45 resultados para Reincidència -- Catalunya -- Congressos -- 2012


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This article describes the Brazilian position on forests and climate change from 1997 to 2012. It argues that it has evolved from a veto, which excluded from the climate change regime emissions from the conversion of native forests, to a proposition, as Brazil offered its approach to the international community. It explains the change with domestic developments: governance over deforestation, the emergence of new and relevant actors, and presidential diplomacy.


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Analisamos a metodologia de aferição de gastos em Defesa do Conselho de Defesa Sul-americano (CDS). Discutimos fundamentos, inovações, limitações e perfil de gastos. Na região, a folha de pagamento de pessoal e encargos previdenciários consumiram 60% do total dos gastos em Defesa entre 2006 e 2010, enquanto as pesquisas em tecnologia apenas 0,5%. Sobre esse diagnóstico, defendemos a modernização das FA e os Ministérios da Defesa da região, sobretudo uma racional e equalizada distribuição dos gastos por objeto, antes de aumentar as verbas para o setor.


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O presente artigo consiste na revisão da literatura sobre política de dividendos no Brasil, com foco nos estudos empíricos realizados no período de 1990 até 2010, que tenham sido objeto de publicação nos principais periódicos nacionais de Administração, Contabilidade e Finanças ou disponíveis em anais dos principais congressos da matéria. A amostra analisada foi composta de 39 trabalhos com variadas metodologias e períodos. Com inspiração no modelo de Harris e Raviv (1991), buscou-se agrupar os trabalhos de acordo com o tipo de modelo, tendo sido identificadas cinco categorias predominantes. Algumas tendências puderam ser percebidas, tais como: relevância da política de dividendos no mercado brasileiro; confirmação da existência de problemas de agência; resultados conflitantes quanto à hipótese da clientela; sinalização e influência dos tributos na definição da política de dividendos; resultados não conflitantes quanto às determinantes da política de dividendos.


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Este artigo nasceu de uma reflexão de membros do Comitê Científico da Divisão Acadêmica de Administração Pública da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (ANPAD) - a partir de seu trabalho no período de 2009 a 2012 - sobre o desenvolvimento desse campo de saber no Brasil. O texto descreve e analisa os fatores que influenciam a produção acadêmica em administração pública no país, destacando a sua significação como área no âmbito da ANPAD; o sistema de ensino, tanto em nível de graduação e de pós-graduação, como nas escolas de governo; e, finalmente, a organização dos grupos de pesquisa e de publicação científica (eventos e periódicos) que sustentam a investigação. Como resultado, o trabalho: (i) apresenta a trajetória da área de administração pública na ANPAD desde 1985 e sua agenda de pesquisa nos últimos anos; (ii) atualiza o panorama do ensino superior de administração pública no país, sobretudo dos programas de pós-graduação; e (iii) mapeia os congressos e revistas da área. Desse modo, o trabalho constitui per se um balanço sobre os avanços, as lacunas e os desafios do campo de saber da administração pública em nível nacional.


