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A novel and unique in a brazilian university experience for rigorous handling of chemical residues of research and teaching is described. The activities since 1998 of a laboratory for the adequate treatment and recovery of chemicals at the São Carlos Campus of the University of São Paulo are summarized. The necessity of environment conscience future professional is enhanced.
Interlaboratorial programs are conducted for a number of purposes: to identify problems related to the calibration of instruments, to assess the degree of equivalence of analytical results among several laboratories, to attribute quantity values and its uncertainties in the development of a certified reference material and to verify the performance of laboratories as in proficiency testing, a key quality assurance technique, which is sometimes used in conjunction with accreditation. Several statistics tools are employed to assess the analytical results of laboratories participating in an intercomparison program. Among them are the z-score technique, the elypse of confidence and the Grubbs and Cochran test. This work presents the experience in coordinating an intercomparison exercise in order to determine Ca, Al, Fe, Ti and Mn, as impurities in samples of silicon metal of chemical grade prepared as a candidate for reference material.
Capillary electrophoresis has become a well-established and routine-based separation technique. It is based on the differences between charged analyte mobility in aqueous or organic electrolytes. Its major limitation is the sensitivity due to small sample injection volumes and the narrow diameter of the capillaries, especially when UV detection is used. There are a number of ways to increase the concentration sensitivity. This report shows some on-line preconcentration strategies to perform it in free solution capillary electrophoresis that are based on manipulation of the analyte electrophoretic velocity during the sample introduction (stacking, field amplification and transient isotachophoresis).
This work describes CE preconcentration strategies based on the effect of manipulation of the disperse/secondary velocity. Introduced by Terabe et al. in 1984, micellar electrokinetic chromatography is a powerful separation approach that increases the usage of electrokinetic phenomena for the separation of nonionic compounds. The main disadvantage of MEKC is the low concentration sensitivity associated with the limited optical path length for on-capillary photometric detection and the limited volume of sample solution that can be injected. This paper compiles on-line concentration strategies for neutral analytes by sample stacking and sweeping in micellar electrokinetic chromatography.
Electrodegradation of atrazine in water was performed using homemade (PA and PB) and purchased (PC) boron-doped diamond anodes. The degradation was monitored off-line by analyzing total organic carbon and high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and at-line by UV spectroscopy. The spectra were recorded every 2 min. The rank deficiency problem was resolved by assembling an augmented column-wise matrix. HPLC was employed to separate the original and byproducts degradation components. Aiming the same goal, multivariate curve resolution - alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) was applied to resolve the UV spectroscopic data. Comparison between HPLC and MCR-ALS separations is presented. By using MCR-ALS the spectra of atrazine and two byproducts were successfully resolved and the resulted concentration profiles properly represented the system studied. The ALS explained variance (R2) for PA, PB and PC was equal to 99.99% for all of them and the lack of fit for PA, PB and PC were 0.39, 0.34 and 0.54 respectively. The correlation (R) between the recovered and pure spectra were calculate for each electrodegradation, validating the MCR-ALS results. The average R was equal to 0.997. The spectral and concentration profiles described with this new approach are in agreement with HPLC-DAD results. The proposed method is an alternative to classical analyses for monitoring of the degradation process, mainly due to the simplicity, fast results and economy.
In Anis paper are listed 19 different species of Hydrozca collected during a trip to the oceanic island of Trindade, located at lat. 20º 30' 00" S. and long. 29º 22' 00" W., 600 miles off the brazilian coast. During the trip hawls and dredges were done at different points of the island and of banks that exist between the coast and the island. Of the 19 listed species one is here considered new to science: Hebellopsis besnardi (p. 83), characterized by having thecae with a single curvature and a strongly everted margin. Its measures are intermediate between those os H. hartmeyeri and H. sinuosa, which are its closest allies. H. besnardi was found epizoic on D. quadridentata. Of the remainder 18, 14 were already known from the brazilian coast. Of these 14, 4 were previously known only from the coast south of Cabo Frio, and 10 are at present known only from the region north of Cabo Frio. Five species are found both north and south of this Cape. As a whole, 5 species are recorded now for the first time on the brazilian coast, of these are given a full description and figures. This paper has the purpose of increasing the faunistical knowledge of this region of the Atlantic Ocean as a first step towards the understanding of the zoogeographical relationships with the other oceans and the establishment of the zoogeographical regions of this coast.
