7 resultados para Intelectuais no magistério

em Línguas


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A presente explanação desenvolve-se a partir das (MIGNOLO, 2003) cartas publicadas do escritor mineiro Fernando Sabino: Cartas na mesa (2002), Cartas a um jovem escritor e suas respostas (2003) e Cartas perto do coração (2011). Lidas em conjunto e de forma linear as cartas são (des)locadas de seu lócus (abstrato) original, isto é, o espaço intimo da convivência com os amigos. Tal fato já indica relevante característica do texto epistolar sinalizado no título da explanação, “pensamento nômade”, trata-se de uma metáfora fornecida por Brigitte Diaz em seu livro O gênero epistolar ou o pensamento nômade (2016) e que evoca, de forma apropriada, a natureza andarilha das cartas. Uma outra metáfora necessária e que transcende o texto é a das “teorias itinerantes” (MIGNOLO, 2003), sua presença justifica-se ao provocar reflexões em torno da teorização epistolográfica, visto que várias teorias já viajaram por cartas, como a psicanalise, fato que Jacques Derrida em Mal de arquivo (2001) menciona, e as considerações modernistas presente nas cartas de intelectuais como Mário de Andrade. Mas, e a teoria da carta? Terá ela viajado através do texto epistolar? Ou então foi forçada a, tal como um intruso, viajar a reboque nos espaços liminares da teorias européias? Ou, então, sua viajem foi inviabilizada justamente por ser “teoria” e não teorização?. Leitura essencialmente metafórica está envolta nas considerações de Walter Mignolo em Histórias locais/projetos globais (2003) acerca da dupla natureza da fronteira, geográfica e epistemológica, a fim de sustentar que a teorização epistolar nasce a partir das fronteiras.


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This paper aims to confront the chronicles "Telefonema" (1944-54) by Oswald de Andrade and "Confissões" (1967-74) by Nelson Rodrigues and examine the unique manner how they fit in the tradition of the genre in Brazil. This is about checking points of approximation and distancing in the ways by each one of the authors uses idealism and irreverence as a critical style, analyzing their strifes with artists and intellectuals of their times. The aim is to show that both, despite their ideological incompatibilities, supported similar conceptions of national authenticity and stood out as untimely writers in the brazilian chronicle's history.


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Since 1960 when first met, Antonio Candido e Angel Rama start a lasting intelectual dialogue wich deeply marked their course. As a result they influenced each other and shared some dreams e intelectual adventures. The continental circulation of their works could be a consequence, among others, of their meeting. Following both of them in their dialogue is the way to better comprehend its consequences on Candido’s criticism as far as the place and role of these thinkers.


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The concept of cultural cannibalism was discussed and re-established by intellectuals from the field of literary and cultural criticism, and it was also the object of creative appropriation by a significant group of writers in Brazil and in the Latin America context. Nevertheless, this concept is revitalized in the contemporary context, reflecting the critical consciousness of the writer on the understanding of social inequalities that shape Latin America, in its different segments, be they political, economic or cultural.


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This article is about the lived experience in the Monitoring Programme of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), during the discipline of Spanish Language Applied to Tourism, of the Tourism Course, in Parnaíba/PI. The study aims at getting to introduce students, teachers and researchers the importance of this academic practice, as well as to characterize the relevance of the teaching/learning of foreign language (FL), more specifically the Spanish as foreign language (ELE), for tourism activity and career of tourism professional. The methodology adopted was a bibliographical, documentary and field research with qualitative and quantitative approach. Thus, it can be state that the monitoring encourages the students to teach, associated with teaching activities, research and extension activities, and it contributes to the development of their intellectual, academic and professional abilities. Furthermore, subjects perceive the relevance of foreign language teaching in the classroom, including the teaching of SFL for the efficient development of their works in relation to tourism.


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On this qualitative and interpretative paper, we analyze what contributions of Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID), funded by CAPES, has given to the formation of their fellows in UNIOESTE, considering the enactment of Law 12,796, of 4 April 2013 amending the text of the Guidelines and Framework Law 9394/96 to include the PIBID, now considered in the country a program of Public Policy which aims to encourage the training of professional teachers to act in public basic education. We conducted semistructured interviews with academic students of the subproject Spanish PIBID UNIOESTE to verify the potential of the program and how they evaluate their participation in PIBID regarding your training. We’ve used as the theoretical studies regarding initial teacher training (GATTI (2010, 2012), GATTI; BARRETTO; ANDRÉ (2011)), studies evaluating subprojects PIBID program (MATTHEW; KADRI EL, Silva (2013)) and official documents such as National Curriculum Guidelines for Teacher Education (2002), the National Policy on Education Professionals Teaching of Basic Education (2009) and decrees that provide for the PIBID. The analysis reveals a very positive perception of the contributions PIBID in teacher training.


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Este texto apresenta uma resenha da obra FRONTEIRAS PLATINAS EM MATO GROSSO DO SUL (Brasil/Paraguai/Bolívia): biogeografias na arte, crítica biográfica fronteiriça, discurso indígena e literaturas de fronteira, escrita por Marcos Antônio Bessa-Oliveira, Edgar Cézar Nolasco, Vânia Maria Lescano Guerra e Zélia Ramona Nolasco dos S. Freire. O livro, publicado pela Editora Pontes de Campinas, é fruto de reflexões empreendidas ao longo dos anos por esses pesquisadores do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), de diferentes universidades, acerca da crítica do pensamento fronteiriço. A obra é constituída de quatro capítulos, além de um prefácio e uma apresentação, em um total de seis textos. A partir de diferentes lugares enunciativos, os autores fomentam a importância dos estudos que pensam os sujeitos marginalizados, no intuito de destacar as noções-chave que atravessam reflexões de intelectuais fronteiriços e se apoiam, sobretudo, nos estudos pós-coloniais, epistemologias outras que constituem o ponto de partida para os estudos no âmbito das artes, da literatura e da linguística.