356 resultados para influenza humana
Durante dois anos completos - outubro de 1980 a setembro de 1982 - capturamos flebótomos no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos. As coletas em isca humana foram realizadas semanalmente com duração de duas horas e em três diferentes horários.Em todas, anotavamos as fases da lua e, a cada hora, a temperatura, umidade relativa ventos e chuvas. Foram gastas 586 horas e capturados 4.824 flebotomos de dez espécies, todas pertencentes ao genero Lutzomyia França, 1924. Dessas espécies, L. ayrozai e L. hirsuta representaram 92% do total. As duas, no entanto, dominam a fauna em épocas diferentes: a primeira e mais frequente nos meses quentes e umidos, declinando consideravelmente nos meses frios e secos, ocasião em que a segunda comeca a predominar. As espécies L. fischeri e L. shannoni foram as mais resistentes as condições climáticas desfavoráveis. Na ocorrência de chuvas e ventos, geralmente eram as únicas a serem coletadas. Com relação as fases lunares, observamos que a lua nova foi a mais favorável a coleta de flebotomíneos e a lua cheia a de menor rendimento, excetuando-se L. shannoni que ocorreu com maior densidade nesse período.
A ocorrência de toxoplasmose aguda em três membros de uma mesma família foi relacionada à ingestão de leite de cabra, não pasteurizado e nem fervido. As cabras eram criadas soltas no peridomicílio para fornecimento de leite. Anticorpos fluorescentes anti-Toxoplasma foram detectados nos quinze animais examinados, sendo que oito caprinos apresentaram títulos superiores a 1:1024 e nas cinco cabras lactantes estes títulos variaram de 1:1024 a 1:32.768. Taquizoitos foram isolados, por inovulação em camundongos, do leite de uma destas cabras. Os cães criados na mesma casa não apresentaram sintomas de toxoplasmose apesar de ter ocorrido perda de ninhada de uma cadela; em todos os cães foram detectados baixos níveis de anticorpos. Foi considerada menos provável a possibilidade de que as infecções humanas pudessem ser devido à ingestão de alimentos contaminados com oocistos.
Foram estudados os encéfalos e as supra-renais de cinco casos de raiva humana, sendo três crianças e dois adultos com óbito ocorrendo entre três e seis dias após início das manifestações clínicas. Em todos os casos o encéfalo mostrava corpúsculo de Negri nas células nervosas e infiltrado mononuclear perivascular mais evidente nos casos de evolução mais longa. O comprometimento eletivo da medular das supra-renais caracterizado por acentuado exsudato mononuclear, além de alterações dos feocromócitos ocorreu em 60% dos casos. Corpúsculos eosinófilos foram encontrados no citoplasma dos feocromócitos e, às vezes, no interstício da medular. Tais corpúsculos poderiam representar inclusões viróticas semelhantes aos corpúsculos de Negri dos neurônios. Entretanto sua verdadeira natureza precisa ser ainda esclarecida. A medulite supra-renálica aqui descrita pode ter sua gênese, pelo menos em parte, determinada por fatores que se relacionam ao "parentesco" embriológico do sistema cromafim com o tecido nervoso.
Com o intuito de fornecer dados ao estudo da leptospirose humana, foram analisados 884 pacientes diagnosticados sorologicamente no Laboratório de Leptospirose da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ, no período de 1970 a 1982. Deste total, 775 estiveram internados em hospitais da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e 109 eram oriundos de outras cidades do Brasil. Sorologicamente, Icterohaemorrhagiae foi o sorogrupo mais freqüente, tanto para os pacientes do Grande Rio (76,4%), como para os demais (41,3%). No decorrer dos 13 anos, foram isoladas duas cepas de Icterohaemorrhagiae. Com relação ao Grande Rio, observou-se uma freqüência maior da doença entre janeiro e abril (53,7%); o sexo masculino concorreu para 89,9% dos casos; e a faixa etária mais atingida compôs-se de indivíduos entre 16 e 45 anos (74,9%).
In this paper the authors briefly describe a human Schistosoma mansoni strain from Pará State, Brazil. The CIRENE'S strain was capable of infecting 71.4% of the snail vector Biomphalaria glabrata (Telegrafo's strain) provided by the "Evando Chagas" Institute, Belém. The cycle was completed by the infection of six mice. The thoracic and abdominal organs were examined microscopically which demonstrated the passage of the worm into the liver and lungs. The authors discuss the importance of these results in the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Pará.
