33 resultados para harvester simulator


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Contexto: O estudo de cybersickness, sintomas desconfortáveis relacionados à interação em ambientes virtuais, é importante para a implementação de melhorias destes, para ajudar a preservar o bem-estar dos usuários e reduzir o abandono às exposições virtuais. Usar um instrumento adequado para identificar e mensurar os sintomas de cybersickness, de forma padronizada, pode contribuir para essa finalidade. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar as etapas de tradução e adaptação para a língua portuguesa do instrumento Simulator Sickness Questionnaire, que mede os sintomas de cybersickness. Métodos: Três traduções e retrotraduções foram realizadas por avaliadores independentes; realizaram-se a equivalência semântica e a avaliação das versões, sendo elaborada uma versão síntese. Os comentários dos participantes sobre a versão preliminar do questionário foram examinados. Resultados: Foi construída a versão brasileira preliminar do questionário. Verificou-se que a maioria dos participantes entendeu as descrições dos sintomas expostas no questionário em português. Conclusão: A utilização de três versões de tradução e retrotradução, discussão sobre a versão síntese e a interlocução com a população-alvo proporcionaram viabilidade ao processo de equivalência semântica da versão final brasileira.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os potenciais ganhos de operadores de harvester no treinamento com uso de simuladores de realidade virtual. Foram coletados dados durante o treinamento de 39 operadores, avaliando-se os seus desempenhos nas variáveis: tempo de execução no corte da árvore, direção de queda, altura de corte, eficiência no processamento, eficiência no empilhamento e produtividade. Os resultados permitiram a conclusão de que o simulador de realidade virtual é uma ferramenta viável do ponto de vista técnico e essencial no apoio ao treinamento de operadores de máquinas florestais, possibilitando a obtenção de elevados ganhos de qualidade e produtividade. O melhor desempenho dos operadores ocorreu com a variável produtividade, cujo ganho médio foi de 41,3% em relação ao início do treinamento, seguido pelo tempo de execução, com 38,8%; e pela direção de queda, com ganho médio de 36,1%.


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Neste trabalho foi avaliada a operação de corte mecanizado de Pinus caribaea hondurensis em sistema de toras curtas, utilizando-se o Harvester, no Município de Nova Ponte, MG, com base na produtividade e nos custos da atividade durante o estágio inicial de sua implantação (5 meses) e considerando-se o uso múltiplo da madeira. Na avaliação técnica foram calculados: rendimento operacional, produtividade, disponibilidade mecânica e eficiência operacional, enquanto na avaliação econômica foram calculados os custos operacionais e os custos de produção. A maior produtividade média foi encontrada no mês 5, com 22,71 m³.he-1, mês que apresentou a segunda maior disponibilidade mecânica (95,59%). A maior eficiência operacional foi encontrada no mês 3, com 83,09%. O custo operacional total do período amostrado foi de R$115,03 por hora efetiva de trabalho. Os custos fixos corresponderam a 28,59% e os variáveis, a 62,31% dos custos totais. O custo de produção foi de R$5,99.m3-1 produzido. Concluiu-se que a produtividade aumentou quando o volume médio por árvore também aumentou, que a máquina possuía potencial de melhoria no seu funcionamento e que seu custo de produção estava dentro dos padrões esperados para este trabalho.


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A mecanização da colheita de madeira permite maior controle dos custos e pode proporcionar reduções em prazos relativamente curtos. Além disso, tem um lugar de destaque na humanização do trabalho florestal e no aumento do rendimento operacional. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho de operadores de harvester em função do tempo de experiência na atividade. Foram avaliados oito operadores do sexo masculino, com idade entre 23 e 46 anos. O estudo consistiu na análise do volume de madeira colhida pelo harvester. O tempo de experiência afeta significativamente o rendimento operacional dos operadores de harvester. Tal rendimento aumenta expressivamente nos primeiros 18 meses de experiência, mantendo-se em ascensão nos próximos 26 meses. Após os 44 meses de experiência, o rendimento dos operadores tende a reduzir, revelando as possíveis acomodações do cotidiano. Tais resultados permitem concluir que por volta dos 50 meses de experiência na atividade de operação de harvester, se faz necessária a adoção de medidas de reciclagem, motivação, entre outras, a fim de proporcionar aos operadores melhores condições de trabalho que os possibilitem continuar exercendo a atividade de forma eficiente e rentável à empresa.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar e quantificar a influência das declividades (baixada - declividade média de 7,76° e encosta - declividade média de 17,17°) e dos espaçamentos de plantio (3 m x 2,5 m, 3 m x 3,33 m e 3 m x 4,0 m) sobre as capacidades produtivas do harvester em povoamentos de eucalipto de primeira rotação. As análises técnica e econômica estão fundamentadas no estudo de tempos e movimentos, nas produtividades e custos de produção do harvester. Os resultados mostraram que a atividade de traçamento consumiu 46% do ciclo operacional e o rendimento do harvester tendeu a ser maior quando se aumentava o espaçamento e inferior com o incremento da declividade. Em média, o espaçamento 3 m x 2,5 m e 3 m x 3,33 m gerou um custo maior da ordem de 11% e 2% a maior em detrimento do espaçamento 3 m x 4 m. Em relação à declividade, o detalhamento desse impacto negativo gerado pela encosta foi de 11% em relação à baixada.


