105 resultados para corantes alimentícios
Food industries employ a lot of synthetic dyes in their products. Most of these dyes are very stable face to the conventional treatments. This work studied the use of advanced oxidation process (AOP) as an alternative to the conventional ones to degrade a synthetic food effluent (photolysis and UV/H2O2 in continuous reactor). The more efficient process was the UV/H2O2 and it presented decoloration and degradation energetic efficiency values equal to 30.775 kWh m-3 and 269.909 kWh m-3, respectively. The color reduction was 96.4% and COD decrease was 38.56%.
Tartrazina e índigo carmim são corantes alimentícios amplamente utilizados na indústria alimentícia. Ambos os corantes apresentam ondas voltamétricas de redissolução catódica bem definidas no intervalo de pH 2 a 12, quando pré-acumulados sobre eletrodo de gota pendente de mercúrio. Curvas de calibração para tartrazina e índigo carmim são obtidas no intervalo de 5x10-9mol.L-1 a 1x10-7mol.L-1, em tempos de acúmulo de 30s e potencial de acúmulo de 0V e -0,10V, em tampão acetato pH 4,5 e carbonato pH 10, respectivamente. O método proposto foi aplicado para determinação direta de ambos os corantes em amostras individuais ou misturas em meio aquoso, e também, em amostras comerciais de suco artificial em pó e balas.
Os corantes sintéticos são usualmente adicionados a alimentos industrializados para conferir e restaurar a cor obtendo-se a qualidade estética desejada. Em função destes aspectos e do potencial toxicológico que alguns corantes podem apresentar, o controle de qualidade destes compostos é de fundamental importância. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o potencial das metodologias matemáticas como o princípio da aditividade, espectrofotometria derivativa e técnica multivariada (Regressão por Mínimos Quadrados Parciais - PLSR) na determinação simultânea de dois corantes alimentícios: Amarelo Crepúsculo (AC) e Amarelo Tartrazina (AT), extraídos com lã natural. Estas metodologias foram avaliadas e comparadas em função das suas capacidades de previsão, sendo que o modelo PLSR otimizado (faixa espectral de 305 a 645 nm, empregando-se 1ª derivada como transformação dos dados e 2 componentes principais) apresentou o menor valor de Raiz Quadrada da Soma dos Erros de Previsão (RMSEP) (AT = 0,191 e AC = 0,102). A faixa de concentração estudada foi de 1,0 a 16,0 mg.L-1 para AC e de 2,0 a 22,0 mg.L-1 para AT. O conjunto de validação externa apresentou erros relativos médios de 1,97% para AC e 1,39% para AT. A aplicação desta metodologia em amostras reais mostrou que em todas as amostras analisadas as concentrações destes corantes estavam de acordo com os limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira
Os autores descrevem uma técnica para marcação de ovos de T. infestans, utilizando-se de corantes.
Objetivou-se analisar a quantidade e a qualidade de produtos alimentícios veiculados por três redes principais de canal aberto da televisão brasileira em três períodos do dia. Os produtos alimentícios, quando comparados a outros produtos, foram os mais freqüentemente veiculados, independentemente do horário ou do dia de gravação. A análise da qualidade dos alimentos veiculados mostra que a televisão promove, predominantemente, produtos com altos teores de gordura e/ou açúcar e sal. Conclui-se que a predominância de produtos com altos teores de gorduras e/ou açúcar pode estar contribuindo para uma mudança nos hábitos alimentares de crianças e jovens e agravando o problema da obesidade na população.
Os autores estudaram a ação inativante de corantes sôbre a alexina. Para isto, empregaram 50 corantes das diferentes séries químicas, chegando à conclusão que sòmente 11 dêles possuem esta ação: o ponceau, vermelho congo, violeta de metila, auramina, eosina, rosa bengala, verde verdadeiro, violeta paris, azul de metila, pironina amarela e a anilina zul. Verificaram que êles inativam sempre em proporção constante: 0,5 ml- de uma solução a 1% e que esta ação parece ser independente das constantes físicas do corante (carga elétrica, pêso molecular, absorção máxima no espectrômetro) e das peculiaridades intrinsicas de suas constituições químicas. Determinaram também que êstes corantes inativaram em sua maioria o quarto componente termoestável (C4) da alexina, exceção feita do vermelho congo e da violeta de metila que inativavam o terceiro componente termoestável (C3). A pi-ronina amarela revelou atuar sôbre os 3.° e 4.° compenentes (C3 e C4) ou sobre algum elemento indispensável a ação dêles.
