5 resultados para Carlos Drummond

em Línguas


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This article analyzes the migrant statute in Carlos Drummond de Andrade having as basis the reading of the poem “A ilusão do migrante”, from the book Farewell. 


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Considering the controversial question of influence, discussed by Harold Bloom, and the reliever concept of poetic membership, proposed by Joao Cabral de Melo Neto, this article aims to show how the poets belonging to the generation of 1945 of Brazilian modernism are characterized by membership with the work of an older poet. We will show this relation in the study of the work of two poets: Drummond, who, according Silviano Santiago, would be the most representative poet of the twentieth century, and Bueno de Rivera, whose work shows a significant similarity of themes and images with the work of the first - which, as noted in this article, is not an indicator of lack of originality. Accordingly, we will reiterate the importance of Drummond’s work and will propose the rescue of Rivera's poetry, somehow forgotten by literary criticism, showing the points of contact between the works of those two poets in relation to the poet's anguish by being-in-world, characteristic of modernity crisis experienced by both, and approached in his works.


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The name Godofredo Rangel has been fixed itself in the history of Brazilian literature mainly as Monteiro Lobato's eternal friend and correspondent. Nevertheless, his memory is revered by writers of the same strain as Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Autran Dourado. The latter, above all, in more than one occasion, declared having had in Rangel a master in writing, whose guidance had been fundamental to the development of his literary vocation. In the novel Um artista aprendiz (n.t.: An apprentice artist), from 1989, Dourado narrates the trajectory of a novice writer, whose  encounter with the literary personality of Godofredo Rangel, fictionalized by the author in the character of Sílvio sousa, is also decisive. This study consists of the comparison between the testimony of Autran Dourado about Godofredo Rangel and the fictional matter of the novel, searching in them the elements to understand what Dourado and others considered as being a work of mastery in the literary art.


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Our essay claims to analyze, in Carlos Drummond de Andrade’s poetry –mainly through the books Sentimento do mundo and A rosa do povo–, the importance of the artistic work with both the night image and the dawn one. By means of reading of the poem “Morte do leiteiro”, from A rosa do povo, we observe how this imagistic work is present in Drummond’s other texts and how, through this imagistic repetition, are discussed everyday and world themes that had been characterizing the 1940s, when Sentimento do mundo and A rosa do povo were published.


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O presente ensaio nasce com o objetivo de travar uma discussão entre o surgimento da literatura infantil em terras brasileiras e persistência da censura no que tange o referido sistema literário, posto que infelizmente, ainda hoje, para muitos, a literatura infantil e a juvenil deve ter a função de ensinar de acordo com a “moral” de alguns grupos sociais. Ademais, nos interessa trazer a leitura de três obras literárias que possuem como elo a queima a livros em diferentes contextos históricos e sociais, sendo elas: O mágico de verdade(2008) de Gustavo Bernardo, Beto, o analfabeto(2008), de Drummond Amorin e Assassinato na Biblioteca(2009) de Helena Gomes, argumentamos que as queimas de livros ficcionais dialogam veementemente com a dificuldade de acesso a obras literárias em escolas públicas brasileiras e o descaso de governantes a fim de alimentarem políticas de Estados que assegurem que os alunos cadastrados em escolas públicas brasileiras tenham acesso a obra de qualidade estética. Para tanto, nos apoiaremos em trabalhos pioneiros acerca da história do livro, tais como Uma história da leitura (1997), Alberto Manguel e História da Leitura (2006), Steven R. Fischer, a fim de validarmos que queimar livros sempre foi uma prática dos detentores do poder.