80 resultados para ESPECTROS
RESUMO O conhecimento dos solos é cada vez mais importante para que o uso dele seja realizado corretamente na agropecuária, no crescimento urbano, na conservação dos recursos naturais, entre outros. Entretanto, verifica-se carência de profissionais qualificados para a caracterização e os mapeamentos pedológicos, particularmente em escalas de maior detalhamento. Essa carência, aliada aos avanços das ferramentas computacionais e do sensoriamento remoto, promoveu o surgimento do Mapeamento Digital de Solos (MDS), que busca auxiliar e agilizar as atividades de levantamento pedológico. Assim, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma metodologia de delimitaçao de unidades de solos em topossequências por meio do comportamento espectral dos solos no comprimento de onda do Visível-Infravermelho Próximo (Vis-NIR). A metodologia espectral consistiu na obtenção das curvas espectrais dos solos por meio do espectrorradiômetro FieldSpecPro e da redução do número de informações espectrais por meio da análise de Componentes Principais, seguida de agrupamento das amostras mediante método fuzzy k-médias. Foram selecionadas cinco topossequências com pontos equidistantes de 30 m para caracterizar as classes de solos e amostragens. Foram descritas oito classes de solos distintas, que tiveram caracterização detalhada e classificação em perfis pedológicos. No restante dos pontos, a caracterização das classes de solos foi feita com base na classificação dos solos realizada nos perfis pedológicos, com coleta de amostras por meio de tradagens nas profundidades de 0,00-0,20 e 0,80-1,00 m, perfazendo o total de 162 amostras ao longo das cinco topossequências. As amostras foram analisadas pelas metodologias convencional e espectral, para que os resultados pudessem ser comparados e avaliados. Dessa forma, foram realizadas análises morfológicas, físicas (textura) e químicas nas amostras de solo. Das cinco topossequências estudadas, os resultados foram satisfatoriamente semelhantes; alguns solos não foram perfeitamente individualizados pela metodologia espectral, em razão da grande semelhança em seus comportamentos espectrais, como demonstrado pelo Latossolo Vermelho Férrico e Nitossolo Vermelho Férrico. A metodologia espectral foi capaz de diferenciar solos com resposta espectral distinta e estabelecer limites nas topossequências, apresentando grande potencial para ser implementada em levantamentos pedológicos.
O conteúdo de lignina pode ser útil na estimativa da digestão da fibra de plantas forrageiras. A determinação quantitativa da lignina pelo método espectrofotométrico pressupõe a existência de um padrão de referência satisfatório. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio da ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), duas ligninas, uma extraída com brometo de acetila (LBrAc) e outra com solução ácida de dioxano (LDiox), para utilização como padrão de referência em análises espectrofotométricas. A ressonância de próton acusou altos teores de carboidratos contaminantes nas amostras de LBrAc. Como a cromatografia líquida já havia indicado menor presença de carboidratos contaminantes na LDiox, os espectros por ressonância de carbono, mais rica em detalhes do que a espectroscopia anterior, porém mais demorada, foram realizados somente nas ligninas LDiox. Este espectro revelou picos típicos, comuns à maioria das ligninas. Os achados da RMN foram condizentes com a análise química, a qual identificou que o carboidrato da parede celular que acompanha a LBrAc seria possivelmente a celulose, ao passo que a pequena contaminação da LDiox teria origem nas pentosanas. A LDiox pode ser considerada melhor padrão de referência para as análises espectrofotométricas do que a LBrAc.
The FTIR spectroscopy has been used to quantify the secondary structures of proteins, using amide I band (1600 - 1700 cm-1). The resolution enhancement methods have been used to resolve the individual components of this band that correlate to the secondary structure. In this paper we discuss the methods of derivative, Fourier deconvolution and fitting with simulated spectra. The results shows that they have serious problems and can be used only as a qualitative or semiquatitative method.
Due to source contamination and wearing of instrument components problems caused by the direct insertion probe technique, a new way of introduction of low volatile compounds into mass spectrometer was tested. This new scheme comprises the introduction of the low volatile compounds solutions via a six port valve connected to a particle beam interface. Solutions of isatin were injected into this system and the best results were obtained with CH2Cl2, CH3OH and CH3CN. The solution inlet system has shown to be advantageous over the conventional way of direct insertion probe introduction.
A multivariate curve resolution method, "GENERALIZED RANK ANNIHILATION METHOD (GRAM)", is discussed and tested with simulated and experimental data. The analysis of simulated data provides general guidelines concerning the condition for uniqueness of a solution for a given problem. The second-order emission-excitation spectra of human and animal dental calculus deposits were used as an experimental data to estimate the performance of the above method. Three porphyrinic spectral profiles, for both human and cat, were obtained by the use of GRAM.
