296 resultados para máxima fase estável de lactato
This paper describes an analytical method for analyzing polychlorinated biphenyls in corn samples using solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by determination by GC-MS. All calibration curves proved linear (r> 0.99). Recoveries ranged between 74.1 and 110.6% with relative standard deviation lower than 20% for all compounds. The limits of quantitation for the method were between 0.025 and 0.1 ng g-1. Of the 51 samples analyzed, PCB 180 showed the highest frequency, being detected in more than 39%, followed by PCB 138, detected in more than 33% of samples.
Considering all the aspects of the principles of green chemistry, we present herein the addition reactions of amines to 1,4-naphthoquinone in water as solvent and also in solid phase. These reactions resulted in very colorful products that were easily monitored by thin layer chromatography and consequently easy to separate. Therefore, they are interesting experiments for experimental organic chemistry in the classrooms or in the laboratories.
PbO2 films were electroformed onto carbon cloth substrates (twill woven type) in acid conditions using the nitrate precursor by changing the electrodeposition current density, temperature and pH, in order to optimize the formation of the β-PbO2 phase. The crystal structure and morphology of the PbO2 films were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) techniques. The optimum conditions obtained for formation of the β-PbO2 were presented and discussed.
The present study utilized thermogravimetry (TG) and optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP/OES) to determine the amount of calcium in calcium lactate tablets used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Thermogravimetry results indicated that the decomposition temperature of CaCO3 occurred at 603.9 and 609.4 ºC in the samples of calcium lactate and tablets, respectively. The calcium content obtained by TG for the tablets sample showed a similar result to that disclosed by ICP-OES, indicating a value of 8.93% for both techniques.
A multiresidue method using HPLC/DAD for the determination of fourteen pesticides in water based on SPE, using SDVB (styrene divynilbenzene copolymer) as adsorbent was validated. Recoveries from 61 to 120%, relative standard deviation between 2 and 15% and detection limits from 0.07 to 0.75 µg L-1 were obtained. It was applied to 66 surface water samples collected in a degraded area at the headwaters of São Lourenço river, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Eight pesticides were detected in concentrations ranging from 0.15 to 35.25 µg L-1. Considering ecotoxicological data, carbendazim and carbofuran may represent a risk to aquatic organisms. These results draw attention to the contamination of this vulnerable degraded area.
The efficiency of XAD®-2 resin in sampling the pesticides α and β-endosulfan from air contaminated in the laboratory was evaluated. Sampling efficiency ranged from 87 to 108% for α-endosulfan and from 71 to 84% for β-endosulfan with relative standard deviation lower than 19%. The pesticides were not detected in the second section of the cartridge showing the good retention capacity of XAD®-2 for these analytes. Method quantification limits were 0.32 and 0.34 µg m-3 for α and β-endosulfan, respectively. These results suggest that the proposed method may be useful for evaluating occupational exposure to these compounds.
Extraction/concentration is a crucial step for the analysis of organic compounds at trace level concentrations and dispersed in complex matrices. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is one of the techniques used for this purpose. In this work, a low cost apparatus for SPE was developed that uses nitrogen under positive pressure and ensures the maintenance of the sample flow, while also allows the simultaneous extraction of different samples without cross-contamination and sample contact with plastic materials. For the system set up, easily accessible materials were used such as hypodermic needles, stainless steel tubes, rubber stoppers, and 3-way valves from serum delivery apparatus.
Enzymatic conversion of gaseous substrates into products in aquo-restricted media, using enzymes or whole cells (free and immobilized) as biocatalysts, constitutes a promising technology for the development of clearer processes. Solid-gas systems offer high production rates for minimal plant sizes, allow important reduction of treated volumes, and permit simplified downstream processes. In this review article, principles and applications of solid-gas biocatalysis are discussed. Comparisons of its advantages and disadvantages with those of the organic- and aqueous-phase reactions are also presented herein.
A new method using the headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) technique was used to evaluate the infinite dilute activity coefficient (γ1∞) in an alcohol/water/salt system. The studied systems were ethanol and water with NaCl and NH4Cl at salt concentrations of 5, 10, 15, and 30% m/v and temperatures of 303.15 and 313.15 K. The method was used to investigate the salt effect on vapor/liquid equilibrium in an ethanol/water system, yielding satisfactory results. The study focused on the rich side in ethanol. The data were compared with the literature infinite dilution data determined by other methods such as differential ebulliometry (EBUL), differential static cell equilibrium (STAT), and gas-liquid chromatography with no gas phase correction (GC). In this study, NaCl showed better separation rates than NH4Cl.
C18 chemically bonded sorbents have been the main materials used in solid phase extraction (SPE). However, due their high hydrophobicity some hydrophobic solutes are strongly retained leading to the consumption of larger quantities of organic solvent for efficient recoveries. This work presents a sorbent with lower hydrophobicity but similar selectivity to the C18 sorbent, prepared by thermal immobilization of poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-alkylmethylsiloxane) (PDAS) on silica. PDAS has organic chains with methyl groups alternating with octadecyl or hexadecyl groups in its monomeric unities. For the Si(PDAS) sorbent presented, the polymeric layer was physically adsorbed on the silica surface with 12% carbon load. Although the coating of silica with the polymeric layer was incomplete, the PDAS provided better protection for the silica surface groups, promoting mostly hydrophobic interactions between analytes and the sorbent. Sorption isotherm studies revealed that the retention of hydrophobic solutes on Si(PDAS) was less intense than on conventional sorbents, confirming the lower hydrophobicity of the lab-made sorbent. Additional advantages of Si(PDAS) include simplicity and low cost of preparation, making this material a potential sorbent for the analysis of highly hydrophobic solutes.
