3 resultados para Predicação verbal
em Línguas
The relationship between verbal and visual materiality in printed infographics is provided. The manner the verbal significant updates certain discursive memories may be understood when related to the visual significant is thus investigated. Whereas the object under investigation is an infographic of the magazine Saúde titled The virus that combats viruses; the analysis, which is based on a materialist theoretical stance, triggers the notions of memory and materiality. Content effect reiterates the functioning of the linguistic sign through the language’s literality within the word-thing relationship and it establishes itself within the visual stance while producing faithful effects with the real. When one investigates the manner discursive memory performs the relationship between the verbal and the visual in infographics, one understands that this relationship is established within the context of incompleteness of the above-mentioned types of materiality. It also occurs within the equivocation that verbal materiality may be complemented by the visual or that the image may faithfully represent the real. The formulation of infographics demands-updates-reaffirms a verbal faithfulness with the visual within a content relationship. Verbal interweaving (in explicatory graphics) with images (the visual) produces meaning effects that project language as an instrument, ideal in its transparency, and literally reveals the thing to which it refers.
Este texto procura desenvolver uma reflexão teórica a respeito da responsividade, considerada elemento constitutivo dos processos de trocas verbais efetivados pelos seres humanos em sociedades organizadas. Para tanto, assume-se a perspectiva teórica de linguagem de Bakhtin e seu Círculo, a partir da qual se procura caracterizar a responsividade, conceito que permeia os seus estudos. Como resultado desse processo reflexivo, a partir de exemplos de diálogos, com graduandos, na modalidade escrita, via e-mail, elenca-se uma série de aspectos da responsividade presentes nas proposições bakhtinianas, as quais se organizam em torno de uma premissa maior: a de que o desejo de resposta é o principal elemento motivador da assunção da palavra pelo locutor e propicia, igualmente, o surgimento dos vários elos da cadeia ininterrupta da comunicação verbal, estabelecendo-se a interação.
the article analyzes the variation in verbal agreement of 3rd person plural based on interviews of 90 informants who make up the VarX – Sociolinguistics Database Variable by Social Class of Pelotas/RS –, stratified according to gender, social class, age: 45 are males and 45 females; 30 of the upper middle class, 30 of the low middle class, and 30 of the low social class; 30 are between 16 and 25 years of age, 30 between 26 and 49 and 30 of the age group over 50 years.We used quantitative methodology based on the Windows interface for Varbrul and on data encryption form. The results show that, in Pelotas, there is variation in verbal agreement of 3rd person plural, but with predominance of the use of the mark, since the presence of verbal endings occurs in 4317 contexts (of a total of 5263), consisting of 82%, and in 945 contexts there are no agreement marks, totaling 18%. We also found, based of the social variables, that there is evidence of acquisition of 3rd person plural agreement, since there is a gradual increase in use of verb agreement marks, whose direction goes from the older to the younger informants, given that the younger have higher rates and relative employment of verbal endings of 3rd person plural. KEYWORDS: Verb agreement. Pelotas. Linguistic Variation.