465 resultados para Caldo de cana


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In order to investigate the action of the flocculating agents Panfloc and Panclar a full factorial design 2³ and a Central Composite design 2² were carried out. The control variables were the flocculant concentration, pH and temperature. The response variables were phenolic compounds reduction and spectral area reduction. The best conditions of treatment was hydrolyzate at pH 9 for both coagulants, but the use of Panfloc was more effective in the phenolic compounds reduction (73.9%) and spectral area reduction (65.8%).


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The objective of the present study was the evaluation of the presence of organic and inorganic contaminants in samples of aged cachaça from the South of the state of Minas Gerais. Furfural, methanol and copper were determined by colorimetric reactions, while the analyses of ethyl carbamate and acrolein were performed by GC/MS and HPLC, respectively. High levels of furfural and copper were obtained. All samples showed concentrations below the established by legislation for the ethyl carbamate, and for acrolein, only one sample showed higher levels. Methanol was not detected in the samples.


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An evaluation was made of the properties of sugarcane bagasse during the storage process for subsequent burning in a boiler. Samples of bagasse were collected over a period of 150 days from the Caeté sugar mill (MG) at various points of the stockpile soon after the sugarcane was pressed to extract its juice, as well as from natural bagasse, dry and damp. Thermal analyses of the samples were carried out and the results indicated that, during the storage of bagasse, dry or damp, the biomass loses up to 32% of its calorific power, due to decomposition of the hemicellulose.


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This paper reports on a modification of the procedures originally described in the French Pharmacopoeia for the UV-visible spectrometric analysis of flavonoids, and proposes a validation of the method and its application in the determination of total flavonoids from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) leaves and vinasse. An analysis of precision and accuracy revealed a low relative standard deviation (< 5.0%) and a good recovery percentages (99.79 and 98.34%). A comparison of the spectrometric results against those obtained by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV) demonstrated complete compatibility between the modified French Pharmacopoeia (spectrometric) and HPLC-UV methods


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Sugarcane straw biomass accounts for 1/3 of the energy potential of sugarcane and represents a rich source of sugars. Studies have been intensified for the use of this biomass along with bagasse for the production of cellulosic ethanol. Development of this technological path will allow for taking full advantage of sugarcane, increasing ethanol production without expanding the area cultivated. However, in order for this technology to be viable certain challenges must be overcome, including establishment of appropriate conditions of pretreatment and hydrolysis of these materials for release of fermentable sugars.


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The effect of moisture content in the steam treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse was evaluated. Steam treatment was perfomed at 195-210 ºC for 4-8 min using cane bagasse with moisture contents in the range 16-100 wt% (dry basis). Increased moisture contents not only had a positive influence in recovery of main cane biomass components but also resulted in better substrates for enzymatic hydrolysis. As a result, drying is not required for optimal pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse, which can be processed into second generation ethanol immediately after crushing and hot water washing.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of sugar cane spirits, fermented by different commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains and double distilled by pot still. Sugar cane juices were separately fermented by yeasts CA-11, Y-904, BG-1, PE-2, SA-1 and CAT-1 and distilled by pot still according to the methodology used for whisky production. The alcoholic liquids from first and second distillations were analyzed for concentrations of ethanol, volatile acidity, aldehydes, esters, furfural, higher alcohols and methanol. The sugar cane spirits derived from fermentation by the different yeast strains presented distinct chemical compositions.


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The volatile fraction of sugar cane spirits plays a key role in the quality and acceptance of these beverages. The composition of this fraction is dependent on the way sugar cane collection, fermentation, distillation and aging are carried out. The materials used in these processes strongly influence chemical composition. Acetic acid, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, ethanol, 2.3-butanedione, n-propanol, 3-methyl-buthanol and isobuthanol were the major volatiles in spirits. Dimethyl sulfide and n-propanol impaired beverage flavor. Ethyl octanoate, 1.1-diethoxy-ethane, 2-phenylethanol and 3-methyl-butanol were important aroma contributors. Ageing allows the extraction of flavor-active components (e.g., phenolic compounds) from wood.


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The aim of this study was to identify, with the use of 31P NMR spectroscopy, organic P species in humic acids (HA) in samples from Oxisol cultivated in chronosequence with sugar cane, pasture and Cerrado. The main forms of P-type found were orthophosphate, monoester-P (phosphate sugars) and P-diester (orthophosphate). The 31P NMR technique proved capable of identifying changes in the areas studied as a function of sugar cane burning time. In areas with 1 and 5 years of burnt cane, a decrease in recalcitrant organic P in humic acids indicated the need for use of P-humic substances for plant nutrition.


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The sugarcane industry has huge potential for biorefinery concept application, given its development in recent years. In this context, cane sugar straw has become an attractive raw material for biofuel production. This study aims to investigate the chemical composition of cane sugar straw from different regions of Brazil, and to optimize a hydrothermal pretreatment stage for cellulosic ethanol production. Results of chemical characterization of the cane sugar straw for the regions assessed indicated little influence of place on straw chemical composition. Hydrothermal pretreatment showed high efficiency in hemicellulose removal. Hydrothermal pretreatments operating with temperatures of 190 and 210 ºC presented satisfactory results, reaching values close to 100% hydrolysis.


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The purpose of this work was to study four different solvent mixtures intended to increase the yield of the extraction stage of clavulanic acid (CA), which is one of the steps in the purification process. Four central composite rotatable designs (CCRD) were utilized to optimize the solvent mixtures. The variables selected for the factorial design were solvent mixture ratio (mL/mL) and temperature (ºC). The results showed that the yield of CA extracted from fermentation broth with the solvent mixtures of methyl-ethyl-ketone and ethyl acetate, and methyl-isobutyl-ketone and ethyl acetate (44.7 and 50.0%, respectively) was higher than that of the individual ethyl acetate alone (36.5%).


