42 resultados para Burnout, Professional
Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, desenvolvido junto a dezesseis equipes de Estratégia de Saúde da FamÃlia de Santa Maria (RS), que objetivou identificar os trabalhadores com a SÃndrome de Burnout e as variáveis associadas a este distúrbio. A amostra foi composta por 86 trabalhadores, representando 86,3% dos profissionais (médico, enfermeiro, técnico de enfermagem, odontólogo e auxiliar de consultório dentário) e 30,2% dos agentes comunitários de saúde, os quais responderam ao Maslach Inventory Burnout. A idade média do grupo foi de 36,94±9,3 anos, com predominância do sexo feminino (84,9%). A maioria possui companheiro (68,2%), tem filhos (69,4%), trabalha, em média, 3,38±1,9 anos na equipe e não realiza atividades fÃsicas (62,8%). Identificaram-se seis trabalhadores (6,9%) com a SÃndrome de Burnout, a qual teve associação estatÃstica significativa (p= 0,034) com a variável idade jovem. Os mais jovens obtiveram escores superiores nas subescalas de desgaste emocional e despersonalização do Inventário de Burnout.
Enfermeiros Residentes podem experimentar desgaste fÃsico e emocional decorrentes do cotidiano da Residência de Enfermagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a incidência do Burnout em Residentes de Enfermagem. Realizou-se um estudo exploratório, descritivo, analÃtico e longitudinal-prospectivo com 16 Residentes, no perÃodo de dois anos. Utilizou-se o Maslach Burnout Inventory traduzido e validado para o Brasil e um instrumento de dados sociodemográficos/ocupacionais. Dos Residentes, 17.2% mostraram valores elevados em Exaustão Emocional e Despersonalização; 18.8% comprometimento em Incompetência/falta de Realização Profissional, dos quais 75% pertenciam à s especialidades de Pronto Socorro, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto e Pediátrica. Idade e especialidade correlacionaram-se positivamente com a Incompetência/falta de Realização Profissional. Identificou-se um Residente de Enfermagem com alteração nas três subescalas do Maslach Burnout Inventory, sendo caracterizado como portador da SÃndrome de Burnout. Os Residentes de enfermagem possuem perfis de adoecimento. Conhecer esses fatores pode minimizar os agravos à saúde desse trabalhador.
Este estudo descritivo, transversal, censitário, identificou Burnout e alguns fatores associados entre enfermeiros da assistência pediátrica e tocoginecológica de hospital geral do nÃvel terciário de atenção do Recife (PE). Participaram 63 profissionais (98,4% do total) que responderam a um questionário auto-aplicável (aspectos sócio-demográficos, condições laborais e Maslach Burnout Inventory). Na análise utilizou-se qui-quadrado, com nÃvel de confiança de 95%. Predominou o gênero feminino (92,1%), com até cinco anos de profissão (68,2%), sendo 52,5% da área pediátrica. Constataram-se altos nÃveis de exaustão emocional (49,2%) e despersonalização (27,0%) e baixo nÃvel de realização profissional (4,8%), estando 4,7% com Burnout. Mostraram associação: alto nÃvel de exaustão emocional e realizar frequentemente/sempre tarefas com muita rapidez (p=0,039) e receber salário incompatÃvel com o esforço empregado (p=0,016); altos nÃveis de despersonalização e ter até cinco anos de profissão (p=0,010) e efetuar frequentemente/sempre tarefas com muita rapidez (p=0,009). Para 19,0% pelo menos duas das três dimensões apontavam alta propensão à sÃndrome.
Os Programas de Residência Multiprofissional buscam romper com os paradigmas em relação à formação de profissionais para o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e contribuir para qualificar os serviços de saúde a partir de ações inovadoras. Entretanto, caracterÃsticas especÃficas desses programas podem agregar estressores aos residentes e, levarem à SÃdrome de Burnout. Dessa forma, verificou-se a ocorrência da SÃndrome de Burnout nos Residentes Multiprofissionais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Este estudo trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal e quantitativo. Aplicaram-se um formulário de dados sociodemográficos e o Versão Human Service Survey do Marlash Burnout Inventory em 37 residentes, entre abril e junho de 2011. Observou-se que 37,84% apresentaram Alta Exaustão Emocional; 43,24%, Alta Despersonalização; e 48,65%, Baixa Realização Profissional. Na associação dos domÃnios, verificou-se que 27% apresentaram indicativo para SÃndrome de Burnout. Os residentes pesquisados estão expostos aos estressores da profissão e da formação, o que pode favorecer a ocorrência da sÃndrome nesses profissionais.
