3 resultados para Intercultural education - Science teaching
em Línguas
A proposal for English teaching in the classrooms of IFSC in times of globalization and bilingualism
This article discusses, departing from Critical Applied Linguistics perspectives, English language teaching in the classrooms of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina – IFSC (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina) – more specifically about high school courses integrated to technical teaching, a discussion also useful to other institutions and schools. In the article, the role of IFSC is critically discussed regarding English teaching in the present globalization/globalism era with its demands for bilingualism. A reflection about what kind of English teaching is desirable for IFSC is presented, trying to answer the following question: Which approach of English teaching could be applied to IFSC in the current context? The understanding in the article is that nowadays teaching of English should not be performed any more as a mere study of a language, but that that teaching may occur through a libertarian conception, which, besides preparing the students to the world of work, gives them the possibility to grow as critical citizens, engaged in the organization for a more humane and just world. Keywords: globalization; bilingualism; English teaching.
International mobility programs and curriculum restructuration stand out as the most common practice to develop intercultural communicative competence of students, in quest of respect for diversity in its otherness. For the teacher in initial and continuing training, the aim is to train in order to deal with children, adolescents and young adults, forming the growing migration around the world. Interested in the profile of Portuguese-speaking teachers for intercultural education, we address the professionals of Angolan nationality who were present at the Fórum Juventude Europa – Lusofonia, in its issue of Coimbra 2014. With methods in line with the proposal of Schaefer (2014), we assess the ability of Knowledge Discovery, Empathy, Respect for Otherness, Tolerance for Ambiguity, Behavioral Flexibility and Communicative Awareness. In this article, we present and discuss the findings of the group of teachers from Angola based on the literature of cultural studies and emphasis on intercultural communicative competence. The considerations which allow us to analyze are around the actual limits of the subjects - in this case pre-service and in-service teachers - to signify the symbiotic nature of the relationship among themselves, the others and the world.
Intercultura nas escolas: o italiano como língua e cultura na rede pública de ensino é um dos projetos de iniciação à docência vinculados ao Licenciar, um programa institucional cujo objetivo é apoiar as Licenciaturas da Universidade Federal do Paraná por meio da oferta de bolsas aos alunos, da orientação aos coordenadores, do acompanhamento pedagógico dos projetos e da organização e promoção de eventos para discussão e socialização dos conhecimentos gerados a partir de projetos. O projeto do italiano, coordenado por mim há oito anos, procura promover uma formação de professores fundamentada desde os primeiros semestres do curso, possibilitando aos graduandos o desenvolvimento da própria competência intercultural e a de crianças da rede municipal de Curitiba, parceira do projeto. No ano de 2017, foram oferecidas Oficinas de sensibilização à língua e à cultura italiana em duas escolas da cidade, cujos planejamento, andamento e resultados são relatados neste trabalho. Apresento também algumas considerações sobre o meu processo de amadurecimento na formação de professores de italiano como língua estrangeira.