212 resultados para Evans, Caroline
Leptospirosis in humans usually involves hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia and the putative mechanism underlying such ionic imbalances may be related to nitric oxide (NO) production. We previously demonstrated the correlation between serum levels of NO and the severity of renal disease in patients with severe leptospirosis. Methylene blue inhibits soluble guanylyl cyclase (downstream of the action of any NO synthase isoforms) and was recently reported to have beneficial effects on clinical and experimental sepsis. We investigated the occurrence of serum ionic changes in experimental leptospirosis at various time points (4, 8, 16 and 28 days) in a hamster model. We also determined the effect of methylene blue treatment when administered as an adjuvant therapy, combined with late initiation of standard antibiotic (ampicillin) treatment. Hypokalaemia was not reproduced in this model: all of the groups developed increased levels of serum potassium (K). Furthermore, hypermagnesaemia, rather than magnesium (Mg) depletion, was observed in this hamster model of acute infection. These findings may be associated with an accelerated progression to acute renal failure. Adjuvant treatment with methylene blue had no effect on survival or serum Mg and K levels during acute-phase leptospirosis in hamsters.
Infusions of Aspidosperma nitidum (Apocynaceae) wood bark are used to treat fever and malaria in the Amazon Region. Several species of this family are known to possess indole alkaloids and other classes of secondary metabolites, whereas terpenoids, an inositol and the indole alkaloids harmane-3 acid and braznitidumine have been described in A. nitidum . In the present study, extracts from the wood bark, leaves and branches of this species were prepared for assays against malaria parasites and cytotoxicity testing using human hepatoma and normal monkey kidney cells. The wood bark extracts were active against Plasmodium falciparum and showed a low cytotoxicity in vitro, whereas the leaf and branch extracts and the pure alkaloid braznitidumine were inactive. A crude methanol extract was subjected to acid-base fractionation aimed at obtaining alkaloid-rich fractions, which were active at low concentrations against P. falciparum and in mice infected with and sensitive Plasmodium berghei parasites. Our data validate the antimalarial usefulness of A. nitidum wood bark, a remedy that can most likely help to control malaria. However, the molecules responsible for this antimalarial activity have not yet been identified. Considering their high selectivity index, the alkaloid-rich fractions from the plant bark might be useful in the development of new antimalarials.
Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica) is a nematode of the Capillariidae family that infects rodents and other mammals. In Brazil, human spurious infections of C. hepaticum have been detected in indigenous or rural communities from the Amazon Basin, but not in the southern states of the country. Here, we report the highest occurrence (13.5% of 37 residents) of C. hepaticum human spurious infection detected in Brazil and the first record in a southern region, Guaraqueçaba. The finding is explained by the area being located in the Atlantic Forest of the state of Paraná, surrounded by preserved forests and because the inhabitants consume the meat of wild mammals.
The fungal strain Paracoccidioides brasiliensisremains viable inside of epithelial cells and can induce apoptosis in this population. However, until now, the molecules that participate in this process remained unknown. Thus, this study evaluated the contribution of two P. brasiliensismolecules, the 14-3-3 and glycoprotein of 43 kDa proteins, which had been previously described as extracellular matrix adhesins and apoptosis inductors in human pneumocytes. Accordingly, epithelial cells were treated with these molecules for different periods of time and the expression of the apoptosis regulating-proteins Bak, Bax, Bcl-2, p53 and caspases were evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling, flow cytometry and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Our results demonstrated that treatment with these molecules induces apoptosis signalling in pulmonary epithelial cells, showing the same pattern of programmed cell-death as that observed during infection with P. brasiliensis. Thus, we could conclude that P. brasiliensisuses these molecules as virulence factors that participate not only in the fungal adhesion process to host cells, but also in other important cellular mechanisms such as apoptosis.
This work reports the in vitro activity against Plasmodium falciparumblood forms (W2 clone, chloroquine-resistant) of tamoxifen-based compounds and their ferrocenyl (ferrocifens) and ruthenocenyl (ruthenocifens) derivatives, as well as their cytotoxicity against HepG2 human hepatoma cells. Surprisingly with these series, results indicate that the biological activity of ruthenocifens is better than that of ferrocifens and other tamoxifen-like compounds. The synthesis of a new metal-based compound is also described. It was shown, for the first time, that ruthenocifens are good antiplasmodial prototypes. Further studies will be conducted aiming at a better understanding of their mechanism of action and at obtaining new compounds with better therapeutic profile.