Constantly experiencing limiting situations that hinder a professional practice coherent with its principles - of autonomy and advocacy of users' interests -, and often conditioned to experience moral distress, the nursing profession plays a prominent role in the current health model because it has the characteristic of managing the care rendered to users in a perspective of social inclusion, both in the basic health network and in hospitals. Aiming at carrying out a reflection on the nursing practice and the difficulties present in its work routine, and considering its characteristics as a profession, this article sought to make a reflection between the practice of nursing and the numerous moral challenges imposed by the routine, resulting, in many cases, in a value crisis that can reverberate directly on the quality of the service rendered, and in abandonment of the ideals of advocacy for users.
This study aimed to describe the effects of the organization of primary healthcare on the assistance provided to the elderly Kaingang population, according to the perception of health professionals that work in this area. It is a qualitative and descriptive study, supported by ethnography methodological references, and was conducted with ten healthcare professionals that work in Faxinal, an indigenous territory in the state of Paraná, in Brazil. Data was collected from November 2010 to February 2012 through participant observation and interviews. The results revealed that health professionals strive to meet the health needs of the elderly Kaingang people; however, there are negative effects that hinder the professional care, especially limited human resources, lack of training and material resources, heavy workload and high turnover rates. This study highlights the need to improve work conditions in order to provide better healthcare.
Objective To identify and analyze the necessary competencies in primary health care for attending to older adults. Method An exploratory, descriptive, and quali-quantitative study was developed. Three rounds of the Delphi Technique were conducted with participants from primary health care services and a multidisciplinary committee. The first questionnaire asked participants to indicate the competencies needed for attending to older adults in primary health care. They were compiled into a list and added to a Likert Scale (from 1 to 5) for the second and third questionnaires. A consensus criterion of 70% was adopted. Results Twenty eight competencies were reached by consensus and were classified into twelve domains. Conclusion The competencies reflect Brazilian health care policy and constitute a reference for professional health practice and education when caring for the older adult in primary health care.
Aim of this study was to identify knowing-doing actions constituted the practice of Family Health (FH), in view of nurses in relation to the person and family care in mental distress in terms of professional knowledge of Le Boterf. Method: Descriptive exploratory qualitative study, to deepen contruction of nurse in FH. The survey was conducted in 3 Units FH. Result: Doing a thematic analysis, came to the following categories: “Knowing how to act and react with relevance”; “Knowing how to combine resources and mobilize them in a professional context”; “Knowing how to interact with multiple knowledges”; “Knowing how to transpose”; “Knowing how to learn and knowing how to learn to learn”; “Knowing how to engage”. Final considerations: the greatest difficulty was "be able to transpose," and that the daily demand of the FH teams requires a lot of this knowledge. Little transposition of knowing-doing in real situations has been verified.
Objective To describe the trans-cultural adaptation of the evaluation instrument entitled Atenció Sanitària de Les Demències: la visió de L' Atenció Primarià from Catalan into versions in Portuguese for doctors and nurses. This study evaluates the knowledge and perspectives of these professionals in their treatment of patients diagnosed with dementia in cases of primary care. Method The adaptation followed internationally accepted rules, which include the following steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, revision by a committee of specialists, and a test run with 35 practicing doctors and 35 practicing nurses in Brazil's Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família, or ESF in Portuguese). Results The translation, synthesis, and back-translation steps were performed satisfactorily; only small adjustments were required. The committee of specialists verified the face validity in the version translated into Portuguese, and all of the items that received an agreement score lower than 80% during the initial evaluation were revised. In the test run, the difficulties presented by the health care professionals did not reach 15% of the sample, and therefore, no changes were made. Conclusion The Portuguese translation of the instrument can be considered semantically, idiomatically, culturally, and conceptually equivalent to the original Catalan version and is, therefore, appropriate for use in Brazil.
