206 resultados para Professores universitários - Atitudes
In this paper, we discussed the conceptions of curriculum of teachers' trainers from de course of Chemistry from de Chemistry Institute and from the Education School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. We understand that the curriculum results from a social construction, so, we intent to comprehend how happen the constitution of the course's curriculum, based on documents and interviews with the subjects of the research. The study showed that there were competitions for status, resources and territories between the Chemistry Institute and the Education School when the course was created, as well as there were internal competitions in the creation of the disciplines depending on the department of origin of the teachers.
This paper presents and discusses governmental approaches to teacher training introduced in 1990, whose focus is the education of chemistry teachers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the relationship between legal aspects and background needs present in the Brazilian educational context, taking into account that the last two decades has seen a significant increase in the chemistry licensure courses offered by higher education institutions in Brazil. Discussing these aspects of chemistry teachers provides a reflection on the real background needs for this group of professionals.
This paper presents the results of a study involving current teachers of the chemistry teaching curricular components of twelve Chemistry licentiate courses at state universities in the South and South-east of Brazil. The aim was to analyse how these curricular components can work together to address environmental issues in Chemistry teacher-training. From analysis of the interviews, it can be ascertained for example that environmental themes in the curricular components analysed are treated with differing levels of intensity and perspectives, and in some cases, have a more illustrative character regarding chemistry concepts.
The Method of Case Studies has often been employed in higher education, but few initiatives have focused on basic education. This work addressed the production of cases by students from a chemistry teacher training course. The proposal was applied in the discipline of Basic Inorganic Chemistry and aimed to familiarize students with the Method from the preparation of cases focused on basic education. We believe the proposal was efficient in showing future teachers the need to develop teaching strategies that, beyond learning concepts, stimulate students in training skills such as teamwork, critical thinking and decision making.
Taking into account the requirements for the teaching of chemistry, several visualization resources (software, videos, animations, molecular models, among others) are available. These visual aids are used in order to enhance the understanding of chemical phenomena in the classroom. However, many teachers make scant use of these resources, limiting macroscopic understanding of chemical science. Thus, this article discusses chemistry teachers' views on several aspects such as using visual aids in teaching chemistry, a resource most widely used in classes on atomic models, isomerism and spatial geometry.
This paper shows the investigation results related to identifying the prospects of addressing environmental issues in the discipline of environmental studies, included in the bachelor degree course in chemistry at nine institutions of higher education in the south and southeast. From the analysis of the interviews we found that environmental issues are part of the initial licensing, but still require a deepening of possible interfaces and convergences between the dimensions of environmental chemistry and green chemistry, as well as a greater approach to and association with the field of environmental education in addressing environmental issues.
We developed and applied an educational instrument (ID) to discuss, in the discipline of Supervised Pre Service Teachers Practice 1, guidelines for teacher education to redefine teacher knowledge with a specific focus on chemistry teachers. The study used methodological fundamentals of Discursive Textual Analysis that involves identifying and isolating a set of materials subjected to analysis, categorizing these statements and producing texts, integrating these descriptions and interpretations, basing its construction on the category system built. Data were collected through participant observation and text readings used by the students in performing the activity. It was noted that the chemistry teachers trained were able to express opinions that indicated the Construction of Meanings Interface that was the category of analysis established a priori.
This study aimed to analyze the aspects of scientific language considered by chemistry professors in the evaluation of scientific texts authored by undergraduate chemistry students. Interviews were conducted with four professors who had evaluated reports and scientific articles written by students enrolled in undergraduate chemistry courses. The professors highlighted aspects pertaining to the structure and general organization of scientific texts typically adopted by the scientific community, and mentioned the importance of certain rhetoric elements in scientific language. This study can be an impetus for further investigation into the importance of language in chemistry education.
This work deals with communities of practice and their contribution to pre-service teacher training. A group of eight pre-service chemistry teachers was accompanied during their participation in the PIBID program. Based on their interaction in planning teaching activities, the group was characterized as a community of practice. For this characterization the three dimensions of communities of practice were observed: mutual engagement, joint enterprise and shared repertoire. The results showed that the community of practice was essential for the training of pre-service chemistry teachers. Through community practice, pre-service teachers were able to learn more about their future practice as chemistry teachers.
This paper presents results of a content analysis of the formative professional profile of undergraduates within the context of Brazil's expansion of its federal education system and implementing of teacher training policies. The analysis focuses on the conceptions of undergraduates regarding elements of their initial training and professional perspectives, as recorded in narratives, interviews, and questionnaires. Based on the relationships identified between the recorded content and the Educational Course Project, we identified three categories of analysis that point to tensions generated during the professional development of chemistry teachers: 1) The relationship between pedagogical knowledge and chemical knowledge; 2) the conceptual aspects of science education, as represented by the different ways that students understand the "ionization process"; and 3) teaching identity, including the elements indicative of the identity construction of future teachers. The results indicate that the educational and professional profile of undergraduates is marked by a particular tension between chemical content knowledge and pedagogical content, as well as a lack of objectivity and focus on the course's original intent. This situation has produced a multifaceted training context in which there is confusion regarding aspects relating to the licensing, teaching modalities, and preparation of the chemistry education professional.
