285 resultados para HbsAg carriers
There are about 350 million hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers worldwide and chronic HBV is considered a major public health problem. The objective of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of the nucleos(t)ide analogues tenofovir (TDF) and entecavir (ETV) in the treatment of chronic HBV. A cross-sectional study was carried out from March-December 2013, including all patients with chronic HBV, over 18 years of age, undergoing therapy through the public health system in southern Brazil. Only the data relating to the first treatments performed with TDF or ETV were considered. Retreatment, co-infection, transplanted or immunosuppressed patients were excluded. Six hundred and forty patients were evaluated, of which 336 (52.5%) received TDF and 165 (25.8%) ETV. The other 139 (21.7%) used various combinations of nucleos(t)ide analogues and were excluded. The negativation of viral load was observed in 87.3% and 78.8% and the negativation of hepatitis B e antigen was achieved in 79% and 72% of those treated with ETV or TDF, respectively. Negativation of hepatitis B surface antigen was not observed. There was no occurrence of adverse effects. This is a real-life study demonstrating that long-term treatment with ETV and TDF is both safe and effective.
Drug delivery system controls the distribution of drugs for optimal therapeutic efficacy. The complex of higly active drugs with macromolecular carriers seems to offer a promising way to optimize their delivery. Dendrimers can be used as drug delivery system and this paper addresses the effectivenes of the approach. The host-guest system improves the solubility of hydrazides and mesoionic 1,3,4-thiadiazolium-2-aminide compounds.
In this work we discuss the aspects related to the phenomenon of mass transport in thin electroactive polymer films. Such phenomenon must be considered because the properties and consequent applications of these materials largely depend on the movement of charge carriers, i.e. ions, electrons or holes. The most recent majority of the techniques, methods and theoretical models used in this type of study are gathered and discussed, providing an easy and critical way for choosing the methodology for an investigation.
Siderophores (from the Greek: "iron carriers") are defined as relatively low molecular weight, ferric ion specific chelating agents elaborated by microorganisms growing under low iron stress. The role of these compounds is to scavenge iron from the environment and to make this essential chemical element available to the microbial cell. The present paper is a brief presentation of siderophore coordination chemistry with emphasis on those aspects relevant to the transportation of iron (III) complexes across biological membranes. Finally, the role of siderophores in infection and their clinical potential as iron scavenging molecules are reviewed.
Polymeric nanoparticle systems such as nanocapsules and nanospheres present potential applications for the administration of therapeutic molecules. The physico-chemical characteristics of nanoparticle suspensions are important pre-requisites of the success of any dosage form development. The purpose of this review is to present the state of the art regarding the physico-chemical characterization of these drug carriers, in terms of the particle size distribution, the morphology, the polymer molecular weight, the surface charge, the drug content and the in vitro drug release profiles. Part of the review is devoted to the description of the techniques to improve the stability of colloidal systems.
Drug therapy involving bone tissue diseases is difficult, calling for the design of specific drugs. The present paper is a brief review of a new site-directed system termed ODDS (osteotropic drug delivery system), based on a latenciation process, using bisphosphonates as bone carriers. This is an important tool for the rational prodrug design for obtaining selective drugs.
Studies about the inorganic nanoparticles applying for non-viral release of biological and therapeutic species have been intensified nowadays. This work reviews the preparation strategies and application of layered double hydroxides (LDH) as carriers for storing, carrying and control delivery of intercalated species as drugs and DNA for gene therapy. LDH show low toxicity, biocompatibility, high anion exchange capacity, surface sites for functionalization, and a suitable equilibrium between chemical stability and biodegradability. LDH can increase the intercalated species stability and promote its sub-cellular uptake for biomedical purposes. Concerning the healthy field, LDH have been evaluated for clinical diagnosis as a biosensor component.
In this review is presented an innovative technology for use of animal and vegetable waste with high pollution levels in microbial fuel cell (MFC) as an alternative to waste remediation and simultaneously producing electricity and fertilizer for agriculture. A brief history of MFC, the studies about the electron transfer mechanisms, discussion of the biological nanowires in bacteria and the use of chemical mediators or carriers of electrons are explained. The factors influencing the performance of MFCs, the application in waste and sewage treatment and power generation are also discussed.
