200 resultados para Virgen de Monte-Santo-Novenas


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A espécie Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), lagarta-falsa-medideira, ataca diversas culturas de importância econômica, causando, na maioria das vezes, prejuízos consideráveis. Foram realizados levantamentos de todas as fases de desenvolvimento do inseto, no período de abril/2009 a abril/2010, em uma cultura de maracujá-azedo, Passifora edulis f. flavicarpa, no município de Linhares-ES, após ter sido constatada sua presença na área. A lagarta foi observada durante os meses de abril a novembro/2009 e de fevereiro a abril/2010, sendo constatados surtos mais severos nos meses de junho, setembro e novembro/2009, atingindo índices de até 80% de folhas danificadas. A planta invasora Solanum americanum (maria-pretinha), associada à cultura, é também hospedeira do inseto. Como inimigos naturais da lagarta, foram constatados o parasitoide Copidosoma truncatellum (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) e o entomopatógeno Baculovirus sp.. Este é o primeiro registro da ocorrência de P. includens na cultura de maracujá-azedo.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a dose absorvida em folículos tireoidianos devido aos elétrons de baixa energia, como os elétrons Auger e os de conversão interna, além das partículas beta, para os radioisótopos de iodo (131I, 132I, 133I, 134I e 135I) usando o método Monte Carlo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O cálculo da dose foi feito ao nível folicular, simulando elétrons Auger, conversão interna e partículas beta, com o código MCNP4C. Os folículos (colóide e células foliculares) foram modelados como esferas, com diâmetros do colóide variando de 30 a 500 mm. A densidade considerada para os folículos foi a da água (1,0 g.cm-³). RESULTADOS: Considerando partículas de baixa energia, o percentual de contribuição do 131I na dose total absorvida pelo colóide é de aproximadamente 25%, enquanto os isótopos de meia-vida física curta apresentaram contribuição de 75%. Para as células foliculares, esse percentual é ainda maior, chegando a 87% para os iodos de meia-vida curta e 13% para o 131I. CONCLUSÃO: Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se mostrar a importância de se considerar partículas de baixa energia na contribuição para a dose total absorvida ao nível folicular (colóide e células foliculares) devido aos radioisótopos de iodo (131I, 132I, 133I, 134I e 135I).


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OBJETIVO: Determinar, por simulação Monte Carlo, os espectros de feixes de cobaltoterapia em profundidade na água e fatores de correção para doses absorvidas em dosímetros termoluminescentes de fluoreto de lítio. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: As simulações dos espectros secundários da fonte clínica de cobalto-60 foram realizadas com o código Monte Carlo PENELOPE, em diversas profundidades na água. Medidas experimentais de dose profunda foram obtidas com dosímetros termoluminescentes e câmara de ionização em condições de referência em radioterapia. Os fatores de correção para os dosímetros termoluminescentes foram obtidos através da razão entre as absorções relativas ao espectro de baixa energia e ao espectro total. RESULTADOS: A análise espectral em profundidade revelou a existência de espectros secundários de baixa energia responsáveis por uma parcela significativa da deposição de dose. Foram observadas discrepâncias de 3,2% nas doses medidas experimentalmente com a câmara de ionização e com os dosímetros termoluminescentes. O uso dos fatores de correção nessas medidas permitiu diminuir a discrepância entre as doses absorvidas para, no máximo, 0,3%. CONCLUSÃO: Os espectros simulados permitem o cálculo de fatores de correção para as leituras de dosímetros termoluminescentes utilizados em medidas de dose profunda, contribuindo para a redução das incertezas associadas ao controle de qualidade de feixes clínicos em radioterapia.


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Abstract Objective: Derive filtered tungsten X-ray spectra used in digital mammography systems by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Materials and Methods: Filtered spectra for rhodium filter were obtained for tube potentials between 26 and 32 kV. The half-value layer (HVL) of simulated filtered spectra were compared with those obtained experimentally with a solid state detector Unfors model 8202031-H Xi R/F & MAM Detector Platinum and 8201023-C Xi Base unit Platinum Plus w mAs in a Hologic Selenia Dimensions system using a direct radiography mode. Results: Calculated HVL values showed good agreement as compared with those obtained experimentally. The greatest relative difference between the Monte Carlo calculated HVL values and experimental HVL values was 4%. Conclusion: The results show that the filtered tungsten anode X-ray spectra and the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code can be used for mean glandular dose determination in mammography.


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Classical Monte Carlo simulations were carried out on the NPT ensemble at 25°C and 1 atm, aiming to investigate the ability of the TIP4P water model [Jorgensen, Chandrasekhar, Madura, Impey and Klein; J. Chem. Phys., 79 (1983) 926] to reproduce the newest structural picture of liquid water. The results were compared with recent neutron diffraction data [Soper; Bruni and Ricci; J. Chem. Phys., 106 (1997) 247]. The influence of the computational conditions on the thermodynamic and structural results obtained with this model was also analyzed. The findings were compared with the original ones from Jorgensen et al [above-cited reference plus Mol. Phys., 56 (1985) 1381]. It is notice that the thermodynamic results are dependent on the boundary conditions used, whereas the usual radial distribution functions g(O/O(r)) and g(O/H(r)) do not depend on them.


