68 resultados para SEMEN CONGELADO
As propriedades termofísicas de alimentos, necessárias nas simulações e cálculos do processo de congelamento, incluem principalmente a densidade, condutividade térmica e calor específico. Neste trabalho, as difusividades e condutividades térmicas da solução, usadas como modelo para o congelamento de polpas de frutas, foram medidas pelo método da sonda com aquecimento. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na faixa de -25 a 0ºC com modelos alimentícios constituídos de 0,5% de K- carrageenan + 10% de sacarose (massa/volume de água). Modelos estruturais foram usados para as avaliações da condução de calor, combinada com a fração de gelo predita para as amostras a partir dos modelos de Heldman e foram comparados com os valores das condutividades térmicas efetivas medidas. Os modelos estruturais empregados foram: em série, paralelo e Maxwell-Eucken, com o gelo considerado como a fase dispersa. Em todos os ensaios, o modelo de Maxwell-Eucken apresentou os melhores resultados (erro máximo de 6,13% quando comparado com os valores experimentais medidos) e foi escolhido para a predição da condutividade térmica efetiva de soluções-modelo de polpas de frutas congeladas. Os valores calculados da condutividade térmica foram ajustados em termos de funções polinomiais, divididas em quatro faixas de temperatura e podem ser usadas na resolução dos problemas de transferência de calor, nos processos de congelamento.
A caprinocultura de leite tem sido apontada como uma alternativa econômica para as pequenas propriedades rurais, sendo que a produção de queijo pode aumentar a lucratividade devido ao valor agregado ao produto. No entanto, os animais apresentam uma estacionalidade produtiva, ou seja, em alguns períodos há abundância e em outros, escassez de leite. O congelamento do leite ou de coalhadas dessoradas para a produção de queijo consiste numa alternativa para contornar o problema. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar um queijo obtido de massa mole com coagulação mista, maturado pelo fungo Penicillium candidum utilizando-se leite congelado pelos processos lento (freezer comum) ou rápido (nitrogênio líquido) e a fabricação do mesmo queijo utilizando-se coalhada dessorada e congelada pelos mesmos processos. Verificou-se que os queijos resultantes do congelamento do leite e congelamento da coalhada pelos processos lento e rápido não diferiram dos queijos controle (sem congelamento) quanto ao rendimento, características físico-químicas, composição e aspectos microbiológicos, mesmo quando comparados aos resultados obtidos na matéria seca do queijo.
Os neuropeptídeos são neurotransmissores relevantes na fisiologia nasal e o conhecimento crescente acerca de seu papel na fisiopatologia de doenças nasais abre novas perspectivas. A sua investigação na mucosa nasal humana baseia-se em grande parte em marcação imunológica, método complexo e sujeito a inúmeros fatores de erro. Com o intuito de viabilizar este tipo de pesquisa em nosso meio, um método de imunofluorescência para peptídeo intestinal vasoativo (VIP) na mucosa nasal humana é proposto e avaliado. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Oito pacientes submetidos a cirurgia funcional do nariz têm um fragmento de mucosa coletado da concha inferior. O tecido foi fixado em solução de Zamboni (paraformaldeído 4% tamponado e ácido pícrico 0,4%), congelado em nitrogênio líquido e armazenado. Cortes de 14 µm foram realizados e submetidos à reação de imunofluorescência para VIP (Península Laboratories). As imagens microscópicas foram documentadas em fotografia convencional. A especificidade, sensibilidade e reprodutibilidade de execução foram avaliadas. A reprodutibilidade de interpretação de resultados foi avaliada através da comparação de graus de marcação (0 a 4) atribuídos às fotos por seis observadores. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram ser o método suficientemente específico, sensível, além de reprodutível em sua execução. A interpretação de resultados mostrou depender do perfeito esclarecimento do observador no julgamento das imagens de imunofluorescência, mas mostrou uniformidade. CONCLUSÃO: O método proposto foi considerado útil na pesquisa de neuropeptídeos na mucosa nasal humana.
OBJETIVO: Analizar la relación entre prácticas sexuales de riesgo para infección por VIH y la opresión que éstos han internalizado debido al prejuicio y discriminación que se enfrentan varones bisexuales y homosexuales. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, transversal, y analítico. Entre septiembre y noviembre del 2001 se aplicó un cuestionario a 318 hombres que acudieron a organizaciones e instituciones ubicadas en la Ciudad de México. Las variables indagadas fueron: homofobia internalizada, percepción del estigma, ocultamiento y prácticas sexuales en los seis meses previos a la encuesta. Mediante modelos de regresión logistica se estimó la relación (odds ratios) de las formas de opresión internalizada con las prácticas sexuales de riesgo, ajustando por variables confusoras. RESULTADOS: De los entrevistados, 256 habían tenido por lo menos una relación sexual en los últimos seis meses, 50 respondieron no haberlas tenido y 12 no contestaron esta pregunta. Más del 30% de los varones no había utilizado preservativo cuando habían tenido sexo insertivo o receptivo. La homofobia internalizada se asoció con mayor riesgo de consumo de drogas antes o durante las relaciones sexuales, sexo insertivo sin condón, sexo receptivo sin condón y el tragar semen de otros hombres. CONCLUSIONES: Sigue siendo frecuente la adopción de prácticas sexuales de riesgo entre los varones bi y homosexuales. De las tres formas de opresión internalizada que se investigaron, la que se asoció con mayor probabilidad de prácticas sexuales de riesgo fue la homofobia internalizada. Esta información puede ser incorporada en el diseño de programas de promoción de uso de condón entre varones bi y homosexuales.
