30 resultados para Polymeric precursor
In this communication we describe the application of a conductive polymer gas sensor as an air pressure sensor. The device consists of a thin doped poly(4'-hexyloxy-2,5-biphenylene ethylene) (PHBPE) film deposited on an interdigitated metallic electrode. The sensor is cheap, easy to fabricate, lasts for several months, and is suitable for measuring air pressures in the range between 100 and 700 mmHg.
A derivative spectrophotometric method was validated for quantification of acyclovir in poly (n-butylcyanoacrylate) (PBCA) nanoparticles. Specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, recovery, detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) limits were established for method validation. First-derivative at 295.2 nm eliminated interferences from nanoparticle ingredients and presented linearity for acyclovir concentrations ranging from 1.25 to 40.0 µg/mL (r = 0.9999). Precision and accuracy data demonstrated good reproducibility. Recovery ranged from 99.3 to 101.2. LOD was 0.08 µg/mL and LOQ, 0.25 µg/mL. Thus, the proposed method proved to be easy, low cost, and accurate, and therefore, an useful alternative to quantify acyclovir in nanoparticles.
Ion exchange method was employed by means of surface modification of the glass powders of LZSA (Li2O-ZrO2-SiO2-Al2O3) system submitted to a 70wt% NaNO3/30wt% NaSO4 bath salt followed by a heat treatment. Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence was used to evaluate the efficiency of ion exchange, while optical dilatometry was employed to evaluate sintering of compacts. Evaluation of the structure of sintered bodies was made by scanning electron microscopy. Substitution of Li+ ions by Na+ ions on the surface of powders during heat treatments of 450 and 600 ºC for 2-10 h promoted an increase in densification of the sintered bodies.
Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) of cyclic olefins is a powerful transition metal-catalyzed reaction for syntheses of polymers and copolymers. The key feature of this reaction is the [2+2]-cycloaddition mechanism, with retention of the olefinic unsaturation in the polymer chain and occurrence of living polymerization. With the development of metal-carbene type catalysts for this process, many addressed polymeric materials have been successfully prepared to be employed in several fields of the science and technology. This review summarizes recent examples of syntheses of polymers with amphiphilic features such as block, graft, brush or star copolymers; as well syntheses of biomaterials, dendronized architectures, photoactive polymers, cross-linked or self-healing materials, and polymers from renewed supplies.
A method using HPLC-UV was developed and validated for the determination of etoposide incorporated into polycaprolactone implants. The method was carried out in isocratic mode using a C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm; 5 µm), at 25 ºC, with acetonitrile and acetic acid 4% (70:30) as mobile phase, a flow rate of 2 mL/min, and UV detection at 285 nm. The method was linear (r² > 0.99) over the range of 5 to 65 µg/mL, precise (RSD < 5%), accurate (recovery of 98.7%), robust, selective regarding excipient of the sample, and had a quantitation limit equal to 1.76 µg/mL. The validated method can be successfully employed for routine quality control analyses.
The influence of the composition and preparation method on the sol-gel transition temperature (Tsol-gel) and rheological response of poloxamer-based formulations was determined. Manual and more complex mechanical stirring were found to provide similar results. In addition, a linear dependence of Tsol-gel on the poloxamer content was observed in the range of concentrations analyzed, and a Poloxamer 407® concentration of 18% was selected. The addition of hyaluronic acid did not lead to significant changes in the Tsol-gel values. In contrast, the addition of microparticles caused a reduction in Tsol-gel without a significant reduction in gel strength, and pseudoplastic characteristics were observed, indicating that a thermoreversible gel was obtained with a rheology suitable for application in the treatment of burn wounds.
Xanthyletin is used as an inhibitor of the symbiotic fungus (Leucoagaricus gongylophorus) of the leaf-cutting ant (Atta sexdens rubropilosa), one of the most significant agricultural plague insects. The incorporation of this compound into nanoparticles is a promising approach to effectively control leaf-cutting ants. This study presents the development and validation of a specific analytical method using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for quantification of the xanthyletin content in biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles. The analytical methodology developed was specific, linear, accurate, precise, and robust. The absolute recovery of xanthyletin in colloidal suspensions was nearly 100%. The HPLC method proved reliable for the quantification of xanthyletin content in nanoparticle formulations.
The physicochemical properties (solubilization, structural organization and stability) of meso-tetrakis(p-methoxyphenyl)porphyrin (TMPP), a promising photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy, solubilized in polymeric micelles of tri-block copolymers PluronicTM P-123 and F-127, were studied. The formulations obtained by the solid dispersion method led to monomerization of TMPP in these copolymers. Solubility studies showed that P-123 solubilizes double the photosensitizer than F-127. The self-aggregation phenomenon was affected by the [TMPP]/[poloxamer] ratio and medium temperature. The decrease in the temperature of these systems promoted the formation of different kinds of TMPP aggregates intrinsically connected with the structural changes occurring in the micelles.
