócitos passaram a responder "in vítro" a antígenos de leíshmânía (11909 ± 5637). Estes dados demonstram que os indivíduos que adquirem leishmaniose visceral não são geneticamente incapacitados de responder a antígeno de leíshmânía equea persistência de títulos elevados de anticorpos anos após o tratamento, sugere que o parasita permaneça no hospedeiro após a cura clínica da doença.


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Philander frenata and Didelphis marsupialis harbor parasitism by Trypanosoma cruzi without developing any apparent disease and on the contrary to D. marsupialis, P. frenata maintains parasitism by T. cruzi II subpopulations. Here we compared the humoral immune response of the two didelphids naturally and experimentally infected with T. cruzi II group, employing SDS-PAGE/Western blot techniques and by an Indirect immunofluorescence assay. We also studied the histopathological pattern of naturally and experimentally infected P. frenata with T. cruzi. P. frenata sera recognized more antigens than D. marsupialis, and the recognition pattern did not show any change over the course of the follow up of both didelphid species. Polypeptides of 66 and 90kDa were the most prominent antigens recognized by both species in the soluble and enriched membrane fractions. P. frenata recognized intensely also a 45kDa antigen. Our findings indicate that: 1) there were no quantitative or qualitative differences in the patent or subpatent phases in the recognition pattern of P. frenata; 2) the significant differences in the recognition pattern of parasitic antigens by P. frenata and D. marsupialis sera suggest that they probably "learned" to live in harmony with T. cruzi by different strategies; 3) although P. frenata do not display apparent disease, tissular lesions tended to be more severe than has been described in D. marsupialis; and 4) Both didelphids probably acquired infection by T. cruzi after their evolutionary divergence.


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A vacinação com antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B não tem eficácia satisfatória em pacientes hemodialisados. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar uma possível associação entre antígenos leucocitários humanos e a baixa capacidade de produção de anticorpos protetores (anti-HbS) contra o antígeno de superfície do vírus da hepatite B em pacientes renais crônicos de programa de hemodiálise. Os antígenos HLA DR e DQ foram determinados em 76 pacientes hemodialisados por meio da técnica clássica de microlinfocitotoxicidade. Os resultados demonstraram que 34,2% dos pacientes eram não-respondedores à vacina VHB. As especificidades HLA mais freqüentes foram: HLA-DR3, DR7 e DQ2, com associação significante para a especificidade HLA-DR3 (p=0,0025; OR 5,1; IC95% 1,36-19,10). Estes dados sugerem a associação dos genes HLA de classe II com a incapacidade de resposta humoral à vacina VHB.


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A estrongiloidíase afeta 30 milhões de pessoas em 70 países. Usualmente, o diagnóstico dessa enteroparasitose é realizado por testes parasitológicos baseados no hidro termotropismo das larvas eliminadas nas fezes, porém esses têm se mostrado pouco sensíveis. Neste trabalho, extratos antigênicos foram testados pelas técnicas de ELISA, Immunoblotting e IFI, utilizando larvas filarióides de Strongyloides venezuelensis, parasita de roedores, que mostram reação cruzada com epítopos de Strongyloides stercoralis. Sensibilidade de 89, 85, 57% para a reação de ELISA e de 100, 100 e 96%, para o Immunoblotting com os antígenos SAL, ZWIP e ZW, e especificidade de 90, 60 e 81% para o ELISA e 96, 92 e 91% para o Immunoblotting para os mesmos antígenos, foram encontradas nestes ensaios.


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INTRODUCTION: Snake envenomings are a health problem in rural areas of tropical and subtropical countries, but little is known regarding the immune response presented by bitten individuals. The IgM production of patients bitten by Bothrops erythromelas snake was analyzed to identify the effectiveness of treatment in this type of envenomation. METHODS: Bothrops erythromelas venom was submitted to electrophoresis and transferred to a nitrocellulose sheet, following incubation with patients' sera. RESULTS: A 38 KDa protein was detected before and 24 h after therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The result suggests that this protein could be used as a marker for individuals envenomed by Bothrops. erythromelas.


