65 resultados para Laparoscopic segmentectomy
Microlaparoscopy represents the development of endoscopic surgery towards a minimally invasive surgical procedure. The advantages include fewer surgical complications, faster return to daily activities, more comfortable postoperative recovery, and satisfactory aesthetic results. The possibility of performing surgery under sedation may result in shorter hospitalization, lower hospital costs, and easier anesthetic procedures. The authors report their preliminary experience with the use of microlaparoscopy, using optics and 2mm instruments, as well as a review of the literature since the introduction of this new technique. The report of these 16 cases demonstrates that microlaparoscopy is a feasible technique with satisfactory results. On the other hand, this new technique requires precise indications and a training period for the development of the skills necessary for performing these surgeries.
Falciform ligament abscess is rare. We report a case of a 65-year-old man who presented with right upper quadrant abdominal pain, postprandial fullness, and fever. Computed tomography disclosed a cylindrical mass in the anterior abdomen that aroused suspicion of a hepatic abscess. At laparoscopic surgery, an abscess of the falciform ligament was found and drained. Two months later, the patient developed recurrence of the abscess secondary to acute calculous cholecystitis. Abscess drainage and cholecystectomy were performed. The presence of right uppper quadrant abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, fever, leukocytosis, and a mass in the anterior abdomen should arouse suspicion of falciform ligament abscess. Its treatment consists of abscess drainage.
The Giant of Amazon basin, pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, is the largest scaled freshwater fish in the world. pirarucu cultivation has recently started, driven by the decline in natural populations and high market value. Currently, there are no reliable methods for sexual differentiation in this species other than direct examination of gonads, which requires dissection of specimens. A non-lethal and less invasive method for sexual identification is highly desirable in order to properly group broodstock for mating and offspring production. We utilized laparoscopic examination in anesthetized pirarucu to differentiate between male and female individuals. This method allowed for the observation and differentiation of the reproductive organs within an individual. Our results suggest that laparoscopy is an efficient method for sex differentiation in pirarucu causing minimal stress to the fish.
Diaphragmatic hernia secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma is rarely by itself a fatal event. However, if unpercieved, it may lead to severe complications caused by herniation of abdominal contents to the ethorax. Blunt trauma related to car accidents is the most frequent cause of diaphragmatic hernias. Associated injuries are frequently observed, provoked by severe traumas of great impact. These blunt trauma hernias occur mainly on the left side due to abdominal anatomy, since the liver is usually located on the right side. When injuries are observed on the right they tend to be more severe, generally related to major trauma of solid organs. Less frequently diaphragmatic hernias may be bilateral. The management of diaphragmatic injury would appear to be a simple matter of suturing the defect. However, peroperative diagnosis can be difficult and even at the time of surgery some diaphragmatic injuries can be overlooked if carefull exploration is not done. Associated injuries tend to divert attention from the diaphragmatic injury. Laparoscopic diagnosis and repair have been described with successfull. Laparotomy or thoracotomy can be employed for surgical repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernias. Standard (laboratory/imaging) examinations may fail to make the diagnosis. Recently, the laparoscopic approach has proved useful for more precise evaluation of such injuries, very often allowing immediate repair of these lesions.
Intestinal complications after laparoscopic cholecystectomy are rare and usually caused by direct injury sustained on trocar insertion. However, intestinal ischaemia has been reported as an unusual complication of the pneumoperitoneum. We describe a 55-years-old patient who underwent an uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy after an episode of acute cholecystitis. Initial recovery was complicated by development of increasing abdominal pain which led to open laparotomy on day 2. Gangrene of the distal ileum and right-sided colon was detected and small bowel resection with right colectomy and primary anastomosis was performed. Histological examination of the resected ileum showed features of venous hemorragic infarction and trombosis. In view of the proximity of the operation it is assumed that ileal ischaemia was precipitated by carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. Some studies have been demonstrated that, within 30 minutes of establishing a pneumoperitoneum at an intraabdominal pressure of 16 mmHg, cardiac output, blood flow in the superior mesenteric artery and portal vein decrease progressively. Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum may lead to mechanical compression of the splanchnic veins and mesenteric vasoconstriction as a result of carbon dioxide absortion. The distribution of the ischaemic segment of intestine is also unusual as the most precarious blood supply is traditionally at the splenic flexure of the colon. It has been suggested that intermittent decompression of the abdomen reduces the risk of mesenteric ischaemia during penumoperitoneum especially in patients with predisposing clinical features for arteriosclerosis intestinal. In present patient was observed intestinal venous infarction what remains unclear but we think the carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum have been related to it.