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Statistical mechanics Monte Carlo simulation is reviewed as a formalism to study thermodynamic properties of liquids. Considering the importance of free energy changes in chemical processes, the thermodynamic perturbation theory implemented in the Monte Carlo method is discussed. The representation of molecular interaction by the Lennard-Jones and Coulomb potential functions is also discussed. Charges derived from quantum molecular electrostatic potential are also discussed as an useful methodology to generate an adequate set of partial charges to be used in liquid simulation.


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Thermodynamic properties and radial distribution functions for liquid chloroform were calculated using the Monte Carlo method implemented with Metropolis algorithm in the NpT ensemble at 298 K and 1 atm. A five site model was developed to represent the chloroform molecules. A force field composed by Lennard-Jones and Coulomb potential functions was used to calculate the intermolecular energy. The partial charges needed to represent the Coulombic interactions were obtained from quantum chemical ab initio calculations. The Lennard-Jones parameters were adjusted to reproduce experimental values for density and enthalpy of vaporization for pure liquid. All thermodynamic results are in excelent agreement with experimental data. The correlation functions calculated are in good accordance with theoretical results avaliable in the literature. The free energy for solvating one chloroform molecule into its own liquid at 298 K and 1 atm was computed as an additional test of the potential model. The result obtained compares well with the experimental value. The medium effects on cis/trans convertion of a hypotetical solute in water TIP4P and chloroform solvents were also accomplished. The results obtained from this investigation are in agreement with estimates of the continuous theory of solvation.


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Sand samples collected from two sampling sites on Guarapari and Iriri beaches, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were studied in an attempt to better describe their chemical and mineralogical compositions and radioactive behaviors. The sands were found to contain about 6 (Guarapari) and 2 dag kg-1 (Iriri) of rare earth and thorium that, if allocated to the monazite-(Ce) structure, lead to the averaged formulae Ce3+0,494Gd3+0,012La3+0,209Nd3+0,177Pr3+0,040Sm3+0,024Th4+0,033 (PO4) and Ce3+0,474La3+0,227Nd3+0,190Pr3+0,044Sm3+0,032Th4+0,024 (PO4). From Mössbauer spectroscopy data, the magnetic fractions of these sands were found to contain stoichiometric hematite (47.4 dag kg-1, from Guarapari, and 25.1 dag kg-1, from Iriri) and magnetite (44.1 and 58.8 dag kg-1). The specific alpha and beta radiation activities were also measured for both samples.


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Phytochemical investigation of a propolis sample from Alto Santo - Ceará, Brazil, allowed identification of triterpenes (lupeol, lupenone, germanicone, canaric acid) and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol and acacetin), which were identified by spectroscopic data (IR, MS, and NMR, including 2D techniques). This is the first report of canaric acid in propolis. Propolis extract and flavonoids showed antioxidant activity using a DPPH radical scavenging assay.


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We make several simulations using the Monte Carlo method in order to obtain the chemical equilibrium for several first-order reactions and one second-order reaction. We study several direct, reverse and consecutive reactions. These simulations show the fluctuations and relaxation time and help to understand the solution of the corresponding differential equations of chemical kinetics. This work was done in an undergraduate physical chemistry course at UNIFIEO.


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The paper presents an introductory and general discussion on the quantum Monte Carlo methods, some fundamental algorithms, concepts and applicability. In order to introduce the quantum Monte Carlo method, preliminary concepts associated with Monte Carlo techniques are discussed.


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This study evaluated the environmental impact resulting from surface water and sediment contamination by metals in a watershed affected by a tailing basin that controls effluents coming from a zinc-ore beneficiation plant. The studies combined assessments of sediment chemistry (exceedances of sediment quality guidelines), benthic assemblage structure and acute and chronic ecotoxicity. The results showed that the levels of metal contamination in sediments are not yet enough to cause deleterious effects to the biota. However, the ecotoxicity tests indicated the occurrence of chronic effects, demonstrating that other factors, as the use of fertilizers, could also be a source of contamination.


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A software based in the Monte Carlo method have been developed aiming the teaching of important cases of mechanisms found in luminescence and in excited states decay kinetics, including: multiple decays, consecutive decays and coupled systems decays. The Monte Carlo Method allows the student to easily simulate and visualize the luminescence mechanisms, focusing on the probabilities of the related steps. The software CINESTEX was written for FreeBASIC compiler; it assumes first-order kinetics and any number of excited states, where the pathways are allowed with probabilities assigned by the user.


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A software based in the Monte Carlo method has been developed aiming the teaching of the Perrin´s model for static luminescence quenching. This software allows the student to easily simulate the luminescence decays of emissive molecules in the presence of quenching ones. The software named PERRIN was written for FreeBASIC compiler and it can be applied for systems where the molecules remain static during its excited state lifetime. The good agreement found between the simulations and the expected theoretical results shows that it can be used for the luminescence and excited states decay kinetic teaching.


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By using the Monte Carlo simulation platform with probabilistic mathematical functions of the Boltzmann type, , having activation energy and temperature as parameters, it was possible to assess important dynamic aspects of homogeneous chemical reactions of the types A → B and A B. The protocol proved a useful tool in work with the basic concepts of Kinetics and Thermodynamics allowing its application both in class activities and for assisting experimental procedures.