5 resultados para Personagens literários

em Línguas


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ABSTRACT This text consists of a study of the characters JoãoValério, from Caetés (published in 1933), and Paulo Honório, from S. Bernardo (published in 1934). The focus on these two characters created by Graciliano Ramos is justified by the fact that, even when it comes to men that in many aspects are different from each other, they are similar in the act of writing, activity that also makes them close to their creator. The considerations here presented lead to the interpretation that, for the two men in question, the act of writing is marked, ultimately, as activity of self-consciousness and recognition. KEYWORDS: João Valério; Paulo Honório; Writing.


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The author Lucía Etxebarría is in the fourth generation of "female voice" of Spanish literature of the post- war, as has pointed Alchazidu (2001), has as her main theme the women’s representation and reflection about their role in society. In the work of Lucía has, according to Fernández (2001), a feminist commitment that appears through the authorial voice, in the first-person narration and in the dialogues between characters. Besides this commitment to feminism, we can perceive common purposes with Queer Theory, thus, this paper aims to demonstrate commonalities between the work of LucíaEtxebarría and Queer Theory. For this we analyze two novels: Amor, prozac, curiosidad y dudas e Beatriz y los cuerposcelestes, and the storybook: Nosotrasque no somoscomolasdemás. We conclude the main objective of the Lucia’s work and Queer Theory are misplaced,outsiders, abnormal subject that do not adapt themselves to existing identities in society and look for identities in the margins. Furthermore, the author criticizes the standards of female and male, emphasizes sexuality as historical, cultural and social construction andalsogives your characters androgynous appearances to destabilize the body as "truth" of being.


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This paper has the objective to analyze the novel “A Gentle Creature”, of the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, using the theoretical concepts covered in the text “1874 – Three Novellas, or ‘What Happened?’” (1996), which makes up the volume 3 of the work A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, of the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. These concepts can be triggered to realize the approach of the question about the segmentarity lines, which make it possible to make the observation of the changes of state that have occurred with the characters in a literary work, of the ways how undertake movements of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization in development of such segmentarity lines, which are termed as hard or molar, molecular or malleable, and trail, having the view that it is through them that these characters go through this transformation process. Starting from this analysis, will pick up, too, to connect the theory of these two French philosophers with polyphonic theory presented by Russian philosopher and theorist of language Mikhail Bakhtin in the book Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics (1997), which investigate the concept of polyphony, from Dostoevsky's work, being, among other texts analyzed the Russian novelist, novel to be studied in this work. And the perspective that arises in the analysis proposed in this article, what is sought is to conduct a parallel investigation of how both theories have the possibility of development work in the observation of the characteristics of a literary work, and these characteristics likely to these concepts are related to the lines of segmentarity deleuzo-guattarianas and Bakhtin's polyphony.


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O presente ensaio trata do processo de indefinição que o pósmodernismoacarreta em relação às formas e gêneros literários. A partir daestética pós-modernista, as fronteiras que classificavam os gêneros seguindoas regras aristotélicas, tornam-se cada vez mais imprecisas de tal formaque um ensaio pode apresentar características de narrativa bem como aficção mistura-se com a informação contida em textos não-ficcionais. Partindo-se dos ensinamentos de Linda Hutcheon quanto a uma nova configuraçãona ficção contemporânea, analisa-se três contos de autores pertencentesao grupo de escritores pós-modernos, repectivamente “Perdido notúnel do terror”, de John Barth, “Anotações sobre Macedonio num diário”,de Ricardo Piglia e “Tema del traidor y del héroe” , de Jorge Luis Borges. Oestudo comparativo dos três contos revela uma estética voltada aautoreferencialidade, justificando o termo utilizado por Hutcheon de narrativanarcísica, a qual se volta para o processo da construção literária,intercalando o texto ficcional com artifícios da metaficção. Uma das conseqüênciasmais marcantes dessa nova estética é a (re) definição do papel doleitor de mero espectador passivo para um leitor atuante e necessário nestejogo que se estabelece entre o texto e leitor. Dessa forma, a visão autoritáriaque se tinha do autor dá lugar a um processo democrático em que o leitortorna-se peça fundamental nas relações dialógicas que se estabelecem entreo universo ficcional das personagens e o universo do leitor.


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This article points out possibilities of reading from the studies related to childhood and the notion of evil in literature. The debate was possible from two paths: a) reading the novel The Wuthering Heights, the British writer Emily Brontë (2007); b) the analytical study done about evil in the literature based on the lessons of the Post Graduate in Arts, Federal University of Ceará. The work seeks to articulate demonic aspects of the child, especially those seen in the character Heathcliff able to approach it from the perspective of evil discussed by Ricoeur (1988) and Bataille (1989). Hopefully the text enables a systematic analysis of evil and how it presents in childhood of some characters.