213 resultados para identification of child abuse
The study was done to identify the most active fungitoxic component of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) oil that can be used as a marker for standardization of cinnamon extract or oil based natural preservative of stored seeds. Aspergillus flavus and A. ruber were used as test fungi. The hexane extracted crude oil and the hydro-distilled essential oil from cinnamon bark had complete growth inhibition concentration (CGIC) of 300 and 100 µl/l, respectively. Both oils produced three fractions on preparative thin layer silica-gel chromatography plates. The fraction-2 of either oil was the largest and most active, with CGIC of 200 µl/l, but the fungitoxicity was also retained in the other two fractions. The fraction-1 and 3 of the crude oil reduced growth of both the fungal species by 65%, and those of distilled oil by 45% at 200 µl/l. The CGIC of these fractions from both the sources was above 500 µl/l. The gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of the fraction-2 of the hexane extract revealed that it contained 61% cinnamaldehyde, 29% cinnamic acid, and two minor unidentified compounds in the proportion of 4% and 6%. The GC-MS of the fraction-2 of the distilled oil revealed that it contained 99.1% cinnamaldehyde and 0.9% of an unidentified compound. The CGIC of synthetic cinnamaldehyde was 300 µl/l and that of cinnamic acid above 500 µl/l. The 1:1 mixture of cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid had CGIC of 500 µl/l. The data revealed that cinnamaldehyde was the major fungitoxic component of hexane extract and the distilled essential oil of cinnamon bark, while other components have additive or synergistic effects on total fungitoxicity. It is suggested that the natural seed preservative based on cinnamon oil can be standardized against cinnamaldehyde.
The main objective of this work was to identify sources of resistance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) to Peronosclerospora sorghi, the causal agent of downy mildew, through the evaluation of 42 sorghum genotypes under natural infection in the field. Genotypes were planted in single row plots between two rows of the susceptible line SC283, planted 30 days before, to act as spreader rows, in two separate nurseries. The experimental design was a completely randomized block design with three replications. Sorghum genotypes CMSXS156, CMSXS157, CMSXS243, TxARG-1, 8902, 9902054, 9910032, 9910296, Tx430, QL-3, SC170-6-17, CMSXS762 and BR304 were classified as highly resistant in both nurseries. Among these, SC170-6-17 and 9910296 showed 0% systemic infection. Results indicated the possible occurrence of different pathotypes of P. sorghi in the two nurseries.
Twelve single-pustule isolates of Uromyces appendiculatus, the etiological agent of common bean rust, were collected in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and classified according to the new international differential series and the binary nomenclature system proposed during the 3rd Bean Rust Workshop. These isolates have been used to select rust-resistant genotypes in a bean breeding program conducted by our group. The twelve isolates were classified into seven different physiological races: 21-3, 29-3, 53-3, 53-19, 61-3, 63-3 and 63-19. Races 61-3 and 63-3 were the most frequent in the area. They were represented by five and two isolates, respectively. The other races were represented by just one isolate. This is the first time the new international classification procedure has been used for U. appendiculatus physiological races in Brazil. The general adoption of this system will facilitate information exchange, allowing the cooperative use of the results obtained by different research groups throughout the world. The differential cultivars Mexico 309, Mexico 235 and PI 181996 showed resistance to all of the isolates that were characterized. It is suggested that these cultivars should be preferentially used as sources for resistance to rust in breeding programs targeting development lines adapted to the state of Minas Gerais.
