325 resultados para Ithaka Report


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BACKGROUND: Breast hematomas are common after traumas, surgeries, or contusions. They are rarely spontaneous, but they can occur spontaneously in patients with hematologic disease or with coagulation disorders. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The authors report a clinical case of a 48-year-old female with a 27-year history of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria who underwent mammography screening because of a painless palpable moveable node in the upper inner quadrant of the right breast. RESULTS: Mammography showed a partially defined heterogeneous node of 35 mm without microcalcifications in the upper inner quadrant of the right breast which, associated with the clinical features, seemed to be an hematoma. Further mammography and ultrasound after 45 days showed retrocession of the lesion, and another mammography obtained after 60 days was normal. Seventy-five days after the first episode, the patient complained of another node with a skin bruise in the upper outer quadrant of the same breast, which seemed to be a recurrent hematoma. Two months later the mammography obtained was normal. CONCLUSION: Breast hematoma must be thought of as a differential diagnosis for a breast node, regardless of previous trauma or hematologic disorders.


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Necrolytic migratory erythema is a rare skin condition that consists of migrating areas of erythema with blisters that heal with hyperpigmentation. It usually occurs in patients with an alpha islet cell tumor of the pancreas-or glucagonoma-and when associated with glucose intolerance, anemia, hyperglucagonemia, and weight loss defines the glucagonoma syndrome. We describe a 52-year-old female patient with necrolytic migratory erythema associated with glucagonoma syndrome who had metastatic disease at presentation and passed away one week after her admission. The autopsy showed a tumor in the body of the pancreas, which was diagnosed as a neuroendocrine tumor and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The diagnosis of necrolytic migratory erythema is a matter of great importance, since it might be an auxiliary tool for the early detection of glucagonoma.


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Immunologic disorders related to anticonvulsant therapy have been described in the last three decades, including cellular and humoral alterations that result in recurrent infections; however, the physiopathologic mechanisms are not completely understood. This report describes a patient with complex partial epilepsy and hypogammaglobulinemia while in treatment with carbamazepine, with significant improvement in clinical signs and laboratory tests after substitution to sodium valproate. The authors stress the importance of clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients in continuous anticonvulsant therapy, including immunoglobulins levels and peripheral blood evaluations.


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The authors report a case of primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the diaphragm, an extremely rare presentation with only 14 cases reported in the literature. An 18-year-old male presented 2 spontaneous occurrences of pneumothorax. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance showed a tumoral mass on the right diaphragmatic surface, and after biopsy, the diagnosis was compatible with spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma. Because the visceral pleura was invaded by the tumoral mass, a right pleuropneumonectomy was performed. The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy, and there was no evidence of disease 15 months after the operation. Based on the Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group (IRSG) criteria, which consider the extent of the disease and its surgical resectability, rhabdomyosarcomas can be classified into 4 groups. In clinical group I, which was the classification of our patient, the tumor is localized and completely resectable, which implies a good prognosis. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare tumor, and a good outcome may result if it is completely resected.


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Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is one of leading causes of death in children, especially among those younger than 3 years of age. The inhalation of a foreign body may cause a wide variety of symptoms, and early diagnosis is highly associated with the successful removal of the inhaled foreign material. Despite the great advances in endoscopic procedures and anesthesia, a large number of difficulties and complications still result from foreign body aspiration. We describe 5 cases of serious acute complications following aspiration of foreign bodies that became lodged in the tracheobronchial tree, including pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, total atelectasis, foreign body dislodgment, and need for thoracotomy in children admitted into our intensive care unit in 1999 and 2000; these were all situations that could have been prevented with early recognition and prompt therapeutic intervention.


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Struma ovarii is an infrequent ovarian tumor, and there are only few reports with detailed data of thyroid function. In several cases, malignant struma ovarii have been shown to produce hyperthyroidism, but there is no reported case of hypothyroidism following struma ovarii tumor resection. A 62-year-old white woman underwent right ovary resection that had a pathologic diagnosis of struma ovarii. After 6 days, she developed weakness, myalgia, somnolence, nausea, and arterial hypotension. Laboratory tests showed a high level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and a decreased level thyroxin. Thyroxin replacement therapy was initiated, and the patient became completely asymptomatic. This is the first reported case of a previously asymptomatic woman who developed a definite clinical hypothyroidism after resection of a struma ovarii tumor.


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Albright hereditary osteodystrophy is a hereditary metabolic disorder of dominant autosomal etiology that is commonly characterized by short stature, round face, small metacarpus and metatarsus, mental retardation, osteoporosis, subcutaneous calcification, variable hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia. In this study, we report a clinical case of a 17-year-old woman with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and we discuss her clinical, radiographic, and laboratory test characteristics together with the oral manifestations, and we correlate them with the characteristics found in the literature. We also discuss the odontological management of treatment of related periodontal disease and planning for corrections of related malocclusions.