In paralel with several other epidemiologic and entomologic data of 19 Municipalities of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, the feeding pattern of 222 Triatoma vitticeps is studied through precipitin tests. Very high levels of natural infection with Trypanosoma cruzi are observed in adult insects, in contrast with the abscence or minimum degrees of infection among nymphs and human individuals. The precipitin tests showed the contact of the insects with multiple blood sources, chiefly human and birds, followed by rodents and marsupials. The data suggest that T. vitticeps in spite of being highly antropophilic, become infected by T. cruzi in sylvatic ambient and occasionally invade houses. The species doesn't seem to be - at least until now - a good vector in the domestic cycle of Chagas' disease. Several factors seem to be involved in this conclusion, mainly the low density of the insect in the houses, its hardness to coloniza them, its slowness concerning to suction and defecation and possibly its low susceptibility to different T. cruzi strains.
A large influenza epidemic took place in Havana during the winter of 1988. The epidemiologic surveillance unit of the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine detected the begining of the epidemic wave. The Rvachev-Baroyan mathematical model of the geographic spread of an epidemic was used to forecast this epidemic under routine conditions of the public health system. The expected number of individuals who would attend outpatient services, because of influenza-like illness, was calculated and communicated to the health authorities within enough time to permit the introduction of available control measures. The approximate date of the epidemic peak, the daily expected number of individuals attending medical services, and the approximate time of the end of the epidemic wave were estimated. The prediction error was 12%. The model was sufficienty accurate to warrant its use as a pratical forecasting tool in the Cuban public health system.
Six clinical isolates of influenza A viruses were examined for hemagglutinin receptor specificity and neuraminidase substrate specificity. All of the viral isolates minimally passaged in mammalian cells demonstrated preferential agglutination of human erythrocytes enzymatically modified to contain NeuAc alpha 2,6Gal sequences, with no agglutination of cells bearing NeuAc alpha 2,3Gal sequences. This finding is consistent with the hemagglutination receptor specificity previously demonstrated for laboratory strains of influenza A viruses. The neuraminidase substrate specificities of the clinical isolates examined were also identical to that described for the N2 neuraminidase of recent laboratory strains of human influenza viruses. The H3N2 viruses all displayed the ability to release sialic acid from both alpha 2, 3 and alpha 2, 6 linkages. In addition, two clinical isolates of H1N1 viruses also demonstrated this dual neuraminidase substrate specificity, a characteristic which has not been previously described for the N1 neuraminidase. These results demonstrate that complementary hemagglutinin and neuraminidase specificities are found in recent isolates of both H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses.
Given that highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been demonstrated useful to restore immune competence in type-1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)-infected subjects, we evaluated the specific antibody response to influenza vaccine in a cohort of HIV-1-infected children on HAART so as to analyze the quality of this immune response in patients under antiretroviral therapy. Sixteen HIV-1-infected children and 10 HIV-1 seronegative controls were immunized with a commercially available trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine containing the strains A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B. Serum hemagglutinin inhibition (HI) antibody titers were determined for the three viral strains at the time of vaccination and 1 month later. Immunization induced a significantly increased humoral response against the three influenza virus strains in controls, and only against A/H3N2 in HIV-1-infected children. The comparison of post-vaccination HI titers between HIV-1+ patients and HIV-1 negative controls showed significantly higher HI titers against the three strains in controls. In addition, post vaccination protective HI titers (defined as equal to or higher than 1:40) against the strains A/H3N2 and B were observed in a lower proportion of HIV-1+ children than in controls, while a similar proportion of individuals from each group achieved protective HI titers against the A/H1N1 strain. The CD4+ T cell count, CD4/CD8 T cells ratio, and serum viral load were not affected by influenza virus vaccination when pre- vs post-vaccination values were compared. These findings suggest that despite the fact that HAART is efficient in controlling HIV-1 replication and in increasing CD4+ T cell count in HIV-1-infected children, restoration of immune competence and response to cognate antigens remain incomplete, indicating that additional therapeutic strategies are required to achieve a full reconstitution of immune functions.