High levels of Fe and Mn present in some soils and compost organic matter decrease the resolution of 13C NMR spectra of humic substances. Addition of KCl up to a concentration of 0,03 mol L-1 to humic substances extracts followed by centrifugation is an efficient method of eliminating clays and minerals containing high levels of paramagnetic metals such as Fe and Mn thus increasing the resolution of 13C NMR spectra.
This article decribes a simple and systematic method to interpret an infrared spectrum using a flow chart to elucidate the structure of a simple organic compound. It is aimed at undergraduate courses of organic chemistry to make beginners proficient. The proposed flow chart for infrared spectrum interpretation and characterization of organic compounds is suitable for theoretical and experimental courses.
The experiment introduces the undergraduate students to the crystal field theory. The electronic spectra of the octahedral complexes of [Ni(L)n]2+ (L = H2O, dmso, NH3 and en) obtained in the experiment are used to calculate 10Dq and B parameters. The experiment shows how the parameters can be calculated and correlated with the nature of the ligands and the field intensities produced.
Inexistent colors have been the inspiring theme of investigation by Israel Pedrosa, a Brazilian artist, who has devoted his life to creative painting, exploiting the chemical and physical effects associated with light, especially those generated in the light refraction domain. In this article, by focusing on the electronic spectra of phthalocyanines and gold nanoparticles, we discuss how such effects can influence the spectroscopic measurements, leading to inexistent bands and transitions.
Complex ¹H NMR spectra multiplets that cannot be easily understood by simple inspection are rather frequent in the daily work of the organic chemistry analyst. The multiple and excellent new techniques available from modern instruments usually provide satisfactory solutions, but there are still many cases where a simulation is necessary, at least to obtain a final confirmation. It is extremely convincing to see that a graph, obtained by calculations with chemical-shift and coupling-constant values only, can be virtually identical to the experimental spectrum. This paper describes a computer program to make such calculations. The program is free and can be downloaded from http://artemis.ffclrp.usp.br/NMR.htm (click on SimEsp_NMR_Compil.zip). All routines are also available and may be used without any restrictions. The paper includes a fairly detailed discussion about how the calculations are made.
EPR users often face the problem of extracting information from frequently low-resolution and complex EPR spectra. Simulation programs that provide a series of parameters, characteristic of the investigated system, have been used to achieve this goal. This work describes the general aspects of one of those programs, the NLSL program, used to fit EPR spectra applying a nonlinear least squares method. Several motion regimes of the probes are included in this computational tool, covering a broad range of spectral changes. The meanings of the different parameters and rotational diffusion models are discussed. The anisotropic case is also treated by including an orienting potential and order parameters. Some examples are presented in order to show its applicability in different systems.
The Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) sequence has been widely used in low-field and low-resolution imaging NMR experiments to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (s/n) of the signals. Here, we analyzed the Scrambled Steady State - SSS and Unscrambled Steady State - USS sequences to suppress phase anomalies and sidebands of the 13C NMR spectrum acquired in the SSFP regime. The results showed that the application of the USS sequence allowed a uniform distribution of the time interval between pulses (Tp), in the established time range, allowing a greater suppression of phase anomalies and sidebands, when compared with the SSS sequence.
Bulk and supported molybdenum based catalysts, modified by nickel, phosphorous or tungsten were studied by NEXAFS spectroscopy at the Mo L III and L II edges. The techniques of principal component analysis (PCA) together with a linear combination analysis (LCA) allowed the detection and quantification of molybdenum atoms in two different coordination states in the oxide form of the catalysts, namely tetrahedral and octahedral coordination.
In this paper studies based on Multilayer Perception Artificial Neural Network and Least Square Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) techniques are applied to determine of the concentration of Soil Organic Matter (SOM). Performances of the techniques are compared. SOM concentrations and spectral data from Mid-Infrared are used as input parameters for both techniques. Multivariate regressions were performed for a set of 1117 spectra of soil samples, with concentrations ranging from 2 to 400 g kg-1. The LS-SVM resulted in a Root Mean Square Error of Prediction of 3.26 g kg-1 that is comparable to the deviation of the Walkley-Black method (2.80 g kg-1).
In this work, theoretical and experimental infrared spectra of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) contained in soybean biodiesel were analyzed seeking the assignments of the relevant vibrational modes to characterize crude soybean oil and soybean biodiesel. The results showed the usefulness of infrared spectra for monitoring saturated and unsaturated compounds as well as impurities (mainly glycerol) in raw samples. This is the first step toward proposing an efficient molecular spectroscopy routine to certify biodiesel fuel.