Trata o presente trabalho de uma coleção de peixes obtida em Cabo Frio, em São João da Barra, no Banco de São Tomé, no Banco Jaseur e na Ilha da Trindade. Considerando-se a ocorrência das espécies, por localidade, chega-se ao seguinte resultado: Cabo Frio ........................................... 13 espécies. São João da Barra ............................... 8 " " " Banco São Tomé ................................. 16 " " " Banco Jaseur ...................................... 2 " " " Ilha da Trindade .................................. 32 " " " Examinando-se as espécies da Ilha da Trindade, verifica-se que as frequentadoras da região representam, na realidade, 37,5% do total capturado, cifra obtida nessa primeira viagem de estudo. A maioria é encontratada tanto na região pelágica como nas proximidades da costa. Analisando-se a fauna da região estudada pelo Museu Americano de Nova Iorque, pelo Museu Nacional, do Rio de Janeiro e pelo Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia, constata-se que sobe a 66 o número de espécies lá encontradas entre 1912 e 1950. É de se presumir que ulteriores observações, levadas a efeito em várias épocas do ano, possam ainda acrescer esse número. A contribuição do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia foi de 24 espécies que, incorporadas às 42 já constatadas per outras expedições, dão o total das até agora conhecidas no local.
This preliminary paper gives new informations concerning occurrence and geographical dispersal of some Chlorophyceae collected at TRINDADE ISLAND (20º 30' Lat. S. and 29º 22' Long. W. Gw.). The following species are considered: Halimeda Opuntia (L.) Lamx. Penicillus Lamourouxii Dcne. Udotea Flabellum (E. & Sol.) Howe. Dictyosphaeria favulosa (Ag.) Dcne. Anadyomene stellata (W.) J. Ag.
The oceanographic work realized during 10 days in the surroundings of the eruptive island of Trindade, 20º30'36" lat. S - 29º19'26" long. W, had as principal aim the determination of the insular plateau, whose knowledge was very insufficient. Thus were established some oceanographic stations and sounding lines were realized by means of an echobathymeter whose responses were initially verified with mechanical soundings obtaneid by means of a Thomson sounder. The insular plateau is very narrow and exhibits a sudden fall between the 100 and 120 m. depth line at 740 m. - 2950 m. from the coast. Its greatest depth is of 108,30 m. and its mean inclination is of 8,12%. The plateau of the island of Trindade is separated from that of the neighbouring group of Martim Yaz by great depths. The bottoms are rocky near the coast, the blocks having been produced by the rupture of the magmatic mass of the island. Further away from the coast, the size of the rocks gradually diminishes up to the fine sand thickness. In the litoral zone there are abundant tufts of living Lithothamnion with a rich associated flora and fauna, which partly covers the rocks themselves. Further off at sea, the spheres of the dead alga with its commensals are cimented together by sedimentation. The spheres are further broken up and become an integrating part of the sand. The results of the physical and chemical analyses of the sand bottoms are shown in tables 2 and 3. The coast is either of abrupt rocky walls falling down to sea level, or of shores, made of pebbles or of sand. Anyhow, there are frequently Lithothamnion terraces slightly inclinated towards the bottom (chemical analysis table 1).
From the Jaseur Bank, off the Brazilian coast at 20º 30' S - 35º 50' W, were collected a few specimens of one of the less known species of the Heteropoda: Firoloida lesueuri (d'Orbigny). A detailed anatomical description follows aiming at the elucidation of some obscure points in the litterature on the subject and at showing the identity of most of the previously described "species" of the genus Firoloida. Special care was taken with the study of the nervous system of which most of the descriptions found were discordant. The author arrived at the conclusion that the pleural ganglia are either missing of fused to the cerebral ganglia, that the supraintestinal ganglion (left parietal ganglion) is present in the posterior region and is close to the subintestinal or right parietal ganglion, being both located near the rear end of the body. The innervations are described and discussed as well as the fusion of extensive tracts of the connectives. The present material is shown to be identical to F. kowalewskyi, well described by Vayssière and Tesch; F. desmaresti (Lesueur 1817) is shown to be undistinguishable from F. blainvilleana and F. gracilis. F. aculeata and F. gaimardi are here considered as "nomina nuda". F. liguriae Issel 1907 is admitted as separate species in spite of its insufficient description and, finally, F. vigilans (Troschel 1855), unsatisfactorily described from only one specimen is perhaps a valid species. A table is presented to show the slight differences between the 4 species which are undoubtedly very similar. F. desmaresti is found only in the Atlantic north of the line and a few points south and close to it as well as in dependent seas, while F. lesueuri is common to the south Atlantic, south Indie and south Pacific oceans, extending north only up to the Azores Islands. F. liguriae is from the south western Atlantic. ?F. vigilans would be an endemic species from Messina (Mediterranean).
