389 resultados para Chown, Marcus


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Embora a resistência às tecnologias seja um problema frequente nas empresas, as pesquisas nessa área são fragmentadas, não cumulativas e raras na literatura. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar e analisar as principais dimensões de resistência à educação a distância (EAD) na educação corporativa (EC). Uma estrutura teórica que visou explicar a resistência à EAD na EC foi desenvolvida e testada. As hipóteses iniciais foram testadas e os resultados mostraram que, na amostra pesquisada, as dimensões Autoeficácia e Expectativa de Desempenho influenciam direta e positivamente a resistência à EAD na EC, e as dimensões Expectativa de Esforço, Condições Facilitadoras, Interatividade e Comunicação são construtos antecedentes à Expectativa de Desempenho. Este estudo poderá auxiliar a implantação e gestão de cursos a distância, principalmente em organizações do setor público, incluindo universidades.


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Este artigo analisa as experiências dos estados e Distrito Federal no funcionamento das entidades previdenciárias de seus regimes próprios de previdência social (RPPS). Primeiro, descreveram-se as origens e justificativas da exigência de criação de unidade gestora dos RPPSs. Em seguida, a partir de referencial teórico e normativo, foram sistematizadas as propriedades conceituais de unidade gestora. Mediante aplicação de questionário aos representantes dos RPPSs dos estados e Distrito Federal, verificaram-se quais desses entes possuem órgãos previdenciários que atendem às propriedades conceituais de unidade gestora. Os resultados demonstram que poucos órgãos previdenciários podem ser classificados como unidades gestoras e que a fragmentação das atividades de concessão e pagamento das aposentadorias necessita ser revista para proporcionar maior eficiência, transparência e controle na gestão dos RPPSs.


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Esse artigo analisa a trajetória recente da política penitenciária em São Paulo, o estado brasileiro com o maior número de pessoas encarceradas. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, realizou-se pesquisa analisando os diferentes contextos e indicativos das políticas públicas utilizadas, ressaltando as dificuldades existentes para sua institucionalização. Os levantamentos revelam que a expansão do sistema é marcada por um endurecimento dos regimes de aplicação da pena, encerrando um breve período de humanização nos anos 1980. O recrudescimento das ações da "sociedade dos cativos", a disseminação de controles mais rígidos, como o Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado, o embate político e midiático reforçaram um ciclo vicioso voltado para o aumento da repressão. Conclui-se que foram mantidas as características paradoxais do sistema prisional, em que de um lado a sociedade assume a custódia de seus agressores e a defesa de sua dignidade humana como obrigação moral, enquanto falha na perspectiva de garantia de suas necessidades básicas. Assim, o equilíbrio entre as estratégias de expansão do sistema carcerário e outras ações de respeito aos direitos dos presos somente terá efetividade com a firme adoção de processos de inclusão social dos encarcerados.


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O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a sistemática de Monitoramento para Avaliação do Desempenho Regulatório do Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia (Inmetro), o Madri. Adotando como teoria de sustentação o mapa causa-e-efeito desenvolvido pela Ocde para avaliação do impacto regulatório, a pesquisa estruturou-se nas etapas de conhecimento prévio, coleta e análise das evidências, utilizando as estratégias de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental, entrevistas e aplicação de questionário. Constituído por perspectivas, condicionantes e parâmetros, o Madri - que pode ser reproduzido, com devidas adequações, a outras realidades regulatórias - tem o potencial, primeiramente, de induzir a gestão orientada por resultados, gerando aperfeiçoamento das regulamentações e fomentando aprendizagem, e, depois, mais amplamente, de reduzir a deficiência em avaliação ex post dos sistemas regulatórios nacionais.


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As críticas do projeto Writing Culture, endereçadas ao texto etnográfico, além de não atingirem o método antropológico por excelência, a pesquisa de campo nos moldes malinowskianos, ajudaram a disseminá-la nas humanidades e nas artes. A pesquisa de campo tradicional, contudo, mostra-se inadequada aos novos temas de investigação da antropologia em um mundo mais complexo, integrado e frgmentado produzido pela globalização. Este trabalho, originalmente escrito para uma conferência, sugere a reinvenção do imaginário da pesquisa de campo antropológica a partir de sua apropriação pelo teatro e pelo cinema. Baseado no trabalho do cenógrafo venezuelano Fernando Calzadilla, o autor propõe a substituição do distanciamento e da limitação espacial da mise-en-scène malinowskiana pela cumplicidade entre observador e observado e pela pesquisa em campos multilocalizados.