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Estudou-se o efeito da dieta láctea, por um período de 150 dias em camundongos infectados com diferentes números das formas sangüíneas de Plasmodium berghei, e observou-se o desenvolvimento da imunidade humoral nestes animais pela dosagem das imunoglobulinas das classes IgG e IgM no soro, usando o teste de imunofluorescência indireta. Os resultados indicam que a administração do leite, como único alimento em camundongos, protege-os cotnra infecção malárica fatal, independentemente do número de parasitas inoculados. Os animais desenvolveram altos níveis de anticorpos IgG, os quais persistiram no soro por longo período de tempo. Contudo, os anticorpos IgM somente foram detectáveis no soro durante as primeiras duas semanas de infecção. O P. berghei continua presente na circulação periférica, após dois meses de infecção, uma vez que o sangue destes animasi inoculados em camundongos mantidos em dieta norma, produziu infecção fatal nos recipientes. No entanto, ao exame microscópico não foi possível detectar o parasita da malária no sangue periférico destes animais. O protozoário esteve presente no baço e fígado dos camundongos durante todo o tempo de duração da pesquisa. A presença contínua do P. berghei nestes animais, em nível de infecção subclínica, ofereceu ao hospedeiro o desenvolvimento de uma imunidade sólida contra subseqüente infecção. Esta imunidade adquirida esteve presente, nestes animais, até cinco meses após a infecção.


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O BCG, em solução lipídica, injetado por via intravenosa, foi capaz de reverter a imunosupressão humoral provocada pelo mastocitoma P-815, em camundongos singênicos DBA/2, aumentando tanto o número de células formadoras de placas hemolíticas quanto os títulos de anticorpos hemaglutinantes do soro. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos títulos de anticorpos hemaglutinantes da classe IgG. Nenhum efeito bloqueador pôde ser notado na progressão normal do tumor.


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Six Plasmodium falciparum protein fractions, isolated under reducing conditions, were used to immunize mice, rabbits and the squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus. Five or seven subcutaneous injections of each antigenic preparation, in conjunction with Freund's complete or incomplete adjuvants, were administered. This led to the development of specific antibodies detected by IFAT, ELISA or immunobloting which inhibited merozoite reinvasion in in vitro P. falciparum cultures. This activity seems to be associated with rhoptry proteins contained in fractions Pf F2 and Pf F4.


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Given the suspected role of mycobacteria in the establishment of disorders with an autoimmune background and joint damage, a study was conducted to analize whether rheumatic symptoms were likely to be present in tuberculosis (TB) patients. To this end, 330 patients with a bacteriologic confirmation of tuberculosis were investigated for the presence of arthritic complaints. The latter were recorded in five of them with rheumatic symptoms mostly involving interphalangeal and metacarpophalanged joints, and preceding the clinical manifestations of the TB illness. Three out of these five patients remained arthritic by the time of the bacteriologic conversion and fulfilled the criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. In the two remaining patients sputum negativization was accompanied by a disappearance of rheumatic manifestations. These patients were also assessed for their peripheral levels of major T cell subsets as well as for the presence of autoantibodies. Comparisons with a series of non-arthritic TB cases, rheumatoid arthritis patients, and controls revealed that presence of rheumatic manifestations was associated with a different profile of autoantibody formation and T cell subset changes. Evidence recorded in the present study indicates that joint affectation in TB is a rare event, being rather the exception than the rule.


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Efforts to characterize HIV-1 polymorphism and anti-HIV immune response are being made in areas where anti-HIV/AIDS vaccines are to be employed. Anti-HIV-1 humoral immune response is being studied in infected individuals resident in Rio de Janeiro, in distinct cohorts involving recent seroconvertors, pregnant women or intravenous drug users (IDU). Comparative analyses of specificity of antibody response towards epitopes important for anti-HIV-1 immune response indicate quantitative differences between cohorts, with an exceptionally strong response in IDUs and weakest response in pregnant women. However, a comparative analysis between pregnant women cohorts from Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul indicated an even lower response (with exception of the anti-V3-C clade peptide recognition) for the southern cohort. Studies analysing the immune function of the humoral response indicate a quite elevated occurrence of antibodies capable of neutralizing heterologous primary HIV-1 isolates from Rio de Janeiro. Attempts to correlate seroreactivity with HIV-1 neutralization with respect to HIV-1 polymorphism were not very successfull: while the Brazilian B clade B" variant could be recognized by binding assays, no significant distinction of HIV-1 clades/variants was observed in viral neutralization assays.


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The immunogenicity of anti-malaria synthetic vaccine SPf66 was tested in a region of the Colombian middle Atrato river. The specific serum antibodies against SPf66 were quantified in vaccinees and placebo injected controls for a two-years period post-immunization. The frequency of individuals showing seroconversion of anti-SPf66 antibodies three months after completion of the immunization schedule was higher in vaccinees than in controls (52.7% and 25.5%, respectively, p<0.01). However, an over than four-fold increase of the specific anti-SPf66 antibody titers was observed only in 1.4% of vaccinees and 0.2% of the controls (p<0.01). The anti-SPf66 antibody titers augmented in vaccinees from first dose application to three months after the third dose, continuously decreasing thereafter to reach below baseline values two years after completion of the immunization schedule. The results show that SPf66 has very low immunogenicity and induces a short term humoral immune response (six months).