In order to develop a molecular method for detection and identification of Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv) the causal agent of grapevine bacterial canker, primers were designed based on the partial sequence of the hrpB gene. Primer pairs Xcv1F/Xcv3R and RST2/Xcv3R, which amplified 243- and 340-bp fragments, respectively, were tested for specificity and sensitivity in detecting DNA from Xcv. Amplification was positive with DNA from 44 Xcv strains and with DNA from four strains of X. campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae and five strains of X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae, with both primer pairs. However, the enzymatic digestion of PCR products could differentiate Xcv strains from the others. None of the primer pairs amplified DNA from grapevine, from 20 strains of nonpathogenic bacteria from grape leaves and 10 strains from six representative genera of plant pathogenic bacteria. Sensitivity of primers Xcv1F/Xcv3R and RST2/Xcv3R was 10 pg and 1 pg of purified Xcv DNA, respectively. Detection limit of primers RST2/Xcv3R was 10(4) CFU/ml, but this limit could be lowered to 10² CFU/ml with a second round of amplification using the internal primer Xcv1F. Presence of Xcv in tissues of grapevine petioles previously inoculated with Xcv could not be detected by PCR using macerated extract added directly in the reaction. However, amplification was positive with the introduction of an agar plating step prior to PCR. Xcv could be detected in 1 µl of the plate wash and from a cell suspension obtained from a single colony. Bacterium identity was confirmed by RFLP analysis of the RST2/Xcv3R amplification products digested with Hae III.
The aim of this study was to group temporal profiles of 10-day composites NDVI product by similarity, which was obtained by the SPOT Vegetation sensor, for municipalities with high soybean production in the state of Paraná, Brazil, in the 2005/2006 cropping season. Data mining is a valuable tool that allows extracting knowledge from a database, identifying valid, new, potentially useful and understandable patterns. Therefore, it was used the methods for clusters generation by means of the algorithms K-Means, MAXVER and DBSCAN, implemented in the WEKA software package. Clusters were created based on the average temporal profiles of NDVI of the 277 municipalities with high soybean production in the state and the best results were found with the K-Means algorithm, grouping the municipalities into six clusters, considering the period from the beginning of October until the end of March, which is equivalent to the crop vegetative cycle. Half of the generated clusters presented spectro-temporal pattern, a characteristic of soybeans and were mostly under the soybean belt in the state of Paraná, which shows good results that were obtained with the proposed methodology as for identification of homogeneous areas. These results will be useful for the creation of regional soybean "masks" to estimate the planted area for this crop.
This study aimed to propose methods to identify croplands cultivated with winter cereals in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Thus, temporal profiles of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from MODIS sensor, from April to December of the 2000 to 2008, were analyzed. Firstly, crop masks were elaborated by subtracting the minimum NDVI image (April to May) from the maximum NDVI image (June to October). Then, an unsupervised classification of NDVI images was carried out (Isodata), considering the crop mask areas. According to the results, crop masks allowed the identification of pixels with greatest green biomass variation. This variation might be associated or not with winter cereals areas established to grain production. The unsupervised classification generated classes in which NDVI temporal profiles were associated with water bodies, pastures, winter cereals for grain production and for soil cover. Temporal NDVI profiles of the class winter cereals for grain production were in agree with crop patterns in the region (developmental stage, management standard and sowing dates). Therefore, unsupervised classification based on crop masks allows distinguishing and monitoring winter cereal crops, which were similar in terms of morphology and phenology.
Estimates of broiler welfare have subjective character. Nowadays, researchers seek non-invasive features or indicators that may describe this condition in animal production. The aim of this study was to identify acoustic parameters to estimate broiler welfare using the following five vocalization acoustic parameters: energy, spectral centroid, bandwidth, first formant, and second formant. The database that generated the model was obtained from a field experiment with 432 broilers, which half were Cobb® and half, Ross® breed, from day 21 to 42, containing bird vocalizations under either welfare or stress conditions. The results of the experiment generated responses to the tested conditions of gender, genetic strain, and welfare. The proposed model was based on the specific response of mean weights for each situation of stress and well-being. From the results, a model was developed to estimate the welfare condition of broilers from the registered information linked to their vocalization.