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A controlled trial was performed with the purpose of investigating which factors could be considered of significant risk for the development of basal cell carcinoma. A total of 259 cases of basal cell carcinoma diagnosed from July 1991 to July 1992 were compared with 518 controls matched for age and sex. All subjects in both groups were white. Protocol data were submitted to statistical analysis by the chi-square test and by multiple conditional logistic regression analysis and the following conclusions were reached: 1) light skin color (types I and II of the Fitzpatrick classification), odds ratio of 2.8; outdoor work under constant sunlight, odds ratio of 5.0; the presence of actinic lesions due to exposure to the sun, odds ratio of 4.9, are risk factors perse. 2) Type III skin in the Fitzpatrick classification only represents a risk factor when the patient reports a history of intense sunburns, but not in the absence of such a history. 3) Sunburns per se do not represent a risk factor althorig the point made in item 2 of these conclusions is valid. 4) Other suspected risk factors whose significance was not confirmed by multiple conditioned logistic regression analysis were: residence in rural areas, light eyes and blond hair color, extent of the awareness of the "sun x skin cancer" relationship, familial occurrence of skin cancer, excessive exposure to the sun, and freckles appearing in childhood.


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Over 60,500 dengue cases were reported in the state of Espírito Santo (ES), Brazil, between 1995 and 1998. The study's purpose was to identify whether Aedes albopictus was transmitting the dengue virus during an epidemic in the locality of Vila Bethânia (Viana County),Vitória, ES. From April 3 to 9, 1998, blood and serum samples were collected daily for virus isolation and serological testing. Four autochthonous cases were confirmed through DEN 1 virus isolation and two autochthonous cases through MAC ELISA testing. Of 37 Ae. aegypti and 200 Ae. albopictus adult mosquitoes collected and inoculated, DEN1 virus was isolated only from a pool of two Ae. aegypti female mosquitoes. The study results suggest that Ae. albopictus still cannot be considered an inter-human vector in dengue epidemics in Brazil.


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A partir de exemplares de Aedes albopictus coletados em área urbana no município de Manaus, AM, Brasil, e das informações sobre a presença desse mosquito em vários municípios do Estado do Amazonas, registra-se pela primeira vez a introdução dessa espécie nesse Estado.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with functional disability in adults in Brazil. METHODS We used information from the health supplement of the National Household Sample Survey in 2008. The dependent variable was the functional disability among adults of 18 to 65 years, measured by the difficulty of walking about 100 meters; independent variables were: health plan membership, region of residence, state of domicile, education level, household income, economic activity, self-perception of health, hospitalization, chronic diseases, age group, sex, and color. We calculated the gross odds ratios (OR), and their respective confidence intervals (95%), and adjusted them for variables of study by ordinal logistic regression, following hierarchical model. Sample weights were considered in all calculations. RESULTS We included 18,745 subjects, 74.0% of whom were women. More than a third of adults reported having functional disability. The disability was significantly higher among men (OR = 1.17; 95%CI 1.09;1.27), people from 35 to 49 years (OR = 1.30; 95%CI 1.17;1.45) and 50 to 65 years (OR = 1.38; 95%CI 1.24;1.54); economically inactive individuals (OR = 2.21; 95%CI 1.65;2.96); adults who reported heart disease (OR = 1.13; 95%CI 1.03;1.24), diabetes mellitus (OR = 1.16; 95%CI 1.05;1.29), arterial systemic hypertension (OR = 1.10; 95%CI 1.02;1.18), and arthritis/rheumatism (OR = 1.24; 95%CI 1.15;1.34); and participants who were admitted in the last 12 months (OR = 2.35; 95%CI 1.73;3.2). CONCLUSIONS Functional disability is common among Brazilian adults. Hospitalization is the most strongly associated factor, followed by economic activity, and chronic diseases. Sex, age, education, and income are also associated. Results indicate specific targets for actions that address the main factors associated with functional disabilities and contribute to the projection of interventions for the improvement of the well-being and promotion of adults' quality of life.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the prevalence of self-medication in Brazil’s adult population.METHODS Systematic review of cross-sectional population-based studies. The following databases were used: Medline, Embase, Scopus, ISI, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, CRD, Lilacs, SciELO, the Banco de teses brasileiras(Brazilian theses database) (Capes) and files from the Portal Domínio Público (Brazilian Public Domain). In addition, the reference lists from relevant studies were examined to identify potentially eligible articles. There were no applied restrictions in terms of the publication date, language or publication status. Data related to publication, population, methods and prevalence of self-medication were extracted by three independent researchers. Methodological quality was assessed following eight criteria related to sampling, measurement and presentation of results. The prevalences were measured from participants who used at least one medication during the recall period of the studies.RESULTS The literature screening identified 2,778 records, from which 12 were included for analysis. Most studies were conducted in the Southeastern region of Brazil, after 2000 and with a 15-day recall period. Only five studies achieved high methodological quality, of which one study had a 7-day recall period, in which the prevalence of self-medication was 22.9% (95%CI 14.6;33.9). The prevalence of self-medication in three studies of high methodological quality with a 15-day recall period was 35.0% (95%CI 29.0;40.0, I2 = 83.9%) in the adult Brazilian population.CONCLUSIONS Despite differences in the methodologies of the included studies, the results of this systematic review indicate that a significant proportion of the adult Brazilian population self-medicates. It is suggested that future research projects that assess self-medication in Brazil standardize their methods.


