722 resultados para Alvarenga Peixoto


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O exame da hemolinfa de triatomíneos (Triatoma infestans e Dipetalogastermaxima) infectados pelo Trypanosoma cruzi há 10, 15, 20 e 30 dias não revelaram a presença do flagelado. Material colhido e lavado da hemocele de D. maxima infectados, também foi negativo. A inoculação de formas sanguíneas do parasita e daquelas obtidas do conteúdo intestinal de triatomíneos na hemocele revelou que os parasitas não foram capazes de manter na hemolinfa uma infecção por mais de 40 dias e que não puderam penetrar no intestino dos triatomíneos. A inoculação de hemolinfa de insetos naturalmente infectados em camundongos recém-nascidos não induziu infecção.


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É descrita uma nova espécie de nematóide do gênero Strongyloides Grassi, 1879, Strongyloides ferreirai sp.n. parasita do instestino delgado de Kerodon rupestris (Wied.) proveniente de Floriano Peixoto, Estado do Piauí. Esta é a primeira referência deste gênero parasitando roedor caviideo no Brasil.


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A amostra Berenice-78 de T. cruzi recém-isolada apresentou características bem distintas da cepa Berenice isolada há 16 anos da mesma paciente. Foram verificadas sua alta infectividade e baixa virulência para camundongos C3H isogênicos que sobreviveram à fase aguda da infecção. Os parasitas desta cepa apresentaram tropismo para os músculos esquelético e cardíaco, ascensão gradual da parasitemia ao longo de 25 passagens sangüíneas sucessivas e estabilidade da curva de parasitemia. A cepa Berenice apresentou as mesmas características descritas por Brener, Chiari & Alvarenga (1974) em relação ao tropismo e padrão da curva de parasitemia, sendo no entanto demonstrado que sua virulência para camundongos albinos continua aumentando com o decorrer do tempo. Foram discutidas a possibilidade de reinfecção da paciente Berenice e a importância do conhecimento de amostras de T. cruzi de baixa virulência para animais de laboratório.


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A new species of Mytilopsis, mollusk bivalvi from Brazilian Amazon Region (Tocantins, Pará) is described. It is different from the American other species due small dimensions and height/width relation.


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Description of Mycotretus lopesi sp. n., from the Amazon region (Brazil, Pará).


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Hyla gouveai n. sp. is described and illustrated and it is closest to the bigger individuals of the species in the group "circumdata", not presenting, however, the characteristic pattern of dark transversal bands on the posterior inner coxal surface.


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In order to reevaluate the possible presence of schistosomiasis mansoni in the Triângulo Mineiro, one of the areas of the State of Minas Gerais where this parasite is not commonly found, malacological survey and fecal examinations were undertaken in the region between October 1990 and June 1992. A sample of 7,032 1st grade school children from 29 counties had their feces examined using the Kato-Katz method. Amongst the children examined, two from Planura and one from each countie of Capinópolis, Conceição das Alagoas, Uberaba, Uberlândia, Prata and Gurinhatã were positive for Schistosoma mansoni. None of the children were identified as being autoctonous cases. In the malacological survey, 5,406 planorbid snails were examined. The specimens were identified morphologically and examined for S. mansoni by squashing between glass plates. The species were identified as Biomphalaria tenagophila in three counties, as B. straminea in ten and B. intermedia in 16. No snails were found in eight other counties studies. The snails were found to be negative for S. mansoni. The presence of intermediate hosts for S. mansoni, associated with parasitized individuals emphasizes the necessity of epidemiological surveillance for schistosomiasis in the region of Triângulo in the State of Minas Gerais.


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A comparative study was undertaken on the immunogenic properties of 63kDa glycoproteins obtained from five different strains/species of Leishmania and assessed in C57BL/10 mice. The humoral immune response was assessed by ELISA against the five different antigens of the immunized animals. The cellular immune response was derived from Leishmania. The response was found to be species-specific in all of determined by means of the cytokine profiles secreted by the spleen cells of immunized animals. The presence of ³-IFN and IL-2, and the absence of IL-4 in the supernatants of cells stimulated by L. amazonensis antigen established that the cellular response is of Th1 type. The five glycoproteins tested were equally effective in protecting C57BL/10 mice against challenge by L. amazonensis. About 50% of the immunized animals were protected for six months.


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The larval and pupal stages of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) rondoni (Neiva and Pinto) (Albimanus Section) are fully described and illustrated for the first time. The larval stage is similar to An. (Nys.) strodei Root. It can be recognized by the following combination of characters: clypeal index, 1.6-2.9; single, aciculate setae 2,3-C; seta 3-C 0.5-0.7 the length of 2-C; setae 1,2-P rarely sharing a common tubercle; seta 1-P with narrow leaflets. The pupal stage is distinguished from other Nyssorhynchus by having setae 1-IV-VII and 5-V-VII branched. Only minor variation was found in setal counts between specimens from Peixoto de Azevedo, State of Mato Grosso and Bocaina, State of São Paulo, Brazil