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In Brazil, the best results in milk production are found in the state of Paraná. Such results are reached through genetic selection of the animals and management of their diets, in which whole plant corn silage is widely used. Aiming the silage quality, it was evaluated the influence of dry matter content of the corn culture as forage and the harvester adjustments on the fragment size of whole plant corn silage. The fragment size of two corn hybrids silage (SPEED and 2B688) was evaluated using a 5x3 factorial, with 4 repetitions. The first factor was the harvest time of the plants (105, 108, 112, 118, and 123 days after sowing (DAS)), which determines the forage dry matter (DM) content. The second factor was the harvester adjustments (2, 6.5 and 11mm of theoretical fragment length (TFL)). The DM content did not affect the average fragment size of 2B688. For SPEED, however, the real fragment size decreased as the maturation of plants increased. The conclusion is that the DM content and harvester adjustments can affect the real fragment sizes, according to different plant genotypes. The alterations of the harvester adjustments resulted in different fragment sizes, however, it were different from those indicated by the manufacturer.


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Com o objetivo de se verificar a metodologia para avaliação de alguns parâmetros de qualidade do feijão de vagem, conduziu-se este experimento. Os cultivares usados foram: 'Contender', 'Tendercrop', 'Gallatin 50','Early Gallatin', 'Harvester' e 'Eagle'. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: diâmetro médio, forma da seção transversal, comprimento, percentagem de vagens retas cor das vagens e sementes. Os melhores cultivares para todos os parâmetros foram: 'Harvester', 'Tendercrop' e 'Eagle'.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento de um grupo de cultivares de feijão vagem de crescimento determinado, assim como a influência da densidade de população sobre a produção das mesmas, visnado cultura de mesa ou para indústria. Os cultivares usados foram: 'Contender', 'Tendercrop', 'Gallatin 50', 'Early Gallatin', 'Harvester' e 'Eagle'. Os melhores cultivares foram: 'Contender', 'Early Gallatin' e 'Tendercrop'. Destacou-se pela precocidade o 'Contender'. A produção de vagens por planta diminui com o aumento da população, porém, o rendimento por área aumentou com a densidade. Os mais altos rendimentos foram observados com 28 plantas por metro quadrado.


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Site-specific regression coefficient values are essential for erosion prediction with empirical models. With the objective to investigate the surface-soilconsolidation factor, Cf, linked to the RUSLE's prior-land-use subfactor, PLU, an erosion experiment using simulated rainfall on a 0.075 m m-1 slope, sandy loam Paleudult soil, was conducted at the Agriculture Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (EEA/UFRGS), in Eldorado do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Firstly, a row-cropped area was excluded from cultivation (March 1995), the existing crop residue removed from the field, and the soil kept clean-tilled the rest of the year (to get a degraded soil condition for the intended purpose of this research). The soil was then conventional-tilled for the last time (except for a standard plot which was kept continuously cleantilled for comparison purposes), in January 1996, and the following treatments were established and evaluated for soil reconsolidation and soil erosion until May 1998, on duplicated 3.5 x 11.0 m erosion plots: (a) fresh-tilled soil, continuously in clean-tilled fallow (unit plot); (b) reconsolidating soil without cultivation; and (c) reconsolidating soil with cultivation (a crop sequence of three corn- and two black oats cycles, continuously in no-till, removing the crop residues after each harvest for rainfall application and redistributing them on the site after that). Simulated rainfall was applied with a Swanson's type, rotating-boom rainfall simulator, at 63.5 mm h-1 intensity and 90 min duration, six times during the two-and-half years of experimental period (at the beginning of the study and after each crop harvest, with the soil in the unit plot being retilled before each rainfall test). The soil-surface-consolidation factor, Cf, was calculated by dividing soil loss values from the reconsolidating soil treatments by the average value from the fresh-tilled soil treatment (unit plot). Non-linear regression was used to fit the Cf = e b.t model through the calculated Cf-data, where t is time in days since last tillage. Values for b were -0.0020 for the reconsolidating soil without cultivation and -0.0031 for the one with cultivation, yielding Cf-values equal to 0.16 and 0.06, respectively, after two-and-half years of tillage discontinuation, compared to 1.0 for fresh-tilled soil. These estimated Cf-values correspond, respectively, to soil loss reductions of 84 and 94 %, in relation to soil loss from the fresh-tilled soil, showing that the soil surface reconsolidated intenser with cultivation than without it. Two distinct treatmentinherent soil surface conditions probably influenced the rapid decay-rate of Cf values in this study, but, as a matter of a fact, they were part of the real environmental field conditions. Cf-factor curves presented in this paper are therefore useful for predicting erosion with RUSLE, but their application is restricted to situations where both soil type and particular soil surface condition are similar to the ones investigate in this study.


