213 resultados para Gastric metaplasia


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We report a case of patient in whom a gastric remnant cancer developed about five years after a gastric bypass for morbid obesity. We review the literature on gastric cancer after gastroplasty. Access of gastric remnant after gastroplasty (Fobi-Capella) prevents evaluation and treatment of its disorders.


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Bochdalek´s hernia is a congenital malformation of the posterolateral diaphragm region. It is more common on the left and more frequently seen in newborns and rare in adults, with over a few 100 reported cases. We present a case of Bochdalek´s hernia in a 49-year-old patient with long term dyspeptic symptoms. The upper endoscopy showed a gastric fundus herniation sliding into the chest through the diaphragmatic defect. The patient also presented with a rare pulmonary malformation diagnosed during surgery. It was corrected through thoracic approach with no other complications.


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A concomitant epithelial and stromal tumor in stomach is unusual in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to report the case and it's therapeutic management. A 72 year old black male patient , which upper digestive endoscopy showed a gastric neoplasm (Borrmann III) at incisura angularis and the biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma. A subtotal gastrectomy with D2 limphadenectomy and Roux-en-Y reconstruction was performed. The histopathology studies confirmed an adenocarcinoma and a gastric stromal tumor, whose immunohistochemical exam was compatible to GIST. Seventeen months after surgery, a computadorized tomography revealed a retrogastric tumor and laparotomy was indicated to remove the lesion.


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Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), despite rare, is the most common digestive tract mesenchymal tumor. Modern histogenesis studies have shown its stromal origin and not a muscular origin as it had been believed before. Diagnosis is made through immunohistochemical studies (CD- 117) and treatment is achieved with surgery followed by chemotherapy and has good results. The authors describe a case of gastric GIST discovered after upper gastrointestinal bleeding presentation, and treated successfully.


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Access to the gastric remnant and duodenum is lost after Roux-en-Y gastric bypasses for morbid obesity. Laparoscopic transgastric endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography has recently been described to manage biliary problems in such cases. We describe the first brazilian case of management of choledocholithiasis after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass using this approach.


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OBJETIVO: Definir qual a melhor potência a ser empregada de forma a atingir a profundidade necessária para ablação com o menor número de sintomas pós-procedimento. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 28 pacientes com esôfago de Barrett, após tratamento cirúrgico do refluxo ou em uso de bloqueadores de bomba de prótons, submetidos à ablação endoscópica, randomizados em dois grupos com potências diferentes - 50 ou 70W. Imediatamente após, foram realizadas biópsias endoscópicas das áreas fulguradas. A sintomatologia foi avaliada por questionário telefônico. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto a idade, a extensão do esôfago de Barrett, a porcentagem da circunferência esofagiana coagulada e a duração dos sintomas. A dor foi o sintoma predominante e a disfagia ocorreu de forma transitória. Houve correlação negativa moderada entre número de sintomas e potência (potência mais baixa com maior número de sintomas), porém sem diferença significativa. Em 40% dos casos em que se utilizou menor potência obteve-se fragmentos que atingiram apenas a porção superficial da mucosa, o que só ocorreu em 10% dos casos no grupo de 70W. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre a potência utilizada ou o acometimento da muscular da mucosa e o número de sintomas. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de potência de 70W durante a coagulação do esôfago de Barrett com plasma de argônio sugere associação com menor incidência de metaplasia colunar especializada residual abaixo do epitélio escamoso neoformado.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of Her-2/Neu-cerbb-2 in the gastric mucosa of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma in a brazilian patient group. METHODS: The immunohistochemical expression of Her-2/Neu was studied in 37 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections. RESULTS: The immunohistochemical reaction produced by the anti-HER-2/Neu antibody was positive in two cases (5.4%). CONCLUSION: The low prevalence of Her-2/Neu observed in these southern brazilian cases is probably due to the great number of poorly differentiated cancers in this serie.


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Insulin resistance is a transitory phenomenon of the metabolic response to trauma. In uncomplicated operations it lasts for 2-4 weeks postoperatively, and is directly related to the magnitude of the injury. The fasting status caused by conventional fasting protocols aggravates this resistance and may induce hyperglycemia. Conventional preoperative fasting time may aggravate this resistance and increment the elevation of glycemia especially because it is frequently longer than the expected 6-8h and may reach 10-16 hs. Additionally, overnight fasting may cause variable degrees of dehydration depending on the extension of the fasting period. Recently, various societies of anesthesia and nutrition have changed their guidelines to propose a reduction of preoperative fasting to 2h with clear fluids containing carbohydrates. These new protocols (ACERTO, ERAS) are based on the safety of this routine as consistently demonstrated by various randomized trials and a meta-analysis.


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The gastric bypass is a good option in the therapy of morbid obesity. Nevertheless, it must be considered the rare condition as occurred in a patient with previous abdominal surgery with Situs Inversus Totalis. A 24 year-old male patient with body mass index of 40 Kg/ m², multiple dietary failures, and arterial hypertension as co-morbidities, with a anterior paramedial right incision due to a previous appendicectomy (8 years ago).With a indication for bariatric surgery, was performed Roux-en-Y gastric bypass by laparoscopic procedure, with previous planning of Situs Inversus Totalis.