The cancer of the gallbladder unless rare, has been found in about 1% of all cholecistectomies for chronic cholecistitis. The preoperative diagnosis is difficult to be done because there are not particular symptoms. In the present paper the authors relate a case of a patient submitted to a laparoscopic cholecistectomy for acute cholecistitis. The pathologist reported a concomitant tubular adenoma in the specimen. At the 6th postoperative month the patient had intense abdominal pain, and at the 7th month, metastasis of an adenocarcinoma was detected in the port sites. The first specimen was reviewed and showed a primay adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder. The patient was submitted to chemotherapy but with few response, dying in the 9th postoperative month. The authors conclude that unless difficult, the preoperative diagnosis of cancer of the gallbladder is essential for a more appropriate therapy, mainly in the patients aging more than 50 year when the neoplasm appears with greater prevalence. Despite the videolaparoscopic access for the surgery provides low morbidity and mortality, it is not indicated for the gallbladder cancer when the conventional access by laparotomy is obligatory.
Videolaparoscopy is the estabilished treatment for chronic or acute cholecystitis, with low complications rates. Among operative complications, biliar peritonitis, biliar fistula and common bile duct injuries despite rare, can be difficult to treat. The autors present the results of videolaparoscopic treatment of choleperitoneum in four patients submitted previously to a conventional cholecystectomy. Among operative complications, biliar peritonites, biliary fistula and common bile duct injuries. No complications related to laparoscopic procedure were observed.
This report describes a leiomyoma of the inferior third section of the esophagus removed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient is a woman 55-years-age, carrying esophageal myoma of 40 mm in diameter wide, situated in the posterior wall of the lower esophagus. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the growth of the mass (6 mm when discovered 7 years previously, increased to 40 mm). Recently the patient returned suffering from pain, which could be attributed to his litiasic cholecystopaty. A small degree of low disphagia could also be observed. Radiologic imaging, direct endoscopic examination and endoscopic ultrasound showed that the mioma protruded on to the oesophagic lumen, discreetly diminishing there. A laparoscopic esophageal myomectomy was indicated at the same session of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Once the pneunoperitoneum was installed, five ports were placed as if for a hiatus hernia surgery. The cholecystectomy was uneventful. Next, an esophagoscopy was performed so as to determine the precise area covering the base of the tumour; at the right-lateral site. Longitudinal and circular fibres of the esophagus was severed over the lesion and the enucleation of the tumour was performed alternating the monopolar dissection, bipolar and hidrodisection. Control-endoscopy was carried out to verify mucosa integrity. Four suture points with poliglactine 3-0 string so as to close the musculature followed this. One suture was placed in for diminution of the size of the esophagean hiatus. Total time of intervention: two hours (30m for the cholecystectomy and one hour and thirty minutes for the myomectomy). Postoperative period: uneventful. Disappearance of the disphagia was observed. Radiologic transit control with water-soluble contrast at 4th post-operative day: good passage. Diagnosis from laboratory of pathology: conjunctive tumour formed by muscle non-striated cells: leiomyoma. The patient was re-examined on the two-month postoperative follow-up. General conditions were good and there were no complain of dysphagia. Neither there were any symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux.
Laparoscopic techniques have provided a new dimension to correct functional disorders of the esophagus, which has stimulated some investigators to recently report the use of laparoscopic cardiomyotomy in the treatment of esophageal achalasia. Now, a new instrument has been added to the current laparoscopic technique to offer a safer and easier method to proceed complete myotomy. After the dissection of the esophagogastric junction, a special catheter is introduced reaching the stomach. lt has an illuminated 10 cm extremity connected to a light source. lts withdrawal allows to visualize every muscle circular fiber by transillumination withan improved view provide by the laparoscopic optic system lens. This condition modifies the operative surgeon s attitude offering a better controlled situation over the procedure. The use of transillumination o fthe esophagogastric junction provides a good identification of the mucosa e submucosa avoiding the risk of esophageal perforation. It also helps to perform a complete myotomy preventing the ocurrence of persistent disphagia in the postoperative period. Cardiomyotomy with parcial fundoplication is possible by videolaparoscopic approach, now made easier with transillumination. This technique is safe and the functional results are similar to those observed in the literature for conventional open procedures, with the obvious advantages of the minimally invasive approach.