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The aim of this study was to develop an effective and economically viable technology for the treatment of vinasse, prior to its disposal in the soil for fertirrigation, aiming this way at reducing the environmental impacts generated by inadequately discarding this effluent. The primary treatment of vinasse by adsorption was evaluated. Adsorbents were prepared from sugar cane bagasse and their efficiency evaluated in relation to the treatment of vinasse. The process of preparation of activated carbon consisted of carbonizing bagasse at different temperatures followed by chemical activation with NaOH. The carbon samples obtained by solely carbonizing sugar cane bagasse were more efficient for removing turbidity of vinasse than samples activated with NaOH. The sample carbonized at 800 °C was the most efficient for removing turbidity of wastewater (83%). During a process of adsorption of vinasse in two stages, it was possible to obtain color removal, turbidity and COD of approximately 76, 85 and 69%, respectively. After the adsorption step of vinasse, the solid waste generated in the second stage of adsorption can be burned in the boilers of the power plant itself, affording an energy of 4606 cal g-1.


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Utilizando-se um experimento com microparcelas em condições de campo, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos de duas diferentes doses do nematicida organofosforado sistêmico Terbufos (Counter 50G) sobre as populações dos fitonematóides ectoparasitos Helicotylenchus dihystera, Criconemella ornata e Paratrichodorus sp. em cinco variedades de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.), verificando-se, ao mesmo tempo, o potencial de reprodução desses nematóides nas mesmas variedades. O produto foi aplicado nas proporções de 60 e 80 kg do produto comercial por hectare (p.c./ha), no momento do plantio. As variedades estudadas foram SP70-1143, RB813804, SP78-4764, CB45-3 e SP79-1011. Com os dois tratamentos nematicidas, as parcelas testemunhas e as cinco variedades, formou-se um desenho experimental do tipo blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial, com cinco repetições. As avaliações fundamentaram-se nos níveis populacionais dos nematóides, com a determinação do fator de reprodução (FR) dos parasitos nas variedades, nas parcelas tratadas e não tratadas pelo nematicida. Pelos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que o produto nas duas dosagens empregadas não interferiu significativamente nos índices populacionais dos três nematóides 16 meses após o plantio, exceto para a combinação C. ornata x Terbufos 80 kg/ha, para a variedade SP70-1143. Não foi possível ser determinada a hospedabilidade das variedades estudadas em relação aos três nematóides, devido aos baixos fatores de reprodução (FR), provavelmente relacionados à longa estiagem ocorrente no ano do experimento.


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Por ser comum a ocorrência de altos níveis populacionais de nematóides ectoparasitos em canaviais da região Nordeste, estudou-se o efeito do nematicida Terbufos (Counter 50G), em soqueira, em área infestada naturalmente por Helicotylenchus dihystera, Criconemella ornata e Paratrichodorus minor. O delineamento estatístico adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial 2x3x5 (duas épocas de corte x três tratamentos nematicida x cinco variedades de cana-de-açúcar), com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos nematicidas consistiram de 3 kg i.a./ha aplicado por ocasião do plantio e após o primeiro corte, 4 kg i.a./ha aplicado no plantio, e testemunha, 0 kg i.a./ha, distribuídos em microparcelas de 2,0 m x 2,0 m. As avaliações, fundamentadas nas densidades populacionais dos nematóides, foram realizadas em cinco variedades de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.), CB45-3, RB813804, SP78-4764, SP79-1011 e SP 70-1143, na colheita da cana planta, 16 meses após o plantio, e primeira soca, 16 meses após o primeiro corte. Não houve interação entre nematicida, variedade e época de corte. As aplicações do nematicida e as variedades de cana não afetaram significativamente os níveis populacionais dos ectoparasitos. Entretanto, por ocasião do segundo corte, as densidades populacionais de C. ornata e P. minor foram significativamente menores do que no primeiro corte, ocorrendo o inverso com a população de H. dihystera.


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Foi estudado comparativamente o efeito do cultivo de Crotalaria juncea, por um ano, com incorporação, a uma aplicação do nematicida sistêmico carbofuran, no momento do plantio, em cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum sp.), var. SP79-1011, em solos naturalmente infestados por Helicotylenchus dihystera, Criconemella ornata, Paratrichodorus minor e Trichodorus sp. Foram determinados os níveis populacionais dos nematóides, acompanhados ao longo do experimento, e o comportamento de cada um no solo. As populações dos fitonematóides ectoparasitos estudados apresentaram número reduzido de espécimes, sendo pouco influenciadas pela incorporação da crotalária ou da aplicação do nematicida. Todas as populações permaneceram baixas, ao longo do desenvolvimento da planta, observando-se pequeno incremento populacional a partir dos 90 dias. O comportamento da população de C. ornata em função do tempo nas parcelas tratadas com crotalária ou carbofuran foi expresso pelas equações Y = 100,56524 + 0,01504X - 0,00003032X2 (R² = 0,5605**) ou Y = 10 0,62059 + 0,01394X - 0,00002786X2 (R² = 0,6416**), respectivamente. Ainda, em cana tratada com carbofuran, o aumento populacional de Trichodorus sp., no decorrer do experimento, obecedeu ao modelo quadrático Y = 13,16667 - 0,10904X + 0,00065711X2 (R² = 0,6916**).