15 resultados para Pêcheux
em Línguas
This article aims at analyzing the dialogues between the publicity discourse from languages institutes, with their publicity focused on the disclosure of English language courses, established between the student (subject), potential interlocutor of these publicities, trying to understand the meaning effects which can be produced and circulate socially through these dialogues. In order to do that, this study takes into consideration the theoretical confluences between the Bakhtin Circle and the discourse theory from Michel Pêcheux, especially, those which concern the notions of dialogue and senses produced in and by the publicity discourse from languages institutes.
More than understanding a speech, we need to decode it to then seek to understand how this discourse was made and what direction effects it produces. The Mentor of the Brazilians from Sao Joao del Rei - our object of study in this article - since its announcement in 1829, it was proposed to be like the newspaper's name itself shows, a Mentor, a newspaper to guide, advise women the inclusion in the political and moral life of the country, but without forgetting the family and their deveres. Para rationale of this study are taken as the essence of the studies Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi, the French Discourse Analysis (DA), trying to understand the speech of the mining journal in their production conditions in the nineteenth century. Understanding that social memory leads to a discursive memory that formulates the speeches already in place, giving rise to the social-historical context of ideological and enunciator statement. In addition, it is necessary to establish the role of the analyst in the process of understanding of the subject matter, because according to Orlandi (2008), the subject has his body tied to the body of the senses; subject and senses has its corporeality, made at the meeting of the materiality of language and history. In this perspective, enunciator and analyst embody the senses three cutouts of the weekly newsletter: a) the ad in the Astro de Minas newspaper talking about the first Mentor of the Brazilians women edition, b) the No. 1 edition and c) No.10 edition of the Mentor of the Brazilians women.
This paper aims at presenting an epistemological discussion of the literary fact in order to build a theoretical and conceptual understanding of how subjects and senses can be analysed in the discursive dynamic of the Literature aesthetic field. From the theoretical place of discourse analysis (DA), especially Pêcheux’s ideias in synchrony to dialogical polyphonic assumptions developped by Bakhtin Circle, and from literature concepts in Barthes, Blanchot and Foucault’s studies, it is its goal to put up a theoretical reflection on the dynamic of meaning and subject construction in the literary space as a way of a starting-support-reflective point that can help those who interests and seeks an analysis exercise of the literary by a discursive prism.
This work is part of the result of masters degree research that aims to analyze how the margarine commercials "Qualy", through television, create a particular imagery around the very concept of family. For this purpose, we raise the following question: how are the effects of meaning, concerning this concept, created in the “Qualy” margarine television advertising? To answer this question we focus on the goal of understanding Sadia discourse using a “Qualy” advertise campaign, produced in 2009, which consist of eight commercials. Our theoretical purpose is to seek the light of French Discourse Analysis of Michel Pecheux and Eni Orlandi, trying to understand the workings of these effects of sense on family which come from this advertising intent. The campaign propagation took place through open national television media between 2009 and 2010. In the course of its eight episodes it tells a little story about a particular family dynamic, composed of three members: a mother (Anne), son (Rafa) and grandmother (Theresa), plus a fourth character who does not live with his family but is often around, it is the mother's boyfriend (Beto). With the analysis process it was possible to notice that although the surface of discourse reveal an organization of contemporary family, the relationships established in this family, even if sometimes conflicting, substantially reveal that the traditional family, which has always been present in commercials, above all, the margarine ones.
In this text, under the perspective of Discourse Analysis (DA) grounded in Michel Pêcheux, we examine the way in which the phrase “access to culture” works and triggers effects of meaning in the process of reshaping the Copyright Law (LDA) nº 9.610 from February, 1998. We initially discuss the relation between the notion of culture and the sphere of Copyright Laws. We then analyze two discursive sequences from the primer Consulta Pública para Modernização da Lei de Direito Autoral produced by the Ministry of Culture (MinC). Our aim is to guide through the reshaping of the law. In order to support analysis, throughout the text, were also mobilized some theoretical notions such as archive, phrase, formulation, discursive formation and subject position. The theoretic-analytical gesture allowed us to understand that the effects of meaning produced - through the operation of the phrase "access to culture" - result from the materialization of a play of powers, nourished by new technologies, between protection (rights of property) and access (right to property).
ABSTRACT: In this study, I bring aspects that are related to the constitution of subjects and meanings, according to the French Discourse Analysis approach. As for that, I use four discursive sequences – corpus – taken from articles about quotas for black people published in Veja magazine. The main objective in this study is to discuss and relate theoretical propositions of the French Discourse Analysis about the constitution of the subject and of the meaning with the corpus for analysis, which composes a research recently concluded. The work is mainly based in the studies of Pêcheux (2009 [1988]). Under the theoretical perspective of the French Discourse Analysis, we may affirm that the subject is considered an effect of external processes which constitute him and which, meanwhile, erase this mechanism. The referred constitution results in the evidence that the subject is the origin, the controller of the meanings he expresses, or that are produced through his saying. Thus, it will be possible to ask “how or why is the subject an effect?” and “how can he not be the origin and the source of what is enunciated, if every person can only think about himself as being a subject (I am… I think…)?”. It is guided by these questions that I develop the observations of the referred approach. KEYWORDS: subject; meaning effects; discourse.