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Erosion is deleterious because it reduces the soil's productivity capacity for growing crops and causes sedimentation and water pollution problems. Surface and buried crop residue, as well as live and dead plant roots, play an important role in erosion control. An efficient way to assess the effectiveness of such materials in erosion reduction is by means of decomposition constants as used within the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation - RUSLE's prior-land-use subfactor - PLU. This was investigated using simulated rainfall on a 0.12 m m-1 slope, sandy loam Paleudult soil, at the Agriculture Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study area had been covered by native grass pasture for about fifteen years. By the middle of March 1996, the sod was mechanically mowed and the crop residue removed from the field. Late in April 1996, the sod was chemically desiccated with herbicide and, about one month later, the following treatments were established and evaluated for sod biomass decomposition and soil erosion, from June 1996 to May 1998, on duplicated 3.5 x 11.0 m erosion plots: (a) and (b) soil without tillage, with surface residue and dead roots; (c) soil without tillage, with dead roots only; (d) soil tilled conventionally every two-and-half months, with dead roots plus incorporated residue; and (e) soil tilled conventionally every six months, with dead roots plus incorporated residue. Simulated rainfall was applied with a rotating-boom rainfall simulator, at an intensity of 63.5 mm h-1 for 90 min, eight to nine times during the experimental period (about every two-and-half months). Surface and subsurface sod biomass amounts were measured before each rainfall test along with the erosion measurements of runoff rate, sediment concentration in runoff, soil loss rate, and total soil loss. Non-linear regression analysis was performed using an exponential and a power model. Surface sod biomass decomposition was better depicted by the exponential model, while subsurface sod biomass was by the power model. Subsurface sod biomass decomposed faster and more than surface sod biomass, with dead roots in untilled soil without residue on the surface decomposing more than dead roots in untilled soil with surface residue. Tillage type and frequency did not appreciably influence subsurface sod biomass decomposition. Soil loss rates increased greatly with both surface sod biomass decomposition and decomposition of subsurface sod biomass in the conventionally tilled soil, but they were minimally affected by subsurface sod biomass decomposition in the untilled soil. Runoff rates were little affected by the studied treatments. Dead roots plus incorporated residues were effective in reducing erosion in the conventionally tilled soil, while consolidation of the soil surface was important in no-till. The residual effect of the turned soil on erosion diminished gradually with time and ceased after two years.


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The impact of wood loads on bulk density and preconsolidation pressure and of harvester and forwarder traffic on rut depth, bulk density and preconsolidation pressure of two Ultisols were examined in this study. Our objective was to quantify the threshold beyond which significant soil compaction and rutting would occur. This study was carried out in the county of Eunápolis, state of Bahia, Brazil, (16 º 23 ' 17 '' S and 39 º 10 ' 06 '' W; altitude 80 m asl) in two Ultisols (PAd2 and PAd3) with different texture classes, in experimental areas with eucalypt plantation. The study involved measurements at the wood load site and machine driving at specific locations in the forest during logging operations. The treatments consisted of one harvester pass and, 8, 16 and 40 passes of a fully loaded forwarder. Thresholds were established based on the rut depth and percentage of preconsolidation pressure values in the region of additional soil compaction defined in the bearing capacity model. The percentage of soil samples with values of preconsolidation pressure in the region of additional soil compaction indicated a greater susceptibility of PAd3 than of PAd2 to soil compaction. The threshold levels established here based on preconsolidation pressure and rut depth indicated that no more than eight forwarder passes should be allowed in loading operations in order to minimize soil compaction.


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No presente estudo, foi realizada uma avaliação de diferentes variáveis ambientais no mapeamento digital de solos em uma região no norte do Estado de Minas Gerais, utilizando redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Os atributos do terreno declividade e índice topográfico combinado (CTI), derivados de um modelo digital de elevação, três bandas do sensor Quickbird e um mapa de litologia foram combinados, e a importância de cada variável para discriminação das unidades de mapeamento foi avaliada. O simulador de redes neurais utilizado foi o "Java Neural Network Simulator", e o algoritmo de aprendizado, o "backpropagation". Para cada conjunto testado, foi selecionada uma RNA para a predição das unidades de mapeamento; os mapas gerados por esses conjuntos foram comparados com um mapa de solos produzido com o método convencional, para determinação da concordância entre as classificações. Essa comparação mostrou que o mapa produzido com o uso de todas as variáveis ambientais (declividade, índice CTI, bandas 1, 2 e 3 do Quickbird e litologia) obteve desempenho superior (67,4 % de concordância) ao dos mapas produzidos pelos demais conjuntos de variáveis. Das variáveis utilizadas, a declividade foi a que contribuiu com maior peso, pois, quando suprimida da análise, os resultados da concordância foram os mais baixos (33,7 %). Os resultados demonstraram que a abordagem utilizada pode contribuir para superar alguns dos problemas do mapeamento de solos no Brasil, especialmente em escalas maiores que 1:25.000, tornando sua execução mais rápida e mais barata, sobretudo se houver disponibilidade de dados de sensores remotos de alta resolução espacial a custos mais baixos e facilidade de obtenção dos atributos do terreno nos sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG).


