44 resultados para Edward Albee


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The isoenzyme profiles (IP) of 33 strains of Entamoeba histolytica isolated from patients and carriers of two regions in Brazil (Amazonia and Southeast) were determined. The enzymes phosphoglucomutase, glucose-phosphate isomerase, hexokinase and malic enzyme were considered. IP of the strains was correlated with culture conditions, time of maintenance in laboratory and clinical history of patients. The strains were maintained under polyxenic, monoxenic and axenic culture conditions: 27 polyxenic, 1 polyxenic and monoxenic, 1 polyxenic, monoxenic and axenic and 4 axenic only. The patients were symptomatic and asymptomatic. The symptomatic patients presented either non dysenteric (NDC) or dysenteric colitis (DC), associated or not with hepatic abscess (HA). One patient presented anal amoeboma (AM). The analysis of IP for isolates maintained in polyxenic culture showed non pathogenic IP (I) for strains from carriers and patients with NDC, while the strains isolated from patients presenting DC, HA and AM resulted in isolates II or XIX pathogenic IP. This parameter was not able to differentiate strains from carriers from symptomatic patients when these strains were found in axenic or monoxenic culture. All these strains displayed pathogenic IP (II), demonstrating the inability of this parameter to classifying for virulence since it showed identical IP for strains isolated from carriers or symptomatic patients.


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Differences were detected in the gene expression of strains of E. histolytica using RNA (RAP-PCR) and DNA fingerprinting (RAPD). Analysis of the electrophoretic profiles of the gels revealed some polymorphic markers that could be used in the individual characterization of the strains. The 260 bands generated by using five different primers for RAP-PCR, as well as RAPD, were employed in the construction of dendograms. The dendogram obtained based on the RAPD products permitted the distinction of symptomatic and asymptomatic isolates, as well the correlation between the polymorphism exhibited and the virulence of the strains. The dendogram obtained for the RAP-PCR products did not show a correlation with the virulence of the strains but revealed a high degree of intraspecific transcriptional variability that could be related to other biological features, whether or not these are involved in the pathogenesis of amebiasis.


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Two xenic isolates and cloned cultures of Entamoeba dispar were submitted to monoxenization using Crithidia fasciculata as the associated organism. Growth in monoxenic cultivation and ability of xenic and monoxenic trophozoites to destroy VERO cells and produce lesions in hamster livers were compared to those of a virulent E. histolytica. Parental and cloned E. dispar under monoxenic cultivation showed a remarkable lower growth than the monoxenic E. histolytica and were avirulent in both in vivo and in vitro tests. When xenically cultured, trophozoites of E. dispar showed a moderate lytic activity against VERO cells (1.5 to 41.8% of destruction) but caused severe hepatic lesions in hamsters as those caused by the virulent E. histolytica (29 to 100% in prevalence and 0.86 to 4.00 in lesion degree). Although E. dispar has not been associated with invasive disease in men, the ability of xenic trophozoites to produce prominent tissue damage in experimental conditions has indicated that some strains have a considerable pathogenic potential when in presence of bacteria.


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The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and to identify risk factors associated with Giardia lamblia infection in diarrheic children hospitalized for diarrhea in Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil. A cross-sectional study was conducted and a comprehensive questionnaire was administered to the child's primary custodian. Fixed effects logistic regression was used to determine the association between infection status for G. lamblia and host, sociodemographic, environmental and zoonotic risk factors. A total of 445 fecal samples were collected and processed by the DFA methodology, and G. lamblia cysts were present in the feces of 44 diarrheic children (9.9%). A variety of factors were found to be associated with giardiasis in these population: age of children (OR, 1.18; 90% CI, 1.0 - 1.36; p = 0.052), number of children in the household (OR 1.45; 90% CI, 1.13 - 1.86; p = 0.015), number of cats in the household (OR, 1.26; 90% CI, 1.03 -1.53; p = 0.059), food hygiene (OR, 2.9; 90% CI, 1.34 - 6.43; p = 0.024), day-care centers attendance (OR, 2.3; 90% CI, 1.20 - 4.36; p = 0.034), living on a rural farm within the past six months prior hospitalization (OR, 5.4; CI 90%, 1.5 - 20.1; p = 0.03) and the number of household adults (OR, 0.59; 90% CI, 0.42 - 0.83; p = 0.012). Such factors appropriately managed may help to reduce the annual incidence of this protozoal infection in the studied population.