Several studies conducted all over the world have reported that the influenza virus is associated with great morbidity and mortality rates. In this study, we analyzed the incidence of the influenza virus between 2000 and 2003 in Curitiba. We studied 1621 samples obtained from outpatients and hospitalized patients of both sexes and all ages. The study was conducted at the local primary care health units (outpatients) and at the tertiary care unit (hospitalized) of the General Hospital of the Federal University in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Nasopharyngeal aspirates and, eventually, bronchoalveolar lavage were assayed for the presence of viral antigens, either by indirect immunofluorescence or cell culture. Of the samples studied, 135 (8.3%) were positive for influenza virus, and of those, 103 (76.3%) were positive for type A and 32 (23.7%) for type B. Additionally, positive samples were analyzed by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction and subtypes H1 and H3 were identified from this group. A high incidence of positive samples was observed mainly in the months with lower temperatures. Furthermore, outpatients showed a higher incidence of influenza viruses than hospitalized patients.
We estimate the risk of acquiring the new influenza A(H1N1) for Brazilian travelers to Chile, Argentina and the USA. This is done by a mathematical model that quantifies the intensity of transmission of the new virus in those countries and the probability that one individual has of acquiring the influenza depending on the date of arrival and time spent in the area. The maximum estimated risk reached 7.5 cases per 10,000 visitors to Chile, 17 cases per 10,000 travelers to Argentina and 23 cases per 10,000 travelers to the USA. The estimated number of imported cases until 27 July is 57 ± 9 from Chile, 136 ± 27 from the USA and 301 ± 21 from Argentina, which are in accord with the official figures. Estimating the number of imported cases was particularly important for the moment of the disease introduction into this country, but it will certainly be important again as a tool to calculate the number of future imported cases from northern countries in our next inter-epidemic season, were imported cases can constitute again the majority of the new influenza burden to the Brazilian health services.
In this paper, we analysed the haemagglutinin (HA) gene identified by polymerase chain reaction from 90 influenza A H1N1 virus strains that circulated in Brazil from April 2009-June 2010. A World Health Organization sequencing protocol allowed us to identify amino acid mutations in the HA protein at positions S220T (71%), D239G/N/S (20%), Y247H (4.5%), E252K (3.3%), M274V (2.2%), Q310H (26.7%) and E391K (12%). A fatal outcome was associated with the D239G mutation (p < 0.0001). Brazilian HA genetic diversity, in comparison to a reference strain from California, highlights the role of influenza virus surveillance for study of viral evolution, in addition to monitoring the spread of the virus worldwide.
Vaccination is the method of choice for the prevention of influenza infection. However, the quantity of the antigen available, especially in the case of pandemics, often fails to meet the global demand. However, improved adjuvants can overcome this problem. Preliminary results obtained in this study revealed that one year after a single subcutaneous immunisation with influenza A H3N2 virus in an oil-based carrier, VaxcineTM, outbreed mice produced a high immunoglobulin G response that lasted for up to one year and exhibited less variation in titre compared with the response of the control group treated with alum. The haemagglutination-inhibition titres induced by VaxcineTM were also higher than those generated by alum. These data indicate that VaxcineTM is a good adjuvant candidate for seasonal influenza vaccines.
A vaccination campaign against pandemic influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 was held in Brazil in March 2010, using two types of monovalent split virus vaccines: an AS03-adjuvanted vaccine and a non-adjuvanted vaccine. We compared the reactogenicity of the vaccines in health professionals from a Clinical Research Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and there were no serious adverse events following immunization (AEFI) among the 494 subjects evaluated. The prevalence of any AEFI was higher in the AS03-adjuvanted vaccine at 2 h and 24 h post-vaccination [preva-lence ratio (PR): 2.05, confidence interval (CI) 95%: 1.55-2.71, PR: 3.42, CI 95%: 2.62-4.48, respectively]; however, there was no difference between the vaccines in the assessments conducted at seven and 21 days post-vaccination. The group receiving the AS03 post-adjuvanted vaccine had a higher frequency of local reactions at 2 h (PR: 3.01, CI 95%: 2.12-4.29), 24 h (PR: 4.57, CI 95%: 3.29-6.37) and seven days (PR: 6.05, CI 95%: 2.98-12.28) post-vaccination. We concluded that the two types of vaccines caused no serious AEFI in the studied population and the adjuvanted vaccine was more reactogenic, particularly in the 24 h following vaccination. This behaviour must be confirmed and better characterised by longitudinal studies in the general population.
The neuraminidase (NA) genes of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus isolates from 306 infected patients were analysed. The circulation of oseltamivir-resistant viruses in Brazil has not been reported previously. Clinical samples were collected in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) from 2009-2011 and two NA inhibitor-resistant mutants were identified, one in 2009 (H275Y) and the other in 2011 (S247N). This study revealed a low prevalence of resistant viruses (0.8%) with no spread of the resistant mutants throughout RS.