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Gully erosion occurs by the combined action of splash, sheetwash and rill-wash (interrill and rill erosion). These erosion processes have a great capacity for both sediment production and sediment transport. The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate hydrological and sediment transport in a degraded area, severely dissected by gullies; to assess the hydraulic flow characteristics and their aggregate transport capacity; and to measure the initial splash erosion rate. In the study area in Guarapuava, State of Paraná, Brazil (lat 25º 24' S; long 51º24' W; 1034 m asl), the soil was classified as Cambissolo Húmico alumínico, with the following particle-size composition: sand 0.116 kg kg-1; silt 0.180 kg kg-1; and clay 0.704 kg kg-1. The approach of this research was based on microcatchments formed in the ground, to study the hydrological response and sediment transport. A total of eight rill systems were simulated with dry and wet soil. An average rainfall of 33.7 ± 4.0 mm was produced for 35 to 54 min by a rainfall simulator. The equipment was installed, and a trough was placed at the end of the rill to collect sediments and water. During the simulation, the following variables were measured: time to runoff, time to ponding, time of recession, flow velocity, depth, ratio of the initial splash and grain size. The rainsplash of dry topsoil was more than twice as high as under moist conditions (5 g m-2 min-1 and 2 g m-2 min-1, respectively). The characteristics of the flow hydraulics indicate transition from laminar to turbulent flow [Re (Reynolds number) 1000-2000]. In addition, it was observed that a flow velocity of 0.12 m s-1 was the threshold for turbulent flow (Re > 2000), especially at the end of the rainfall simulation. The rill flow tended to be subcritical [Fr (Froude Number) < 1.0]. The variation in hydrological attributes (infiltration and runoff) was lower, while the sediment yield was variable. The erosion in the rill systems was characterized as limited transport, although the degraded area generated an average of 394 g m-2 of sediment in each simulation.


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The soil penetration resistance is an important indicator of soil compaction and is strongly influenced by soil water content. The objective of this study was to develop mathematical models to normalize soil penetration resistance (SPR), using a reference value of gravimetric soil water content (U). For this purpose, SPR was determined with an impact penetrometer, in an experiment on a Dystroferric Red Latossol (Rhodic Eutrudox), at six levels of soil compaction, induced by mechanical chiseling and additional compaction by the traffic of a harvester (four, eight, 10, and 20 passes); in addition to a control treatment under no-tillage, without chiseling or additional compaction. To broaden the range of U values, SPR was evaluated in different periods. Undisturbed soil cores were sampled to quantify the soil bulk density (BD). Pedotransfer functions were generated correlating the values of U and BD to the SPR values. By these functions, the SPR was adequately corrected for all U and BD data ranges. The method requires only SPR and U as input variables in the models. However, different pedofunctions are needed according to the soil layer evaluated. After adjusting the pedotransfer functions, the differences in the soil compaction levels among the treatments, previously masked by variations of U, became detectable.


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Water infiltration in the soil is an important hydrological process that occurs at the interface of the soil-atmosphere system; thus, the soil management practice used has a strong influence on this process. The aim of this study was to evaluate water infiltration in the soil and compare equations for estimating the water infiltration rate in an Ultisol after harvesting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) under simulated rainfall. Field tests with a rainfall simulator were carried out in three soil management systems: minimum tillage (MT), conventional tillage (CT), and no tillage (NT). In NT, four levels of plant residue on the soil surface were evaluated: 0, 3, 6, and 9 t ha-1. The models of Kostiakov-Lewis, Horton, and Philip were used to estimate the infiltration rate. In the MT system, the final infiltration rate was 54 mm h-1, whereas in the CT and NT systems with up to 3 t ha-1 of plant residue on the soil surface, the rate was near 17 mm h-1. In addition, the results indicated that in the NT system the infiltration rate increased with plant residue coverage greater than 6 t ha-1, i.e., there was a positive correlation between plant cover and the water infiltration rate. The Horton model was the most suitable in representing the water infiltration process in the soil. Therefore, this model can be recommended for estimation of this variable regardless of the soil tillage system used.