Metabolic rates were determined by dissolved oxigen changes in light and dark bottles, filled with river water and after input of mixed effluent concentrations. In another experiment, dissolved inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll-alpha and other physico-chemical parameters were analyzed. Water column showed higher decomposition than production rates. Waste inputs increased primary production rates, but in higher concentrations forced the system to heterotrophy. The natural richness of macrophytes and macroalgae could be limiting the phytoplanktonic production by phosphorus assimilation. Observation of the nitrogenated inorganic nutrients suggest that the natural pelagic system is directed to nitrification. Mixed waste input inverted this trend, toward denitrification.
A dye is a colored substance used to impart permanent color to other substances. Its most important use is in coloring textile fibers and fabrics. The removal of colour from dyehouse waste waters is currently a major problem in the textile sector. This paper provides an overview of the treatment technologies that can currently be used by the textile processor and the developments over the past decade with respect to the toxicological and ecotoxicological properties of synthetic organic dyes.
Adsorption of cationic dyes on clays can be used as a model for the interactions between organic compounds and these minerals. Cationic dyes like methylene blue are used to study these interactions because of the spectroscopic changes observed when their molecules are adsorbed on clay surfaces. Depending on the structure and layer charge of the clay particles several processes may occur, like adsorption of dye monomers and aggregates on the external and internal surfaces of the clay tactoids, migration towards internal surfaces, protonation, etc. Under certain conditions the deaggregation-aggregation of the clay particles are accelerated trapping dye species during these processes. A general scheme is proposed for the processes occurring between clays and dyes in aqueous suspensions, which can be used to explain the behaviour of specific systems.
In this work, the energy transfer by dipole-dipole interaction between cationic dyes in n-alcohols (methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol and 1-butanol) is studied by time resolved and steady state fluorescence measurements. The critical radii of energy transfer were determined by three independent methods; the spectral overlap, fluorescence decay profiles, and relative intensity measurements. In all solvents, R0 values of the dye pairs obtained from spectral overlap were between 40 to 90 Å. Steady state and time resolved fluorescence measurements resulted in values of R0 in the range of 50 - 80 Å, with good correlation of values.
Synthetic dyes were determined by high performance liquid chromatography in 76 samples of regular jelly and diet jelly powders, of several flavors produced by seven different manufacturers. Three sample of each product, from different batches, were analyzed. The same qualitative composition was observed for products of the same flavor from different manufacturers, but the quantitative composition varied markedly from one manufacturer to the other. There were no or few significant differences between batches from a given manufacturer, demonstrating good quality control in the use of these additives by the food industry. None of the samples exceeded the limit stipulated by Brazilian legislation.
In this work the degradation of aqueous solutions of reactive azo-dyes is reported using a combined reductive/advanced oxidative process based in the H2O2/zero-valent iron system. At optimized experimental conditions (pH 7, H2O2 100 mg L-1, iron 7 g L-1) and using a continuous system containing commercial iron wool, the process afforded almost total discolorization of aqueous solutions of three reactive azo-dyes (reactive orange 16, reactive black 5 and brilliant yellow 3G-P) at a hydraulic retention time of 2.5 min. At these conditions the hydrogen peroxide is almost totally consumed while the released total soluble iron reaches a concentration compatible with the current Brazilian legislation (15 mg L-1).
The tanning process in the leather industry generates very high quantities of chromium-containing solid waste ("wet blue" leather). Environmental concerns and escalating landfill-costs are becoming increasingly serious problems for the leather industry and an alternative disposal is needed. In this work, we are presenting a novel application for this solid waste, which is the removal of organic contaminants from aqueous-solution. The adsorption isotherm of "wet blue" leather waste from the AUREA tanning company in Erechim-RS (Brazil) showed that this material presents high adsorption capacities of the reactive textile dyes.
This paper summarizes the result of a degradation test of two azo-reactive dyes (Reactive Blue 214, Reactive Red 243) under UV irradiation in the presence of H2O2. Five different doses of hydrogen peroxide (0 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM, 20 mM and 30 mM) at constant initial concentration of the substrate (100 mg/L) were used. The radiation source were three 15 W-lamps. Complete destruction of the color of the solutions was attained in 40-50 min of irradiation. UV/H2O2 proved capable of complete discoloration and degradation of the above azo reactive dyes.