Ni-Co/Al2O3-MgO-ZrO2 nanocatalyst with utilization of two different zirconia precursors, namely, zirconyl nitrate hydrate (ZNH) and zirconyl nitrate solution (ZNS), was synthesized via the sol-gel method. The physiochemical properties of nanocatalysts were characterized by XRD, FESEM, EDX, BET and FTIR analyses and employed for syngas production from CO2-reforming of CH4. XRD patterns, exhibiting proper crystalline structure and homogeneous dispersion of active phase for the nanocatalyst ZNS precursor employed (NCAMZ-ZNS). FESEM and BET results of NCAMZ-ZNS presented more uniform morphology and smaller particle size and consequently higher surface areas. In addition, average particle size of NCAMZ-ZNS was 15.7 nm, which is close to the critical size for Ni-Co catalysts to avoid carbon formation. Moreover, FESEM analysis indicated both prepared samples were nanoscale. EDX analysis confirmed the existence of various elements used and also supported the statements made in the XRD and FESEM analyses regarding dispersion. Based on the excellent physiochemical properties, NCAMZ-ZNS exhibited the best reactant conversion across all of the evaluated temperatures, e.g. CH4 and CO2 conversions were 97.2 and 99% at 850 ºC, respectively. Furthermore, NCAMZ-ZNS demonstrated a stable yield with H2/CO close to unit value during the 1440 min stability test.
Bioresorbable polymeric films were prepared by solvent casting using a tyrosine-derived polycarbonate and metronidazole (MDZ) as the model drug at 2.5%, 5% and 10% (w/w). Drug loading did not affect the water uptake, drug release, polymer degradation or erosion profiles. All devices released approximately 85% (w/w) of the drug within a 1.5 h period. This may be attributed to the rapid water uptake of the polymer. An increase in the water uptake correlated with a linear rate increase of the polymer degradation (0.968 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.999). Moreover, MDZ presented a remarkable plasticizing effect for the polymer and drug loading exerted a significant impact on the mechanical properties of the obtained films. The results obtained can be used to further the development of novel biocompatible and biodegradable polymeric platforms for the delivery of metronidazole and other drugs in a broad range of pharmaceutical applications.
Este trabalho trata da obtenção de SrC2O4, Ce2(C2O4)3, e SrC2O4 dopado com diferentes porcentagens de Ce3+ como precursores do luminóforo azul Sr2CeO4. Os precursores preparados foram estudados por TG e DTA. Uma mistura contendo SrC2O4 e Ce2(C2O4)3 na relação 4:1 respectivamente e SrC2O4 dopado com diferentes porcentagens de Ce3+, foram tratadas termicamente à 1100ºC, 12 horas. Os produtos foram analisados por XRD e espectroscopia de luminescência e apresentam mistura das fases SrCeO3, Sr2CeO4 e SrCO3. Os produtos contendo a fase Sr2CeO4 apresentam luminescência azul de banda larga, com exceção daquele obtido a partir de SrC2O4 dopado com 50% de Ce3+. Neste caso a fase predominante é SrCeO3. Pela curva DTA observa-se um pico endotérmico em torno de 1000ºC para todas as amostras, com exceção da amostra dopada em 50%, evidenciando a temperatura de formação da fase Sr2CeO4. A fase luminescente Sr2CeO4 é preferencialmente obtida partindo-se de SrC2O4:Ce3+ 25% e de misturas mecânicas na proporção de 4:1 de oxalatos de estrôncio e de oxalato de cério.
The characterization of proteins from Brucella spp, the causative agent of brucellosis, has been the subject of intensive research. We have described an 18-kDa cytoplasmic protein of Brucella abortus and shown the potential usefulness of this protein as an antigen for the serologic diagnosis of brucellosis. The amino acid sequence of the protein showed a low but significant homology with that of lumazine synthases. Lumazine is an intermediate product in bacterial riboflavin biosynthesis. The recombinant form of the 18-kDa protein (expressed in E. coli) folds like the native Brucella protein and has lumazine-synthase enzymatic activity. Three-dimensional analysis by X-ray crystallography of the homolog Bacillus subtilis lumazine synthase has revealed that the enzyme forms an icosahedral capsid. Recombinant lumazine synthase from B. abortus was crystallized, diffracted X rays to 2.7-Å resolution at room temperature, and the structure successfully solved by molecular replacement procedures. The macromolecular assembly of the enzyme differs from that of the enzyme from B. subtilis. The Brucella enzyme remains pentameric (90 kDa) in its crystallographic form. Nonetheless, the active sites of the two enzymes are virtually identical at the structural level, indicating that inhibitors of these enzymes could be viable pharmaceuticals across a broad species range. We describe the structural reasons for the differences in their quaternary arrangement and also discuss the potential use of this protein as a target for the development of acellular vaccines.
The purpose of the present study was to identify the expression of p16INK4 in cervical cancer precursor lesions by immunohistochemistry and to correlate it with lesion grade and presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Cervical specimens from 144 women seen consecutively at the gynecology outpatient clinic of our institution from December 2003 to May 2005 were analyzed by cytopathology, histopathology, polymerase chain reaction for HPV-DNA, and p16INK4 immunostaining. Histologically normal biopsies, HPV-DNA negative by polymerase chain reaction, were used as control. HPV-DNA prevalence, including the control group, was 68.1% and the prevalence of p16INK4 expression was 55.0%. The percentage of cells stained by p16INK4 ranged from 10 to 100%, both in the group consisting of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)1/HPV specimens and in the group of CIN2/CIN3 specimens with P value of 0.0001. p16INK4 expression was 48.3% in the CIN1/HPV group, as opposed to 94.3% in the CIN2/CIN3 group (P = 0.001), showing a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The quantitative method used here is simple and less subjective than the different semiquantitative methods described in the literature. In view of the different definitions of a p16INK4-positive case, it is almost impossible to compare the findings reported by different investigators. This study confirms the association between p16INK4 and CIN2 and CIN3 lesions. Moreover, it shows that some low grade lesions expressed high levels of this protein. This may indicate that such low grade lesions may be predisposed to progress to high grade lesions. This means that p16INK4 may be a strong marker for "neoplastic lesions" induced by HPV and not just an infection marker.