RESUMONeste estudo, o objetivo é avaliar as causas e as consequências da dívida no cartão de crédito a partir de fatores comportamentais. Realizou-se uma pesquisa com 1.831 usuários de cartão de crédito dos estados de Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais e Maranhão por meio da aplicação de questionários. Inicialmente, observou-se que os respondentes mantêm baixos índices de endividamento no cartão de crédito. Nos resultados obtidos com a modelagem de equações estruturais, apontam-se como determinantes da dívida os construtos materialismo, compras compulsivas, comportamento de uso no cartão de crédito e alfabetização financeira; e como consequências, o baixo nível de bem-estar financeiro e as emoções negativas.
Alguns fatores maternos associados ao quadro de hipoglicemia neonatal indicam a monitoração dos níveis glicêmicos nas primeiras 24 horas de vida. O estudo objetivou descrever as características sócio-demográficas e obstétricas de mães de neonatos com controle de glicemia capilar nas primeiras 24 horas de vida, internadas em Alojamento Conjunto de um Hospital Amigo da Criança. Estudo descritivo-exploratório que analisou dados de 380 prontuários médicos de mães internadas entre julho e dezembro de 2006, na unidade de Alojamento Conjunto do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Diabetes gestacional foi verificado em 18 (5,6%) mães; nenhuma tratou com hipoglicemiante oral; 53 (16,2%) tiveram hipertensão arterial na gestação, e 17 (32,1%) fizeram uso de anti-hipertensivo; 215 (56,6%) receberam soro glicosado, 5% no trabalho de parto e parto. Estudos correlacionais analisando variáveis maternas e ocorrência de hipoglicemia neonatal devem ser realizados, objetivando identificar os fatores preditores desta morbidade neonatal.
Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo cujo objetivo foi identificar o atendimento que é oferecido aos familiares de portadores de transtornos mentais nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBSs) e compreender o cotidiano da família do portador de transtorno mental. Os dados foram coletados no período de maio a junho de 2007, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação de cinco famílias nos respectivos domicílios. Os dados foram submetidos à análise temática que gerou duas categorias: 1) o transtorno mental na perspectiva da família e a relação com serviço de saúde; 2) convivendo com a doença mental. Os resultados corroboram a importância de, em casos de transtorno mental, ter a família como cliente do processo de cuidado, e a necessidade do preparo dos profissionais para suprir as necessidades das pessoas que freqüentam estes serviços.
Neste estudo buscou-se verificar associação entre avaliação clínica da cavidade oral (pelos Índices de dentes Cariados,Perdidos e Obturados e Índice de Higiene Oral - Simplificado) e a determinação indireta de óxido nítrico em pacientes com patologias onco-hematológicas. Trata-se de estudo observacional, no qual foram incluídos vinte sujeitos internados, diagnosticados com Leucemia (35%), Linfoma (50%), Mieloma (15%), em avaliação para início de quimioterapia, sendo que 50% apresentaram normalidade da condição bucal (sem lesões ou traumas); a maioria apresentou higiene satisfatória (35%) ou regular (35%), porém, 30% tiveram higiene deficiente ou péssima. A expressão indireta do óxido nítrico variou de 13,34 a 257. O óxido nítrico não apresentou associação com os outros parâmetros; houve grande variabilidade de seus valores. Novos estudos são necessários, em especial pela potencialidade deste indicador na detecção precoce de alterações bucais.
Estudo descritivo com dados de dois ensaios clínicos realizados em 2008 e 2009 em uma maternidade de uma instituição filantrópica da cidade de São Paulo. Teve como objetivo descrever a temperatura perineal após a aplicação de bolsa de gelo no pós-parto normal. Três grupos com 38 puérperas cada (n=114) receberam aplicação perineal de bolsa de gelo entre 2 e 48h após o parto. Os achados indicaram que com 10 min de crioterapia as médias da temperatura perineal atingiram de 13,3 a 15,3oC, com pequena redução de temperatura ao final de aplicações de 15 e 20 minutos (2,4 e 2,7o, respectivamente). Após resfriamento por 10 min., as mulheres referiram frio e alívio e, depois de 15 a 20 min., dormência e anestesia local. Conclui-se que 10 minutos de aplicação foram suficientes para reduzir a temperatura perineal aos níveis recomendados para analgesia (10-15oC).