Chitosan, poly[β-(1-4)-linked-2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose], is the N-deacetylated product of chitin which is a major component of arthropod and crustacean shells such as lobsters, crabs, shrimps, and cuttlefishes. In addition, chitosan has many significant biological and chemical properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility and bioactivity as well as polycationic properties. Thus, it has been widely used in many industrial and biomedical applications including wastewater treatment, chromatographic support, carriers for controlled drug delivery and enzyme immobilization. This review is an insight into the exploitation of utilization of chitosan based-supports in different geometrical configurations on the immobilization of enzymes by different protocols for further application in biotransformation reactions.
The use of biopolymers for the development of oxygen carriers has been extensively investigated. In this work, three different ABA triblock copolymers were synthesized and used to encapsulate purified bovine hemoglobin, using a double emulsion technique. The effect of polymer composition, homogenization velocity, and addition of a surfactant, on the protein entrapment was evaluated. These copolymers, which have a hydrophilic block, achieved higher values of encapsulation efficiency than the corresponding homopolymers. The increase in homogenization strength also promoted an increase in encapsulation efficiency. Capsules formation occurred even in the absence of PVA.
The papiloduodenectomy is a procedure that, although accomplished rarely, has its validity in selected cases of papillary tumors. It is included in this group the patients with important diseases that doesn't have conditions of supporting the surgery of Whipple, the standard procedure for these pathologies. The authors review its experience with four patient carriers of malign neoplasia of the duodenal papila submitted to papiloduodenectomy. All the patients came jaundiced to the admission. The age varied of 62 to 82 years. The ultrassonography, the computed tomography and the endoscopy with biopsy were used for diagnosis and staging, and all the patients presented with initial stages (TI or T2). Two patients were classified as ASA3 and the other two as ASA4, according to the American Society of Anesthesiology. All the diagnoses were proven by the pathological exam of the surgical piece. It is ended that this procedure facilitates to obtain appropriate margins and satisfactory results when indicated of appropriate way.
OBJETIVOS: avaliar a prevalência do antígeno de superfície do vírus B da hepatite (HBsAg) em parturientes internadas no Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco (IMIP), Recife-PE, e o perfil sorológico das positivas. MÉTODOS: este é estudo de secção de corte transversal prospectivo no qual foram utilizados os sistemas VIDAS e VIDAS HBs, respectivamente, para detecção e confirmação do HBsAg. As participantes foram selecionadas de forma aleatória. Nas pacientes HBsAg+, os outros marcadores sorológicos foram testados com o sistema automatizado AxSYM. Os recém-nascidos de mães HBsAg+ foram vacinados ao nascer com a vacina Engerix B. RESULTADOS: de um total de 1584, encontramos 9 (0,6%) gestantes HBsAg positivas. Nenhuma delas apresentava anti-HBc IgM, sendo assim casos prevalentes. Em 1/9 (11,1%) das gestantes havia presença do HBeAg isolado e em 4/9 (44,4%), deste antígeno e seu anticorpo correspondente, revelando os diferentes graus de risco de transmissão vertical da infecção. Com a exceção de dois recém-nascidos de um parto gemelar (um de baixo peso), todos apresentaram soroconversão para o anti-HBs com três doses da vacina. Os gemelares prematuros só mostraram soroconversão após a quarta dose da vacina. CONCLUSÕES: a prevalência da hepatite B em parturientes no IMIP é relativamente baixa e todas as pacientes detectadas então tinham a forma crônica da infecção.