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A two year-old female child was admitted at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in a septic shock associated with a lymphoproliferative syndrome, with history of fever, adynamia and weight loss during the last two months. On admission, the main clinical and laboratory manifestations were: pallor, jaundice, disseminated enlarged lymph nodes, hepatosplenomegaly, crusted warts on face, anemia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, increased direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, and gammaglutamyl transpeptidase. A parenteral administration of fluids, dobutamine and mechanical ventilation was started, without improvement of the clinical conditions. A direct examination of exsudate collected from cervical lymph node revealed numerous oval-to-around cells with multiple budding, like a "pilot wheel" cell, suggesting Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Even though treatment with intravenous sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprine was soon started, the child died 36 hours after hospital admission. Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis was confirmed in the autopsy. This is the youngest case of paracoccidioidomycosis in children reported in the literature.


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Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium recognized as the major cause of peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis. Recently, a proteome-based approach was developed to investigate pathogenic factors related to H. pylori. In this preliminary study, H. pylori strains were isolated from gastric biopsies of patients with chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers. A partial proteomic analysis of H. pylori strains was performed by bacterial lyses and proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). A comparative analysis was performed to verify a differential protein expression between these two 2-DE maps. These data should be useful to clarify the role of different proteins related to bacterial pathogenesis. This study will be completed using a larger number of samples and protein identification of H. pylori by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.


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The outbreaks of rabies in humans transmitted by Desmodus rotundus in 2004 and 2005, in the northeast of the Brazilian State of Para, eastern Amazon basin, made this a priority area for studies on this zoonosis. Given this, the present study provides data on this phenomenon in an urban context, in order to assess the possible circulation of the classic rabies virus (RABV) among bat species in Capanema, a town in the Amazon basin. Bats were collected, in 2011, with mist nets during the wet and dry seasons. Samples of brain tissue and blood were collected for virological and serological survey, respectively. None of the 153 brain tissue samples analyzed tested positive for RABV infection, but 50.34% (95% CI: 45.67-55.01%) of the serum samples analyzed were seropositive. Artibeus planirostris was the most common species, with a high percentage of seropositive individuals (52.46%, 95% CI: 52.31 52.60%). Statistically, equal proportions of seropositive results were obtained in the rainy and dry seasons (c2 = 0.057, d.f. = 1, p = 0.88). Significantly higher proportions of males (55.96%, 95% CI: 48.96-62.96%) and adults (52.37%, 95% CI: 47.35-57.39%) were seropositive. While none of the brain tissue samples tested positive for infection, the high proportion of seropositive specimens indicates that RABV may be widespread in this urban area.