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Bezoars are foreign bodies impacted in the digestive tract resulting of their ingestion and accumulation, involving mainly the stomach. The most common types are phytobezoars, contaning vegetables, fiber and seed and the trichobezoar, made of hair. The present case is the description of a 25-year-old female with nonspecific dyspeptic symptoms associated to intestinal habit change. The diagnosis was suggested by Computerized Tomography in association with clinical history - initially omitted by the pacient - of trichophagia for 10 years. Treatment consisted of Anterior Gastrotomy and remotion of the bezoar.


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We report a case of gastric lipoma, a rare benign stomach tumor. There are approximately 200 cases previously described in literature. A male, 62-year-old patient with no clinical complaint presented a tumor lesion in the stomach antrum found in a routine upper endoscopy. A surgical resection (subtotal gastrectomy) was done and the histological examination showed submucosal lipoma without signs of malignancy. This report points to the growth of routine examination in the current clinical practice and the dilemma brought by overdiagnosis.


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Spontaneous esophageal rupture carries high morbidity and mortality. The main prognostic factor is early diagnosis, before 12 hours, and appropriate treatment. This is a case report of a 41-years-old man with late esophageal rupture diagnosis treated successfully with transmediatinal esophagectomy and esophageal-gastric tube cervical anastomosis.


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We present a case of primary malignant pylorus neoplasia, emphasizing its rarity, the difficulty of diagnosis and the importance of an adequate prepare before the endoscopic procedure. Literature shows that tumors compromising the first, third and fourth segments of duodenum are rare, especially those of the pyloric area, representing only 0.35% of all malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Adenocarcinoma is the most common histological type, representing 50% of all malignant neoplasias at this site. The most common symptoms are weight loss, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal mass, sudden changes in intestinal habits and iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic intestinal hemorrhage. Survival after five years is only 18%. We report a case of a seventy-one year-old male referring early satiety, epigastric pain, retrosternal burning and dyspepsia, with unspecific results in complementary exams, since complete gastric emptying was not achieved. As symptoms worsened, the patient was submitted to laparotomy, with identification of gastric dilation and severe pyloric stenosis, macroscopically suggesting malignancy. The chosen procedure was a subtotal gastrectomy. Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy were not used. The patient is been followed-up without tumor recurrence so far.


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Objective: To evaluate the splenic parenchymal blood distribution through scintigraphic study.Methods: Thirty Wistar rats were randomly divided into six groups (n = 5). Group 1 (spleen - 30 minutes) and Group 2 (spleen - 90 minutes) underwent laparotomy with direction of blood flow to the spleen by ligature of the aorta near the iliac bifurcation and splanchnic vessels, keeping blood flow only in the splenic artery; Group 3 (spleen and stomach - 30 minutes) and Group 4 (spleen and stomach - 90 minutes) underwent laparotomy with direction of blood flow to the spleen and stomach by ligature of the aorta near the iliac bifurcation and splanchnic vessels, maintaining the flow through the splenic, gastric and splenogastric vessels; Group 5 (control - 30 minutes) and Group 6 (control - 90 minutes) underwent laparotomy and ligation of the aorta near the iliac bifurcation, keeping the flow to the abdominal organs. After arterial ligation, the animals received an injection of 0.2 ml of sodium pertechnetate in the aorta. Scintigraphic images were taken and the animals had their spleens removed for radioactivity counting with an automatic counter device.Results: There was no difference in the amounts of radiation from the spleen between groups, indicating retention of the radioisotope by the spleen, even after the period of 90 minutes.Conclusion: The blood flow through the spleen is not continuous. The blood diffuses through the splenic parenchyma and its venous drainage is slow, not following a predictable sequence.


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Objective: To assess the impact of surgical treatment in the sexuality of the obese.Methods: We conducted a qualitative / quantitative research with 30 patients who had undergone Fobi-Capella Roux-Y gastric bypass for at least one year. We collected data through individual interviews using a questionnaire with 10 mixed questions and one open, between May and June 2011. The objective data were quantified in absolute numbers and percentages, and the subjective ones were analyzed using the Discourse of the Collective Subject (DCS) and discussed in view of reference published on the subject.Results: 30 patients were enrolled, with a mean age 44 ± 12 years, 24 (80%) were female and six (20%) were male, 23 (77%) were married, 23 (96%) were hypertensive and eight (33%) were diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. After the operation, 11 (37%) individuals reported no change in the number sexual intercourses, but 19 (63%) reported that this number was altered, 16 (53%) informed increased frequency, one (3%) reported a decrease in frequency, one (3%) did not practice sexual intercourse anymore and one (3%) did not report the frequency. The central ideas (CI) raised originated four DCSs: Experience of female sexuality; No experience of female sexuality; Experience of male sexuality; and improvements of comorbidities and psychological factor.Conclusion: there are positive repercussions of physical and emotional orders of the surgical treatment of obesity, favoring the quality of life, including sexuality.