Este trabalho se constituiu em um estudo de ação-reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica de Educação Ambiental (EA) desenvolvida no contexto do ensino de Química na Escola Municipal Monsenhor Stanislaw localizada no município de Olivedos-PB. O objetivo da pesquisa foi desenvolver e analisar ações pedagógicas de inserção de práticas educativas ambientais articuladas com o ensino de Química, com a implantação de coleta seletiva na escola, oficinas de reciclagens tais como a de papel reciclado, óleo utilizado em frituras para fabricação de sabão e reutilização de garrafas PET'S. Para a reflexão sobre a prática vivenciada, foi feita uma coleta de dados, por meio de registro de observações em diário de campo, aplicação de questionários, fotografias como documentos visuais, realização de várias oficinas de caráter educacional relacionado ao meio ambiente. As ações desenvolvidas consistiram na abordagem de temas ambientais por meio do livro didático; no desenvolvimento de um projeto de Educação Ambiental para identificar problemas ambientais em volta da escola como também na cidade em geral. Pôde-se observar a importância do uso do livro didático, mas também evidencia a necessidade do desenvolvimento de projetos de ações comunitárias de educação ambiental (EA) e de projetos que envolvam a comunidade escolar. Constatou-se que a EA no ensino de Química requer um processo longo de construção de ações coletivas, em que alunos e professores sejam sensibilizados e mobilizados para se engajarem em ações socioambientais. Isso significa construir um processo contínuo de renovar estratégias, recriar ações, dialogar nas aulas, utilizar técnicas para desenvolver no aluno autonomia e criatividade. Nesse sentido, envolver práticas educativas ambientais na comunidade escolar é deixar aflorar os valores, as atitudes, os conceitos e as habilidades para transformá-las em ação com a esperança em criar trilhas para construir uma nova realidade.
Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e explorar a morbidade referida de um grupo de calouros de Medicina. Trata-se de estudo transversal seriado, que considera o sexo como variável independente e a morbidade referida como dependente. Foram investigados 288 calouros de Medicina da Unicamp durante três anos consecutivos, tendo-se coletado os dados por meio de anamnese e semiologia clínica. No plano analítico, as comparações entre proporções foram processadas pela estatística qui-quadrado, e interpretadas ao nível de 5% de significância. Os principais resultados revelaram diferença significativa somente em relação ao uso atual de medicamentos, apontando que o sexo feminino referiu consumo maior de remédios do que o masculino. De maneira geral, estes dados diferem dos disponíveis na literatura, apontando, sobretudo, a especificidade da população estudada.
A Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás (Famed/UFG) implantou, em 2003, um novo currículo de graduação em Medicina, com o apoio do Programa de Incentivo às Mudanças Curriculares nos Cursos de Medicina (Promed). O presente trabalho objetivou colher a percepção dos professores a respeito do currículo reformulado. Na coleta dos dados foi empregado um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas, entregue aos professores das três séries iniciais do curso de Medicina. A maioria dos docentes (77%) revelou ser favorável à reformulação curricular, citando como pontos positivos a maior integração interdisciplinar, a ampliação do tempo de internato e a adequação à realidade do sistema de saúde. Outros pontos levantados pelos professores foram o aumento da carga horária curricular, a resistência de alguns docentes à mudança e a necessidade de aprimorar o programa de capacitação docente oferecido pela Famed/UFG. O conhecimento da forma como o currículo é avaliado pelos docentes pode contribuir em muitas instâncias para o seu aperfeiçoamento. Daí a necessidade de estudos desta natureza como respaldo às mudanças efetuadas nos currículos.
Este artigo relata uma experiência de ensino de psiquiatria, habilidades de comunicação e atitudes no currículo integrado do curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. O mapa conceitual do módulo temático de problemas mentais e do comportamento foi proposto para facilitar uma aprendizagem interdisciplinar significativa de psiquiatria. O conhecimento de psiquiatria é adquirido utilizando-se a metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas. O treinamento de habilidades de comunicação e atitudes é realizado de diferentes formas, com pacientes verdadeiros, pacientes simulados, vídeos, relatos de casos, dramatizações e trabalhos em pequenos grupos. Os métodos de avaliação do conhecimento de psiquiatria, habilidades de comunicação e atitudes incluem avaliação somativa eformativa, que fornecem feedback ao estudante acerca de seu progresso, o exame clínico estruturado por objetivo (Osce), portfolios e relatórios de casos. As competências de conhecimento de psiquiatria, habilidades em comunicação e atitudes são internalizadas dependendo do método de treinamento de uma aprendizagem significativa e de como os estudantes são avaliados em sua prática da medicina.