In the present case (77 years-old woman), the diagnosis on an extramucosal lesion by endosonography was leiomyoma or schwanoma. Radiological exam of the upper digestive tract with barium and abdominal computed tomography confirmed the site of the lesion at the level of the lesser curvature. The operative technique followed the steps of the laparoscopic partial gastric resection (wedge resection) for gastric mesenchymal tumours, described elsewhere. The Endo-GIA stapler was introduced through the 12mm port in the right upper quadrant. Proper positioning of the stapler over the lesser curvature and a satisfactory margin of tissue around the mass were attained. Nine sequential firings of the Endo-GIA 30 were needed to completely surround the mass. Histopathological diagnosis was a spindle-cell tumour measuring 3cm in diameter. Mitotic index was measured at almost null. The neoplastic cells were strongly reactive for vimentine and CD34 and negative for the immunohistochemical markers S-100 protein, muscle actin, desmin and Ag linked to VIII factor. There was a slight reaction with keratin (+/+++). The XIIIA factor reaction revealed less than 5% of dendritic elements. These data favour a vascular cell origin better than smooth muscle cell origin. In conclusion it was a gastric hemangiopericytoma. Follow-up showed no recurrence at seven years.
The success of peritoneal dialysis in the treatment of patients with chronic renal failure depends on a proper performance of peritoneal catheter. This study shows the experience from the Service of Surgery from Departament of Medicine of State University of Maringá and the Service of Nephrology from Maria Auxiliadora Hospital, Maringá, in the laparoscopic approach of catheters with obstruction.
The authors present two cases of unsuspected carcinoma of the gallbladder after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in which trocar site metastasis developed during their follow-up. In the first case, a 68 year-old woman with cholecystolithiasis underwent an uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Histologic examination revealed adenocarcinoma invading the mucosa and muscular layers of the gallbladder. The patient refused additional treatment. Seven months later, metastasis developed in the umbilical port site, which was excised. In the second case, laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed for a symptomatic gallstone in a 78 year-old man. The gallbladder inspection showed thickenning of the infundibulum wall. Histological examination revealed adenocarcinoma invading serosa. No additional treatment was performed because of the patient's advanced age. A metastasis was identified in the 5 mm port site nine months after the operation. Two hepatic metastasis were also demonstrated by ultrasonography.
A particularly rapid and fatal outcome has been noted in cases of malignant soft-tissue metastases occurring after cancer surgery. Abdominal wall metastases occurring in scars after laparotomy for cancer resection show a similar poor outcome. On the other hand, neoplasm seeding at trocar sites after laparoscopy has been reported with an increasing frequency. A case is presented of a 68-years-old woman with metastatic seeding of non-diagnosed colon cancer at the umbilical trocar site used for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The gallbladder was extracted through the umbilical incision. Pathological examination confirmed chronic cholecystitis. Eight months latter, the patient was seen with a tender umbilical mass protruded through a 4,5 cm the umbilical incision site. Biopsies of this tissue were taken and histopathological examination showed metastatic adenocarcinoma, probably of a gastrointestinal origin. A colonoscopy performed at the same time revealed a 2-cm lesion at the hepatic flexur which was shown to be a differentiated adenocarcinoma. An 8.0 x 6.0 x 6.0-cm pelvic mass without signs of liver metastases was identified by computerised tomography. Diagnostic laparoscopy showed a diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis. The pelvis could not be approached, except for simple biopsy, and no surgical procedure was performed. It is presumed that the primary colon cancer existed prior to cholecystectomy. Laparoscopy is the procedure of choice to perform cholecystectomy and fundoplication. It has also been increasingly used to diagnose, resect and perform the staging of malignant tumours. As in any relatively new technique, questions arising about its safety and risk of complications must be extensively studied. Many questions about the specific features of laparoscopy promoting cancer growth remain unanswered.
The authors present a case report of a victim of high power electric shock. The main electric lesion was a penetrating abdominal wound with loss of substance of the abdominal wall and an electric lesion of the hepatic segment and of the gallbladder. The surgical treatment included hepatic segmentectomy, cholecystectomy, repair of the abdominal wall with Marlex prosthesis and skin graft, besides the debridment of the lesions of extremities. The postoperative evolution was satisfactory and the follow-up for 6 months didn't show any sequelae.
Cardiac transplant has been performed with an increased frequency as the treatment for end-stage cardiac disease. Although cholelithiasis is more frequent in both pretransplant and posttransplant patients, no standard management approach exists. Pretransplant patients are well recognized for cardiac events, and posttransplant immunossupressed patients are at a considerable risk for septic complications. Because the first presentation of gallstones in this population is often acute cholecystitis, asymptomatic calculi cannot be considered benign and it seems reasonable to recommend pretransplant screening and posttransplant surveillance for gallstones. Prophylatic laparoscopic cholecistectomy should be undertaken in the stable patient to avoid the substantial mortality associated with postoperative acute cholecystitis and urgent cholecystectomy. In this case report we present a 44 year-old male with acute cholecystitis after cardiac transplantation who was submitted to a safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy one year and seven months later.