OBJETIVO: estimar a prevalência de infecção por vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), vírus linfotrópicos de células T humanas (HTLV), vírus da hepatite B (VHB), Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) e de sífilis em gestantes, bem como fatores de risco associados a essas infecções, na Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas (FMTAM). MÉTODOS: foi realizado um estudo transversal incluindo 674 gestantes atendidas consecutivamente da demanda espontânea da FMTAM no período de Março a Setembro de 2008. As informações demográficas, epidemiológicas, socioeconômicas, clínicas e obstétricas foram coletadas em um questionário específico. As pacientes tiveram uma amostra de sangue coletada de veia periférica para a realização de sorologias de HIV, HTLV, hepatite B e sífilis. Foi coletada uma amostra de secreção endocervical para a realização de teste de detecção de antígenos da C. trachomatis. A Odds Ratio foi utilizada para estimar a força de associação entre possíveis fatores de risco e infecção. A análise estatística foi feita com a utilização do teste t de Student, o teste do χ2 e o exato de Fischer. RESULTADOS: a média de idade foi de 23,9 anos (DP 6,3). As prevalências observadas foram de 0,6% para infecção por HIV; 0,7% para o HBsAg; 1% de sífilis e 2,7% para C. trachomati s. Todas as amostras foram negativas para HTLV. Não se evidenciaram variáveis associadas à infecção por HIV, VHB e sífilis. Observou-se associação estatisticamente significativa entre gestantes com idade inferior a 20 anos e de primigestas com infecção por C. trachomatis. CONCLUSÕES: o estudo evidenciou que a prevalência de infecção por HIV nas gestantes atendidas na FMTAM é semelhante aos valores descritos na literatura brasileira, enquanto que as prevalências de HTLV, VHB, sífilis e C. trachomatis na população estudada encontram-se abaixo das encontradas por outros autores. O principal fator de risco para a infecção por C. trachomatis foi ter menos de 20 anos de idade.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a soroprevalência do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), hepatite B (VHB), toxoplasmose e rubéola em gestantes do noroeste paranaense. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo a partir dos resultados de exames sorológicos de triagem no pré-natal de 1.534 pacientes atendidas durante o primeiro semestre de 2010. Foram incluídos somente resultados do primeiro exame de pré-natal e aqueles com pesquisa simultânea de IgG e IgM para toxoplasmose e rubéola. A sorologia foi realizada por enzimaimunoensaio em micropartículas (MEIA). Para análise estatística foi empregado o teste do χ², com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A positividade para o HIV foi de 0,3%, a sorologia para VHB pelo marcador HBsAg foi positiva em 0,5% das gestantes, enquanto a reatividade para anticorpos IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii foi de 1,1% e para IgG de 59%. Em relação à rubéola nenhuma sorologia mostrou positividade para IgM, e para IgG a reatividade foi de 99,6%. A análise dos resultados mostrou que não há associação entre as soroprevalências estudadas e a idade das pacientes, exceto quanto à frequência de IgG anti-T. gondii, que foi mais elevada na faixa etária entre 30 e 44 anos. CONCLUSÃO: A soroprevalência dessas doenças infecciosas em gestantes do noroeste do Paraná é compatível com outras regiões do Brasil.
Objective Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine metabolic disorder in women between menarche and menopause. Clinical hyperandrogenism is the most important diagnostic criterion of the syndrome, which manifests as hirsutism in 70% of cases. Hirsute carriers of PCOS have high cardiovascular risk. Lipid accumulation product (LAP) is an index for the evaluation of lipid accumulation in adults and the prediction of cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between LAP and hirsutism in women with PCOS. Methods This was a cross-sectional observational study of a secondary database, which included 263 patients who had visited the Hyperandrogenism Outpatient Clinic from November 2009 to July 2014. The exclusion criteria were patients without Ferriman-Gallwey index (FGI) and/or LAP data. We used the Rotterdam criteria for the diagnosis of PCOS. All patients underwent medical assessment followed by measurement and recording of anthropometric data and the laboratory tests for measurement of the following: thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, total testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin, 17-α-hydroxyprogesterone (follicular phase), glycohemoglobin A1c, and basal insulin. In addition, the subjects underwent lipid profiling and oral glucose tolerance tests. Other laboratory measurements were determined according to clinical criteria. LAP and the homeostatic model assessment index (HOMA-IR) were calculated using the data obtained. We divided patients into two groups: the PCOS group with normal LAP (< 34.5) and the PCOS group with altered LAP (> 34.5) to compare the occurrence of hirsutism. For statistical analysis, we used SPSS Statistics for Windows(r) and Microsoft Excel programs, with descriptive (frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations) and comparative analyses (Student's t-test and Chi-square test). We considered relations significant when the p-value was≤0.05. Results LAP was high in most patients (n = 177; 67.3%) and the FGI indicated that 58.5% of the patients (n = 154) had hirsutism. The analysis by LAP quartiles showed a positive correlation (p = 0.04) among patients with a high FGI and an upper quartile LAP (> 79.5) when compared with those with LAP < 29.0 (lower quartile). Conclusion This study demonstrated an association between high LAP and hirsutism. The FGI could represent a simple and low-cost tool to infer an increased cardiovascular risk in women with PCOS.