5 resultados para Buarque, Chico, 1944- Crítica e interpretação

em Línguas


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The act of narrating stories and recreate the world of fantasy, as well as discuss the human condition, are essential dimensions of the stories for the infant universe. Reading, analysis and production of children's stories in educational settings assist in the cognitive, social and emotional development of children-readers. Therefore, the dialogic and interactive approach of texts has been the subject of several debates in literary studies, linguistic and, in general, in education. From the foregoing, I discuss initially concepts linked to the dialogic conception of language from the theoretical postulates of Mikhail Bakhtin (1997) and students of Bakhtinian perspective in the national context (FARACO, 2001; BRAIT, 2005). Like this, the objective of this research is to propose a dialogue between children's narratives “The Musicians of Bremen” (1812) of the Brothers Grimm and “The Mummers” Chico Buarque (1977). In this sense, I present a contextualized approach these stories, trying to rescue the origin of fairy tales and its consolidation in the medieval context. The methodology consists of a qualitative approach, from theme analysis of tnarrativas. ale and fable - objects of this study - seeking to highlight the similarities and differences as well as the social representations, political and cultural present in these narratives.


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This paper proposes a reflection on the lyrics Eye to eye, written by Chico Buarque, and the tale nude Eyes: Eye of the Mozambican writer Mia Couto, writing to compose the collection This story is different: for ten thousand songs by Chico Buarque, organized by journalist Ronaldo Bressane in 2010. this book ten writers recreate Songbook carioca composer, with total freedom to reinvent prose the song they chose. In the work there are tales that are based on stories faithfully to music by Chico Buarque, others use them as soundtrack, scenery, atmosphere, some of the songs lend their structures and there are those who only use it as a theme. This paper then turns to the relationship built between fiction and music, watching the narrative dialogue established between the lyrics by Chico Buarque and the short story by Mia Couto, the fidelity pact established with the source text and the whole narrative structure that comes to life under the eye of Mia Couto. Finally, throughout the article we use the theoretical assumptions discussed as Silviano Santiago, Umberto Eco, Costa Lima, Leonor Arfuch among others so as to exploit the full context of this engaging narrative.


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This work aims to analyze the discourses and discursive formation about education, materialized in the following comic strips: Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson, Mafalda by Quino and Chico Bento, by Maurício de Sousa, and also establish some possible connections among them. The theoretical background is linked to the French orientation on Discourse Analysis focused on Michel Pêcheux’s works (1990a; 1990b; 1999; 2006; 2009), taking into account the notions of meaning’s effect, conditions for production as well as discursive formation. It is also taken conceptions of historicization by Maldidier (2003); concepts of theoretical and analytical device of interpretation by Orlandi (2002) and also the contributions for the concept of discursive formation by Foucault (2004). It is also added the notions of ideology, polyphony and heterogeneity according to Bakhtin (1997; 2003) and Authier-Revuz (2004), as they contribute for the A.D theory. For the comic strips theorization it is used Eisner’s works (2001; 2005), focused on the concepts of sequential and graphic narrative art; as well as Ramos’ (2009a; 2009b; 2010) with contributions for the language in comic strips. The theory about education is based on the synthesis/work by Mizukami (1986) and the limits for the teaching/learning approach. To problematize the discourses and discursive formations materialized in comic strips about school education the focus is on Paulo Freire’s works (1979; 1987; 1991; 1996; 1997). From the analysis of the discourses and, specially, discursive formations, in Calvin and Hobbes, Mafalda, and Chico Bento’s comic strips, we come to the conclusion that there is approximation among them, as the critics on the traditional teaching/learning approach. It is built up a rejection to the oppressive education, based on the repetition and on teacher’s authority; to an education merely utilitarian and capitalist; to the rigid lesson planning that don’t allow interdisciplinarity; to the evaluation methodology; to a teaching/ learning approach far from students’ reality; to the linguistic prejudice, and others.


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Este artigo apresenta uma síntese do pensamento de Dante Moreira Leite (1927-1976) acerca da identidade nacional. Suas análises demonstram as contradições das formulações sobre o caráter nacional, ao denunciar as tentativas de generalizar as características particulares de um grupo ou classe de uma época, como se fossem de toda uma nação. Moreira Leite mostra como as formulações do caráter nacional se tornaram pseudocientíficos e se constituem em ideologias conservadoras ou burguesas, deformando realidades no intuito de fortalecer e manter o status quo. Neste sentido, Dante mostra a fragilidade de qualquer estereótipo que se aventura pelos caminhos das raízes do caráter nacional, utilizando-se de textos da literatura. Pontua o cientificismo de Silvio Romero, a originalidade de Euclides da Cunha e de numerosos outros autores, como Afonso Celso, Nina Rodrigues, Manuel Bonfim, Gilberto Freyre, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda e Caio Prado Júnior. A partir dessas referências, conclui que as ideologias existentes ligadas à definição do caráter nacional brasileiro não representam a autêntica tomada de consciência de uma nação, mas obstáculos para que um povo se torne livre de preconceitos.


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As palavras deste artigo/passeio percorrerão algumas palavras das canções e vídeos do DVD Chico e Vinícius para crianças. O caminho traçar-se-á enveredando-se em palavras outras cujos significados – visceralmente latentes em pais e filhos – podem ser viagens de aprendizagem e sugestões de visitas a lugares fantásticos que somente as palavras encerram. Palavras que apoiarão estes caminhos serão as de Deleuze (1997) sobre literatura como trajeto e devir. Um mistério neste passeio que tentaremos deslindar é conhecer algumas particularidades discursivas e históricas que remetem reciprocamente às representações de sentido do universo infantil ao mesmo tempo do de lutas políticas do universo adulto que constroem os caminhos poéticos dos textos que visitamos. É possível que os pais e os filhos que passeiem nessas palavras encontrem-se ao final com uma esfinge viva, que são as palavras, plural e prenhe de sentido.