OBJECTIVE Identifying the violence suffered by the health team workers and their association with Burnout and minor psychiatric disorders. METHODS Cross-sectional study with 269 health team professionals of a public hospital in southern Brazil. Data were collected through the use of the Survey Questionnaire: Workplace Violence in the Health Sector, Maslach Inventory Burnout and Self-Report Questionnaire. RESULTS Workplace violence struck 63.2% of workers, prevailing mostly in women (p = 0.001), among nursing auxiliaries/technicians (p=0.014) and was associated with minor psychiatric disorders (p<0.05), as exposure to different forms of violence increased the chances of these disorders by 60% (CI 95%: 1.2-2.1). The three Burnout dimensions were also associated to violence at work (p<0.05). CONCLUSION Health workers experience violence in the workplace and this exposure is associated with Burnout symptoms and minor psychiatric disorders.
Abstract OBJECTIVE Discussing the factors associated with major depression and suicide risk among nursing professionals. METHOD An integrative review in PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO and BDENF databases, between 2003 and 2015. RESULTS 20 published articles were selected, mostly from between 2012 and 2014, with significant production in Brazil. Nursing professionals are vulnerable to depression when young, married, performing night work and having several jobs, and when they have a high level of education, low family income, work overload, high stress, insufficient autonomy and a sense of professional insecurity and conflict in the family and workrelationship. Suicide risk was correlated with the presence of symptoms of depression, high levels of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment; characteristics of Burnout Syndrome. CONCLUSION Suicide risk among nursing professionals is associated with symptoms of depression and correlated with Burnout Syndrome, which can affect work performance.
ABSTRACT Objective To explore potential associations between nursing workload and professional satisfaction among nursing personnel (NP) in Greek Coronary Care Units (CCUs). Method A cross-sectional study was performed involving 66 members of the NP employed in 6 randomly selected Greek CCUs. Job satisfaction was assessed by the IWS and nursing workload by NAS, CNIS and TISS-28. Results The response rate was 77.6%. The reliability of the IWS was α=0.78 and the mean score 10.7 (±2.1, scale range: 0.5-39.7). The most highly valued component of satisfaction was “Pay”, followed by “Task requirements”, “Interaction”, “Professional status”, “Organizational policies” and “Autonomy”. NAS, CNIS and TISS-28 were negatively correlated (p≤0.04) with the following work components: “Autonomy”, “Professional status”, “Interaction” and “Task requirements”. Night shift work independently predicted the score of IWS. Conclusion The findings show low levels of job satisfaction, which are related with nursing workload and influenced by rotating shifts.
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o estresse emocional, o coping e burnout da equipe de enfermagem e a associação com fatores biossociais e do trabalho em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Método Estudo transversal, realizado em oito UTI de hospital-escola, do municÃpio de São Paulo, em 2012. Coletaram-se dados biossociais e de trabalho dos profissionais, juntamente com Escalas de Estresse no Trabalho, Coping Ocupacional, Lista de Sinais e Sintomas e Inventário Maslach de Burnout. Resultados Participaram da pesquisa 287 sujeitos, predominantemente mulheres, com companheiro e filhos. O nÃvel médio de estresse e coping controle foram prevalentes (74,47% e 79,93%, respectivamente) e a presença de burnout em 12,54%. Fatores associados ao estresse referiram-se à s condições de trabalho. Ter companheiro, atuar em UTI ClÃnica e gostar do trabalho foram fatores de proteção para coping prevalente, enquanto que horas de sono adequadas foi fator de proteção para burnout. Conclusão O controle do ambiente de trabalho e o sono adequado são fatores decisivos e protetores para enfrentamento das situações de estresse ocupacional.
The aim of this article is to substantiate, in the sociological point of view, the distinction between the social and cognitive processes that produce knowledge in knowledge abstract systems - KAS - to generate cultural inequality and the micro processes of knowledge usage, which build local and cultural knowledge from common sense. It is circumscribed to this aim a problematization of knowledge usage developed by middle class salaried professional groups, rich in cultural capital but without equivalent symbolical capital, in a capitalist society at risk. In order to achieve this goal, the classical contributions of Pierre Bourdieu, Boaventura Sousa Santos, Donald Schön and Basil Bernstein (among others) are taken as a basis regarding the limitation of critical and reflexive thinking and the virtues of professional knowledge to support an epistemology of professional practice.