351 resultados para Mineração Novo Astro
OBJETIVO: Utilizar a ultra-sonografia como método de avaliação do "tempo esofágico" e sua capacidade de discriminação entre as substâncias não-sólidas ingeridas (água e iogurte). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 22 adultos jovens, sem queixa gástrica e esofágica, de ambos os sexos. Foi utilizado transdutor de ultra-som de 3,5 MHz, convexo, em modo B, colocado na região epigástrica. O intervalo de tempo esofágico foi determinado utilizando-se um cronômetro que foi acionado no momento da movimentação da glote (início da deglutição) e interrompido ao se visualizar a passagem do conteúdo deglutido no esôfago intra-abdominal. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de trânsito para a água foi de 6,64 ± 1,83 segundos e para o iogurte foi de 8,59 ± 2,70 segundos. A análise estatística comparativa pelo teste t pareado mostrou que as médias apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as substâncias. CONCLUSÃO: O novo método experimental de avaliar o "tempo esofágico" com ultra-som é capaz de propiciar diferenças significativas do tempo necessário para um determinado alimento (líquido ou pastoso) percorrer o esôfago, esclarecendo as suspeitas clínicas e possibilitando a indicação mais precisa de exames clínicos mais complexos.
OBJETIVO: Descrever as alterações na tomografia computadorizada de tórax de casos comprovados de infecção pelo novo vírus influenza A (H1N1). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Três observadores avaliaram, em consenso, nove tomografias computadorizadas de pacientes com infecção pelo vírus influenza A (H1N1) comprovada laboratorialmente. A idade dos pacientes variou de 14 a 64 anos (média de 40 anos), sendo cinco do sexo masculino e quatro do sexo feminino. Quatro pacientes eram previamente hígidos, quatro eram transplantados renais e uma era gestante à época do diagnóstico. Foram avaliadas a presença, a extensão e a distribuição de: a) opacidades em vidro fosco; b) nódulos centrolobulares; c) consolidações; d) espessamento de septos interlobulares; e) derrame pleural; f) linfonodomegalias. RESULTADOS: As alterações mais frequentemente encontradas foram opacidades em vidro fosco, nódulos centrolobulares e consolidações, presentes em nove (100%), cinco (55%) e quatro (44%) dos casos, respectivamente. Derrames pleurais e linfonodomegalias foram menos comuns, ocorrendo em apenas dois (22%) dos casos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados mais comuns nos casos de infecção pelo novo vírus influenza A (H1N1) foram opacidades em vidro fosco, nódulos centrolobulares e consolidações. Estas alterações não são típicas ou únicas a este agente, podendo ocorrer também em outras infecções virais ou bacterianas.
OBJETIVO: Investigação do uso da técnica de mineração de texto como forma de avaliar a qualidade informacional de laudos eletrônicos de mamografia, tendo como parâmetro de qualidade a adesão ao léxico BI-RADS®. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram extraídos 22.247 laudos de mamografia do banco de dados do sistema de informação em radiologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, no período de janeiro de 2000 até junho de 2006. Foram realizados dois experimentos, um buscando-se verificar a utilização mais correta dos termos do léxico - experimento 1 (especificidade do método de mineração), e outro buscando-se verificar toda e qualquer tentativa de uso ou alusão ao léxico - experimento 2 (sensibilidade do método de mineração). RESULTADOS: Experimento 1: variação entre 11% e 61% de laudos contendo termos do léxico em sua conclusão, distribuída de forma aleatória ao longo do tempo, a partir do ano de 2001. Experimento 2: variação entre 44% e 100% de laudos que se referem de alguma forma ao léxico em sua conclusão. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam um bom potencial da aplicação da ferramenta de mineração de texto para a avaliação da qualidade das informações contidas em laudos eletrônicos de mamografia.
O glioma cordoide é um tumor cerebral raro, recentemente descrito, localizado na região do terceiro ventrículo e com características histológicas, imuno-histoquímicas e ultraestruturais peculiares. Este estudo ilustra um caso de glioma cordoide do terceiro ventrículo em uma paciente de 59 anos de idade.
In this communication we describe a new methodology to Dieckmann cyclization of diethyl adipate (1) and diethyl pimelate (3) applying "push-pull" strategy using anhydrous aluminium trichloride and triethylamine in dichloromethane at room temperature. This method is very efficient, simple, safe and reproducible, giving the corresponding cyclic β-keto ester derivatives in 84% and 71% yield, respectively.
Lipases have been immobilized in microemulsion-based organogels (MBG's) and successfully utilized for the enantioselective esterification, diesterification and transesterification reactions, in organic solvents at 25ºC. This methodology is described as a new alternative for the use of enzymes in organic solvents. High enzymic stability has been observed. We have also used this methodology for the successful resolution of chiral secondary alcohols. This is a convenient way of using this catalyst in organic solvents which employs small amounts of the enzyme (250mg/mL).
