202 resultados para Lago
Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta da transpiração e do crescimento foliar de cultivares de crisântemo (Dendranthema grandiflorum) ao conteúdo de água disponível no substrato, representado pela fração de água transpirável no substrato (FATSb). Os experimentos foram realizados em dois períodos, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro cultivares de crisântemo (Cherie White, Bronze Repin, Yoapple Valley e Calabria), em duas condições hídricas (com ou sem deficiência hídrica), com 10 repetições. As plantas foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em vasos de 2,8 L preenchidos com substrato. A FATSb, a transpiração e o crescimento foliar foram determinados diariamente durante o período de deficiência hídrica. As FATSb críticas médias, indicativas de que a transpiração e o crescimento foliar começam a ser afetados, foram respectivamente de 0,63 e 0,68 para 'Cherie White', 0,60 e 0,69 para 'Bronze Repin', 0,53 e 0,59 para 'Yoapple Valley', e 0,51 e 0,54 para 'Calabria'. A diminuição da água disponível no substrato provoca a redução do crescimento foliar antes de restringir a transpiração. As cultivares Cherie White e Bronze Repin são mais tolerantes ao deficit hídrico por fechar os estômatos antes e conservar mais a água no substrato do que as cultivares Yoapple Valley e Calabria.
Plantas clonais de Passiflora alata foram submetidas a quatro níveis de sombreamento (0; 25; 50 e 75%) aos 75 dias após o estaqueamento (DAE). Dez dias após, aplicou-se nitrogênio (N) nas dosagens de 0; 25;50; 100 e 200 mg N kg-1 de solo. Verificou-se, aos 175 DAE, interação significativa (p<0,05) entre níveis de sombreamento (NS) e doses de N, para todos os parâmetros fotossintéticos avaliados. Observou-se um aumento na taxa fotossintética líquida com a elevação de NS e de N até a dose de 146 mg N kg-1. A taxa transpiratória apresentou efeito quadrático tanto para NS quanto para N, tendendo a aumentar com o incremento de NS e N até 50% de sombreamento e 137 mg N kg-1, respectivamente. A espessura dos tecidos do mesofilo foliar foi reduzida com a intensificação de NS. Os teores de clorofila a, b e total aumentaram com a elevação de NS e N. Todos os parâmetros de crescimento analisados não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p<0,05) para a interação NSxN. O maior acúmulo de biomassa seca total foi obtido em 69% de sombreamento e na dose de 113 mg N kg-1, ocorrendo um declínio nos NS nas e doses de N subsequentes. Em suma, os resultados demonstraram que o sombreamento moderado (50%), associado a um suprimento moderado de N, promoveu maior eficiência fotossintética e, consequentemente, incremento na biomassa seca, na planta toda.
A simple and inexpensive device to automate a water distilling apparatus is shown. It is composed by a magnetic floater placed in the water reservoir and a level control unit, which acts over the heating element circuit. In order to provide water saving, an electromagnetic valve is inserted in the water supply inlet. Some suggestions for the adaptation to other types of equipment are also offered.
A piezoelectric detector based on a commercial quartz crystal of 3.57MHz is shown. A PTFE cell attached to the GC-column outlet holds the polymer-coated crystal, whose terminals were removed. Two TTL oscillators (reference and sensor) are used and the beating of their frequencies is monitored through a home-made counter card inserted in a microcomputer. The original thermal conductivity detector was also interfaced, but through a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. In spite of the well-known fact that QCM has low sensitivity at high temperatures, results show significant peak deformation for low temperatures. In addition, the phenomenon is also dependent on the chemical composition of the absorbent film besides instantaneous partial pressure and chemical composition of the analyte.
This technical note describes a new and simple electronic circuit for driving solenoid valves. The circuit is based on a single integrated circuit DRV103, which is able to drive resistive or inductive loads up to 1.5 A. Switching of 12-V loads can be controlled by TTLlevel signals in two distinct steps. Initially, 12 V is applied during 110 ms, followed by 4.2 V RMS until the end of the activation TTL pulse. This mode of operation is particularly suitable to drive solenoids, because it requires a higher voltage to start and a lower maintenance voltage. By using this circuit, power consumption and heating are reduced and the solenoid lifetime is enhanced. Moreover, this circuit is specially appropriated to build computercontrolled solenoid valves systems.