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Considering the scarcity of defined antigens, actually useful and reliable for use in the field studies, we propose an alternative method for selection of cDNA clones with potential use in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis. Human antibodies specific to a protein fraction of 31/32 kDa (Sm31/32), dissociated from immune complexes, are used for screening of clones from an adult worm cDNA library. Partial sequencing of five clones, selected through this strategy, showed to be related to Schistosoma mansoni: two were identified as homologous to heat shock protein 70, one to glutathione S-transferase, one to homeodomain protein, and one to a previously described EST (expressed sequence tag) of S. mansoni. This last clone was the most consistently reactive during the screening process with the anti-Sm31/32 antibodies dissociated from the immune complexes. The complete sequence of this clone was obtained and the translation data yielded only one ORF (open reading frame) that code for a protein with 57 amino acids. Based on this amino acid sequence two peptides were chemically synthesized and evaluated separately against a pool of serum samples from schistosomiasis patients and non-schistosomiasis individuals. Both peptides showed strong reactivity only against the positive pool, suggesting that these peptides may be useful as antigens for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni.


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In regions with high prevalence, Blastocystis hominis is frequently found in association with Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar in xenic cultures. Its exacerbated growth is often superimposed on the growth of amebas, thus impeding the continuation of the amebas in the culture, within a few generations. The present study reports on the excellent efficacy (100%) of the antifungal agent miconazole in eliminating B. hominis from cultures of E. histolytica/E. dispar, thereby maintaining the integrity of the trophozoites of the amebas. Nystatin presented low efficacy (33.3%).


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The objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of intestinal parasites in 3 to 6-year-old children from daycare centers maintained by the municipal government of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Coproparasitological tests performed in 472 children have shown that 24.6% of them had some type of parasites, 6.6% of the children having more than one type. Among protozoa, Entamoeba coli (14.0%) and G. duodenalis (9.5%) were the most prevalent, whereas Ascaris lumbricoides (3.0%) and Trichuris trichiura (1.1%) were the most frequent among the helminths. Thus, we can observe that intestinal parasites still represent a serious public health problem in Belo Horizonte, especially among children and in areas where the socioeconomic conditions are less favorable.


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If Schistosoma mansoni infection could be detected in its early stages, especially before the egg deposition in the host tissues, the development of severe pathologic lesions could be efficiently prevented. We therefore developed an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the detection of specific IgG against schistosomula antigens (ELISA-SmTeg). The assay was applied in sera samples from non-infected and infected mice collected seven and 15 days post-infection. The results were compared to the number of adult worms obtained by perfusion of the murine hepatic system 50 days post-infection. The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA-SmTeg were 100% (p = 0.0032 and 0.0048 respectively for seven and 15 days of infection) with a cutoff value of 0.15 (p = 0.0002). Our findings show a novel low-cost serological assay using antigens which are easy to obtain, which was able to detect all the infected mice as early as seven days post-infection.


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Os AA. procederam ao estudo radiológicc do tórax em duas incidências p.a. e perfil - em 69 casos de sarampo, durante o período exantemático. Verificaram .95,55% de enfísemas, 60,87% de pneumonias, 45,48% de broncopneumonias, 18,84% de atelectasias e 7.25% de empastamento hilar. Os AA. destacam a importância da radiografia em perfil, sobretudo para o diagnostico das pneumonias retrocardiacas, das alterações pulmonares localizadas nos segmentos posteriores das bases, assim como o diagnóstico diferencial entre atelectasia e pneumonia. Os vários tipos de enfisemas, de pneumonias e de atelectasias são comentados. Dentre os 69 pacientes, 30 foram internados com suspeita de complicação pulmonar, e 39, sem suspeita de complicação pulmonar, foram controlados em regime ambulatorial. Não se registrou diferença estatisticamente significativa, com relação à ocorrência de enfisema, pneumonia, atelectasia e de empastamento hílar, nos pacientes internados e não internados; por outro lado, comprovou-se maior incidência de broncopneumonia, em pacientes internados, nos grupos etários de 1/2 a 2 e 2 a 6 anos.