This work aims to analyze the discourses and discursive formation about education, materialized in the following comic strips: Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson, Mafalda by Quino and Chico Bento, by Maurício de Sousa, and also establish some possible connections among them. The theoretical background is linked to the French orientation on Discourse Analysis focused on Michel Pêcheux’s works (1990a; 1990b; 1999; 2006; 2009), taking into account the notions of meaning’s effect, conditions for production as well as discursive formation. It is also taken conceptions of historicization by Maldidier (2003); concepts of theoretical and analytical device of interpretation by Orlandi (2002) and also the contributions for the concept of discursive formation by Foucault (2004). It is also added the notions of ideology, polyphony and heterogeneity according to Bakhtin (1997; 2003) and Authier-Revuz (2004), as they contribute for the A.D theory. For the comic strips theorization it is used Eisner’s works (2001; 2005), focused on the concepts of sequential and graphic narrative art; as well as Ramos’ (2009a; 2009b; 2010) with contributions for the language in comic strips. The theory about education is based on the synthesis/work by Mizukami (1986) and the limits for the teaching/learning approach. To problematize the discourses and discursive formations materialized in comic strips about school education the focus is on Paulo Freire’s works (1979; 1987; 1991; 1996; 1997). From the analysis of the discourses and, specially, discursive formations, in Calvin and Hobbes, Mafalda, and Chico Bento’s comic strips, we come to the conclusion that there is approximation among them, as the critics on the traditional teaching/learning approach. It is built up a rejection to the oppressive education, based on the repetition and on teacher’s authority; to an education merely utilitarian and capitalist; to the rigid lesson planning that don’t allow interdisciplinarity; to the evaluation methodology; to a teaching/ learning approach far from students’ reality; to the linguistic prejudice, and others.
This study has the objective of analyzing, based on the theoretical and methodological device of the French Discourse Analysis, the meanings that (are) produce(d) (in) the photographs that compose the special report entitled “Cidades médias” (“Medium-sized cities”), published by Veja magazine in September, 2010. This report aims, according to the magazine, at highlighting which are the Brazilian cities that are considered “metropolis of the future”, for making possible, amongst other elements, also the obtainment of financial success. If the photographs in the media act as supports of the linguistic materiality, as representations of reality, I intend in this study: work with the effect of evidence produced by the photograph; reflect about the ideological crossing, which determines what can and must be said and, therefore, what cannot and must not be said; analyze in what way this crossing passes by the image and what is its representation in the journalistic discourse; and analyze which are the meanings produced by the photographs that compose the special report on Veja magazine; also in their relation to the subjects introduced there. For my investigation, I was based on the contributions of Barthes (1984) and Dubois (1993) and in some important concepts for the Discourse Analysis field found in Pêcheux (2009 [1988]) and Orlandi (2007 [1992]; 1995).
Epistemological and philosophical refluxes in the constitution of the Pecheuxtian Discourse Analysis
This article aims at verifying influences of epistemological and philosophical basis constitutive of the French Discourse Analysis (DA), more specifically that one based on the studies of Michel Pêcheux. For him, the social class, the socio-historic and cultural interpellation of the subject are determining of meanings and are linked with the Marxist historical materialism, via Althusser, as well as with the lacanian Psychoanalysis and with the saussurian Linguistics. His writings also influences by Michel Foucault, especially during the so-called “third phase” of the DA. Thus, between the two philosophical lines which cross science for centuries, that is, the formalist-logicist and the rationalist-idealism, the Discourse Analysis has a strong connection with this last one.
The present proposal aims at to reflect, in the scope of the Discourse Analysis (AD) of Pêcheux tradition, about differents interpretations of the “índia” tattoo. More accurately, we treat of the two dissimilar interpretations: the first one was presented by “Cartilha de Orientação Policial – Tatuagens: Desvendando Segredos” (2011), produced by the Military Policy of Bahia State that brings to its readers the direction attributed to some tattoos; and the second, it is that we do, from a semi-structured oral interview realized with a citizen who has the “índia” tattoo materialized on his body and that does not know about the Cartilha. We clarify beforehand, that we conceive a tattoo as a text that produce discourses. Made this registration, we point out that in this study we understand there are two distinct instances, that produce and mobilize directions that are also affected by the distinct imaginary. Thus, our objective is to oppose the predetermined direction by the Cartilha with the one that we could produce from the analysis of the interview of the tattooed citizen about his tattoo. From lectures and other works realized by us, we understand that the tattoo means and that the senses are not only in drawing, but beyond it. In this perspective, we call attention to the fact that as the words are not endowed with a sense a priori, as proposed by the pecheuxtiano legacy, as the tattoos that process the meaning production also do not let us predetermine senses in authoritarian form. In reading/interpretation of a tattoo, multiple interpretations can be produced, depending on the memory effects that are mobilized at the moment. New interpretations can be projected and this discursive work of attribution of directions is one that can influence the reader society in (pre)concepts about the tattooed citizen and/or with the tattoo that he carries in his body.