A simple device for glass plate drilling, which is an important step in microfabrication procedures, is described. A reservoir of concentrated hydrofluoric acid with a hole in its bottom is affixed against the glass plate. Leakage is prevented by using a neoprene O-ring. A plastic pipet tip inserted in the reservoir, close to the corrosion region, provides forced convection by pressure variations inside it. A device to make 5 simultaneous holes in a plate is also presented. For a 140 µm thickness alkaline glass lamina and 1/8" O-ring, 5 holes are drilled in 20 min.
Although electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ES-MS) has been extensively applied to study organic and biochemical species, it is also specially suitable to study inorganic and organo-metallic species. Such species, even those that are low-volatile or thermo-unstable, can be easily ionized or simply transferred from liquid to gas phase by electrospray. However, chemical transformations frequently occur during the process. This paper discusses the fundamental aspects of electrospray ionization as well as its analytical applicability to inorganic and organo-metallic species in order to spread the technique and make its characteristics more familiar to potential users.
This article describes a novel approach to the separation of fatty acids ranging from 8 to 20 carbons using capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection. Complete separation of nine linear chain fatty acids (from C8:0 to C20:0) was achieved in 15 min under normal polarity operation. Limits of detection ranged from 35 to 319 µmol L-1 for C20:0 to C8:0, respectively. The optimized running electrolyte composition was 5.0 mmol L-1 phosphate buffer at pH 7, 4.0 mmol L-1 dimethyl-b-cyclodextrin, 2.0 mmol L-1 trimethyl-b-cyclodextrin, acetonitrile 50% (v/v), and methanol 20% (v/v). The applicability of the separation system was demonstrated by the analysis of coconut vegetable oil.
This paper presents a new way for the construction of silver electrodes utilizing recordable CDs. The new electrodes were explored for the quantification of chloride (by potentiometry/FIA), cyanide (by amperometry/FIA) and for lead analysis (by square wave voltammetry). For the flowing measurements, a digital multimeter, connected to a microcomputer (via RS 232 interface) was used to collect directly the potential signal (for Cl- measurements) or to take the output signal from a potentiostat (for CN- measurements). The square wave voltammetry analysis was performed in a commercial instrument. The results shown good performance of the new electrodes and the detection limit (s/n = 3) attained for these three analytes were: 0.2, 50, and 200 µg L-1 for Pb2+, Cl-, and CN- respectively.
This paper describes total lipid content, unsaponifiable fraction and the acid, refractive, saponification and iodine indices of the oil of Sterculia striata nuts. The fatty acids, the sterols and the triterpene alcohols were determined. The percentage of cyclopropenoid fatty acids (CPFA), determined by NMR ¹H (15,5%), makes the nuts of this species unsuitable for human consumption.
The Universities, in Brazil and all over the world are currently going through a "second revolution" in which the socio-economical development is incorporated as part of their mission and science and knowledge play a key role for the development of the society. In this context, this article is directed towards the importance of entrepreneurship and the formation of technological entrepreneurs in the area of chemistry, with special attention to the teaching of entrepreneurship in the chemistry courses and its effect on students, universities and the job possibilities. This article also presents a short discussion on a basic entrepreneurship course for chemists and some suggestions of reading on entrepreneurship to those interested in get started in this area. What is presented here about entrepreneurship in chemistry can be applied to any other area of science and technology.
Technology companies created from University research are known as "Academic Spin-Off" (ASO). These innovative companies play an important role for the technological, economical and social development of a country. This work discusses some aspects of ASO companies and their importance to Universities. It is also presented a fictitious history of Prof. João, a chemical researcher who will create an ASO company from his academic research work illustrating the basic steps involved in this process.
In this work a simple and versatile procedure is described for treating water samples using small polypropylene (PP) vials (4 mL) for determining heavy metals by square wave voltammetry (SWV). This procedure involves treatment with nitric acid (0.2 mol L-1) and boiling in a water-bath (~ 100 ºC). This process is completed after one hour and allows the pretreatment of several samples simultaneously. The accuracy was estimated using addition/recovery studies and certified water sample analysis, yielding an agreement near to 100%.
The EtOH extract from the leaves of Schinus terebinthifolius showed anti-radicalar potential in the DPPH test. It was partitioned between n-BuOH:H2O (1:1) and these two phases were also evaluated for anti-radicalar activity. The active n-BuOH phase was partitioned between EtOAc:H2O (1:1) and the active EtOAc phase was submitted to chromatographic procedures to afford five active phenolic compounds: ethyl gallate, methyl gallate, quercitrin, myricetrin and myricetin. The structures of these compounds were established by NMR spectral data analysis.