In May 1950 a trip was undertaken by the ships "Baependi" and "Vega" to the Trindade Island - 20º30'S and 29º20'W - Approximately 1200 km off the coast of Espirito Santo State. This scientific expedition was realized by the iniciative of the Minister J. A. Lins de Barros. In this expedition the supervisor of the oceanographic works was Prof. W. Besnard, the director of the São Paulo Oceanographic Institute. He brougth home 42 samples of water for study, collected upon the insular terrace of the island, referring to the 15 established stations - see table I - with depths varying between 0 m and 115 m. The physical and chemical properties of them are to be seen on table II. The results obtained were compared with those of the German Expedition to the South Atlantic, 1925/27 ("Meteor"), observed at the stations 157-158-159-163 of profile VI and 168-169-170 of profile VII. The mean results obtaneid by the boats "Baependi" and "Vega" are represented on table IV. We constructed vertical sections - I to VI - of each group of Stations, showing the slope of the insular shelves and, in a general manner, the distribution of salinity. We made also longitudinal section - E, M, I - involving the island and corresponding, respectively, to the groups of stations, the farthest, nearest and intermediary ones. As the number of samples received is reduced and consequently the data obtained are few, no conclusions could be deduced. We made only a commentary supposing that the predominating waters surrounding the island are the same as those coming from the mentioned stations on Profile VI, marked by the "Meteor". No indication authorizes the supposition that waters of the Brazil Current or those of Profile VII of the "Meteor" reach the Trindade Island. On the contrary, its waters must be warm and salted to which Albert Defant (Die Troposphaere, Wiss. Erg. D. Atl. Exp. "Meteor" Band VI, 1 Tel Lief. 3, Berlin, 1936) has referred, as the island is located very near to the limits of the perspective diagram of warm water circulation pointed out. (Kieler Meeresforschungen, Inst. Meereskunde, Universit. Kiel, Band VII, Heft 1, S 24, 1950).
No presente trabalho foi desenvolvido um método espectrofotométrico rápido, simples e seletivo para análise de ácido glicólico, o qual baseia-se na reação colorida entre o formaldeído liberado pelo ácido glicólico e o ácido cromotrópico, quando a reação é realizada em meio de ácido fosfórico concentrado e com aquecimento, utilizando para isso irradiação em forno de microondas doméstico para acelerar a reação. O composto corado formado apresenta um máximo de absorção a 570 nm, sendo necessários apenas 30 segundos de irradiação em forno de microondas (1100 Watts) para que a reação seja completa. A Lei de Beer é obedecida no intervalo de 0-2208 mg L-1. O método proposto foi aplicado na análise de amostras comerciais de ácido glicólico utilizadas em farmácias de manipulação no preparo de medicamentos de combate à acne, fornecendo bons resultados, com recobrimentos entre 97,0-101,4% e desvio padrão de 0,2-0,4%.
No Brasil, a Homeopatia é uma especialidade médica reconhecida desde 1980, mas sua presença nas escolas médicas ainda é rara. Essa é uma das causas da falta de conhecimentos sobre Homeopatia, que dificulta a interlocução entre os médicos homeopatas e os demais profissionais de saúde. A perspectiva de ampliação da assistência homeopática na rede pública após a publicação da Portaria 971*, com a política do Ministério da Saúde para as medicinas não convencionais, cria a iminência de maior contato entre os profissionais homeopatas e não homeopatas. Essa situação origina a necessidade de projetos de educação que divulguem a cultura homeopática de forma mais ampla e sistematizada, e as faculdades de Medicina constituem um espaço privilegiado para promover essas atividades. Este artigo apresenta um panorama da presença da Homeopatia nas faculdades de Medicina do País nos dias atuais. Os dados foram obtidos em investigação exploratória realizada como parte de uma pesquisa que estudou as relações entre Homeopatia e Biomedicina enquanto medicinas partícipes de um campo comum, buscando compreender os movimentos de aproximação e afastamento entre ambas, segundo o ponto de vista dos profissionais não homeopatas.
A carência de docentes qualificados na Região Amazônica levou à adoção de tecnologias de Educação à Distância para organizar a disciplina de Nefrologia do quarto ano do curso de graduação em Medicina da Faculdade São Lucas (FSL), localizada em Porto Velho (RO). Neste trabalho, descrevemos a construção do curso na plataforma Moodle, usando uma estrutura de módulos para discutir os principais tópicos de Nefrologia em fóruns de discussão assíncronos online com base em problemas clínicos ilustrativos, e mostramos os resultados do curso, que já foi realizado com três turmas de alunos, bem como as avaliações da metodologia, realizadas pelos alunos e pela instituição.
O trabalho objetivou selecionar, para a região da Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, cultivares de Eucalyptus e, ou, identificar clones com alto potencial de produtividade. As espécies Eucalyptus saligna Sm., E. dunnii Maiden, E. benthamii Maiden & Cambage, E. tereticornis Sm., E. urophylla S.T. Blake, E. pilularis Sm., E. camaldulensis Dehnh., E. robusta Sm., E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden e E. citriodora Hook estão sendo avaliadas por sete anos, observando-se as seguintes variáveis: sobrevivência (%), bifurcação (%), altura (m) e diâmetro (cm). O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, sendo a parcela constituída de 35 plantas. Aos 12 meses, as espécies apresentaram sobrevivência superior a 95,0%, não foi registrado bifurcação na espécie E. dunnii.e E. citriodora exibiu o valor máximo de 35,0%, enquanto nas demais espécies os valores foram inferiores a 15,0%. Os melhores desempenhos de altura e diâmetro ocorreram em E. citriodora, E. urophylla, E. camaldulensis, E. saligna, E. grandis e E. dunnii.