In this article, we aim to analyse reflexive forms of say in writing the speech about the concepts of variation and change in four dissertations selected portal public domain – CAPES and defended in the years of 1979, 1989, 2000 and 2011. We focus in the theoretical presuppositions of Authier-Revuz (1998, 2004) as regards the enunciative heterogeneity, more specifically in the reflexive forms of say that it refer to the field of not coincidences of say, and that it refers the notion of Interdiscourse, proposed by Pêcheux (2010). The results point to two processes of reflexive writing: one that represents speech of transparent form or opacity and other one who presents a speech fountain of say.
In the 90s of the 20th century, Brazil has undergone significant changes in its development model, with the withdrawal of the state from economic activities. We consider how the discourse on privatization constitutes a relevant place for observation of recent Brazilian history. In this period, the privatization of state companies, among them telecommunications ones are performed. This article analyzes, based on the theoretical and methodological principles of discourse analysis in the tradition opened by Michel Pecheux, as the press feeds the imagination of future in the discourse on privatization of telecommunications companies. To do so, in order to understand the discursive relationships established in dominant commercial media, we devote our analysis to a corpus of reports and articles extracted from newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, which, in general, have taken a position in favor of privatization and changes in the Brazilian development model. The analysis shows that the future benefits are designed for the whole society. Thus, the past is represented negatively, because it would have produced bad effects on society and must therefore be rejected and denied in its historical continuity. In this discursive practice, privatization is introduced as a symbolic milestone period related to modernity and the construction of citizenship prosperity that will fall in the future to be built from this event. Positive meanings are focused in the future, which is directly related to privatization. Thus, the privatist position of the analyzed newspapers try to crystallize the sense of 'privado' as something beneficial and desirable, stabilizing a memory for the discursive event of privatization. This management of historical time, therefore, produces a line of continuity between present and future and a rupture between past and present, whose links are deleted to produce positive meaning for the privatization of the telecommunications.
Este artigo pretende problematizar o conceito de língua em disciplinas aplicadas aos cursos de Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Acre (UFAC). As ementas que atendem a esses cursos são oferecidas, desde a década de 70, pelo Departamento de Letras do Centro de Educação, Letras e Artes da UFAC. Partimos da hipótese de que a noção de língua que perpassa as ementas se configura como um modelo instrumental, o que, de nosso ponto de vista, tem seus efeitos no funcionamento das disciplinas. Com base nos pressupostos teóricos dos Novos Estudos do Letramento e da Análise do Discurso francesa, buscamos analisar três planos de curso, a saber: (i) “Português Instrumental”, do curso de Engenharia Agronômica; (ii) “Português e Redação Técnica”, do curso de Engenharia Elétrica; (iii) “Português e Redação Técnica”, do curso de Engenharia Civil. Com essa análise, nosso intento é refletir sobre uma proposta que contemple outra noção de língua – modelo ideológico (STREET, 2014), a qual se mostra mais produtiva no atendimento às necessidades específicas dos referidos cursos.
This article deals with the functioning of images in the press media discourse. For so, we take the French Discourse Analysis proposed by Pêcheux as theoretical support and make use of the notions of subject, meaning, intericonicity and policromy. Problems of the analysis at this level in the French Discourse Analysis are pointed out, especially because of the need for new theoretical devices which are able to analyze the image objects adequately. After this contextualization, a brief analysis of the article The Agony of a Political Party, published by Veja Magazine in 2005, will be done and which deals with the supposed kickback crisis and the Brazilian Labor Party. It is impossible, in our understanding, to make any analysis of the verbal text adequately and pertinently separating it from the non-verbal text; thus, both the linguistic and non-linguistic plans will be analyzed together in this proposition.
Neste estudo buscamos refletir sobre as necessidades educacionais que o sujeito que se constitui na e pela Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) possui e como o Estado, enquanto responsável pela educação desse sujeito, se coloca frente a essa questão. Para tanto, partiremos do discurso presente na Lei nº 10.436, de 24 de Abril de 2002 que dispõe sobre a Língua Brasileira de Sinais e do capítulo IV do Decreto nº 5.626, de 22 de Dezembro de 2005, que disserta sobre o uso e a difusão da LIBRAS e da língua portuguesa para o acesso das pessoas surdas à educação. A fundamentação teórica tomada por base neste artigo é da Análise de Discurso de Linha Francesa (AD) originada por Pêcheux na França e estruturada no Brasil pelo grupo da professora Eni Orlandi. A AD concebe a língua funcionando para a produção de sentidos. Além disso, também nos embasarão, bibliografias referentes à Politica de Língua e a História das Ideias Linguísticas (HIL).