In Brazil, the State of Goiás is one of sugarcane expansion's frontiers to meet the growing demand for biofuels. The objective of this study was to identify the municipalities where there were replacement of annual crops (mainly grains) by sugarcane in the state of Goiás, as well as indicate correlations between the sugarcane expansion and the family farming production, in the period between 2005 and 2010. For this purpose, grains crop mask and sugarcane crop mask, obtained from satellite images, were intersected using geoprocessing techniques. It was also used IBGE data of sugarcane production and planted area, and data of family farming production linked with the National Food Acquisition Program (PAA), in relation to the number of cooperatives and family farmers. The crops masks and data tables of the National Food Acquisition Program were provided by National Food Supply Agency. There were 95 municipalities that had crops replacement, totaling 281,554 hectares of grains converted to sugarcane. We highlight the municipalities of Santa Isabel, Iaciara, Maurilândia, and Itapaci, where this change represented more than half of their agricultural areas. In relation to family farming, the sugarcane expansion in the state of Goiás has not affected their activities during the period studied.
ABSTRACT International trade in broiler’ feet, mainly to Asian markets, has demanded better quality control. The objective of this research was to study the suitability of using chicken footpad surface temperature to determine early lesions of pododermatitis. The project was conducted in two houses A1 and A2) in a commercial farm during one production flock. A1 had reused litter of wood shavings and rice hulls, and A2 had a new litter of sawdust. Both houses had positive pressure ventilation. The inner area of the poultry was virtually divided into three quadrants. The footpads were checked for the feet quality, and a degree of pododermatitis was awarded. Thermal images were made to test the surface temperature of the foot and identify inflammation in a total of 30 birds per house, at ages 5, 19, 29, 28 and 40 days of grow-out. Conditions of the rearing environment as well as the surface temperature of the litter, litter moisture, and degree of compression, were recorded. The environment within the houses did not differ. The surface temperatures of the footpad did not differ between the groups. The minimum footpad surface temperatures within the scores were similar, except for the score 3, which did not occur in A1. There was a prevalence of severe injury in the house with a new litter.
ABSTRACT One of the most relevant activities of Brazilian economy is agriculture. Among the main crops in Brazil, rice is one of high relevance. The state of Rio Grande do Sul, in Southern Brazil, is responsible for 68.7% of domestic production (IBGE, 2013). The goal of this study was to develop a low-cost methodology with a regional scope to identify suitable areas for irrigated rice cropping in this state, using spectro-temporal behavior of vegetation index by means of MODIS images and HAND model. The rice-cropped area of this study was the southern half of the State. Using the HAND model, flood areas were mapped to identify irrigated rice cultivation. We used multi-temporal images of vegetation index from MODIS sensor, covering the period from August 2001 to May 2012. To assess the results, we used data collected in the fields and cropped area information from IBGE. The results showed that the proposed methodology was satisfactory, with Kappa 0.92 and global accuracy of 98.18%. As result, MODIS sensor data and flood areas delineation by means of HAND model generated the estimate irrigated rice area for the area of study.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate Crohn's disease recurrence and its possible predictors in patients undergoing surgical treatment. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study with Crohn's disease (CD) patients undergoing surgical treatment between January 1992 and January 2012, and regularly monitored at the Bowel Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas of the UFMG. RESULTS: we evaluated 125 patients, 50.4% female, with a mean age of 46.12 years, the majority (63.2%) diagnosed between 17 and 40 years of age. The ileum was involved in 58.4%, whereas stenotic behavior was observed in 44.8%, and penetrating, in 45.6%. We observed perianal disease in 26.4% of cases. The follow-up average was 152.40 months. Surgical relapse occurred in 29.6%, with a median time of 68 months from the first operation. CONCLUSION: The ileocolic location, penetrating behavior and perianal involvement (L3B3p) were associated with increased risk of surgical recurrence.