Well-structured questionnaire on the perception, impression and response to genitourinary bilharziasis (Genitourinary schistosomiasis) was administered and explained in local languages: 'Igbo' 'Esan' 'Ezon' Itshekiri and Bini to 33815 inhabitants of selected endemic areas in south-eastern Nigeria from January, 1999 to December, 2001. Out of this number, 3815 (11.3%) were properly filled and returned. About 42.0% of the inhabitants admitted knowledge of the disease, while 14 (0.4%) knew about the aetiologic agent. About 181 (5.0%) who responded, admitted procuring treatment, while 100 (5.0%) declined to seek treatment of any sort. The relationships between water-bodies and human activities, and infection were well discussed. Amongst those who admitted knowledge of the disease but no knowledge of its etiologic agent, declined seeking treatment of any kind, but believe the disease is a natural phenomenon in ones developmental stage and therefore of no morbidity and mortality. Laboratory analysis of urine, faeces, semen and HVS was employed to assess questionnaire responses, and in some cases, physical examination was utilized to augment laboratory analysis in confirming urinal diagnosis. Haematuria was only directly related to egg count in the early part of life. Females were significantly haematuric and excreted more ova than males (p < 0.05). Headache (43.0%) and fever (31.0%) were major clinical signs while sexual pains (22.0%) were the least.
Reagente novo destinado ao teste de hemaglutinação indireta, THAI IAL, foi padronizado, utilizando hemácias de ganso, como suporte inerte, para o diagnóstico de campo da tripanosomíase americana. O objetivo foi o de substituir o reagente liofilizado ou congelado de THAI produzido rotineiramente, empregando hemácias humanas, no Instituto Adolfo Lutz (São Paulo, Brasil). O reagente padronizado apresentou longa estabilidade em suspensão líquida, e foi avaliado em 137 amostras de soros de pacientes chagásicos e não chagásicos, em THAL IAl. O desempenho diagnóstico deste teste foi semelhante ao de THAI utilizando hemácias humanas e ao de THAl de procedência comercial. A sensibilidade foi 1,00, especificidade 0,98, valores de preditivo positivo 0,96, e negativo 1,00. As diferentes partidas de reagente sucessivamente produzidas demonstraram ser reprodutíveis em método de controle de qualidade. O novo reagente é mais econômico que o anterior, de fácil preparo e aplicável aos estudos soroepidemiológicos.
Longitudinal comparison between plasma and seminal HIV-1 viral loads during antiretroviral treatment
This study was designed to investigate the impact of anti-retroviral therapy on both plasma and seminal HIV-1 viral loads and the correlation between viral loads in these compartments after treatment. Viral load, CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts were evaluated in paired plasma and semen samples from 36 antiretroviral therapy-naïve patients at baseline and on days 45, 90, and 180 of treatment. Slopes for blood and seminal viral loads in all treated patients were similar (p = 0.21). Median HIV-1 RNA titers in plasma and semen at baseline were 4.95 log10 and 4.48 log10 copies/ml, respectively. After 180 days of therapy, the median viral load declined to 3.15 log10 copies/ml (plasma) and 3.2 log10 copies/ml (semen). At this timepoint 22 patients presented HIV-1 viral load below 400 copies/ml in either plasma or semen, but only 9 had viral loads below 400 copies/ml in both compartments.
Evidence suggests that human semen quality may have been deteriorating in recent years. Most of the evidence is retrospective, based on analysis of data sets collected for other purposes. Measures of male infertility are needed if we want to monitor the biological capacity for males to reproduce over time or between different populations. We also need these measures in analytical epidemiology if we want to identify risk indicators, risk factors, or even causes of an impaired male fecundity-that is, the male component in the biological ability to reproduce. The most direct evaluation of fecundity is to measure the time it takes to conceive. Since the time of conception may be missed in the case of an early abortion, time to get pregnant is often measured as the time it takes to obtain a conception that survives until a clinically recognized pregnancy or even a pregnancy that ends with a live born child occurs. A prolonged time required to produce pregnancy may therefore be due to a failure to conceive or a failure to maintain a pregnancy until clinical recognition. Studies that focus on quantitative changes in fecundity (that does not cause sterility) should in principle be possible in a pregnancy sample. The most important limitation in fertility studies is that the design requires equal persistency in trying to become pregnant and rather similar fertility desires and family planning methods in the groups to be compared. This design is probably achievable in exposure studies that make comparisons with reasonable comparable groups concerning social conditions and use of contraceptive methods.