Solid samples containing a Ca2Fe2O5 phase were synthesized using the Pechini method. The samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, X-ray fluorescence, nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms, and scanning electron microscopy. The stability of the Ca2Fe2O5 phase was evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (MB) in aqueous solution in the presence of bubbling gas (air, N2, or CO2). The presence of CO2 is known to suppress MB degradation. After the photocatalytic test, changes were observed in the crystalline phase of all systems. These results suggest the low stability of the Ca2Fe2O5 phase in aqueous systems and the significant effect of CO2 on the photocatalytic activity of the Ca2Fe2O5 phase.
A utilização de tolerância como forma de controle da ferrugem da soja (Glycine max), causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, pode ser uma alternativa viável, visto que a resistência qualitativa tem-se mostrado instável, em função da variabilidade do fungo. Este trabalho foi realizado na região oeste da Bahia, na safra 2003/04, com objetivo de avaliar a tolerância das principais cultivares de soja utilizadas na região. Foram avaliadas quatro cultivares de ciclo precoce [MG/BR 46 (Conquista), Emgopa 315, BRS Corisco e M-SOY 8411] e quatro cultivares de ciclo tardio (BRS Barreiras, M-SOY 9350, FT 106 e BRS Sambaíba). A tolerância foi quantificada pela diferença de produtividade entre subparcelas tratadas e não tratadas com fungicida. As cultivares MG/BR 46 (Conquista) e M-SOY 8411 apresentaram diferenças de rendimento não significativas, no entanto, essa característica não pôde ser atribuída à tolerância, em função da baixa severidade observada no ensaio. Essa diferença pôde ser atribuída a escape, uma vez que, no momento em que a ferrugem obteve valores mais elevados de severidade, as duas cultivares já estavam na fase final de desenvolvimento. Embora a severidade máxima observada no ensaio tenha sido baixa (30,5% para a cultivar BRS Barreiras), com exceção das cultivares MG/BR 46 (Conquista) e M-SOY 8411, as demais cultivares avaliadas apresentaram diferença significativa entre as subparcelas tratadas e não tratadas com fungicida, mostrando ausência de tolerância das principais cultivares comerciais cultivadas no oeste da Bahia. Neste trabalho, foi observado que as cultivares de ciclo precoce apresentaram reduções de produtividade inferiores às de ciclo tardio.
Um sistema de injeção em fluxo envolvendo complexação com dietilditiofosfato de amônio e sorção de complexos metálicos em minicolunas de sílica gel modificada por grupos octadecil C18 é proposto para determinações multielementares em espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado. Influência da concentração de reagentes, natureza do ácido, tempo de reação, tempos de comutação, vazões e interferência de sódio foram investigadas. Água ou solução 2% v/v HNO3 podem ser utilizadas para lavar a coluna antes da eluição dos analitos com etanol. Amostras contendo 5000 mg Na L-1 e analisadas diretamente com o sistema proposto produzem uma concentração aparente de 63Cu de 0,45 µg L-1; por outro lado não foi observada interferência para As, Pb, Bi, Se, In, Tl, Cd, Hg e 65Cu. Para 0,25 % w/v NH4DTP e 3 mL de solução de amostra, curvas analíticas para Bi, Cu, Pb, As, Se, In, Tl, Cd, Hg no intervalo de 0,10 a 2,00 µg L-1 podem ser construídas com boas correlações (r2 > 0.998). A velocidade analítica e sensibilidade podem ser melhoradas pois dependem das condições de pré-concentração e eluição selecionadas. Com os parâmetros acima fixados, limites de detecção de 0.014 (Cu), 0.027 (As), 0.06 (Se), 0.02 (Cd), 0.029 (In), 0.043 (Hg), 0.02 (Tl), 0.06 (Pb) e 0.002 µg L-1 (Bi) foram obtidos.
Pequenas partículas de fase peroviskita de BaMnO3 foram preparadas por dois métodos: a rota da coprecipitação convencional (RCC) e o método convencional de microemulsão (MCM). As técnicas instrumentais utilizadas para caracterizar as amostras foram: microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), difratometria de raios X (XRD), termogravimetria (TG) e análise térmica diferencial (DTA). A síntese de materiais em sistemas coloidais auto-organizados tem por objetivo aumentar a homogeneidade de tamanho e forma das partículas. Nos últimos anos aumentou a busca por materiais mais uniformes visando o aperfeiçoamento da microestrutura. A rota de microemulsão é um método alternativo para a síntese de materiais porque permite o controle da relação entre as concentrações de água e do tensoativo, (w), o qual controla o tamanho das gotículas de microemulsão denominadas microreatores. Peroviskita pura obtida de microemulsão forma-se em temperatura menor do que a fase precipitada, e resulta.em partículas com distribuição de tamanho mais adequada, de aproximadamente 0,1 mm de diâmetro comparado com a média de 0,5 mm das partículas coprecipitadas.