Na maioria das maternidades, a classificação, a avaliação e a definição da unidade a encaminhar o recém-nascido (RN) após o nascimento são realizadas pelo médico. A avaliação ocorre na sala de parto considerando: peso ao nascer; idade gestacional; condutas que definem quadro clínico e doença. Este estudo observacional teve como objetivo avaliar a confiabilidade de um instrumento de classificação de RN. A pesquisa foi realizada no berçário de um hospital público, São Paulo. Nove enfermeiras aplicaram o instrumento a 63 RN, sendo duas simultaneamente em cada um dos cinco setores do berçário. Verificou-se que o nível de concordância Kappa entre as enfermeiras foi excelente para a maioria das áreas de cuidado (69,0%). Concluiu-se que houve consenso e concordância das enfermeiras quanto ao instrumento ser completo, de fácil entendimento e aplicável, porém despende muito tempo. As enfermeiras reconhecem a importância do instrumento para o dimensionamento dos profissionais, organização e planejamento do cuidado.
This study aimed to verify the association between self-care ability and sociodemographic factors of people with spinal cord injury (SCI). It was a cross-sectional study, conducted in 2012, in all 58 Basic Health Units of Natal/RN, Brazil. Seventy-three subjects completed a sociodemographic form andSelf-Care Agency Scale. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS,including Cronbach’s Alpha, Chi-square, Fisher’s and contingency coefficient tests. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.788. The result verified that sex (p = 0.028), religion (p <0.001), education (p = 0.046), current age (p = 0.027), SCI time (p = 0.020) and the SCI type (p = 0.012) were variables associated with self-care ability of the subjects. It was concluded that sociodemographic factors may interfere with the self-care ability of persons with SCI, and nurses should consider this aspect during the execution of the nursing process.
Objective: To identify the risk factors associated with mental health issues in adolescents. Method: An integrative review was conducted in four databases with publications from 2007 to 2013. The terms Adolescent and Mental Health were used to search adequate articles as DeCs/MeSH bases. Results: Publications were found in different journals in different fields of knowledge and the quantitative research was the most frequent. The mental health issues were categorized as individual factors; drug related factors, school factors, family factors, social factors and STDs/Aids related factors. The most addressed category was individual factors, with 23 publications. Conclusion: The integrative review allowed to point important questions to be addressed in preventive actions by the health professional, including the nurse, to create a space that works with risk conditioning factors in adolescents for mental health aggravation.
Procedures’ costs related to outpatient chemotherapy treatment of women suffering from breast cancer
To identify the direct cost of procedures related to an outpatient chemotherapy treatment for women with breast cancer. Method: This is a quantitative research, using the case study methodology, performed in an outpatient chemotherapy of a private hospital. The total cost was calculated by multiplying the time spent by professionals involved in therapeutic procedures, the unit cost of direct labor, adding to the cost of materials, drugs and solutions. For performing the calculations, we used the Brazilian currency (R$). Results: The average total cost per chemotherapy session corresponded to R$ 1,783.01 (100%), being R$ 1,671.66 (93,75%) spent with drugs, R$ 74,98 (4.21%) with materials, R$ 28.49 (1.60%) with labor and R$ 7.88 (0.44%) with solutions. Conclusion: The results may support discussions and decision making for the management of costs related to chemotherapy aimed at reducing expenses and eliminating waste without harm to the care provided.
Objective To identify the association between perineal trauma and pain in 473 primiparous women. Method Cross-sectional study in which pain was measured by the numerical pain scale (0 to 10 - 0 being no pain and 10 maximal pain). Results The prevalence and mean intensity of pain were 33.0% and 4.7 points (standard deviation = 2.0) in the numeric scale, respectively. Episiotomy represented the most frequent trauma (46.7%). The occurrence and intensity of the pain were associated with perineal trauma and postpartum time. Having perineal trauma tripled the chance of pain. Each hour elapsed following the birth reduced the chance of pain by 4.8%. Conclusion Primiparous women are subject to a high frequency of perineal trauma, with episiotomy being the most prominent. Perineal pain affects approximately one-third of primiparous women and is associated with the postpartum time and perineal traumas.