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A criação do Fundo Social de Emergência, em 1994, introduziu uma série de mecanismos utilizados pelo governo federal brasileiro para desvincular receitas de impostos e contribuições. Considerando essa situação, procurou-se identificar o possível impacto da desvinculação de receitas, em relação aos gastos com educação da União, realizados durante os anos de 1994 a 2012. Além da apuração do gasto realizado pelo governo federal com educação, foram computados os limites mínimos de gastos, considerando, em uma série, a redação original da Constituição Federal de 1988 e, na outra, a redação modificada pela inserção/alteração dos mecanismos de desvinculação. De acordo com as análises realizadas, não há indícios de que a desvinculação tenha afetado os gastos com educação, que foram superiores aos limites, em média e nos anos analisados.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze temporal trends and distribution patterns of unsafe abortion in Brazil. METHODS Ecological study based on records of hospital admissions of women due to abortion in Brazil between 1996 and 2012, obtained from the Hospital Information System of the Ministry of Health. We estimated the number of unsafe abortions stratified by place of residence, using indirect estimate techniques. The following indicators were calculated: ratio of unsafe abortions/100 live births and rate of unsafe abortion/1,000 women of childbearing age. We analyzed temporal trends through polynomial regression and spatial distribution using municipalities as the unit of analysis. RESULTS In the study period, a total of 4,007,327 hospital admissions due to abortions were recorded in Brazil. We estimated a total of 16,905,911 unsafe abortions in the country, with an annual mean of 994,465 abortions (mean unsafe abortion rate: 17.0 abortions/1,000 women of childbearing age; ratio of unsafe abortions: 33.2/100 live births). Unsafe abortion presented a declining trend at national level (R2: 94.0%, p < 0.001), with unequal patterns between regions. There was a significant reduction of unsafe abortion in the Northeast (R2: 93.0%, p < 0.001), Southeast (R2: 92.0%, p < 0.001) and Central-West regions (R2: 64.0%, p < 0.001), whereas the North (R2: 39.0%, p = 0.030) presented an increase, and the South (R2: 22.0%, p = 0.340) remained stable. Spatial analysis identified the presence of clusters of municipalities with high values for unsafe abortion, located mainly in states of the North, Northeast and Southeast Regions. CONCLUSIONS Unsafe abortion remains a public health problem in Brazil, with marked regional differences, mainly concentrated in the socioeconomically disadvantaged regions of the country. Qualification of attention to women’s health, especially to reproductive aspects and attention to pre- and post-abortion processes, are necessary and urgent strategies to be implemented in the country.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze oral health behaviors changes over time in Brazilian adolescents concerning maternal educational inequalities.METHODS Data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar(Brazilian National School Health Survey) were analyzed. The sample was composed of 60,973 and 61,145 students from 26 Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District in 2009 and 2012, respectively. The analyzed factors were oral health behaviors (toothbrushing frequency, sweets consumption, soft drink consumption, and cigarette experimentation) and sociodemographics (age, sex, race, type of school and maternal schooling). Oral health behaviors and sociodemographic factors in the two years were compared (Rao-Scott test) and relative and absolute measures of socioeconomic inequalities in health were estimated (slope index of inequality and relative concentration index), using maternal education as a socioeconomic indicator, expressed in number of years of study (> 11; 9-11; ≤ 8).RESULTS Results from 2012, when compared with those from 2009, for all maternal education categories, showed that the proportion of people with low toothbrushing frequency increased, and that consumption of sweets and soft drinks and cigarette experimentation decreased. In private schools, positive slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption in 2012 and higher cigarette experimentation in both years among students who reported greater maternal schooling, with no significant change in inequalities. In public schools, negative slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption among students who reported lower maternal schooling in both years, with no significant change overtime. The positive relative concentration index indicated inequality in 2009 for cigarette experimentation, with a higher prevalence among students who reported greater maternal schooling. There were no inequalities for toothbrushing frequency or sweets consumption.CONCLUSIONS There were changes in the prevalences of oral health behaviors during the analyzed period; however, these changes were not related to maternal education inequalities.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the spatial patterns of leprosy in the Brazilian state of Tocantins. METHODS This study was based on morbidity data obtained from the Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN – Brazilian Notifiable Diseases Information System), of the Ministry of Health. All new leprosy cases in individuals residing in the state of Tocantins, between 2001 and 2012, were included. In addition to the description of general disease indicators, a descriptive spatial analysis, empirical Bayesian analysis and spatial dependence analysis were performed by means of global and local Moran’s indexes. RESULTS A total of 14,542 new cases were recorded during the period under study. Based on the annual case detection rate, 77.0% of the municipalities were classified as hyperendemic (> 40 cases/100,000 inhabitants). Regarding the annual case detection rate in < 15 years-olds, 65.4% of the municipalities were hyperendemic (10.0 to 19.9 cases/100,000 inhabitants); 26.6% had a detection rate of grade 2 disability cases between 5.0 and 9.9 cases/100,000 inhabitants. There was a geographical overlap of clusters of municipalities with high detection rates in hyperendemic areas. Clusters with high disease risk (global Moran’s index: 0.51; p < 0.001), ongoing transmission (0.47; p < 0.001) and late diagnosis (0.44; p < 0.001) were identified mainly in the central-north and southwestern regions of Tocantins. CONCLUSIONS We identified high-risk clusters for transmission and late diagnosis of leprosy in the Brazilian state of Tocantins. Surveillance and control measures should be prioritized in these high-risk municipalities.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the spatial distribution of avoidable hospitalizations due to tuberculosis in the municipality of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil, and to identify spatial and space-time clusters for the risk of occurrence of these events. METHODS This is a descriptive, ecological study that considered the hospitalizations records of the Hospital Information System of residents of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Southeastern Brazil, from 2006 to 2012. Only the cases with recorded addresses were considered for the spatial analyses, and they were also geocoded. We resorted to Kernel density estimation to identify the densest areas, local empirical Bayes rate as the method for smoothing the incidence rates of hospital admissions, and scan statistic for identifying clusters of risk. Softwares ArcGis 10.2, TerraView 4.2.2, and SaTScanTM were used in the analysis. RESULTS We identified 169 hospitalizations due to tuberculosis. Most were of men (n = 134; 79.2%), averagely aged 48 years (SD = 16.2). The predominant clinical form was the pulmonary one, which was confirmed through a microscopic examination of expectorated sputum (n = 66; 39.0%). We geocoded 159 cases (94.0%). We observed a non-random spatial distribution of avoidable hospitalizations due to tuberculosis concentrated in the northern and western regions of the municipality. Through the scan statistic, three spatial clusters for risk of hospitalizations due to tuberculosis were identified, one of them in the northern region of the municipality (relative risk [RR] = 3.4; 95%CI 2.7–4,4); the second in the central region, where there is a prison unit (RR = 28.6; 95%CI 22.4–36.6); and the last one in the southern region, and area of protection for hospitalizations (RR = 0.2; 95%CI 0.2–0.3). We did not identify any space-time clusters. CONCLUSIONS The investigation showed priority areas for the control and surveillance of tuberculosis, as well as the profile of the affected population, which shows important aspects to be considered in terms of management and organization of health care services targeting effectiveness in primary health care.