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Primary lymphoma of the liver is an extremely rare entity. A case of anaplastic large B-cell (both CD-20 and lambda positive) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that was confined to the liver in a 33-year-old man is reported. The patient was treated with an extended right hepatectomy and combination chemotherapy: cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine, and prednisone. The patient was disease free 24 months after the procedure.


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Childhood non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, including Burkitt and Burkitt-like, are rarely diagnosed in infants. A case of B-cell lymphoma in a 13-month-old girl with extensive abdominal disease, ascites, pleural effusion, and tumor lysis syndrome is reported. Phenotypic analysis showed a germinal center B-cell phenotype, and a B-cell clonality was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. There was no evidence of Epstein-Barr and HIV infection. The case herein reported emphasizes the need for considering the diagnosis of lymphoma even in very young children.


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Falciform ligament abscess is rare. We report a case of a 65-year-old man who presented with right upper quadrant abdominal pain, postprandial fullness, and fever. Computed tomography disclosed a cylindrical mass in the anterior abdomen that aroused suspicion of a hepatic abscess. At laparoscopic surgery, an abscess of the falciform ligament was found and drained. Two months later, the patient developed recurrence of the abscess secondary to acute calculous cholecystitis. Abscess drainage and cholecystectomy were performed. The presence of right uppper quadrant abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, fever, leukocytosis, and a mass in the anterior abdomen should arouse suspicion of falciform ligament abscess. Its treatment consists of abscess drainage.


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The case of a patient with blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome who is infected by acquired immunodeficiency syndrome virus due to multiple blood transfusions is presented. This case shows that although it is a rare systemic disorder, blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome has to be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic anemia or gastrointestinal bleeding. Patients should be investigated by endoscopy, which is the most reliable method for detecting these lesions. The patient underwent gastroscopy and enteroscopy via enterotomy with identification of all lesions. Minimal resection of the larger lesions and string-purse suture of the smaller ones involving all the layers of the intestine were performed. The string-purse suture of the lesions detected by enteroscopy proved to be an effective technique for handling these lesions, avoiding extensive intestinal resection and stopping the bleeding. Effective management of these patients demands aggressive treatment and should be initiated as soon as possible to avoid risks involved in blood transfusions, as occurred in this case.


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Laparoscopic operations offer a myriad of advantages resulting in a rapid postoperative recovery. Incisional hernia is an uncommon cause of morbidity in operative procedures performed by laparoscopic access, and the diagnosis may not be easily made. In our service we identified 2 patients with incisional hernia the site of trocar insertion. The records of these 2 cases were reviewed. We report on these 2 cases and present a review of the literature.


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Treatment of wounds using conventional methods is frequently limited by inadequate local wound conditions, or by a poor systemic clinical situation. Vacuum system may promote faster granulation tissue formation, remove excessive exudate, increase blood flow in the wound, and attract the borders of the wound to the center, reducing its dimension. We present 3 cases of patients with difficult wounds, due to bad local conditions, or poor clinical situation, in whom we used a vacuum system to prepare the wound for the surgical closure. One patient had a pressure ulcer, another had a diabetic foot ulcer, and the third one had an open foot stump. In the 3 cases a significant improvement of the wound conditions was achieved after 7 to 8 days, allowing successful surgical treatment with flap or skin grafts.


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Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease usually diagnosed by abnormal sweat testing. We report a case of an 18-year-old female with bronchiectasis, chronic P. aeruginosa infection, and normal sweat chloride concentrations who experienced rapid decrease of lung function and clinical deterioration despite treatment. Given the high suspicion ofcystic fibrosis, broad genotyping testing was performed, showing a compound heterozygous with deltaF508 and 3849+10kb C->T mutations, therefore confirming cystic fibrosis diagnosis. Although the sweat chloride test remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, alternative diagnostic tests such as genotyping and electrophysiologic measurements must be performed if there is suspicion of cystic fibrosis, despite normal or borderline sweat chloride levels.


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A particular event concerning a Swan-Ganz catheter complication is reported. A 41-year-old woman was admitted at the emergency room of our hospital with massive gastrointestinal bleeding. A total gastrectomy was performed. During the postoperative period in the intensive care unit , the patient maintained hemodynamic instability. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter was then indicated. During the maneuvers to insert the catheter, a true knot formation was identified at the level of the superior vena cava. Several maneuvers by radiological endovascular invasive techniques allowed removal of the catheter. The authors describe the details of this procedure and provide comments regarding the various techniques that were employed in overcoming this event. A comprehensive review of evidence regarding the benefits and risks of pulmonary artery catheterization was performed. The consensus statement regarding the indications, utilization, and management of the pulmonary artery catheterization that were issued by a consensus conference held in 1996 are also discussed in detail.