This work presents a new methodology for searching the present state of chemical evolution for different taxa, grouping five classes of secondary metabolites. Ocurrences of 10370 natural products isolated from Asteraceae were used to exemplify the method. Relationships among tribes are discussed.
In this article are described examples of the successful use of molecular simplification strategy in the discovery of new drugs from bioactive natural products and synthetic compounds. The discovery of a new cardiotonic derivative (37, 2-thienylidene-3,4-methylenedioxybenzoylhydrazine; LASSBio-294), efficiently synthesized from Brazilian natural product and structurally designed by molecular simplification of active pyridazinone compounds reported in the literature, is described. A brief description of the pharmacological profile of this new cardiotonic lead-compound, belonging to the N-acylhydrazone (NAH) class, is also reported herein.
A new model for the H2 antagonists binding site is postulated based on adsorption coefficient values of sixteen antagonists, in the affinities constants of the primary and secondary binding sites, and in the chemical characterization of these sites by 3D-QSAR. All study compounds are in the extended conformation and deprotonated form. The lateral validation of the QSARs, CoMFA analysis, affinity constants and chemical similarity data suggest that the antagonists block the proton pump in the H2 receptor interacting with two tyrosines - one in the helix 5, and other in the helix 6.
The fundamental concepts of the green chemistry are highlighted in order to present the enormous number of challenges to develop a new chemistry in research, industry and education. The practice of an environmental friendly chemistry are presented to improve the economics of chemical manufacturing and to enhance the much-tarnished image of chemistry and to present the opportunities to discover and apply this new chemistry. The challenges and opportunities of green chemistry in the world and Brazil are introduced and discussed in this report.
Samples of new insulating mineral oil, after contact with bauxite, were analyzed by visible spectrophotometry, impedance spectroscopy and their total acidity index was measured. The results of these analyses were compared to samples of new insulating mineral oil, which had not been in contact with bauxite. The comparison demonstrated that the bauxite didn't reduce the insulating capacity of the mineral oil and thus could be used to treat the oil in situ during the operation of an electric transformer.
The discussions sponsored by the Brazilian Chemical Society, over the past five years, intending to produce a chemistry agenda with perspectives and needs for the next decade for the country, have involved the national chemistry community and several related sectors of Brazilian society. Chemistry education has been the theme throughout these discussions. It is known that the low level of basic and secondary education and the recent increase in high school courses and institutions adversely affect the quality of undergraduate teaching. The recent national "Curriculum Guidelines" for Chemistry Courses, through their flexible approach, encourage the integral, interdisciplinary (non compartmentalized) and critical-reflexive training of professionals as citizens and as entrepreneurs. However, deficiencies are still recognized. The system of undergraduate course evaluation has identified the most fragile modalities of the courses and other indicators. Also, it has been verified that the Brazilian chemistry industry absorbs only minimally the highly qualified professionals, which is attributed to the fact that the Federal Council of Chemistry is vertically organized and does not recognize the graduate degrees as professional qualifications. In conclusion, the importance of the effective implantation of the national curriculum guidelines is apparent, among other aspects, highlighting courses whose didactical and pedagogical projects may offer a solid formation in Chemistry. However, at the same time the guidelines are comprehensive and general enough to enable the chemistry professionals to develop varied skills.
A systematic electrochemical study of a novel cyanide free galvanic plating solution of alkaline zinc is presented. Cell Hull tests and potentiodynamic linear polarization measurements were carried out to evaluate the influence of operational parameters, such as concentration, current efficiency and degradation of additives. The stability of the bath was assessed by a long term test during 40 h at 200 A m-2. The morphology of the coatings was characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed good performance of the plating solution. The cost is similar to that of the commercial cyanide bath and lower than that of the commercial cyanide free bath.
This study was developed with a soil contaminated by heavy metals, with the purpose of evaluating the action of silicon and phosphorus as protection agents through simple extractions by DTPA. The collected samples were prepared and incubated with five doses of silicon and five doses of phosphorus, with four replicates, amounting to 100 experimental units. After 30 and 60 days, samples of each treatment were collected, submitted to pH analyses and simple extraction by DTPA. The amounts of DTPA-extracted metals depended on the doses of silicon and phosphorus and on the pH. Treatments with silicon and phosphorus was efficient in decreasing the availability of heavy metals in soil.
Considerable attention has been paid to chitosan and derivatives as efficient adsorbents of pollutants such as metal ions and dyes in aqueous medium. Nevertheless, no report can be found on the remedial actions of chitosan microspheres crosslinked with tripolyphosphate to control acidity, iron (III) and manganese (II) contents in wastewaters from coal mining. In this work, chitosan microspheres crosslinked with tripolyphosphate were used for the neutralization of acidity and removal of Fe (III) and Mn (II) from coal mining wastewaters. The study involved static and dinamic methods. The neutralization capacity of the surface of the static system was 395 mmol of H3O+ per kilogram of microspheres, higher than that of the dynamic one (223 mmol kg-1). The removal of Fe(III) in wastewater was of 100% and that of Mn(II) was 90%.