Bovine papillomavirus type 8 (BPV-8) was first detected and described in teat warts as well as in healthy teat skin from cattle raised in Japan. The entire viral genome was sequenced in 2007. Additionally, a variant of BPV-8, BPV-8-EB, was also identified from papillomatous lesions of a European bison in Slovakia. In Brazil, despite the relatively common occurrence of BPV infections, the identification and determination of viral types present in cattle is still sporadic. The aim of this study is to report the occurrence of the recently described BPV-8 in Brazil. The virus was identified in a skin warts obtained from a beef cattle herd located in Parana state, southern Brazil. The papilloma had a macular, non-verrucous gross aspect and was located on the dorsal thorax of a cow. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using generic primers for partial amplification of L1 gene. The obtained amplicon (480bp) was cloned and two selected clones were sequenced. The nucleotide sequence was compared to existing papillomaviral genomic sequences, identifying the virus as BPV type 8. This study represents the first report of BPV-8 occurrence in Brazil, what suggests its presence among Brazilian cattle.
The Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is a zoonotic disease caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and transmitted by ticks of the genus Amblyomma, more frequently, Amblyomma cajennense. The aim of this paper was to report the first molecular detection of R. rickettsii on R. sanguineus naturally infected in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ticks were collected from dogs in a rural region of Resende municipality, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil (22º30'9.46"S, 44º42'44.29"WO), where occurred five human cases of BSF in 2006. The ticks were identified under a stereoscopic microscope and separated in pools by stages, species and sex. DNA extraction was carried out using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (QIAGEN®). The DNA was submitted to PCR amplification using 04 set of primers: Rr190.70p/Rr190.602n (OmpA, 532bp), BG1-21/BG2-20 (OmpB, 650bp), Tz15/Tz16 (17 kDa protein-encoding gene, 246bp) and RpCS.877p/RpCS.1258n (gltA, 381bp). PCR products were separated by electrophoresis on 1% agarose gels and visualized under ultraviolet light with ethidium bromide. PCR products of the expected sizes were purified by QIAquick® and sequenced by ABI PRISM®. The generated nucleotide sequences were edited with using Bioedit® software and compared with the corresponding homologous sequences available through GenBank, using Discontiguous Mega Blast (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). It was confirmed R. rickettsii by sequencing of the material (GenBank FJ356230). The molecular characterization of R. rickettsii in the tick R. sanguineus emphasizes the role of dogs as carriers of ticks from the environment to home. Moreover, this result suggests that there is a considerable chance for active participation of R. sanguineus as one of tick species in the transmission of R. ricketsii to human being in the Brazilian territory.
Pythium insidiosum is an oomycete belonging to the kingdom Stramenipila and it is the etiologic agent of pythiosis. Pythiosis is a life-threatening infectious disease characterized by the development of chronic lesions on cutaneous and subcutaneous, intestinal, and bone tissues in humans and many species of animals. The identification of P. insidiosum is important in order to implement a rapid and definitive diagnosis and an effective treatment. This study reports the identification of 54 isolates of P. insidiosum of horses, dogs and sheep that presented suspicious clinical lesions of pythiosis from different regions in Brazil, by using morphological and molecular assays. Throughout the PCR it was possible to confirm the identity of all Brazilian isolates as being P. insidiosum.
House dust mite antigens have been used for decades to diagnose allergic diseases in humans and animals. The objective of this study was to identify allergens in commercial Dermatophagoides farinae and Blomia tropicalis extracts by immunoblotting using sera from allergic dogs and anti-dog IgE conjugate. The analysis of antigens present in the D. farinae extract (FDA Allergenic) using sera from 10 dogs allergic to D. farinae showed that eight sera recognized a band of approximately 102 kDa, eight recognized two bands of 52 to 76 kDa, five recognized one band of approximately 76 kDa, four recognized one band of 31 to 38 kDa, and two recognized one band of 12 to 17 kDa. Immunoblot assays of the B. tropicalis extract (FDA Allergenic) using sera from 10 animals allergic to B. tropicalis showed that five sera recognized two bands of 52 to 76 kDa. These results demonstrate the importance of the two house dust mite species for the pathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis in Brazil. In addition, the results indicate which allergens should be present in allergenic extracts used for diagnosis and allergen-specific immunotherapy.