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O A. faz um estudo panorâmico sobre a fase aguda da esquistossomose mansoni, abordando o quadro clínico e seu diagnóstico, os exames subsidiários, o diagnóstico diferencial, a terapêutica e os aspectos evolutivos. As manifestações clinicas dos períodos de incubação, de estado e de supressão são abordados. O diagnóstico da fase aguda é baseado em dado epidemiológico, 110 exame fisico e em exames subsidiários. O dado epidemiológico. em geral, é positivo, com menção a banho infectante, comumente 30 a 40 dias antes do início do quadro clínico e ao exame físico, encontramos hipertermia (38 - 4G°C), prostração, micropoliadenia hepatomegalia dolorosa em 95%, dos casos e esplenomegalia em 70% dos casos. Os exames prioritários para o diagnóstico são o exame parasiiológico de fezes seriado, que é positivo para ovos viáveis de S. mansoni e o leucograma seriado, que, geralmente, acusa leucocitose com eosinofilia. Em caso de dúvida ou para complementação diagnostica, podemos recorrer à endoscovia retal, ao oograma e á biópsia hepática. A endoscopia acusa, comumente, mucosa hiperêmica, edemaciada, friável, granulosa, com pontos hemorrágicos e o exame colhido por punção biópsia revela, entre outros achados, granulomas na fase necrótica-exsudativa. O diagnóstico diferencial deve ser feito com as seguintes entidades clínicas: gastroenterites. febre tifóide, disenteria bacilar, amebíase aguda, salmonelose septicêrnica prolongada, devendo, ainda, figurar a tuberculose miliar, abdome agudo, a G.N.D.A., a mononucleose infecciosa, a leptospirose, a hepatite e as poaneurites. A terapeutica é baseada nos cuidados gerais, na córticoterapia e na terapêutica específica. Observamos regressão dramática do quadro toxinfeccioso. nas primeiras 24 a 48 horas com a córticoterapia (prednisona) que tem duração aproximada de 7 a 10 dias. A terapêutica específica (derivado nitrotiazolico = ambilhar e derivado hidroximetílico do miracil D = hycanthone) é empregada após remissão do quadro toxiinfeccioso ou em plena fase aguda; nesta eventualidade os sintomas gerais e os distúrbios intestinais desaparecem a partir do 5.° dia de terapêutica. Quando empregamos ambilhar ou hycanthone, em apenas um esquema terapêutico, observamos 40% de cura; esta cifra atinge a 80-90%, quando repetimos a medicação específica, após verificarmos recidiva.


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Estudo de 38 crianças com paracoccidioidomicose, até 14 anos de idade, tratados por 24-30 meses, com um derivado sulfamídico ou cetoconazol, desde o início do tratamento ou em seguida ao uso da anfotericina B. Dados laboratoriais à admissão foram analisados e comparados com exames seqüenciais até 30 meses de acompanhamento. Anemia, eosinofilia e bilirrubinas e aminotransferases elevadas normalizaram-se, na maioria, até os três meses de tratamento e, hipoalbuminemia, até os seis meses, sugerindo que esses achados sejam bons parâmetros para o monitoramento da resposta terapêutica inicial. Leucócitos periféricos, velocidade de hemossedimentação, IgG e títulos sorológicos para o Paracoccidioides brasiliensis estavam elevados e normalizaram-se, freqüentemente, após nove a 12 meses de tratamento, o que sugere utilidade desses exames no monitoramento de todo o tratamento e enfatiza a necessidade de curso terapêutico prolongado da paracoccidioidomicose na infância.


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Data on Schistosoma mansoni-Entamoeba histolytica coinfection are scarce in the literature. In the present study, hamsters that had been infected for 70 days with Schistosoma mansoni (LE strain) were inoculated via the portal vein with two strains of trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica: ICB-EGG (highly virulent) and ICB-RPS (non-virulent). The most evident result of coinfection was increased morbidity and mortality, in comparison with either of the infections alone. Histologically, there were no evident signs of interaction between these two infections. The morphological findings of schistosomal granuloma and amoebic abscesses in the liver were similar to those seen in the respective single-infection controls. However, there was severe wasting of the animals with both infections and greater numbers of amoebic lesions in their livers. The results obtained indicated that schistosomiasis aggravates the course of amoebiasis in hamsters.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to verify the coexistence between Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus populations in municipalities of the States of Paraná and Santa Catarina with different urbanization profiles where dengue occurs and evaluate their susceptibility to the organophosphate temephos. METHODS: The number of eggs per ovitrap were counted and incubated for hatching to identify the species. Data analysis of the populations was conducted to determine randomness and aggregation, using the variance-to-mean ratio (index of dispersion). Susceptibility to temephos was evaluated by estimation of the resistance ratios RR50 and RR95. Aedes aegypti samples were compared with the population Rockefeller and Aedes albopictus samples were compared with a population from the State of Santa Catarina and with the Rockefeller population. RESULTS: Coexistence between Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and the aggregation of their eggs were observed at all the sites analyzed in the State of Paraná. CONCLUSIONS: All the Aedes aegypti populations from the State of Parana showed alteration in susceptibility status to the organophosphate temephos, revealing incipient resistance. Similarly, all the Aedes albopictus populations (States of Paraná and Santa Catarina) presented survival when exposed to the organophosphate temephos.


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INTRODUCTION: Evidence suggests that giardiasis is a zoonotic disease. The present work aimed to evaluate the genetic identity of Giardia duodenalis isolated from human and dog fecal samples from Belo Horizonte. METHODS: Human and dog fecal samples were cultured for isolation of G. duodenalis. To determine the genotype of the isolates, primers that amplify a specific region in rRNA of the protozoan were used. RESULTS: Two G. duodenalis isolates were obtained, which belong to the subgroup A genotype. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the transmission of giardiasis follows a zoonotic pattern.