7 resultados para Projeto de pesquisa
em Línguas
This paper is a root from the research project on Linguistics and Teacher Formation (at UEM). It also investigates the relations between the linguistic knowledge and the formation of teachers, promoting an interface between scientific knowledge and the didactic and pedagogical knowledge. In order to do so, it proposes to triangulate the official documentation on teacher formation (National Curricular Guidelines, Official Decisions and Opinions; National Curricular Parameters of basic and high school education; and the Pedagogical Project of the Letters Course at UEM); the practice of teachers based on each of the themes; and the schoolbooks used: grammar and government donated books.
Este artigo apresenta resultados parciais de um projeto de pesquisa intitulado “O cenário dos pescadores em Guaíra: história, memória e linguagem”.2 A partir de dados provenientes de entrevistas feitas por historiadores a pescadores de Guaíra- PR, em agosto de 2006, esse artigo traz reflexões sobre o fenômeno conhecido como o paradoxo do observador. Os dados analisados ao longo do artigo baseiam-se na fala de dois pescadores de faixa-etária, naturalidade e vivências distintas.Delineado o perfil sociológico da comunidade, tem início a análise propriamente dita, baseada na Estilística entendida em seu viés sociolingüístico, isto é, enquanto disciplina que se ocupa das variações provenientes de escolhas expressivas por parte do falante, escolha influenciada contexto, pelo assunto, pelos participantes e pelo contexto social da conversa. A análise estilística da fala dos entrevistados demonstra que, apesar de esses sujeitos utilizarem estratégias distintas de aproximação, há a busca de um só objetivo: atender às expectativas dos entrevistadores.
This article is part of the activities carried out in the research and extension Project ‘Webbing of a discursivity in the Northern MatoGrosso region in Legal Amazon: contexts and possibilities of development with sustainability’. The goal of this research is to understand the discursivity put in the Northern MatoGrosso region inserted in Legal Amazon in the formulation ‘sustainable development’ through the theoretical postulations of the French line Discourse Analyses. In this article we analyse two pieces of News diffused in the printed media in Sinop, aiming to verify how the theme sustainable development is presented according to linguistic enunciations by the journalistic proposer in the journalistic discourse. We search to understand the different meaning effects that are found in the dialogues. Among the analyzed results that we evident in the formulations we can highlight dislocation, incompletions and polemics between the environmentalistis’ and developmentists’ discourses, confronted in ideological socio-economical opposition that happens fundamentally because of the work organizations and the current political systems.
This paper, linked to the Research Project “Linguistic Analysis Contextualized to Practices of Reading and Production of Texts” (UEL), seeks to disseminate a proposal of approaching the speech genre poem, in terms of scientific domain, in the light of bakhtinian concepts, involving vision of ideological sign, aesthetic communication, and speech genres and its dimensions: theme content – object of sense, evaluatively built; compositional structure – elements of structure and meaning; and style – manifestation of linguistic and expressive resources relatively stable of a genre, among others, mobilized by the enunciator (linguistic and enunciation marks). It considers all characteristics are indissolubly related to the context of production. Such a context stabilizes the use of the genre and holds it collectively as long as necessary, ie, society and discourse are organized in genres that, ultimately, are the realization of the living and can be materialized. More specifically, the paper analyzes, in the aspects above mentioned, the poema “O menino que carregava água na peneira”, by Manoel de Barros, in which the author-creator of the poem brings a very particular universe which marks the literary work: childhood, in a kind of craft with the word-image. The poet feels the child’s universe pulsing in his bowels and represents it. In this sense, the study discusses, in pedagogical field, the spread of such a speech genre. It evaluates, as a result, the getting through of the poem in the school sphere – mainly via textbook. Finally, it points to the possibility of a new attitude regarding the teaching-learning process of the genre.
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of issues related to the meanings of children's enunciation, considering particularly the role of play and fantasy. To achieve this, we have based ourselves on theoretical and conceptual contributions from the Theory of Enunciative Operations in association with cognitive psychology, through its position towards the construction process of the enunciations and their meaning (CULIOLI, 1990; DE VOGÜÉ, FRANCKEL, PAILLARD, 2011) – and towards interactions characterized as routinized, integrated into the concept of format (BRUNER, 1983), still stressing the relationship between play, fantasy and language in early childhood (WINNICOTT, 1982). Throughout this study we presented the analysis of the speech of a male child, GUS, registered between 24 and 35 months of age, provided by published audiovisual data, recorded and transcribed through the CLAN system, that is part of NALíngua, a databank that is integrated to interdisciplinary research project coordinated by DEL RE (UNESP/FCLAr-CNPq). The analysis focuses on GUS interactions that are observed at the play with different car toys, a themed card game, also about cars, and the animated film's plot “Cars”(PIXAR, DISNEY, 2006), that are presented within a wide range of supports for the child to interact with, stimulating his verbal and nonverbal production. By examining its presence in the process of acquiring structural aspects of the language, we demonstrated how the child is able to adopt representations accessed by the use of words and expressions, due to an intersubjective process of adjustment that integrates fantasies and ludic experiences.
It is showed in this text, discussion about the textual (re)writing process in activity that was propitiated through the development of a research project applied in a public school of Parana state, whose goal was to develop the argumentative writing production at the 9th year students, of the basic education. The research project focused on the teaching of a scientific paper and the use of conjunctions as constituent elements of argumentation. It was applied strategies grounded on Argumentative Semantics which were concerned with the conjunctions use as argumentative elements and, for the expansion of ideas. After the produced material analysis, it was selected this work’s corpus, which is constituted of the last version of the written text by one student whose production was well qualified. It was verified that the textual genre suggested and the conjunctions usage as argumentation organizer element was considered by the student, at the writing activities.
ABSTRACT: This research is the outcome of the results obtained in the development of the research Project “Genres in the journalistic media as objects of external didactic transposition”, developed in Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP/CCP). It has as its study focus the journal genres and its usage as an object of school literacy. For this work we theoretically follow the studies developed by the Sociodiscursive Interactionism (ISD), which systematizes categories for the analysis of language practices materialized in texts and gives us epistemological feedback for the development of the research. Methodologically, the study has four steps: 1) bibliographic study of the journalistic sphere and newspaper genres; 2) interview with Folha de Londrina; 3) identification of the genres that compose the CFC; 4) Description of the CFC based in a category analysis of the ISD: the production context. The general objective is to present part of a theoretical model from the Caderno Folha Cidades of Folha de Londrina newspaper. The results show the importance of this Caderno as object of local literacy, because it is geared towards issues of the Londrina region and serves as a guide for the local population to inform themselves of events and happenings in the area. We aim to expose a contextual overview of the CFC in order to encourage research towards journalistic genres by a sociodiscursive bias. KEYWORDS: Sociodiscursive interactionism. Newspaper genres. Theoretical models. Production context.