2 resultados para Pedagogical formation
em Línguas
This paper is a root from the research project on Linguistics and Teacher Formation (at UEM). It also investigates the relations between the linguistic knowledge and the formation of teachers, promoting an interface between scientific knowledge and the didactic and pedagogical knowledge. In order to do so, it proposes to triangulate the official documentation on teacher formation (National Curricular Guidelines, Official Decisions and Opinions; National Curricular Parameters of basic and high school education; and the Pedagogical Project of the Letters Course at UEM); the practice of teachers based on each of the themes; and the schoolbooks used: grammar and government donated books.
We are in a new social configuration, it is necessary to open bigger and bigger spaces for invention, creativity and different ways of working and new methods for making pedagogical rethinking ways of doing education. In this way, the aim of this paper is to present some reflections on teacher education, focusing mainly on the issue of this formation in current contexts. Some questions drive our attention towards clarifying: what knowledge built over the years are needed in order to future educators contextualize them and belonging to the school spaces of their professional performance, and be able to attend the needs of students that are there? To answer this question we consider that it is necessary to change the paradigm of teacher formation to incorporate a design that is in consonance with today's society, acting from a more critical perspective, from an unfragmented model, under transversal and transdisciplinarity aspects. This reformulation should be innovative, but within the reality in which we live.