In men with prior vasectomy, microsurgical reconstruction of the reproductive tract is more cost-effective than sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection if the obstructive interval is less than 15 years and no female fertility risk factors are present. If epididymal obstruction is detected or advanced female age is present, the decision to use either microsurgical reconstruction or sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection should be individualized. Sperm retrieval with in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection is preferred to surgical treatment when female factors requiring in vitro fertilization are present or when the chance for success with sperm retrieval and intracytoplasmic sperm injection exceeds the chance for success with surgical treatment.
Infertility affects up to 15% of the sexually active population, and in 50% of cases, a male factor is involved, either as a primary problem or in combination with a problem in the female partner. Because many commonly encountered drugs and medications can have a detrimental effect on male fertility, the medical evaluation should include a discussion regarding the use of recreational and illicit drugs, medications, and other substances that may impair fertility. With the knowledge of which drugs and medications may be detrimental to fertility, it may be possible to modify medication regimens or convince a patient to modify habits to decrease adverse effects on fertility and improve the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Concern is growing that male sexual development and reproduction have changed for the worse over the past 30 to 50 years. Although some reports find no changes, others suggest that sperm counts appear to be decreasing and that the incidence of developmental abnormalities such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism appears to be increasing, as is the incidence of testicular cancer. These concerns center around the possibility that our environment is contaminated with chemicals - both natural and synthetic - that can interact with the endocrine system.
Formas de cultura de diferentes cepas do T.cruzi foram submetidas a vários processos de criopreservação. As percentagens de recuperação, avaliadas pela motilidade dos parasitas, foram consideradas como adequadas com algumas das técnicas empregadas, variando entre 60 a 80%. A estabilidade das características biológicas do material criopreservado foi investigada através do estudo das curvas de crescimento e diferenciação em meio acelular, infectividade para celulas de cultura de tecido ("Vero"), diferenciação intracelular em cultura de tecido assim como infectividade e curso da infecção em animais de laboratório. De um modo geral essas características nao foram significativamente alteradas no material congelado e estocado por diferentes períodos de tempo.
Reproductive performance including mating, semen transfer, egg production and hatching rate were investigated in pairs of Panstrongylus megistus in wich the male was treated with either precocene II or ethoxyprecocene II, topically applied shortly after imaginal molt. Eighty percent of the males were not able to mate for a period as long as 40 days after treatment. Those males wich did mate (20%) produced small spermatophores; a few (10%) were unable to transfer spermatozoa to female, while the others (10%) exhibited reproductive performance similar to that of non-treated males. The cumulative effects of the precocene on the different stages of reproduction resulted in a drastic reduction of offspring production. The anti-allatal compound precocene seems to inhibit successful reproduction through a corpus allatum inactivation and subsequent lack of secretory activity of the male accessory glands.
The effects of radiation on the reproductive capacity and the longevity of Panstrongylus magistus were studied. An indirect correlation between longevity and radiation doses was observed. Males were more affected than females. Longevity of females submitted to 10 Gy was not different when compared to controls. Some of the irradiated males copulated and in these cases semen was transferred to females, but only few eggs were laid. Fertility was seriously affected in all irradiated groups, decreasing with increasing intensity of dose. The dose of 80 Gy induced sterility in males and females. Gelatinous spermatophores that were expelled by females irradiated with 20 and 40 Gy, may be a consequence of irradiation that induced modification in the bursa copulatrix pH.
The present study was conducted to investigate a possible correlation between plasma (PVL) and seminal viral load (SVL) on treatment-naïve HIV-1-infected patients in Vitória, ES, Brazil. We also evaluated whether the progressive immunosuppression associated with HIV disease (as evidenced by declining CD4 T cell counts) has any impact on the correlation between PVL and SVL HIV-1. Viral load on paired blood and semen samples from 56 consecutive treatment-naïve patients were evaluated and compared to CD4 cell counts. Viral load and T cell counts (cells/µl) were determined by NASBA and by flow cytometry, respectively. Overall, a strong positive correlation between PVL and SVL (rho = 0.438, p = 0.001) was observed. However, when patients were grouped according to their CD4 counts, this correlation was only significant among patients with CD4 counts > 200 cells/µl. Results presented here demonstrate the existence of a strong correlation between PVL and SVL on patients with CD4 cell counts > 200 cells/µl, suggesting that this association may correlate with disease progression.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) can be detected in blood and other bodily fluids, such as saliva, semen and gastric juices. The aim of this study was to compare the HCV viral loads in the serum and saliva of infected patients. Twenty-nine patients with detectable HCV RNA in their serum and saliva were included in this study. The HCV viral loads were determined through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reactions. The median viral RNA levels were 5.78 log10 copies in the serum and 3.32 log10 copies in the saliva. We observed that the salivary HCV viral load was significantly lower than the viral load in the serum. Further studies are required to understand the role of saliva in the diagnosis, management and potential transmission of HCV.